


8B Unit 8 A green world







2) allow sb to do sth的被动句be allowed to do sth

1) depend on与turn on、carry on和click on的词义区分。depend on是依赖;turn on是打开;carry on是继续,进行;click on是点击。

2) it all depends,意思是视情况而定


run out与break out、come down和fall down的区分。run out是用光;break out是爆发;come down是崩塌、坍塌;fall down是摔倒、倒塌。

2) run out和run out of的区分。两者的意思都是用光,但是形式上是不同的。run out是不及物的,没有被动形式;run out of是及物的,有被动形式。




well as


make a difference to



living与alive、lives和lived的词义区分。living是活生生的;alive是活着的; lives是动词三单;lived是动词过去式。


collect rain water or reuse the water

your W=word usage mistake P=punctuation mistake S=spelling mistake

M=missing word G=grammatical mistke

一般将来时的被动语态: 主语+will be/be going to +V-ed

have run out

will be translated

It may cause accidents if it isn’t checked right away.



finish digging

be seen to do

a difference to






are separated into different groups.

on oneself

sb do sth---被动句---be seen to do sth

5.I am wondering if a new bike will be/is going to be bought.

a helping hand

on with the research


can reduce air pollution by riding bicycles.

(1)reduce的基本含义 作动词,意思是减少,降低

(2)reduce的核心考点 考察reduce和produce、realize和treat的词义区分。reduce的意思是减少,降低;produce是导致,产生;realize是意识到,实现;treat是治疗,处理。


新城】1. —People are asked to wear breathing masks in public places again.

—That’s it. The habit has ________ the possibility of catching COVID-19 viruses.

d B. produced C. realized D. treated


and more families own cars and this causes serious air pollution.

(1)cause的基本含义 作动词,意思是引起,使发生

(2)cause的核心考点 考察cause与make、recycle和improve的区分。cause的意思是引起,使发生;make是制作;recycle是回收;improve是改进,改善。

heavy rain ______ so many traffic accidents on the highway last Monday.

ed ed

答案 C

example, we are not allowed to cut down trees.

(1)allow的基本含义 做动词,意思是允许

(2)allow的核心考点之一 考察allow与prevent、refuse和expect的词义区分。allow是允许;prevent是防止,预防;refuse是拒绝;expect是期望。

(3)allow的核心考点之二 考察allow sb to do sth的被动句be allowed to do sth,意思是被允许做某事。


秦外】3. —Sir, did you see the sign “No Parking”?

—Sorry. I didn’t know parking here isn’t ________.

A. prevented B. refused C. allowed D. expected



玄武】4. Attention! Please! Without permission, children ________ in the lake.

’t allow to swim ’t allow swimming

not allowed to swim not allowed to swimming


depend on its rich resources to live, so it is important for us to protect it wisely.

depend on的核心考点

考察depend on与turn on、carry on和click on的词义区分。depend

(1)on是依赖;turn on是打开;carry on是继续,进行;click on是点击。

(2)depend的核心考点之二 考察it all depends,意思是视情况而定。

5. Don’t _________ your dictionary while reading. Try to guess the meaning of the new words.

A. turn on B. carry on

C. click on D. depend on


6. —Will you go skiing with me this winter holiday?

—It all ________. If I’m free, I will go with you.


答案 D

new types of energy cost very little and will never run out.

(1)run out的核心考点之一

考察run out与break out、come down和fall down的区分。run

out是用光;break out是爆发;come down是崩塌、坍塌;fall down是摔倒、倒塌。

(2)run out的核心考点之二

考察run out和run out of的区分。两者的意思都是用光,但是形式上是不同的。run out是不及物的,没有被动形式;run out of是及物的,有被动形式。


鼓楼】7. —Can you give me some more advice to deal with the problem?

—Sorry, I have_________of my ideas.

A. got out B. run out C. cut out D. taken out



新城】8. — The oil on the earth will ________ one day.

—I think so. We should make good use of it.

A. turn off B. use up C. depend on D. run out


er that everyone can do something to make a difference!




考察make a difference to,意思是对...有影响,起作用。

9. Alipay really makes a great to our life. More and more people use it now.

A. chance B. problem C. difference D. surprise


many places, rubbish is thrown into lakes and rivers, so many of them are polluted.

(1)pollute的基本含义 作动词,意思是污染

(2)pollute的核心考点 考察pollute与protect、produce和prevent的词义区分。pollute的意思是污染;protect是保护;produce是导致,产生;prevent是防止,预防。

10.—The government is thinking of building a bridge across the lake.

—I hope they will think about it carefully. The environment will be _______ if there is too much


ted ed ted ed

答案 D

well as people, animals are harmed by pollution.

(1)as well as的核心考点 连接并列成分,意思是同(一样也);和;还。

11. —_______English, we should read Chinese every morning to improve our Chinese.

—Exactly. Now some people are doing _______ than before.

; better well as; worse ; better ; worse

答案 B

we do not act to improve the environment, more living things will be killed by pollution.

(1)living的基本含义 作形容词,意思是活着的,活的

(2)living的核心考点 考察living与alive、lives和lived的词义区分。living是活生生的;alive是活着的; lives是动词三单;lived是动词过去式。


新城】12. She is one of the greatest ________ scientists in the world.

A. living B. alive C. lives D. lived


will be formed over thousands or even millions of years.





13. It is amazing that these rocks were

________ more than 4000 million years ago.

A. expected B. formed C. held D. touched


should try to produce less waste, reuse or recycle things if possible.

(1)reuse的基本含义 作动词,意思是再使用

(2)reuse的核心考点 考察collect rain water or reuse the water,这里并列两个动词都用原形形式。


玄武】14. —Can you tell me how to save water?

—Of course. For example, collect rain water or ________ the water to do some cleaning after

________ your face.

A. reuse; wash B. reuse; washing C. reusing; wash D. reusing; washing


your work

Types of mistakes: W=word usage mistake P=punctuation mistake

S=spelling mistake M=missing word G=grammatical mistke


玄武】15. There is a ________ in the sentence “Other natural resources like coal, oil

and natural gas dig up from the ground.”

A. missing word B. spelling mistake C. word usage mistake D. grammatical mistake



溧水】16. “It’s important for us to protect our envirnoment wisely.”

Can you tell the mistake in the sentence above?

A. Missing word. B. Grammatical mistake. C. Spelling mistake. D. Word usage mistake.




1.基本构成 主语+will be/be going to +V-ed







will be/am going to be

will be/are going to be

will be/is going to be




玄外】17. No one knows how the huge rocks __________ and __________ without

our modern machines eight hundred years ago.

A. were cut; moved B. were cut; move C. are cut; moving D. are cut; moved



九中】18. The theatre ________ in September next year.

A. completes B. is completed C. will complete D. will be completed



秦淮】19. People running everywhere. Do you know what ?

A. see; has happened B. see; happens C. are seen; is happening D. are seen; is happened



玄武】20. According to the local government, lots of new railways ________ in order

to improve the traffic situation in the next five years.

build be built been built




鼓楼】1. Some students often write their articles ________(粗心地)without

noticing punctuation marks.



新城】2. Students should be taught to spend both time and money ________(明智地).



秦外】3. These new types of energy cost very little and _________(产生)little



4. One of the latest ________ (调查) shows that boys are more interested in


秦淮】the mobile phone games than girls.



秦淮】5. Drivers must be ________ (惩罚) if they drive after drinking.



无锡】6. Canada is ________ (丰富的) in water resources.


7. ________ (分开) from their families, many patients feel more lonely when they receive

treatment in hospital.



1.考察谓语动词have run out


秦外】1. The money given by his parents ____ (run) out already.

答案has run



新城】2. You’d better go to bed now. Staying up late is ________ (harm) to your



3.考察被动语态will be sold


新城】3. The publishing house says this book ________(translate) into Italian next


答案will be translated



鼓楼】4. To be a good student, you should plan your time well and use every minute

______ (wise).




鼓楼】5. The car sometimes goes wrong. It may cause accidents if it ________ (not

check) right away.

答案is not checked/isn’t checked

6.考察词组finish digging

6. Have the farmers finished ________ (dig) in the field?


7.考察be seen to do sth

7. Was the old lady last seen ________(enter) the building on her own last night?

答案to enter


a difference to




Remember that everyone can ______________________.

答案do something to make a difference

are separated into different groups.




In Switzerland, things like glass are ______________________ and then recycled.

答案separated into different groups

on oneself




Children ______________________________ their parents for food and clothes.

答案depend on

sb do sth---被动句---be seen to do sth

4. I often see some volunteers hand out leaflets to make people know more about




Some volunteers are often ________ ________ hand out leaflets to make people know more about


答案seen to

5.I am wondering if a new bike will be/is going to be bought.


秦淮】5. —I’m wondering if a new bike ____________ (buy) for me on my birthday.

—I hope your dream can come true.

答案will be bought/is going to be bought

a helping hand




If everybody can ___________________________, the world will be better.

答案give a helping hand

on with the research




Have you already made _________________________ with the research?

答案up your mind to carry on


A) 任务型阅读(新)

Most of us have never thought about building an educational toy by ourselves. If we need a

learning toy or something, we simply go to the nearest store and buy it. However, things are not as

easy in third world countries. With families even having no food to put on the table, they will never

think about buying educational toys.

So how can one get these kids interested in science? This was a question that worried the

Indian engineer Arvind Gupta so much that he decided to give up a good job and spend his life

making toys from trash, things that people no longer want or need!

Mr Gupta began teaching in the 1970s. While still an engineering student at the Indian College

of Technology, he volunteered to teach the children who were too poor to go to school. Upon

graduation(毕业), he found a good job at India’s Tata Motors and spent the next five years

designing cars.

But he soon realized that this was not something he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He

thought he needed to receive some training, so he took a year’s training course and took part in the

Hoshangabad Science Teaching Program which was to make science fun and exciting for poor

children using available materials.

Mr Gupta found the whole project so satisfying that he decided to leave his high paying job

and focus his attention on designing educational toys that were not only cheap and easy to build,

but also full of scientific principles(科学原理), so that children could get interested in this

interesting subject.

When the Internet started becoming a more widespread learning tool, Mr Gupta created a

toys from Trash website and also recorded over 250 YouTube videos.

Today, over 50,000 children and teachers visit the website daily to download the videos for

the toy creations based on cool science. Some young children have become so inspired(鼓舞)

that they have even won international science competitions.

●Most people never think about building educational toys.

____1____ for

making them

●Usually people go to a store to buy educational toys in need.

●To some poor families, buying educational toys is the ____2___ thing on

the parents’ minds.

●He volunteered to teach the children who could hardly ____3____ to go

About Gupta to school when he was a student at college.

●It ____4____ him five years to design cars at India’s Tata Motors after

leaving college.

●He thought it ____5____ to get some training so he took a year’s training


●He took part in a program. Its ____6____ was to make science

interesting and exciting for poor children using available materials.

●He ____7____ his good job and devoted his life to making special toys.

●Toys from Trash is a website with over 250 YouTube videos.

About the website

● The website is ____8____ by many children and teachers daily.

● With the ____9____ of the website, children have chances to take part in

international science competitions and win some prizes.

What Mr Gupta does has made a big ______10______ to some poor



答案1. Reasons 2. impossible 3. afford 4. took 5. necessary

6. purpose 7. left 8. visited 9. help 10. difference

B) 首字母阅读

Today, people can turn on their televisions and watch the Olympics every two years,

alternating between summer and winter games. The world’s best athletes t____11____ hard before

the games and hope to win a gold, silver, or bronze medal.

However, the first Olympics was quite different from t____12____ Olympic Games. Held in

776 BC at Olympia, in ancient Greece, the games honored the Greek god Zeus. The competition

was a c____13____ for athletes to bring honor to their city-states, just as athletes bring honor to

their countries nowadays. However, in ancient Greece, only men were allowed to participate.

For 13 years, the ancient Olympics had just one event, a running race. Gradually, the games

expanded to i____14____ sports such as chariot and horse racing, boxing, and the pentathlon. The

pentathlon i____15___ is made up of five different events: running, wrestling, jumping, throwing a

discus, and throwing a javelin.

The ancient Greek Olympics e____16____ around 395 BC and weren’t played again for over 2,

200 years. Finally, in 1894, a Frenchman named Pierre de Coubertin decided to bring the games

back. The games were held in 1896 and included nine events. Today’s Olympics include even more

sports, such as soccer and skiing, and are now s____17___ into the Summer and Winter Olympics.

Cities around the world take turns hosting the Olympics.

W____18____ stopped for seven days before and seven days after the ancient Olympics so that

athletes could travel safely to the games. In a s____19____ way, many believe that today’s Olympic

Games create goodwill, as nations exhibit strength through competitive sports rather than through


The Paralympics are held every Olympic year. To be in the games, athletes must have a

disability. Some don’t have arms or legs. Some have poor balance. Some are in wheelchairs. Some

others are b____20____ . The great thing about these games is not the attention to their disability but

their skills.

答案11. (t)rain 12. (t)oday’s 13. (c)hance 14. (i)nclude 15. (i)tself

16. (e)nded 17. (s)eparated 18. (W)ars 19. (s)imilar 20. (b)lind

8B Unit 8 A green world 学生版



新城】1. —People are asked to wear breathing masks in public places again.

—That’s it. The habit has ________ the possibility of catching COVID-19 viruses.

d B. produced C. realized D. treated

heavy rain ______ so many traffic accidents on the highway last Monday.

ed ed


秦外】3. —Sir, did you see the sign “No Parking”?

—Sorry. I didn’t know parking here isn’t ________.

A. prevented B. refused C. allowed D. expected


玄武】4. Attention! Please! Without permission, children ________ in the lake.

’t allow to swim ’t allow swimming

not allowed to swim not allowed to swimming

5. Don’t _________ your dictionary while reading. Try to guess the meaning of the new words.

A. turn on B. carry on

C. click on D. depend on

6. —Will you go skiing with me this winter holiday?

—It all ________. If I’m free, I will go with you.



鼓楼】7. —Can you give me some more advice to deal with the problem?

—Sorry, I have_________of my ideas.

A. got out B. run out C. cut out D. taken out


新城】8. — The oil on the earth will ________ one day.

—I think so. We should make good use of it.

A. turn off B. use up C. depend on D. run out

9. Alipay really makes a great to our life. More and more people use it now.

A. chance B. problem C. difference D. surprise

10.—The government is thinking of building a bridge across the lake.

—I hope they will think about it carefully. The environment will be _______ if there is too much


ted ed ted ed

11. —_______English, we should read Chinese every morning to improve our Chinese.

—Exactly. Now some people are doing _______ than before.

; better well as; worse ; better ; worse


新城】12. She is one of the greatest ________ scientists in the world.

A. living B. alive C. lives D. lived

13. It is amazing that these rocks were

________ more than 4000 million years ago.

A. expected B. formed C. held D. touched


玄武】14. —Can you tell me how to save water?

—Of course. For example, collect rain water or ________ the water to do some cleaning after

________ your face.

A. reuse; wash B. reuse; washing C. reusing; wash D. reusing; washing


玄武】15. There is a ________ in the sentence “Other natural resources like coal, oil

and natural gas dig up from the ground.”

A. missing word B. spelling mistake C. word usage mistake D. grammatical mistake


溧水】16. “It’s important for us to protect our envirnoment wisely.”

Can you tell the mistake in the sentence above?

A. Missing word. B. Grammatical mistake. C. Spelling mistake. D. Word usage mistake.


玄外】17. No one knows how the huge rocks __________ and __________ without

our modern machines eight hundred years ago.

A. were cut; moved B. were cut; move C. are cut; moving D. are cut; moved


九中】18. The theatre ________ in September next year.

A. completes B. is completed C. will complete D. will be completed


秦淮】19. People running everywhere. Do you know what ?

A. see; has happened B. see; happens C. are seen; is happening D. are seen; is happened


玄武】20. According to the local government, lots of new railways ________ in order

to improve the traffic situation in the next five years.

build be built been built



鼓楼】1. Some students often write their articles ________(粗心地)without

noticing punctuation marks.


新城】2. Students should be taught to spend both time and money ________(明智地).


秦外】3. These new types of energy cost very little and _________(产生)little


4. One of the latest ________ (调查) shows that boys are more interested in


秦淮】the mobile phone games than girls.


秦淮】5. Drivers must be ________ (惩罚) if they drive after drinking.


无锡】6. Canada is ________ (丰富的) in water resources.

7. ________ (分开) from their families, many patients feel more lonely when they receive

treatment in hospital.



秦外】1. The money given by his parents ____ (run) out already.


新城】2. You’d better go to bed now. Staying up late is ________ (harm) to your



新城】3. The publishing house says this book ________(translate) into Italian next



鼓楼】4. To be a good student, you should plan your time well and use every minute

______ (wise).


鼓楼】5. The car sometimes goes wrong. It may cause accidents if it ________ (not

check) right away.

6. Have the farmers finished ________ (dig) in the field?

7. Was the old lady last seen ________(enter) the building on her own last night?





Remember that everyone can ______________________.




In Switzerland, things like glass are ______________________ and then recycled.




Children ______________________________ their parents for food and clothes.

4. I often see some volunteers hand out leaflets to make people know more about




Some volunteers are often ________ ________ hand out leaflets to make people know more about



秦淮】5. —I’m wondering if a new bike ____________ (buy) for me on my birthday.

—I hope your dream can come true.




If everybody can ___________________________, the world will be better.




Have you already made _________________________ with the research?

五、阅读A) 任务型阅读(新)

Most of us have never thought about building an educational toy by ourselves. If we need a

learning toy or something, we simply go to the nearest store and buy it. However, things are not as

easy in third world countries. With families even having no food to put on the table, they will never

think about buying educational toys.

So how can one get these kids interested in science? This was a question that worried the

Indian engineer Arvind Gupta so much that he decided to give up a good job and spend his life

making toys from trash, things that people no longer want or need!

Mr Gupta began teaching in the 1970s. While still an engineering student at the Indian College

of Technology, he volunteered to teach the children who were too poor to go to school. Upon

graduation(毕业), he found a good job at India’s Tata Motors and spent the next five years

designing cars.

But he soon realized that this was not something he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He

thought he needed to receive some training, so he took a year’s training course and took part in the

Hoshangabad Science Teaching Program which was to make science fun and exciting for poor

children using available materials.

Mr Gupta found the whole project so satisfying that he decided to leave his high paying job

and focus his attention on designing educational toys that were not only cheap and easy to build,

but also full of scientific principles(科学原理), so that children could get interested in this

interesting subject.

When the Internet started becoming a more widespread learning tool, Mr Gupta created a

toys from Trash website and also recorded over 250 YouTube videos.

Today, over 50,000 children and teachers visit the website daily to download the videos for

the toy creations based on cool science. Some young children have become so inspired(鼓舞)

that they have even won international science competitions.

●Most people never think about building educational toys.

____1____ for

making them

●Usually people go to a store to buy educational toys in need.

●To some poor families, buying educational toys is the ____2___ thing on

the parents’ minds.

●He volunteered to teach the children who could hardly ____3____ to go

to school when he was a student at college.

●It ____4____ him five years to design cars at India’s Tata Motors after

leaving college.

About Gupta

●He thought it ____5____ to get some training so he took a year’s training


●He took part in a program. Its ____6____ was to make science

interesting and exciting for poor children using available materials.

●He ____7____ his good job and devoted his life to making special toys.

●Toys from Trash is a website with over 250 YouTube videos.

About the website

● The website is ____8____ by many children and teachers daily.

● With the ____9____ of the website, children have chances to take part in

international science competitions and win some prizes.

What Mr Gupta does has made a big ______10______ to some poor



B) 首字母阅读

Today, people can turn on their televisions and watch the Olympics every two years,

alternating between summer and winter games. The world’s best athletes t____11____ hard before

the games and hope to win a gold, silver, or bronze medal.

However, the first Olympics was quite different from t____12____ Olympic Games. Held in

776 BC at Olympia, in ancient Greece, the games honored the Greek god Zeus. The competition

was a c____13____ for athletes to bring honor to their city-states, just as athletes bring honor to

their countries nowadays. However, in ancient Greece, only men were allowed to participate.

For 13 years, the ancient Olympics had just one event, a running race. Gradually, the games

expanded to i____14____ sports such as chariot and horse racing, boxing, and the pentathlon. The

pentathlon i____15___ is made up of five different events: running, wrestling, jumping, throwing a

discus, and throwing a javelin.

The ancient Greek Olympics e____16____ around 395 BC and weren’t played again for over 2,

200 years. Finally, in 1894, a Frenchman named Pierre de Coubertin decided to bring the games

back. The games were held in 1896 and included nine events. Today’s Olympics include even more

sports, such as soccer and skiing, and are now s____17___ into the Summer and Winter Olympics.

Cities around the world take turns hosting the Olympics.

W____18____ stopped for seven days before and seven days after the ancient Olympics so that

athletes could travel safely to the games. In a s____19____ way, many believe that today’s Olympic

Games create goodwill, as nations exhibit strength through competitive sports rather than through


The Paralympics are held every Olympic year. To be in the games, athletes must have a

disability. Some don’t have arms or legs. Some have poor balance. Some are in wheelchairs. Some

others are b____20____ . The great thing about these games is not the attention to their disability but

their skills.

本文标签: 意思动词考点区分考察