



[摘要] 随着社会的进步和生活质量的提高,人们对用餐体验有了更高的要求,导致电话和网上订餐服务日益发展。这一趋势也推动了以大学生为主要服务对象的校园外卖的发展。此次设计主要为大学生给予个性化、多样化的服务。

本文详细介绍了校园外卖微信小程序的设计与实施,旨在为大学校园的师生提供快捷便利的订餐服务。该项目以微信小程序作为用户的客户端,后台采用Java语言编写,使用了Spring Boot和MyBatis Plus作为后端框架,前端使用Vue.js作为框架,数据库采用的是MySQL。从管理员、用户和商家的功能要求出发,后台管理端主要是实现管理员服务端,分别有首页、个人信息,和店铺、分类、评论、轮播图、订单等管理页面,以及正常用户信息、被禁用户信息、商家信息、系统管理等页面;用户客户端分别是首页、订单、我的。通过本项目的设计与实现,为校园内的师生提供了便捷的外卖订购服务,提高了订餐效率,满足了校园内师生的外卖需求。

[关键词] 校园外卖;微信小程序;Spring Boot;Java

Design and Implementation of WeChat Mini Program for Campus Take-out

[Abstract] As society progresses and the quality of life improves, people demand a higher level of dining experience, leading to the growing development of telephone and online food ordering services. This trend has also promoted the development of campus takeaway, which mainly serves college students. The campus takeout WeChat app mainly provides personalized and diversified services for college students.

This paper describes in detail the design and implementation of campus takeout WeChat applet, which aims to provide fast and convenient food ordering services for students and teachers on college campuses. The project uses WeChat applet as the user client, the background is written in Java language, Spring Boot and MyBatis Plus are used as the back-end framework, Vue.js is used as the front-end framework, and MySQL is used as the database. From the functional requirements of administrators, users and merchants, the back-end management end mainly realizes the administrator’s service end; the home page, store management, category management, personal information, comment management, rotating image management, order management, normal user information, banned user information, merchant information, system management, etc.; user client: home, order, mine. Through the design and implementation of this project, it provides a convenient takeaway ordering service for campus teachers and students, improves ordering efficiency, and meets the takeaway needs of campus teachers and students.

[Key words] Campus takeout;WeChat Mini Program;Spring Boot;Java

目 录

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景

1.1.2 研究意义

1.2 国内外研究现状

1.2.1 国内研究现状

1.2.2 国外研究现状

1.3 研究方法与研究路径

第2章 系统分析

2.1 需求分析

2.1.1 市场需求分析

2.1.2 功能需求分析

2.1.3 测试需求分析

2.2 系统可行性分析

2.2.1 技术可行性

2.2.2 社会可行性

2.2.3 经济可行性

2.3 业务流程分析

2.3.1 登录流程

2.3.2 注册流程

2.3.3 下单流程

第3章 系*统的开发技术及主要框架

3.1 后台框架技术

3.1.1 Spring Boot

3.1.2 MyBatis-Plus

3.1.3 Maven

3.1.4 MySQL


本文标签: 外卖程序校园微信小