


Looking to grow your business online without a lot of money? If you are just starting a business, then you cannot afford to waste money. In this article, we will share practical tips on how to grow your business on a small budget. Our goal is to help you compete with the big guys without spending a fortune.

想要在没有大量资金的情况下在线发展您的业务? 如果您只是开始创业,那么您就不能浪费钱。 在本文中,我们将分享有关如何以少量预算发展业务的实用技巧。 我们的目标是帮助您与大型企业竞争而不花大钱。

1.为您的网站选择合适的平台 (1. Choose The Right Platform for Your Website)

The biggest mistake you can make as a small business is choosing the wrong platform to build your website. A wrong platform will not only cost you more money, but it will also limit your business’ growth potential.

作为小型企业,您可能犯的最大错误是选择错误的平台来构建您的网站。 错误的平台不仅会花费您更多的钱,而且还会限制您的业务增长潜力。

We recommend using WordPress. It is the most popular website builder in the market, and it powers over 31% of all websites (including both small and large businesses).

我们建议使用WordPress。 它是市场上最受欢迎的网站构建器 ,它为所有网站(包括小型和大型企业)中超过31%的网站提供支持。

When we say WordPress, we are talking about WordPress and not WordPress. They are two different platforms, see our article on the difference between WordPress vs WordPress for more details.

当我们说WordPress时,我们是在谈论WordPress,而不是WordPress。 它们是两个不同的平台,有关更多详细信息,请参见我们关于WordPress与WordPress之间的区别的文章。

To start a self-hosted WordPress website, you’ll need a domain name AND a web hosting account. Yes, they’re different. Want to learn more? See our explanation: what’s the difference between domain name vs web hosting.

要启动自托管的WordPress网站,您需要一个域名和一个虚拟主机帐户。 是的,他们不同。 想了解更多? 请参阅我们的解释: 域名与虚拟主机之间有什么区别 。

Different hosting companies offer different plans suitable for small to large websites. This ultimately affects the cost of your website.

不同的托管公司提供适合小型到大型网站的不同计划。 这最终会影响您的网站成本。

If you are just getting started, then we recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

如果您只是入门,那么我们建议您使用Bluehost 。 他们是世界上最大的托管公司之一,也是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商。

Luckily, they are offering WPBeginner users free domain name and discount on hosting. Basically, you’ll be able to get started for $2.75 per month.

幸运的是,他们为WPBeginner用户提供了免费域名和托管折扣。 基本上,您每月只需支付2.75美元即可上手。

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←


As your business grows, you will likely need more hosting resources. Hopefully, by that time you’ll be making enough money to justify an upgrade.

随着业务的增长,您可能需要更多的托管资源。 希望到那时,您将赚到足够的钱来证明升级的合理性。

Once you have a little more money to spend, then you can choose a managed WordPress hosting provider like WP Engine or SiteGround.

一旦您有更多的钱可以花,那么您可以选择WP Engine或SiteGround之类的托管WordPress托管提供商。

2.选择一个功能简单的网站 (2. Choose a Functional Website with Simple Design)

Many beginners believe that their customers will not take their business seriously if they don’t have their website professionally designed.


Getting a professional to custom design your website is expensive, and it’s not needed when you’re just starting out.


You can easily start with a ready-made free or premium WordPress theme for a fraction of a price.

您可以轻松地从现成的免费或高级WordPress主题开始,而只需花费一小部分费用 。

See our expert’s pick of the best WordPress themes for some inspiration.


  • Best WordPress business themes最佳WordPress商业主题
  • Best WooCommerce WordPress themes最佳WooCommerce WordPress主题
  • Best free WordPress themes最佳免费WordPress主题

If none of the above themes suit your need, then you can also use these drag & drop WordPress page builders to create completely custom designs without writing any code.


3.使用户更容易与您联系 (3. Make it Easier for Users to Contact You)

If you want your website to bring you more customers, then you need to add an easy way for visitors to contact you.


The easiest way to do that is by using a contact form on your website.


By default, WordPress doesn’t come with a contact form. Luckily, there are WordPress contact form plugins that can help you easily add a contact form to your site.

默认情况下,WordPress不附带联系表格。 幸运的是,有一些WordPress联系人表单插件可以帮助您轻松地将联系人表单添加到您的站点。

We recommend using WPForms Lite. It is the free version of the popular WPForms plugin that’s trusted by over 1 million websites.

我们建议使用WPForms Lite 。 它是流行的WPForms插件的免费版本,受到超过100万个网站的信任。

Once your business has grown, you can upgrade to WPForms Pro to create more advanced forms like surveys, polls, payment forms, etc.

业务发展之后,您可以升级到WPForms Pro,以创建更高级的表格,例如调查,民意调查,付款表格等。

4.从第一天开始构建电子邮件列表 (4. Start Building an Email List from Day 1)

Most people who leave your website will never come back again. This means that if you don’t get their email address, then you will have no way to communicate with them in the future.

大多数离开您网站的人将永远不会再回来。 这意味着,如果您没有他们的电子邮件地址,那么将来您将无法与他们通信。

The most cost-effective way to do this is by building an email list.

实现此目的的最经济有效的方法是构建电子邮件列表 。

Email marketing is the most reliable way to communicate with your website visitors.


You can get started with Constant Contact, they’re the top rated email marketing service provider in our list.

您可以开始使用Constant Contact ,他们是我们列表中排名最高的电子邮件营销服务提供商。

WPBeginner users get a free trial for those who’re just starting out and 20% off, if you upgrade to their paid plan.


For more tips, see our beginner’s guide on how to do lead generation in WordPress like a pro.

有关更多提示,请参阅我们的初学者指南,以了解如何像专业人士一样在WordPress中进行销售线索的产生 。

5.从搜索引擎获得更多自然流量 (5. Get More Organic Traffic From Search Engines)

Search engines like Google are the major source of traffic for most websites on the internet. There are a lot of things you can do to optimize your website for search engines by learning basic SEO.

像Google这样的搜索引擎是互联网上大多数网站的主要流量来源。 通过学习基本的SEO,您可以做很多事情来为搜索引擎优化网站。

SEO or search engine optimization is a set of guidelines and techniques that make your website more search engine friendly. It is not too technical and you will be able to do it on your own.

SEO或搜索引擎优化是使您的网站对搜索引擎更友好的一组准则和技术。 它不是太技术性,您可以自己完成。

We have published a complete step by step WordPress SEO guide for beginners. We will walk you through the whole process of making your website as SEO friendly as possible.

我们已经为初学者发布了完整的WordPress SEO分步指南 。 我们将引导您完成使您的网站尽可能SEO友好的整个过程。

To get traffic from search engines you’ll need content, which brings us to the next step in this guide.


6.制定内容营销策略 (6. Plan a Content Marketing Strategy)

Content marketing is a strategy to create useful and relevant content to attract and build an audience. This allows you to get more targetted traffic from search engines without spending a fortune.

内容营销是一种创建有用且相关的内容以吸引和建立受众的策略。 这样一来,您无需花大价钱就能从搜索引擎获得更多有针对性的点击量。

The easiest way to add useful content to your website is by adding a blog. WordPress allows you to add a separate blog page to your website and sort your content into categories and tags.

向您的网站添加有用内容的最简单方法是添加博客。 WordPress允许您在网站上添加单独的博客页面 ,并将内容分类为类别和标签。

You need to plan your content strategy by finding out the keywords your users may be looking for. See our guide on how to do keyword research for your blog.

您需要通过找出用户可能正在寻找的关键字来规划内容策略。 请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何为您的博客进行关键字研究 。

Need ideas on how to use those keywords in your content strategy? Here is a massive list of blog post ideas that you can use on your blog.

是否需要有关如何在内容策略中使用这些关键字的想法? 这是您可以在博客上使用的大量博客文章提示的列表 。

Content marketing is a highly effective and proven strategy to market your business on a small budget. To learn more about it, see this guide on how to create an effective content marketing strategy for your business.

内容营销是一种高效且行之有效的策略,可以用少量预算营销您的业务。 要了解更多信息,请参阅本指南,了解如何为企业创建有效的内容营销策略 。

7.使用Google Analytics(分析)做出基于数据的决策 (7. Make Data-Based Decisions with Google Analytics)

Many beginners use their best guesses to plan their growth strategy. You don’t need to do that when you can use actual data to make those decisions.

许多初学者会尽力猜测自己的增长策略。 当您可以使用实际数据做出这些决定时,就不需要这样做。

This is where Google Analytics comes in. It allows you to see how many visitors are coming to your site, where they are coming from, and what they do while there.

这就是Google Analytics(分析)的来源。它使您可以查看有多少访问者进入您的网站,他们来自何处以及他们在那儿做什么。

See our guide on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress for step by step instructions.

请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析)以获取逐步说明。

Google Analytics comes with a lot of information. Even though it is neatly organized and beautifully presented, it could still be a bit overwhelming for new users.

Google Analytics(分析)附带了很多信息。 尽管它组织得井井有条,而且呈现精美,但对于新用户来说还是有点不知所措。

To make the most out of it, install and activate the MonsterInsights plugin. It is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress and allows you to easily view your most important traffic reports inside WordPress dashboard. If you run an online store, then MonsterInsights can also help you track WooCommerce customers using Google Analytics.

要充分利用它,请安装并激活MonsterInsights插件。 它是适用于WordPress的最佳Google Analytics(分析)插件,可让您轻松地在WordPress信息中心内查看最重要的流量报告。 如果您经营在线商店,MonsterInsights还可以帮助您使用Google Analytics(分析)跟踪WooCommerce客户 。

You can also download the free version of MonsterInsights. It works great but you wouldn’t have access to some of its most advanced features.

您也可以下载免费版本的MonsterInsights 。 它的效果很好,但您将无法使用其某些最高级的功能。

8.利用社交媒体来吸引流量 (8. Leverage Social Media to Drive Traffic)

Social media platforms have highly engaged audiences. Facebook alone has 1.47 Billion daily active users, that’s around 18% of all people in the world. Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms also have highly engaged users.

社交媒体平台拥有高度参与的受众。 仅Facebook一个人,每天就有14.7亿活跃用户,约占全球所有人的18%。 Twitter,YouTube,LinkedIn和其他社交媒体平台也拥有高度参与的用户。

With so many users, social media platforms bring great opportunities for business. You can start by creating your business’s social media profiles and automatically sharing your blog posts.

社交媒体平台拥有众多用户,为企业带来了巨大商机。 您可以先创建企业的社交媒体资料并自动共享博客文章 。

Next, you would want to make it easier for your users to share your content on social media. For that you will need a social media plugin for WordPress. These plugins add social sharing buttons to your WordPress site.

接下来,您希望使用户更轻松地在社交媒体上共享您的内容。 为此,您将需要一个用于WordPress的社交媒体插件 。 这些插件将社交共享按钮添加到您的WordPress网站。

There are tons of other things that you can do to engage with audiences on social media. The key is to keep your profiles active, grow your following, and bring traffic back to your website.

您可以做很多其他事情来与社交媒体上的受众互动。 关键是保持您的个人资料活跃,增加您的关注度,并将流量带回到您的网站。

  • Create a Facebook group for your customers or industry

  • Create a LinkedIn group for your industry

  • Learn how to retarget users on Facebook with ads
  • 了解如何通过广告在Facebook上重新定位用户
  • fashion blog or restaurant then you may find Instagram more helpful than LinkedIn. 时尚博客或餐厅,则发现Instagram比LinkedIn更有用。
  • use social media to build your email list使用社交媒体来建立您的电子邮件列表
9.积极参与在线社区 (9. Be an Active Participant in Online Communities)

Online communities include forums and question-answer websites. These are the places people go to post their questions, socialize, find content, and explore. Top communities on the internet include Reddit, Stack Exchange, Quora, TripAdvisor, and more.

在线社区包括论坛和问答网站。 这些是人们发布问题,社交,查找内容和探索的地方。 互联网上的顶级社区包括Reddit,Stack Exchange,Quora,TripAdvisor等。

These communities provide you with access to people interested in topics associated with your industry. You can join them for free and invest your time in building authority.

这些社区使您可以访问对与您的行业相关的主题感兴趣的人。 您可以免费加入他们,并花时间建立权威。

First, you need to find out which communities are more relevant to your business and where your potential customers may go looking for answers or content. For example, if you run a travel website, then you may find TripAdvisor more helpful than other communities.

首先,您需要找出哪些社区与您的业务更相关,以及潜在的客户可能去哪里寻找答案或内容。 例如,如果您经营一个旅游网站,那么您可能会发现TripAdvisor比其他社区更有帮助。

Don’t spam these forums with links to your website in each post. Build authority by genuinely participating with helpful content, and mention your business or website when it is appropriate.

不要在每个帖子中都使用指向您网站链接的垃圾邮件。 通过真正参与有用的内容来建立权威,并在适当时提及您的公司或网站。

10.将放弃的网站访问者转化为客户 (10. Convert Abandoning Website Visitors into Customers)

Did you know that more than 70% of people who visit your website will never find it again? It is not your fault, it’s just that the internet is so huge and there are so many websites out there.

您是否知道超过70%的访问您网站的人永远都找不到了? 这不是您的错,只是互联网如此之大,并且有那么多的网站。

Each visitor who leaves your website is a potential customer that you are losing. To grow your business, you need to focus on converting those visitors into paying customers.

每个离开您网站的访问者都是您正在失去的潜在客户。 为了发展您的业务,您需要专注于将那些访问者转变为付费客户。

This is where OptinMonster comes in. It is the best conversion optimization software in the market, which allows you to convert casual website visitors into loyal customers.

这就是OptinMonster的用处 。它是市场上最好的转化优化软件,它使您可以将休闲网站的访问者转化为忠实的客户。

How does it do that?


It comes with a drag and drop campaign builder where you can create different types of campaigns to collect user emails, display special offers, show exit-intent popups, countdown timers, smart popups, slide-in optins, and more.


For more details, see this beginner’s guide on conversion rate optimization.

有关更多详细信息,请参见本初学者指南中的转化率优化 。

11.启动会员合作伙伴计划 (11. Start an Affiliate Partner Program)

Affiliate marketing is a referral arrangement in which an online retailer (advertiser) pays commission to a referrer when users purchase a product using their referral link.


If you sell products online, then you can use affiliate marketing to partner up with skilled affiliate marketers. You will pay a sales commission to these marketers for promoting your products and bringing you sales.

如果您在线销售产品,则可以使用联属网络营销与熟练的联属网络营销商合作。 您将向这些营销商支付销售佣金,以推广您的产品并为您带来销售。

You will need an affiliate management system to track referral activity and payout your affiliate partners. Here is our list of best affiliate management and tracking software that you can use.

您将需要一个会员管理系统来跟踪推荐活动并向您的会员伙伴付款。 这是我们可以使用的最佳会员管理和跟踪软件的列表。

You can also promote other people’s products or services to make extra money from your content. See our affiliate marketing guide for tips and tools you’ll need to get started.

您还可以宣传其他人的产品或服务,以从您的内容中赚取额外的收入。 请参阅我们的会员营销指南 ,以获取入门所需的提示和工具。

12.利用按点击付费广告 (12. Utilize Pay-Per-Click Advertising)

Contrary to popular belief, you can run Pay-Per-Click advertising campaigns on a small budget. With programs like Google AdWords and Facebook Ads, you can set your own pricing, target keywords, audience, and more.

与普遍的看法相反,您可以以较小的预算运行按点击付费的广告系列。 借助Google AdWords和Facebook Ads之类的程序,您可以设置自己的价格,定位关键字,受众群体等。

In fact, Google AdWords even offers free advertising credits to new advertisers. Bluehost, a trusted WordPress hosting company also offers free Google AdWords credits with their hosting plans.

实际上,Google AdWords甚至还向新广告客户提供免费的广告赠送金额。 值得信赖的WordPress托管公司Bluehost也提供免费的Google AdWords信用及其托管计划。

You can use these credits to experiment with PPC advertising and get some paid traffic to your website for free.


13.使用社会证明赢得客户 (13. Use Social Proof to Win Customers)

Social Proof is a psychological phenomenon where people conform to the actions of others under the assumption that those actions are reflective of the correct behavior.


Marketers use this phenomenon by showing their customers that other people already trust a product or business. This is done by sharing their statistics, or subscriber counts, customer testimonials, and more.

营销人员通过向客户表明其他人已经信任产品或业务来使用此现象。 这是通过共享其统计信息或订阅者人数, 客户推荐等来完成的。

Here is a list of clever ways to use social proof on your website to increase conversions.

以下是在网站上使用社交证明来增加转化次数的一些巧妙方法 。

14.有效地使用FOMO来促进销售和转换 (14. Effectively Use FOMO to Boost Sales and Conversions)

FOMO or ‘fear of missing out’ is a psychological term used to describe anxiety about missing out on something exciting and trendy.


As a business, you can take advantage of this human behavior and use it to boost sales and conversions. Basically, you need to build anxiety by adding scarcity to your offers. Here is a great example from Booking using scarcity to build anxiety.

作为企业,您可以利用这种人类行为,并利用它来促进销售和转化。 基本上,您需要通过增加报价的稀缺性来增加焦虑感。 这是Booking的一个很好的例子,它使用稀缺性来增强焦虑。

For detailed instructions, see our article on how to use how to use FOMO on your WordPress site.


15.提高您网站的速度和性能 (15. Improve Your Website’s Speed and Performance)

Studies show that from 2000 to 2016, the average human attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to 7 seconds.


As a website owner, this means that you have very little time to show users what you have to offer and convince them to stay on your website.


Another study found out that a 1 second delay in page load time can lead to a 7% loss in conversions, 11% fewer page views, and a 16% decrease in customer satisfaction.


This means that you need to optimize your website to make sure that it is fast and performs well even under high traffic.


Follow the instructions in our step by step guide to improve WordPress speed and performance for beginners. This guide includes all the tips we use on our very high traffic websites for reliable speed and performance.

按照分步指南中的说明为初学者提高WordPress的速度和性能 。 本指南包括我们在流量非常高的网站上使用的所有技巧,以实现可靠的速度和性能。

We hope this article helped you learn how to grow your business on a shoestring budget. You may also want to see our expert pick of the most useful tools to manage and grow your website.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解如何以不菲的预算发展业务。 您可能还希望看到我们精选的最有用的工具来管理和发展您的网站 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner/beginners-guide/grow-your-business-online-without-a-lot-of-money/


本文标签: 在线业务中有提示代码