




  • CIMS(Computer/contemporary Integrated Manufacturing Systems)

计算机/现代集成制造系统。CIMS 定义:CIMS是通过计算机硬软件,并综合运用现代管理技术、制造技术、信息技术、自动化技术、系统工程技术,将企业生产全部过程中有关的人、技术、经营管理三要素及其信息与物流有机集成并优化运行的复杂的大系统。

  • CAD(Computer Aided Design)


  • CAE(Computer Aided Engineering)


  • DC/ AC Converter

直流电/交流电转换器。AC交流电流全称Alternating Current。DC直流电全称Direct Current,又称“恒流电”。

  • CAPP(Computer Aided Process Planning)


  • PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)


  • CAM(Computer Aided Manufacturing)


  • NC(Numerical Control)


  • CNC(Computer Numerical Control)


  • AHRS:Attitude and Heading Reference System


  • ADRC:Active Disturbance Rejection Control


  • BDS:BeiDou Navigation Satellite System


  • CCD:Charge-Coupled-Device


  • CMOS:Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor


  • SCARA:Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm


  • RPM(转速单位):Revolutions Per Minute 


  • MEMS:Micro-Electro-Mechanical System


  • N.O.:normally open、N.C.:normally close



speed changer变速器
pneuma lock气动夹紧
screw driver起子
Electric screw driver电动起子
Pneumatic screw driver气动起子
barcode scanner条码扫描器
flow  meter流里表
pressure  gauges压力计
mechanics力学; 机械学
yield  stress屈服应力
tensile stress拉【伸】应力
compressive stress压【缩】应力
shear stress剪【切】应力
block brakes制动块


hydraulic fluid液压油
mechanical rack机架
car  chase追车
traffic flows 交通流量
approaching an intersection接近十字路口
hundreds of timers and relays数百个延时器和继电器
sequencing control顺序控制
pilot light指示灯
process impediment生产故障
shop floor车间
 wiring diagram接线图
logic-solving program逻辑求解程序
graphical user interface图形用户界面


stock  up 囤货
specific gravity比重
thin-film or fluid-film friction薄膜或液膜摩擦
intermittent  action间歇性运动


1. With low-power machinery or vehicles the operator can usually apply sufficient force through a simple mechanical linkage from the pedle or handle to the stationary part of the brake.In many cases, however, this force must be multiplied by using an elaborate braking system.




2.The fundamental principle involved is the use of compressed air acting through a piston in a cylinder to set block brakes on the wheels. The action is simultaneous on the wheels of all the cars in the train. The compressed air is carried through a strong hose from car to car with  couplings between cars; its release to all the separate block brake units, at the same time, is controlled by the engineer.


(2)谷歌翻译:所涉及的基本原理是使用压缩空气通过气缸中的活塞在车轮上设置块制动器。 火车上所有车厢的轮子上的动作是同时发生的。 压缩空气通过一根坚固的软管从车到车通过车与车之间的联轴器输送; 同时,它对所有单独的块制动单元的释放由工程师控制。


3.When the brake pedal of an automobile is depressed, a force is applied to a piston in a  master cylinder. The piston forces hydraulic fluid through metal tubing into a cylinder in each  wheel where the fluid’s pressure moves two pistons that press the brake shoes against the drum.


(2)谷歌翻译:当汽车的制动踏板被踩下时,一个力会施加到主缸中的活塞上。 活塞迫使液压流体通过金属管进入每个车轮中的气缸,在那里流体的压力移动两个活塞,将制动蹄压在鼓上。


4.Machinery ontology including mechanical rack, mechanical connections and mechanical transmission, which is the basis of mechanical-electrical integration, plays a role in supporting the other functional units of the system and transmitting motion and power. Compared to purely mechanical products, the performance and functionality of integration technology in electrical and mechanical systems have been improved a lot, which requires mechanical ontology to adapt its new status in mechanical structure, materials, processing technology, as well as the areas of geometry. Accordingly, the new ontology is with high efficient, multi-functional, reliable and energy-saving, small, light-weighted and aesthetically pleasing characteristics.


(2)谷歌翻译:机械本体包括机械机架、机械连接和机械传动,是机电一体化的基础,起到支撑系统其他功能单元和传递运动和动力的作用。 与纯机械产品相比,集成技术在机电系统中的性能和功能有了很大的提升,这就需要机械本体来适应其在机械结构、材料、加工技术以及几何领域的新地位。 因此,新本体具有高效、多功能、可靠节能、体积小、重量轻、美观等特点。


5.Detecting sensor part includes a variety of sensors and signal detection circuit,and its function is to detect the process of mechatronic systems in the work itself and the changes of relevant parameters in external environment and transmit the information to the electronic control unit. Electronic control unit check the information and sends the corresponding control issues to the actuator.


(2)谷歌翻译:检测传感器部分包括各种传感器和信号检测电路,其功能是检测机电系统本身在工作中的过程和外界环境中相关参数的变化,并将信息传递给电子控制单元。 电子控制单元检查信息并将相应的控制问题发送到执行器。


6. Electronic control unit, also known as ECU, is the core of mechatronic systems, responsible for the external commands and the signals output by sensors. It centralizes stores, computes and analyzes the information. Based on the results of information processing,instruction are issued according to a certain extent and pace to control the destination for the entire system.


(2)谷歌翻译:电子控制单元又称ECU,是机电一体化系统的核心,负责外部指令和传感器输出的信号。 它集中存储、计算和分析信息。 根据信息处理的结果,按一定程度和节奏发出指令,控制整个系统的目的地。


7.It is put into a fairly standard machine tool that has had position sensing and motors on the control knobs installed. This is basically just a robot machinist. You use a rotating cutting tool to cut away all the metal that isn’t your crank. 3D metal etch-a-sketch, with the computer interpolating, so the circles come out to be pretty smooth.


(2)谷歌翻译:它被放入一个相当标准的机床中,该机床在控制旋钮上安装了位置传感和电机。 这基本上只是一个机器人机械师。 您使用旋转切割工具切掉所有不是曲柄的金属。 3D 金属蚀刻草图,使用计算机进行插值,因此圆圈非常平滑。


8.They (CNC machine) are complicated machines, full of servomechanisms, and measuring technology that can measure to 0.005mm  while covered in oil. A CNC machine has a minimum of 6 motors (including some to change tools, and one or more to pump oil and coolant various places). This translates to running costs that may be well over $1/minute. (The computer is not a significant part of the cost any more.)


(2)谷歌翻译:它们(CNC 机器)是复杂的机器,充满了伺服机构和测量技术,可以在油中测量到 0.005 毫米。 一台数控机床至少有 6 个电机(包括一些用于更换工具,一个或多个用于泵送油和冷却液的各个地方)。 这意味着运行成本可能远远超过 1 美元/分钟。 (计算机不再是成本的重要组成部分。)

(3)参考翻译:数控机床是复杂的机器,具有伺服机构和检测技术,他能在覆盖油膜状态下检测到0.005mm。数控机床至少有六个马达(包括一些用来换刀具,一个或多个用来泵油和冷却液的各地方)。这些化成运行成本可能大大超过1 美元/分钟。(电脑不再是成本的一个重要部分.)

9.Systems that can assess if the car is behaving safely can be used to warn drivers that their behavior is unsafe.In more extreme cases,the systems could override the driver and cause the car to stop or slow down.While this would on doubt save lives,it may provide a problem for the makers of films that include car chase---some of the impact may be lost when we live in a word where our cars simply refuse to do anything unsafe.


(2)谷歌翻译:可以评估汽车是否安全运行的系统可用于警告驾驶员他们的行为是不安全的。在更极端的情况下,系统可能会超越驾驶员并导致汽车停止或减速。虽然这可能会挽救生命 ,这可能会给包括汽车追逐在内的电影制作者带来一个问题——当我们生活在我们的汽车拒绝做任何不安全的事情时,可能会失去一些影响。

10.Another feature of the work of Dr.Ljubo Vlacic’s team is to have the machines communicate with each other.Since messages can goat the speed of light,it is possible for there to be an exchange of information on the intentions of several machines approaching an intersection.With this knowledge it should be possible to ensure that traffic flows far more smoothly.

(1)自己翻译:Ljubo Vlacic博士的团队所做的工作另一个特征是使机器能够相互通讯。当信息传输能够赶上光速的时候,机器之间的信息交流将会有一个新的可能。基于这样的理论,交通流量变得平稳就会成为可能。

(2)谷歌翻译:Ljubo Vlacic 博士团队工作的另一个特点是让机器相互通信。由于消息可以达到光速,因此有可能就接近十字路口的几台机器的意图进行信息交换。有了这些知识,应该可以确保交通更加顺畅。

11.Factory assembly line machinery is activated and monitored by a single PLC, where in the past hundreds of timers and relays would have been required to do the task. The machine or system user rarely, if ever, interacts directly with the PLCs program. When it is necessary to either edit or create the PLC program, a personal computer is usually (but not always) connected to it.


(2)谷歌翻译:工厂装配线机械由单个 PLC 激活和监控,在过去,需要数百个计时器和继电器来完成任务。 机器或系统用户很少(如果有的话)直接与 PLC 程序交互。 当需要编辑或创建 PLC 程序时,通常(但不总是)连接个人计算机。

(3)参考翻译:用一个 PLC 就能操纵和监控工厂的装配线机械,过去完成同样的工作需要成千的定时器和继电器。机器或系统用户很少,如果有的话,直接与 PLC 的程序交互。当有必要编辑或创建PLC 程序时仅需将个人计算机连到 PLC 上。

12.The processes of sequencing control and interlock logic needed for automobile manufacturing was a time consuming and arduous task, which required manual updating of relays, timers and dedicated closed-loop controllers. When a new year’s model was coming off the drawing board, skilled electricians were called on to reset the production line.


(2)谷歌翻译:汽车制造所需的时序控制和互锁逻辑过程是一项耗时且艰巨的任务,需要手动更新继电器、定时器和专用闭环控制器。 当新年的模型即将开始设计时,熟练的电工被要求重置生产线。

(3)参考翻译:汽车制造所需的时序控制、互锁逻辑的处理是一项耗时、费劲的工作,它需要手工更新继电器、计时器和特定的闭环控制器。当一个新年度模型脱离制图板, 熟练的电工被要求从装生产线。

13.PLCs, in essence, monitor external sensory activity from additional devices.They take in the data which reports on a wide variety of activity, such as machine performance, energy output,and process impediment. They also control attached motor starters, pilot lights, valves and many other devices. Both functions respond to a custom, user-created program.


(2)谷歌翻译:本质上,PLC 监控来自附加设备的外部感官活动。它们接收报告各种活动的数据,例如机器性能、能量输出和过程障碍。 它们还控制连接的电机启动器、指示灯、值和许多其他设备。 这两个函数都响应自定义的、用户创建的程序。


14.They (PLCs) are designed for real-time use, and often must withstand harsh environments on the shop floor. The programmable logic controller circuitry monitors the status of multiple sensor input, which control output actuators, which may be things like motor starters, solenoid, lights and displays, or valves.


(2)谷歌翻译:它们 (PLC) 专为实时使用而设计,通常必须能够承受车间的恶劣环境。 可编程逻辑控制器电路监控多个传感器输入的状态,这些输入控制输出执行器,这些执行器可能是电机启动器、螺线管、灯和显示器或阀门。

(3)参考翻译:PLC 被设计为实时应用, 常常必须经受车间恶劣环境。PLC 的电路检测很多传感器输入的状态,控制输出执行机构,如马达启动器、螺线管、灯、显示屏和阀门。

15.Most PLCs are programmed in a special language called Ladder Logic.Ladder logic is essentially a Boolean logic-solving program with a graphical user interface designed to look like an elementary wiring diagram, familiar to all industrial electricians.


(2)谷歌翻译:大多数 PLC 使用一种称为梯形逻辑的特殊语言进行编程。梯形逻辑本质上是一个布尔逻辑求解程序,其图形用户界面设计为看起来像所有工业电工都熟悉的基本接线图。

(3)大多数的PLC 都是用梯形逻辑这种特殊语言进行编程的。梯形逻辑本质是一个具有图形用户界面的布尔逻辑处理程序,设计成一个所有的工业电气师都熟悉的基本电气线图。

16.PID can be described as a set of rules with which precise regulation of a closed-loop control system is obtained. Closed loop control means a method in which a real-time measurement of the process being controlled is constantly fed back to the controlling device to ensure that the value which is desired is, in fact, being realized.


(2)谷歌翻译:PID 可以被描述为一组规则,通过这些规则可以获得闭环控制系统的精确调节。 闭环控制是指一种方法,在该方法中,被控制过程的实时测量值不断反馈给控制设备,以确保实际实现所需的值。

(3)参考翻译:PID 可以用一组规则描述,通过这组规则可获得闭环控制系统的精密调控。闭环控制是一种方法,用这种方法可将被控过程的实时检测持续地反馈给控制设备以确保期望值被实现。

17.The most important of these (PIDs), Proportional Control, determines the magnitude of the difference between the SETPOINT and the PROCESS VARIABLE (known as ERROR), and then applies appropriate proportional changes to the CONTROL VARIABLE to eliminate ERROR.


(2)谷歌翻译:其中最重要的 (PID) 是比例控制,它确定设定点和过程变量(称为误差)之间差异的大小,然后对控制变量应用适当的比例变化以消除误差。

(3)参考翻译:PID 中最重要的是比例控制,它决定了设定值和过程变量间的差值,然后对控制变量使用合适的比例变量以消除误差。

18. Shafting is the machine element that supports a roller and wheel so that they can perform their basic functions of rotation. Shafting, made from round metal bars of various lengths and machined to dimension the surface, is used in a great variety of shapes and applications. Because shafts carry loads and transmit power, they are subject to the stresses and strains of operating machine parts. Standardized procedures have been evolved for determining the material characteristics and size requirements for safe and economical construction and operation.


(2)谷歌翻译:轴系是支撑滚轮和轮子的机械元件,以便它们可以执行基本的旋转功能。 轴由各种长度的圆形金属棒制成并加工成表面尺寸,用于各种形状和应用。 由于轴承载载荷并传递动力,因此它们会受到运行机器部件的应力和应变的影响。 标准化程序已经发展,用于确定安全和经济的施工和操作的材料特性和尺寸要求。


19.The normal form of shafting is a solid bar. Solid shafting is obtainable commercially in round bar stock up to 15 cm in diameter;it is produced by hot-rolling and cold-drawing or by machine-finishing with diameters in increments of 6 mm or less.For larger sizes,special rolling procedures are required,and for extremely large shafts,billets are forged to the proper shape. Particularly in solid shafting, the shaft is stepped to allow greater strength in the middle portion with minimum diameter on the ends at the bearings.The steps allow shoulders for positioning the various parts pressed onto the shaft during the rotor assembly.


(2)谷歌翻译:轴系的正常形式是实心杆。 实心轴系可在直径最大为 15 厘米的圆棒料中获得;它是通过热轧和冷拔或机械精加工生产的,直径增量为 6 毫米或更小。对于更大的尺寸,特殊的轧制程序是需要,对于非常大的轴,钢坯锻造成合适的形状。 特别是在实心轴系中,轴是阶梯状的,以在轴承端部具有最小直径的中间部分提供更大的强度。这些阶梯允许在转子组装期间定位压在轴上的各种部件的肩部。

20.Differing widely in viscosity, specific gravity, vapor pressure, boiling point, and other properties, lubricants also offer a wide range of selection for the increasingly varied needs of modern industry. But whatever their derivation or properties, the purpose of lubricants is to replace dry friction with either thin-film or fluid-film friction, depending on the load, speed, or intermittent action of the moving parts. Thin-film lubrication, in which there is some contact between the moving parts, usually is specified where heavy loads are a factor.


(2)谷歌翻译:润滑油使粘度、比重、蒸气压、沸点和其他特性方面差异很大,还为现代工业日益多样化的需求提供了广泛的选择。 但无论其来源或性质如何,润滑剂的目的是用薄膜摩擦或液膜摩擦代替干摩擦,这取决于运动部件的负载、速度或间歇性动作。 薄膜润滑,其中运动部件之间有一些接触,通常在重负载是一个因素的情况下指定。


21.To keep the parts separated, it is necessary that the pressure within the lubricating film balances the load on the sliding surfaces. If the lubricating film ’psre ssure is supplied by an external source, the system is said to be lubricated hydrostatically.If the pressure between the surface is generated as a result of the shape and motion of the surfaces themselves, however, the system is hydrodynamically lubricated. This second type of lubrication depends upon the viscous properties of the lubricants.

22.A condition that lies between unlubricated sliding and fluid-film lubrication is referred to as boundary lubrication, also defined as that condition of lubrication in which the friction between surfaces is determined by the properties of the surfaces and properties of the lubricant other than viscosity. Boundary lubrication encompasses a significant portion of lubrication phenomena and commonly occurs during the starting and stopping of machines. 

23.Shops often overlook vibration issues when installing machine tools or equipment. However, planning for vibration control, optimally before constructing a new facility or during redesign of an existing one, can save shops a lot of money in the long run. That’bse cause isolating machines and processes from unwanted vibration reduces future problems such as bad part-surface finished, parts out of tolerance, and even physiological damage to shop personnel.

24. Some equipment manufacturers provide allowable-vibration specifications for their machines, but most don’tw, hich makes choosing an isolator system difficult. The key is knowing the amplitudes of vibration frequencies that harm machinery. Fabreeka reports this is where savvy companies call in a consultant or company specializing in vibration protection.

25.Such specialists measure vibration with highly accurate instrumentation such as real-time signal analyzers. These devices capture raw data, without bias, for post-processing and quantify amplitude and frequency of vibration. With this data, the specialist recommends the best isolation solution. Engineers then conduct acceptance test measurements after installation to verify amplitudes and the resultant transmitted vibration.

26.The tooling and grippers are not part of the robotic system itself; rather, they are attachments that fit on the end of the robot’s arm. These attachments connected to the end of the robost arm allow the robot lift parts, spot-weld, paint, arc-weld, drill, beburr, and do a variety of tasks, depending on what is required of the robot. 

27.The robotic system can also control the work cell of the operating robot. The work cell of the robot is the total environment in which the robot must perform its task. Included within this cell may be the controller, the robot manipulator, a working table, safety features, or a conveyor. All the equipment that is required in order for the robot to do its job is included in the work cell. In addition, signals form outside devices can communicate with the robot in order to tell the robot when it should assemble parts, pick up parts, or unload parts to a conveyor.

29.At the end of the arm, a wrist is connected. The wrist is made up of addition axes and a wrist
flange. The wrist flange allows the robot user to connect different tooling to the wrist for different jobs.

30.The research that fuels the AI revolution has also seen rapid changes. Foremost among them is the maturation of machine learning, stimulated in part by the rise of the digital economy, which both provides and leverages large amounts of data. Other factors include the rise of cloud  computing resources and consumer demand for widespread access to services such as speech recognition and navigation support.

31. Robotics is currently concerned with how to train a robot to interact with the world around it in generalizable and predictable ways, how to facilitate manipulation of objects in interactive environments, and how to interact with people. Advances in robotics will rely on commensurate advances to improve the reliability and generality of computer vision and other forms of machine perception.

32.All of these definitions and statements about mechatronics are accurate and informative, yet each one in and of itself fails to capture the totality of mechatronics. Despite continuing efforts to define mechatronics, to classify mechatronic products, and to develop a standard mechatronics curriculum, a consensus opinion on an all-encompassing description of “what is mechatronics” eludes us. This lack of consensus is a healthy sign. It says that the field is alive, that it is a youthful subject. Even without an unarguably definitive description of mechatronics, engineers understand from the definitions given above and from their own personal experiences the essence of the philosophy of mechatronics.

33.The divide between classical control and modern control was significantly reduced in the 1980s with the advent of “robust control” theory. It is now generally accepted that control engineering must consider both the time domain and the frequency domain approaches simultaneously in the analysis and design of control systems. Also, during the 1980s, the utilization of digital computers as integral components of control systems became routine. There are literally hundreds of thousands of digital process control computers installed worldwide. Whatever definition of mechatronics one chooses to adopt, it is evident that modern mechatronics involves computation as the central element. In fact, the incorporation of the microprocessor to precisely modulate mechanical power and to adapt to changes in environment
are the essence of modern mechatronics and smart products.

34.Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) is an enabling technology for the cost-effective development of sensors and actuators for mechatronics applications. Already, several MEMS devices are in use in automobiles, including sensors and actuators for airbag deployment and pressure sensors for manifold pressure measurement. Integrating MEMS devices with CMOS signal conditioning circuits on the same silicon chip is another example of development of enabling technologies that will improve mechatronic products, such as the automobile.

35.Future mechatronic systems on automobiles may include a fog-free windshield based on humidity and temperature sensing and climate control, self-parallel parking, rear parking aid, lane change assistance, fluidless electronic brake-by-wire, and replacement of hydraulic systems with electromechanical servo systems. As the number of automobiles in the world increases, stricter emission standards are inevitable. Mechatronic products will in all likelihood contribute to meet the challenges in emission control and engine efficiency by providing substantial reduction in CO, NO, and HC emissions and increase in vehicle efficiency. Clearly, an automobile with 30–60 microcontrollers, up to 100 electric motors, about 200 pounds of wiring, a multitude of sensors, and thousands of lines of software code can hardly be classified as a strictly mechanical system. The automobile is being transformed into a comprehensive mechatronic system.

36.The essence of engineering is the utilization of the resources and laws of nature to benefit humanity. Engineering is an applied science in the sense that it is concerned with understanding scientific principles and applying them to achieve a designated goal. Mechanical engineering design is a major segment of engineering; it deals with the conception, design, development, refinement, and application of machines and mechanical apparatus of all kinds.

37. In addition to the traditional technological and economic considerations fundamental to the design and development of mechanical components and systems, the modern engineer has become increasingly concerned with the broader considerations of safety, ecology, and overall “quality of life.” These topics are discussed briefly in the following sections.

38.It is natural that, in the past, engineers gave first consideration to the functional and economic aspects of new devices. After all, unless devices can be made to function usefully, they are of no further engineering interest. Furthermore, if a new device cannot be produced for a cost that is affordable by contemporary society, it is a waste of engineering time to pursue it further. But the engineers who have gone before us have succeeded in developing a multitude of products that do function usefully, and that can be produced economically. Partly because of this, increasing engineering effort is now being devoted to broader considerations relating to the influence of engineered products on people and on the environment.

39.Many textbooks have been written about the aerodynamics of aircraft flight. It is not necessary for an airframe and powerplant (A&P) mechanic to be as knowledgeable as an aeronautical engineer about aerodynamics. The mechanic must be able to understand the relationships between how an aircraft performs in flight and its reaction to the forces acting on its structural parts. Understanding why aircraft are designed with particular types of primary and secondary control systems and why the surfaces must be aerodynamically smooth becomes essential when maintaining today’s complex aircraft.

40.The air in the earth’s atmosphere is composed mostly of nitrogen and oxygen. Air is considered a fluid because it fits the definition of a substance that has the ability to flow or assume the shape of the container in which it is enclosed. If the container is heated, pressure increases; if cooled, the pressure decreases. The weight of air is heaviest at sea level where it has been compressed by all of the air above. This compression of air is called atmospheric pressure.

41. Density is weight per unit of volume. Since air is a mixture of gases, it can be compressed. If the air in one container is under half as much pressure as an equal amount of air in an identical container, the air under the greater pressure weighs twice as much as that in the container under lower pressure. The air under greater pressure is twice as dense as that in the other container. For the equal weight of air, that which is under the greater pressure occupies only half the volume of that under half the pressure.

42.Advancements in semiconductor and integrated circuits manufacturing led to the development of a new class of products that incorporated mechanical and electronics in the system and required the two together for their functionality. The term mechatronics was introduced by Yasakawa Electric in 1969 to represent such systems. Yasakawa was granted a trademark in 1972, but after widespread usage of the term, released its trademark rights in 1982 . Initially, mechatronics referred to systems with only mechanical systems and electrical components—no computation was involved. Examples of such systems include the automatic sliding door, vending machines, and garage door openers.

43.Given the unique nature of the One Hundred Year Study on AI, we expect that future generations of Standing Committees and Study Panels, as well as research scientists, policy experts, leaders in the private and public sectors, and the general public, will reflect on this assessment as they make new assessments of AI’s future. We hope that this first effort in the series stretching out before us will be useful for both its failures and successes in accurately predicting the trajectory and influences of AI.

44.While impressive, these technologies are highly tailored to particular tasks. Each application typically requires years of specialized research and careful, unique construction. In similarly targeted applications, substantial increases in the future uses of AI technologies, including more self-driving cars, healthcare diagnostics and targeted treatments, and physical assistance for elder care can be expected. AI and robotics will also be applied across the globe in industries struggling to attract younger workers, such as agriculture, food processing, fulfillment centers, and factories. They will facilitate delivery of online purchases through flying drones, self-driving trucks, or robots that can get up the stairs to the front door.

45.Social and political decisions are likewise at play in AI’s influences on Employment and Workplace trends, such as the safety nets needed to protect people from structural changes in the economy. AI is poised to replace people in certain kinds of jobs, such as in the driving of taxis and trucks. However, in many realms, AI will likely replace tasks rather than jobs in the near term, and will also create new kinds of jobs. But the new jobs that will emerge are harder to imagine in advance than the existing jobs that will likely be lost. AI will also lower the cost of many goods and services, effectively making everyone better off. Longer term, AI may be thought of as a radically different mechanism for wealth creation in which everyone should be entitled to a portion of the world’s AI-produced treasures. It is not too soon for social debate on how the economic fruits of AI technologies should be shared.

46.The branch of scientific analysis which deals with motions, time, and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts, statics and dynamics. Statics deals with the analysis of stationary systems, i. e., those in which time is not a factor, and dynamics deals with systems which change with time. Forces are transmitted into machine members through mating surfaces, e. g., from a gear to a shaft or from one gear through meshing teeth to another gear, from a V belt to a pulley, or from a cam to a follower. 

47. It is necessary to know the magnitudes of these forces for a variety of reasons. The distribution of the forces at the boundaries or mating surfaces must be reasonable, and their intensities must be within the working limits of the materials composing the surfaces.For example, if the force operating on a journal bearing becomes too high, it will squeeze out the oil film and cause metal-to-metal contact, overheating, and rapid failure of the bearing. If the forces between gear teeth are too large, the oil film may be squeezed out from between them. This could result in flaking and spalling of the metal, noise, rough motion, and eventual failure.


 48.Based on the development trend of the network-based online monitoring and diagnosis system, thispaper introduced the idea of “flexible"of lCS and the smart data acquisition strategy, developed theconfigurable and smart online monitor and diagnosis system with strong flexibility. The system can be applied on kinds of rotating machinery. The smart signal analysis tools can provide the appropriate diagnosismethod kinds of equipment, hence can level up the accuracy of fault diagnosis and condition evaluation.

49.Up to now, most of the robots used to collect scientific data belong to more traditional classes of vehicles, such as thruster-driven drones, AUVs, or wheeled rovers. Most biomimetic robots are built to mimic the morphology of an animal and used to validate scientific hypothesis . An exception to this trend is represented by a remotely operated soft fish, which, because of its bioinspired locomotion, allows close-up observation of marine life without the disturbances introduced by thrusters.

50.Regardless of the application, most underwater robots are pelagic— that is, they move in the water column by mean of thrusters—and for this reason, they present intrinsic limitations when it comes to interacting with the environment. The most common approach consists of hovering above a certain position and performing station keeping and manipulation algorithms at the same time. Besides being computationally heavy, this approach suffers from the disturbance of currents  and is subject to many modeling and identification uncertainties.

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