





Kennedy Space Center, Florida July 21, 2011-The Space Shuttle

Atlantis and its fourperson crew landed at the Kennedy Space Center in

Florida just before dawn, bringing to a close a program that began in 1981

and leaving the United States temporarily with no vehicle to transport

astronauts into space. It was a day of mixed emotions for people who

gathered there to witness the last landing.

As thousands of people along the central

coastline huddled in the pre

Florida Atlantic Ocean

dawn darkness to watch, Atlantis came in

from the southwest, a small spark of light in the dark sky. NASA

commentator Rob Navias announced the end of the mission and the

space shuttle program.

NAVIAS: “Nose gear touchdown. Having fired the imagination of

a generation, a ship like no other, its place in history secured, the space

shuttle pulls into port for the last time, its voyage at an end."

Hundreds of people gathered at the Kennedy Space Center Visitors

Center to watch the shuttle return。 But many visitors expressed

uneasiness with the decision to end the space shuttle program before any

other vehicle has been developed to replace it。 Tony Diaz, who rode his

motorcycle up from Miami to watch the landing, is one of the

disgruntled space enthusiasts.

“I am really not very happy with what they have done to the space



because we are leaders and the United States should always be up there in

space,” said Diaz.

Maria, who came with her family from Dallas, Texas, regrets that

her children will never be able to see another shuttle mission. “It is

pretty sad that this is the last time kids will be able to experience

something like this,” she said.

Private companies are working on such vehicles, but it could be

several years before one is ready to take astronauts into orbit。 Plans for

eventual missions to an asteroid and to Mars could be decades away. But

Daytona Beach, Florida resident Rob Hansen is more optimistic.

“We are moving on to privatizing this kind of operation and NASA

is going to move on to exploration deeper out, so I think that will work

out in the long run,” noted Hansen.

Among the people with the strongest opinions are hundreds of NASA

employees who are losing their jobs as the space shuttle program ends。

Jonathan Miller, who works with the Johnson Space Centers Extra

Vehicular Activity Office in Houston and came here to see the last

landing, says his concern goes well beyond the issue of job losses.

“The future of human space flight is critical to this nation as the

leader in space and we are nervous that some of that leadership is lost,”

said Miller. “There is 30 years of momentum(动力) behind the shuttle

program and it has just come to an end, moments ago.”

The space shuttle Atlantis will remain here at the Kennedy Space Center,

where it will eventually go on public display。 The other three shuttles are


being sent to museums and science centers in other parts of the country

so that Americans will be able to see and experience part of the US

space program

s history as they await its next step in space exploration.

()1。 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A。 The United States will never have any vehicle to transport astronauts

into space.

B. Though the space shuttle program has ended, the employees are still

working hard.

C。 The loss of Atlantis makes people around the USA very nervous.

D。 People will see Atlantis with the other three shuttles on public


()2。 What is the meaning of the underlined word “disgruntled" in

the fourth paragraph?

A. Famous. B。 Unknown.

C。 Unhappy。 D。 Pleased。

()3。 Many people feel concerned about the decision to end the space

shuttle program for the following reasons EXCEPT .

A。 many jobs are lost as a result


B. they will be attacked by other countries

C. no other vehicle has been developed to replace this space shuttle

D。 they will lose their former position in this field

()4. What do we know from the last paragraph but one?

A. Americans have been feeling sorry about their achievements in this


B. Americans have been inspired by the space shuttle.

C. The space shuttle program is criticized in this country.

D。 They are nervous to play a leading role in this field.

Forgive others but not yourself. 严于律己,宽以待人。



1. D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段内容可知,已经结束历史使命


2。 C词义猜测题.根据第五段的内容可知该词的意思是“不高


3. B细节理解题。人们感到担心的原因是不同的,但“被别的国家



4. B推理判断题。文章倒数第二段的主要意思是人们对美国的航



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