


take 词组

1. Take off

- 意思:脱掉,起飞

- 例句:I need to take off my shoes before entering the house.

The airplane will take off in 10 minutes.

2. Take on

- 意思:承担,接受

- 例句:I can't take on any more work right now. The company

decided to take on a new project.

3. Take out

- 意思:取出,外卖

- 例句:Can you take out the trash? Let's order take out for

dinner tonight.

4. Take up

- 意思:占据,开始从事

- 例句:The new furniture takes up too much space in the room.

I want to take up yoga as a hobby.

5. Take care

- 意思:照顾,小心

- 例句:Please take care of my cat while I'm on vacation.

Take care when crossing the street.

6. Take away

- 意思:拿走,外卖

- 例句:The waiter will take away our plates when we're

finished. Let's get some take away for lunch.

7. Take a break

- 意思:休息一下

- 例句:I need to take a break from studying. Let's take a break and grab some coffee.

8. Take advantage of

- 意思:利用

- 例句:She took advantage of the sale and bought a new dress.

Don't take advantage of your friend's kindness.

9. Take into consideration

- 意思:考虑到

- 例句:We need to take the weather into consideration when

planning the outdoor event. The company will take your

experience into consideration when making the hiring decision.

10. Take a chance

- 意思:冒险尝试

- 例句:I decided to take a chance and apply for the job.

Let's take a chance and try the new restaurant.

本文标签: 意思外卖开始占据起飞