

Recently, an Oppo phone with a whopping 10 GB of RAM made rounds on most tech publications. That is, undoubtedly, an incredibly excessive amount of RAM. But it raises a good question: how much RAM does your Android phone really need?

最近,具有高达10 GB RAM的Oppo手机在大多数技术出版物上都获得了成功。 也就是说,毫无疑问,RAM的数量非常大。 但这引发了一个很好的问题:您的Android手机真正需要多少RAM?

RAM如何在Android上工作 (How RAM Works on Android)

First, we’ll need to take a closer look at how RAM works on Android. If you’re familiar with Windows computers, you know that more RAM is usually better and having free RAM is a basic necessity for a well-performing system.

首先,我们需要仔细研究RAM在Android上的工作方式。 如果您熟悉Windows计算机,则知道通常需要更多的RAM,而拥有良好的RAM是性能良好的系统的基本必要条件。

With Android, however, it works a little differently. Android is based on the Linux kernel, which operates under an entirely different set of rules than that of Windows-based computers. And when it comes to RAM, one statement applies across the board: free RAM is wasted RAM.

但是,在Android上,它的工作方式略有不同。 Android基于Linux内核,该内核在与基于Windows的计算机完全不同的一组规则下运行。 当涉及到RAM时,有一条语句是全面适用的:空闲RAM是浪费的RAM。

So, on Android, there’s no need to clear out RAM for other apps to be loaded—this process happens automatically and fluidly. RAM isn’t something you have to think about on most Linux-based machines.

因此,在Android上,无需清除RAM即可加载其他应用程序-此过程会自动流畅地进行。 在大多数基于Linux的计算机上,您不必考虑RAM。

That said, too little RAM is always going to be a problem. If the system doesn’t have enough RAM to work with, then things start to become an issue—apps running in the background will close prematurely (or when you don’t want them to).

这就是说,RAM 太小总是将是一个问题。 如果系统没有足够的RAM来使用,那么事情就开始成为问题-在后台运行的应用会过早关闭(或在您不希望它们运行时)。

Famously, this issue became very prominent on Android devices when Lollipop (5.x) was released, as it featured much more aggressive memory management than previous versions of the OS. Since most phones back then were limited to 2 GB of RAM, this became an apparent problem. For example, when using a phone in the car with Maps in the foreground and Music in the background, the latter would often get shut down by the OS, killing music playback. If Music was in the foreground and Maps in the background, then Maps would get killed. It was exceptionally frustrating at the time.

著名的是,当Lollipop(5.x)发行时,此问题在Android设备上变得非常突出,因为它比以前的OS版本具有更强大的内存管理功能。 由于当时的大多数电话都限制为2 GB RAM,因此这成为一个明显的问题。 例如,当在汽车中使用手机且前景为“地图”而背景为“音乐”时,后者通常会被操作系统关闭,从而导致音乐播放中断。 如果“音乐”位于前台,而“地图”位于后台,则“地图”将被杀死。 当时异常令人沮丧。

The solution moving forward was more RAM.


“太多”的RAM并不是一件坏事。 没必要 (“Too Much” RAM Isn’t a Bad Thing; It’s Just Needless)

At a time when many laptops are still shipping with 8 GB (or even 4 GB in some cases!), you have to question why a phone would need 10 GB. The answer is a quick one: it doesn’t.

当许多笔记本电脑仍带有8 GB(在某些情况下甚至是4 GB)时,您不得不质疑为什么手机需要10 GB。 答案很简单:没有。

While having this much RAM is excessive and honestly just kind of silly—it’s one of those “doing it just to be first” sorts of things—that doesn’t mean it really hurts anything. Will you ever use that much RAM? No, at least not right now.

虽然拥有如此多的RAM是多余的,并且说实话,这只是一种愚蠢的事情-这只是“先做”的事情之一-但这并不意味着它真的会伤害任何人。 您会使用那么多的RAM吗? 不,至少现在不是。

That said, some phones will need more RAM than others. Case in point: a Pixel phone vs. a Galaxy phone. Samsung tends to include a lot of extra (read: superfluous) features on its phones. This leads to a heavier operating system that simply needs more RAM to function at a high level. Pixel phones run stock Android, which is cleaner and lighter than the Samsung Experience. Thus, Pixel phones can get away with less RAM than a Galaxy to provide a similarly fluid experience. There’s even a specific version of Android designed to efficiently run on as little as a single gigabyte of RAM.

也就是说,某些电话将需要比其他电话更多的RAM。 例如:Pixel手机与Galaxy手机。 三星倾向于在其手机上包含很多额外的功能(阅读:多余的功能)。 这导致了一个较重的操作系统,该操作系统只需要更多的RAM即可运行。 像素手机运行的是Android版,比三星Experience更加干净,轻便。 因此,与Galaxy相比,Pixel手机可以节省更少的RAM,从而提供类似的流畅体验。 甚至还有一个特定版本的Android,旨在有效地在少至1 GB的RAM上运行。

So, there is a reason when more RAM is warranted in an Android phone. Again, maybe not ten gigabytes of RAM, but more. The current standard is 4 GB, though we’re currently in a transitional phase where 6 GB will start to become the norm. Manufacturers like Samsung and OnePlus have already been embracing 6 GB (or even 8 GB) in many of their flagship phones, a number that will likely continue to rise in the coming years.

因此,有必要在Android手机中保证更多RAM的原因。 再说一次,也许不是10 GB的RAM,而是更多。 当前的标准是4 GB,尽管我们目前处于过渡阶段,其中6 GB将开始成为标准。 三星和OnePlus等制造商已经在其许多旗舰手机中采用了6 GB(甚至8 GB)的存储容量,这一数字在未来几年中可能还会继续增加。

So really, all this is to say one thing (or maybe two?): there’s no such thing as “too much RAM,” and manufacturers are certainly going to keep pushing that number to silly levels. Whatever—better more than less. I’ll take it.

所以说真的,所有这一切只不过是说一件事(或可能是两件事?):没有“ RAM太多”之类的东西,制造商肯定会将这个数字推到愚蠢的水平。 无论如何-多多益善。 我要买它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/367770/how-much-ram-does-an-android-phone-really-need/

本文标签: 手机androidram