


Phonological Rhetorical devices:

Semantic Rhetorical Devices :

Simile (明喻) Metaphor (暗喻) Analogy(类比) Allusion(典故)

Metonymy(转喻) Hyperbole(夸张) Irony (反语) Sarcasm (讽刺)

Euphemism(委婉语) Synecdoche提喻 Pun (双关) Chiasmus (交错法)

Paradox (似是而非的隽语) Oxymoron(矛盾修饰法)

Personification(拟人) Transferred epithet(转移修饰)

Zeugma(轭式修饰法) Onomatopoeia拟声 Syllepsis (一语双叙)

Alliteration (头韵)

Syntactical Rhetorical Devices:

Repetition(重复) Rhetorical question(反问),


A rhetorical term for the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balanced

phrases or clauses.

"Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing."


A figure of speech in which some absent or nonexistent person or thing is addressed as if present

and capable of understanding.

"Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again .

Rhetorical question (erotesis反问) differs from hypophora (设问)in that it is not answered by the

writer, because its answer is obvious or obviously desired, and usually just a yes or no. It is used for

effect, emphasis, or provocation, or for drawing a conclusionary statement from the facts at hand.


. . . For if we lose the ability to perceive our faults, what is the good of living on?

Writing Strategies (1)

Read the narrative text carefully and point out the rhetorical questions in it.

Alliteration: [ə,litə'reiʃən] (头韵)Front rhyme

Pride and Predjudice

The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, the furrow followed free.

Assonance['æsəunəns](谐音): similar vowel sounds repeated in successive连续的 or proximate近

似的 words containing different consonants:

Who is closer to you——your mom or your dad?

Mom is closer, because dad is father (farther).

What fur did Adam and Eve wear?

Bear (bare) skin

Onomatopoeia [,ɔnəumætəu‘pi:ə] (拟声) is the use of words whose pronunciation imitates the sound

the word describes.

摹仿金属声的有:clash, clank, ting, tinkle, clang, jangle, ding-dong, tick-tack, etc.

摹仿水等液体声的有: splash, bubble, sizz, sizzle, splish-splosh, drip-drop, etc.

摹仿各种动物叫声有:buzz, neigh, baa, moo, miao, screech, hiss, cook-a-doodle-do, etc.

摹仿人的各种声音有: giggle, chuckle, shriek, snort, sneeze, snigger, smack, whisper, grunt,

grumble, mumble, sputter, murmur, chatter, gurgle, whoop, etc

Metaphor [‘metəfə] (隐喻)compares two different things by speaking of one in terms of the other.

Unlike a simile or analogy, 类比metaphor asserts that one thing is another thing, not just that one is

like another. Very frequently a metaphor is invoked by the to be verb:


Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life.“

The fountain of knowledge will dry up unless it is continuously replenished by streams of new


When it comes to midterms, it's kill or be killed. Let's go in and slay this test.

Personification metaphorically represents an animal or inanimate object as having human

attributes--attributes of form, character, feelings, behavior, and so on. Ideas and abstractions can also

be personified.


 The ship began to creak and protest as it struggled

against the rising sea.

Metonymy [mi‘tɔnimi] (转喻)is another form of metaphor, very similar to synecdoche (and, in fact,

some rhetoricians do not distinguish between the two), in which the thing chosen for the metaphorical

image is closely associated with (but not an actual part of) the subject with which it is to be compared.


The orders came directly from the White House.

This land belongs to the crown.

Boy, I'm dying from the heat. Just look how the mercury is rising. 有联系,但不是其一部分

Synecdoche [si‘nekdəki] (提喻)is a type of metaphor in which the part stands for the whole, the

whole for a part, the genus for the species, the species for the genus, the material for the thing made,

or in short, any portion, section, or main quality for the whole or the thing itself (or vice versa).


Farmer Jones has two hundred head of cattle and three hired hands.

If I had some wheels, I'd put on my best threads and ask for Jane's hand in marriage.

Australia beat Canada at cricket. 局部代替全部

A transferred epithet (转移修饰) is an adjective modifying a noun which it does not normally

modify, but which makes figurative sense:


She gave us an understanding smile .

I spent sleepless nights on my project.

Sarcasm 讽刺& Irony反语

Robbing a widow of her savings was certainly a noble act.




laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps break through.




Pun(双关) It is a play on words, or rather a play on the form and meaning of words. Pun is a

amazing use of words to suggest different meanings, or of words of same sound with different

meaning. It is often used to achieve a humorous effect. But it is not always so easy to understand or

appreciate the wit and humor

behind the puns.

What does that lawyer do after he dies?

— Lie still.

What’s the difference between a woman and an umbrella?

—You can shut up an umbrella.

Paradox ['pærədɔks] (似非而是的隽语) is a figure of speech consisting of a statement or proposition

which on the face of it seems self-contradictory, absurd or contrary to established fact or practice, but

which on further thinking and study may prove to be true, well-founded, and even to contain a

succinct point.

The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last.

(Oscar Wilde)

My only love sprung from my only hate.


When I don't have anything to worry about, I begin to worry about that.

(Oscar Wilde)

Oxymoron [,ɔksi‘mɔ:rɔn] (矛盾修饰法) is a paradox reduced to two words, usually in an

adjective-noun or adverb-adjective relationship, and is used for effect, complexity, emphasis, or wit:

Senator Rosebud calls this a useless plan; if so, it is the most helpful useless plan we have ever


The cost-saving program became an expensive economy.

Zeugma ['zju:gmə] 轭式修饰法 一个单词修饰两个名词zeugmatic usage would include one

subject with two (or more) verbs, a verb with two (or more) direct objects, two (or more) subjects with

one verb, and so forth. The main benefit of the linking is that it shows relationships between ideas and

actions more clearly.

Drop his bag and his soul in the restaurant, he ran madly for the starting car.

The evil wound is cured, but not the evil name.

Allusion [ə‘lju:ʒən] (典故)is a short, informal reference to a famous person or event:

If you take his parking place, you can expect World War II all over again.

Plan ahead: it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

Syllepsis [si'lepsis] (一语双叙) 一词多义

The senator picked up his hat and his courage.

He possessed two faulse teeth and a sympathetis heart.

在Syllepsis 中所有这些搭配在句法规则和语义上都是正确的, 并产生不同的字面

意义和比喻意义, 而在Zeugma中一个关键词只与其中一个构成正常搭配

Self Test

Her animated expression and warm smile were an invitation for me to go ification

…my confidence and enthusiasm returned Personification

Few hands went up. synecdoche

…hoping to find the Lianis before it was too late. Metonymy

If we find no models of love, then we grow up love-starved and unloving. Metaphor

His father’s eyes welled up with tears…Metaphor

While attempting to open doors to love for others, I found that the doors were opening for me.


From the nervous laughter, I could tell that many shared the young woman’s feeling.

Transferred epithet

Life is made up of sobs, swiffles and smiles -- but mainly of sobs.

-- O. Henry


Translations are like women -- when they are faithful they are not beatiful, when they are

beatiful they are not faithful.


"Where is it?" says she, "Where's my hundred dollars that he made away with while my

trusting back was turned?"


He lost the game and temper.


本文标签: 摹仿字面修饰个人含有