



在英语中能表达“除外;除……之外”意思的介词或词组常用的有 besides、except、

but、except for、but for、other than 以及apart from 等。学生对这些词的具体运用


一、except 、but 和besides

A. 当我们要表示“从整体里减去一部分”,常用except和but。except的含意是因


1. Everybody went to the exhibition except/but Mary.

2. I had nothing in the world except/but a one-million-pound note.



1. In the maths competition he won the first place but two. (第三名)

2. They are all gone but me.

3. There is no one but me in the office now..

4. Who but George would do such a thing?

第 1 页 共 9 页

5. You can get the book anywhere but here.

还有,but 之后可接动词不定式。如果but前有行为动词do(不管它以何种形式出


1. Jenny could do nothing but accept the offer.

2. He didn’t ask anything but to see his son in safety.

3. The bear had no choice but to lie down and sleep.

4. They didn’t open their mouths except to complain

B. 表示“除了甲做了某事外,乙也做了某事”, 即“除……以外,另外还有……”时,

要用 besides。着重“另外还有”。这时做了某事的应是甲乙相加的和。如:

1. What else did you see besides the dolphins in the Ocean Park?

2. Brown bought two other books besides this dictionary.

3. Besides the pupils, all the teachers donated money to help those in trouble.

C. 注意,except、but和besides之后所接的部分逻辑上应与前面所说明的部分在句


1. He went nowhere but/except to the museum. (nowhere 和 to the museum

第 2 页 共 9 页

本文标签: 部分阅读用法整体动词