

课程名称 软件建模与分析 班级 18软工5班
专题名称 个人的需求分析与建模读书心得与对你组项目的发展建议 教导教师 董瑞生
姓名 李子泓 学号 1814080902521 日期 2020年12月19号


Function requirement

1)词语解说 {#词语解说 .list-paragraph}

A Functional Requirement (FR) is a description of the service that the software must offer. It describes a software system or its component. A function is nothing but inputs to the software system, its behavior, and outputs. It can be a calculation, data manipulation, business process, user interaction, or any other specific functionality which defines what function a system is likely to perform. Functional Requirements are also called Functional Specification.




Function requirement文档中应该包含什么

  • Details of operations conducted in every screen 在每个屏幕上执行操作的详细情况

  • Data handling logic should be entered into the system 数据处理逻辑应该输入到系统中

  • It should have descriptions of system reports or other outputs 它应该有系统报告或其他输出的说明

  • Complete information about the workflows performed by the system 关于系统执行的工作流的完整信息

  • It should clearly define who will be allowed to create/modify/delete the data in the system 它应该清楚地定义谁将被允许在系统中创建/修改/删除数据

  • How the system will fulfill applicable regulatory and compliance needs should be captured in the functional document 系统将如何满足适用的法规和法规遵从性需求应该在功能文件中得到体现

Functional Requirement(功能需求)的好处

  • Helps you to check whether the application is providing all the functionalities that were mentioned in the functional requirement of that application 帮助您检查应用程序是否提供了该应用程序的功能需求中提到的所有功能

  • A functional requirement document helps you to define the functionality of a system or one of its subsystems. 功能需求文档可以帮助您定义系统或其子系统之一的功能

  • Functional requirements along with requirement analysis help identify missing requirements. They help clearly define the expected system service and behavior. 功能需求和需求分析有助于识别缺失的需求,它们有助于清楚地定义预期的系统服务和行为

  • Errors caught in the Functional requirement gathering stage are the cheapest to fix. 在函数式需求收集阶段捕获的错误是最便宜的修复方法

  • Support user goals, tasks, or activities 支持用户目标、任务或活动

  1. Functional Requirement的类型

    Here, are the most common functional requirement types


  • Transaction Handling 交易处理

  • Business Rules 业务规则

  • Certification Requirements 认证规定

  • Reporting Requirements 申报规定

  • Administrative functions 行政职能

  • Authorization levels 授权级别

  • Audit Tracking 审计跟踪

  • External Interfaces 外部接口

  • Historical Data management 历史数据管理

  • Legal and Regulatory Requirements 法律及规管要求

创建Functional Requirement(功能需求)时的错误

  • Putting in unjustified extra information that may confuse developers 添加不合理的额外信息,可能会让开发人员感到困惑

  • Not putting sufficient detail in the requirement document. 在需求文档中没有提供足够的详细信息

  • You add rules or examples, scoping statements or objectives anything except the requirement itself. 您可以添加规则或示例、范围语句或目标,但需求本身除外

  • Left out a piece of important information that is an absolute must to fully, accurately, and definitively state the requirement. 遗漏了一个重要的信息,这是绝对必须完全、准确和明确地陈述需求

  • Some professionals start to defend the requirements they have documented when the requirement is modified, instead of finding the correct truth. 当需求被修改时,一些专业人员开始维护他们所记录的需求,而不是寻找正确的真相

  • Requirements which are not mapped to an objective or principle. 没有映射到目标或原则的需求



功能性需求(Functional requirement)的含义从字面上就可以很好地理解,指的是软件本身需要实现的具体功能, 比如"正常用户使用正确的用户名和密码可以成功登录"、"非注册用户无法登录"等,这都是属于典型的显式功能性需求描述。

非功能性需求主要涉及安全性、性能以及兼 容性三大方面。 在上面所有的测试用例设计中,我们完全没有考虑对非功能性需求的测试,但这些往往是决定软件质量的关键因素。




值得注意的一点是业务需求,有时候用户需求与业务需求是有矛盾 ,那么个功能需求怎么决定呢?







Data flow diagram


Data flow diagram or data flow diagram, abbreviated as DFD. Data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphic tool to describe the data flow in a system. It marks the logical input and output of a system, as well as the processing needed to convert the logical input to the logical output.

数据流图或数据流程图(Data Flow Diagram),缩写为DFD。数据流图DFD是描述系统中数据流程的一种图形工具,它标志了一个系统的逻辑输入和逻辑输出,以及把逻辑输入转换逻辑输出所需的加工处理。



  1. 什么是data flow diagram

    The technical definition of this technique from the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®) is: “Data flow diagrams show where data comes from, which activities process the data, and if the output results are stored or utilized by another activity or external entity.” – BABOK® v3.0

    These types of diagrams simply depict the sources of data, what happens to the data, and where it goes to be used.

  2. Data flow diagram能描述什么

  • Source – where the data comes from

  • Activities – what happens to the data

  • Inputs/Outputs – what goes in, and what comes out

  • Transformations – any changes that take place to the data

  • Temporary or permanent repository locations – where the data lives

  • 数据来源

  • 活动------数据发生了什么变化

  • 输入/输出-什么进去,什么出来

  • 转换------对数据发生的任何更改

  • 临时或永久存储库位置------数据所在的位置

为什么要使用data flow diagram

  • Logical information flow of the system 系统的逻辑信息流

  • Determination of physical system construction requirements 物理系统结构要求的确定

  • Simplicity of notation 简单的符号

  • Establishment of manual and automated systems requirements 建立手动和自动系统要求

  • 系统的逻辑信息流

  • 物理系统结构要求的确定

  • 简单的符号

  • 建立手动和自动系统要求

  1. Data flow diagram的符号

    [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-dD6y3IEE-1609755291765)(media/image1.png)]{width=“3.0388888888888888in” height=“4.233333333333333in”}

  2. 数据流图的使用

    数据流图也称为气泡图。DFD是系统设计自上而下方法中使用的一种设计工具。这个上下文级别的DFD接下来是"爆炸式"的,以产生一个1级的DFD,显示正在建模的系统的一些细节。Level 1 DFD显示了系统如何分成子系统(过程),每个系统处理一个或多个来自或来自外部代理的数据流,它们一起提供系统的所有功能整个。它还识别必须存在的内部数据存储库,以便系统执行其工作,并显示系统各个部分之间的数据流。



  3. 分层DFD与原则

    [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-9QYQeyc1-1609755291766)(media/image2.png)]{width=“5.7659722222222225in” height=“3.6930555555555555in”}

  • 根据层级数据流图分为顶层数据流图、中层数据流图和底层数据流图。除顶层数据流图外,其他数据流图从零开始编号。

  • 顶层数据流图只含有一个加工表示整个系统;输出数据流和输入数据流为系统的输入数据和输出数据,表明系统的范围,以及与外部环境的数据交换关系。

  • 中层数据流图是对父层数据流图中某个加工进行细化,而它的某个加工也可以再次细化,形成子图;中间层次的多少,一般视系统的复杂程度而定。

  • 底层数据流图是指其加工不能再分解的数据流图,其加工称为"原子加工"。

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-IvJU6od8-1609755291768)(media/image3.png)]{width=“5.188888888888889in” height=“3.1284722222222223in”}


  • 一个加工的输出数据流不应与输入数据流同名,即使它们的组成成分相同。

  • 保持数据守恒。也就是说,一个加工所有输出数据流中的数据必须能从该加工的输入数据流中直接获得,或者说是通过该加工能产生的数据。

  • 每个加工必须既有输入数据流,又有输出数据流。

  • 所有的数据流必须以一个外部实体开始,并以一个外部实体结束。

  • 外部实体之间不应该存在数据流

  1. 理解与应用

    对于dataflow dirgram(数据流图),我的理解是通过数据流图,软件设计师可以自顶而下的分析系统的信息流程、在图上确定需要计算机处理的部分、向数据库设计过渡、根据数据流向确定存取方式、能够确定一个处理过程。而在测试过程中,数据流图可以方便、直接的帮助程序员查找到错误的发生位置。







Acceptance Test

  1. 词语解说

    Acceptance testing, a testing technique performed to determine whether or not the software system has met the requirement specifications. The main purpose of this test is to evaluate the system’s compliance with the business requirements and verify if it is has met the required criteria for delivery to end users.


  2. 查找网址



  • User acceptance Testing用户验收测试

  • Business acceptance Testing业务验收测试

  • Alpha Testing测试

  • Beta Testing测试版

  1. 验收准则

    Acceptance criteria are defined on the basis of the following attributes


    Functional Correctness and Completeness函数的正确性和完整性

    Data Integrity数据完整性

    Data Conversion数据转换




    Confidentiality and Availability机密性和可用性

    Installability and Upgradability可安装性和可升级性



  2. ATDD和TDD的区别是什么?

“ATDD”,全称"Acceptance Test Driven Development “,中文称"验收测试驱动开发”。ATDD和TDD的区别是什么呢,查了一些资料,我的理解如下:


Test-driven development (TDD) is a [software development process]{.ul} that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: first the developer writes an (initially failing) automated [test case]{.ul} that defines a desired improvement or new function, then produces the minimum amount of code to pass that test, and finally [refactors]{.ul} the new code to acceptable standards.


[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-d0r1XkYb-1609755291770)(media/image4.png)]{width=“5.995138888888889in” height=“2.1041666666666665in”}

ATDD又如何解决这个问题呢?《Explore It!: Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing》这本书的作者Elisabeth Hendrickson给出了下面的解释:

Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) is a practice in which the whole team collaboratively discusses acceptance criteria, with examples, and then distills them into a set of concrete acceptance tests before development begins. It’s the best way I know to ensure that we all have the same shared understanding of what it is we’re actually building. It’s also the best way I know to ensure we have a shared definition of Done.





  1. 理解与应用

    验收测试(Acceptance Test):在软件产品完成了功能测试和系统测试之后、产品发布之前所进行的软件测试活动。它是技术测试的最后一个阶段,也称为交付测试。



Change control board


The phrase change review board (also known by the acronym CCB) refers to any group of individuals within a project team or project group who are responsible for making the ultimate decision as to when and if any particular changes are to be made in regards to work products or schedule events.

短语变更审查委员会(也称为简称 CCB)指的是项目团队或项目组中的任何个人小组,他们负责就何时以及是否对工作产品或安排事件作出任何特定变更作出最终决定。



  1. Change Control Board (CCB)变更控制委员会

    The process in which the Change Control Board determines when and if a series of changes should be made is two fold. First, the Change Control Board needs to review and study the impact of the proposed changes on the items in question, and then, after making that evaluation, the Change Control Board can then either approve the changes, reject the changes, or, in some cases, request more information or postpone the decision pending some other occurrences to take place that would factor into their ultimate choice. Significant changes that will in fact affect baselines are almost always put through the CCB for approval.


    这个术语在 PMBOK 的第三版和第四版中定义。

  2. 配置管理(Configuration Management)





  1. 实施


























  2. 理解与应用

    CMDB --(Configuration Management Database,配置管理数据库), CMDB存储与管理企业IT架构中设备的各种配置信息,它与所有服务支持和服务交付流程都紧密相联,支持这些流程的运转、发挥配置信息的价值,同时依赖于相关流程保证数据的准确性。注意:Saltstack和puppet是配置管理,不是配置管理数据库,注重配置过程。



Performance requirement

  1. 词语解说

    A requirement describing a performance characteristic (timing, speed, volume, capacity, throughput…).Is regarded in this glossary as a sub-category of quality requirements,

    but can also be considered as a non-functional requirements category


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  1. Performance requirement的描述

    In identifying and quantifying performance requirements, it is important to identify the reasoning behind a particular requirement. This is part of the general capacity planning process. Users might be basing their statements of requirements on assumptions about the logic of the program that do not match the programmer’s assumptions.


    At a minimum, a set of performance requirements should document the following:

    The maximum satisfactory response time to be experienced most of the time for each distinct type of user-computer interaction, along with a definition of most of the time. Response time is measured from the time that the user performs the action that says “Go” until the user receives enough feedback from the computer to continue the task. It is the user’s subjective wait time. It is not from entry to a subroutine until the first write statement.

    If the user denies interest in response time and indicates that only the result is of interest, you can ask whether “ten times your current estimate of stand-alone execution time” would be acceptable. If the answer is “yes,” you can proceed to discuss throughput. Otherwise, you can continue the discussion of response time with the user’s full attention.




    The response time that is minimally acceptable the rest of the time. A longer response time can cause users to think the system is down. You also need to specify rest of the time; for example, the peak minute of a day, 1 percent of interactions. Response time degradations can be more costly or painful at a particular time of the day.

    The typical throughput required and the times it will be taking place. This is not a casual consideration. For example, the requirement for one program might be that it runs twice a day: at 10:00 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. If this is a CPU-limited program that runs for 15 minutes and is planned to run on a multiuser system, some negotiation is in order.

    The size and timing of maximum-throughput periods.

    The mix of requests expected and how the mix varies with time.

    The number of users per machine and total number of users, if this is a multiuser application. This description should include the times these users log on and off, as well as their assumed rates of keystrokes, completed requests, and think times. You may want to investigate whether think times vary systematically with the preceding and following request.

    Any assumptions that the user is making about the machines the workload will run on. If the user has a specific existing machine in mind, make sure you know that early on. Similarly, if the user is assuming a particular type, size, cost, location, interconnection, or any other variable that will constrain your ability to satisfy the preceding requirements, that assumption also becomes part of the requirements. Satisfaction will probably not be assessed on the system where the program is developed, tested, or first installed.







  2. 如何获取性能需求














  3. 理解与应用


Software requirements specification

  1. 词语解说

    SRS is a specification for a specific software product, program or group of programs that performs a defined function in a specific environment. SRS can be written by one or more personnel from the supplier, customer or both parties, and it is recommended that the personnel of both parties jointly prepare.

    SRS是对在具体环境中执行确定功能的特定软件产品、程序或一组程序的规格说明。 SRS可由来自供方、顾客或双方的一个或多个人员来编写,推荐双方人员联合编写。

  2. 查找链接


  1. 描述


  • 硬件

  • 功能

  • 性能

  • 输入输出

  • 接口需求

  • 警示信息

  • 保密安全

  • 数据与数据库

  • 文档说明

  • 法规说明


  • 对业务需求的定义和文档化,形成了前景和范围文档

  • 对用户需求的定义和文档化,形成了用户需求文档,其中以用例说明书最常见

  • 在得到用户需求后,需求工程师对其建模和分析,细化为系统需求,并建立满足系统需求的解决方案,对系统需求、解决方案的定义和文档化产生了系统需求规格说明文档

  • 软件需求规格说明文档的产生阶段:对系统需求、解决方案的定义和文档化阶段


    [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-ux67uKmf-1609755291772)(media/image5.png)]{width=“5.763194444444444in” height=“4.774305555555555in”}







  • 可以帮助记忆

  • 帮助发现需求存在的问题

  • 记录系统解决方案

  • 为后续活动的依据

  • 为协议基准,可以作为合同的一部分,有法律效应


  • 项目管理者

  • 设计人员和程序员

  • 测试人员

  • 文档写作的特点

  • 完整性

  • 一致性

  • 可修改性

  • 可跟踪性

  • 可阅读性

  • 可维护性

  • 无二义性


  • 文档化的主要目标是:交流

  • 文档写作的注意事项:


  • 按照写作模板写作

  • 格式规范

  1. 理解与应用

    SRS(Software Requirements Specification)软件需求说明书的编制是为了使用户和软件开发者双方对该软件的初始规定有一个共同的理解, 使之成为整个开发工作的基础。包含硬件、功能、性能、输入输出、接口界面、警示信息、保密安全、数据与数据库、文档和法规的要求。


    SRS(Software Requirements Specification)软件需求说明书也是本学期软件需求分析与建模课程学习的重点,经过系统的学习,将项目开发以软件需求说明书的形式展现给各种与项目相关的角色看,有利于沟通与交流,并且作为系统最终验收的依据

Steering committee

  1. 词语解说

    A steering committee is an advisory body that’s part of IT—or other—governance. Members include experts, authority figures, and senior stakeholders in a project or organization.

    程序委员会是一个咨询机构,是 it (或其他)治理的一部分。成员包括项目或组织中的专家、权威人士和高级利益相关者。

  2. 词语链接

[[https://www.merriam-webster/dictionary/steering%20committee]{.ul}](https://www.merriam-webster/dictionary/steering committee)


A steering committee is an advisory body that’s part of IT—or other—governance. Members include experts, authority figures, and senior stakeholders in a project or organization. As a result, they have a significant stake in how each project is managed. Thus, key concerns for steering committees are the direction, scope, budget, timeliness, and methods used. Steering committees generally meet periodically to discuss each of these aspects and help set, or reset, direction.

指导委员会是一个咨询机构,是 it (或其他)治理的一部分。成员包括项目或组织中的专家、权威人士和高级利益相关者。因此,他们在如何管理每个项目中有着重要的利害关系。因此,指导委员会关注的主要问题是方向、范围、预算、时间和使用的方法。指导委员会通常定期召开会议,讨论每个方面,并帮助设定或重置方向。

Members of the steering committee don’t usually perform the work they prescribe. Instead, senior managers or executives, important external stakeholders, and experts usually make up the committee. The particular makeup of each steering committee depends on the scope. For example, a project steering committee may involve the project manager and external stakeholders from customers. Meanwhile, an organizational steering committee may be made up of executives, certain board members, and department heads.


While the actual makeup of each steering committee may vary slightly, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind. Arguably most important, there should be a chairperson. The chairperson should be elected by the rest of the committee and should not own the project the committee is steering. This allows for more impartial chairing. In addition, the steering committee should be made up of diverse members. Moreover, these members should equally represent the various functions the steering committee oversees. This allows for the sharing of different opinions and ideas. In parallel, the committee must allow for open discussion so that each opinion can be heard and assessed. Finally, it must have clear goals and a well-managed agenda.


A steering committee is an advisory group that makes directional decisions on various organizational projects. Its members directly support project managers working toward strategic company directions.


In practice steering committees also do the following:


  • Act as an advocate for initiatives and projects across the wider organization 在更广泛的组织中充当计划和项目的倡导者

  • Set the strategic direction of projects 制定项目的战略方向

  • Provide advice or direct input on budgeting, including assets (such as people), money, facilities, time, hiring, and marketing 在预算方面提供建议或直接投入,包括资产(如人员)、资金、设施、时间、招聘和市场营销

  • Establish project goals and scope as well as determine how success will be measured 建立项目目标和范围,并确定如何衡量成功

  • Assess and approve or reject project plans and changes to project plans 评估和批准或拒绝项目计划和对项目计划的更改

  • Select project managers and experts to support projects 选择项目经理和专家来支持项目

  • Prioritize and reprioritize project deliverables 对项目可交付成果进行优先排序和重新排序

  • Monitor project processes and plans 监控项目过程和计划

  • Resolve conflicts between parties 解决双方之间的冲突

  • Come up with ideas for strategy and problem solving 想出策略和解决问题的办法

  • Provide expert input on concerns and issues related to projects or the overall business 就项目或整体业务相关的关注点和问题提供专家意见

  • Develop policies and governance procedures 制定政策和管理程序

  • Identify, monitor, and eliminate project and business risks 识别、监控和消除项目和业务风险

  • Monitor project quality and adjust accordingly 监控项目质量并做出相应调整

    Considering the range of functions steering committees provide, it might seem quite clear that they can increase business and project value. When working well, steering committees increase value by keeping projects on track, budgets in check, risks mitigated, and conflicts resolved. The fact that all of this happens apart from daily operations means the value gain is accentuated.


    However, there’s a fine line between successful governance practices that increases value and bureaucratic governance practices that waste time and lead to poor decisions. Assuming a steering committee has followed the guidelines of having a chairperson, diverse members, and openness with clear goals, it’s a matter of what goes in that determines what comes out. Therefore, data is arguably the biggest contributor to value gain.


  1. 理解与应用


    这就提出了一个问题: 如何确保正确的数据被送到指导委员会?



System context

  1. 词语解说

    The system context diagram (also known as a level 0 DFD) is the highest level in a data flow diagram and contains only one process, representing the entire system, which establishes the context and boundaries of the system to be modeled.

    系统关系图系统(也称为0级 DFD)是资料流程图系统中的最高级别,只包含一个进程,代表整个系统,它建立了要建模的系统的上下文和边界。

  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用描述

    The system context diagram (also known as a level 0 DFD) is the highest level in a data flow diagram and contains only one process, representing the entire system, which establishes the context and boundaries of the system to be modeled. It identifies the flows of information between the system and external entities (i.e. actors). A context diagram is typically included in a requirements document. It must be read by all project stakeholders and thus should be written in plain language, so the stakeholders can understand items

    系统关系图系统(也称为0级 DFD)是资料流程图系统中的最高级别,只包含一个进程,代表整个系统,它建立了要建模的系统的上下文和边界。它识别系统和外部实体(即参与者)之间的信息流。上下文关系图通常包含在需求文档中。它必须被所有项目干系人阅读,因此应该用通俗易懂的语言来写,这样干系人才能理解项目

    The objective of the system context diagram is to focus attention on external factors and events that should be considered in developing a complete set of systems requirements and constraints. A system context diagram is often used early in a project to determine the scope under investigation. Thus, within the document.


    A system context diagram represents all external entities that may interact with a system. The entire software system is shown as a single process. Such a diagram pictures the system at the center, with no details of its interior structure, surrounded by all its External entities, interacting systems, and environments.


  2. 理解与应用




Unified Modeling Language (UML)又称统一建模语言或标准建模语言。



  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    UML 能帮我们做什么?

    我们在进行项目的时候,通过使用 UML 的面向对象图的方式来更明确、清晰的表达项目中的架设思想、项目结构、执行顺序等一些逻辑思维。

    UML 介绍:

    1997年,OMG 组织(Object Management Group对象管理组织)发布了统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)。UML 是一种编制软件蓝图的标准化语言,它的目标之一就是为开发团队提供标准通用的设计语言来开发和构建计算机应用。UML 提出了一套 IT 专业人员期待多年的统一的标准建模符号。通过使用UML,这些人员能够阅读和交流系统架构和设计规划。UML支持面向对象的技术,能够准确的方便地表达面向对像的概念,体现面向对象的分析和设计风格.

    UML 统一了Booch、OMT、OOSE和其他面向对象方法所涉及的基本概念和建模符号。


  • 事物(Things):UML模型中最基本的构成元素,是具有代表性的成分的抽象

  • 关系(Relationships):关系把事物紧密联系在一起

  • 图(Diagrams ):图是事物和关系的可视化表示

    UML 特点:

  • 面向对象

  • 可视化,表达能力强

  • 独立于过程

  • 独立于程序设计

  • 容易掌握使用

  1. 理解与应用


Class model


A class is just a model like thing, which defines which members a class has and defines a class that does not allocate actual memory space to store it







enterprise archirct11 类图中的元素都是从Toolbox中拖到class model 视图中的

 [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-VVIPr6Hr-1609755291774)(media/image6.png)]{width="2.9166666666666665in" height="3.2395833333333335in"}

UML 类图之package(包)

操作路径:Enterprise Archiect–>Class Model–>Add a package

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-x7WICCsJ-1609755291774)(media/image7.png)]{width=“3.4375in” height=“2.125in”}



[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-EKNbrr2T-1609755291775)(media/image8.png)]{width=“5.428472222222222in” height=“3.5729166666666665in”}


[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-l9l0s1zw-1609755291776)(media/image9.png)]{width=“1.46875in” height=“1.5729166666666667in”}


[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-p3qmQAz1-1609755291777)(media/image10.png)]{width=“6.572916666666667in” height=“5.3125in”}


Operations: 操作、方法

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-WRJqbdfL-1609755291778)(media/image11.png)]{width=“4.811805555555556in” height=“4.217361111111111in”}

Parameters: 方法参数


[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-6hjcUhko-1609755291779)(media/image12.png)]{width=“1.46875in” height=“1.5729166666666667in”}



‍ class中可以包含属性(特征)、方法(动作)

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-XAYsu7W0-1609755291780)(media/image13.png)]{width=“1.5104166666666667in” height=“3.0in”}


‍ Realization(实现)‍


Realization(实现)表示方式为: 空心三角+虚线



[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-MNs8e3w2-1609755291781)(media/image14.png)]{width=“1.4791666666666667in” height=“3.125in”}


Generalization(泛化)表示方式为: 空心三角+实现



[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-iBtloxfn-1609755291782)(media/image15.png)]{width=“2.5729166666666665in” height=“2.25in”}


Dependency(依赖)表示方式为: 箭头+虚线

Student,Teacher 类中的learn和teach方法,都需要参数类型为Book



[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-KMkVTNWh-1609755291783)(media/image16.png)]{width=“3.4166666666666665in” height=“4.40625in”}


Aggregation(聚合)的表示方式: 空心菱形+实线,空心菱形指向整体


班级Class 是整体,Student 是一个个体

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-xolT5Ers-1609755291783)(media/image17.png)]{width=“1.46875in” height=“2.875in”}


Composition(组合)的表示方法: 实心菱形+实线 实心菱形指向整体

说明: 组合也是关联关系的一种特例,他体现的是一种contains-a的关系,这种关系比聚合更强,也称为强聚合;他同样体现整体与部分间的关系,但此时整体与部分是不可分的,整体的生命周期结束也就意味着部分的生命周期结束;比如你和你的大脑;表现在代码层面,和关联关系是一致的,只能从语义级别来区分;

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-VpsdtNvx-1609755291784)(media/image18.png)]{width=“1.46875in” height=“2.7604166666666665in”}


Associate(关联)的表示方式: 箭头+实线,箭头指向被使用的类;


[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-Z1sGxmCw-1609755291785)(media/image19.png)]{width=“1.46875in” height=“3.0520833333333335in”}

  1. 理解与应用


    1. 类只是一个模型一样的东西,限定了类有哪些成员,定义出一个类并没有分配实际的内存空间来存储它

    2. 一个类可以实例化出多个对象,实例化出的对象占用实际的物理空间存储类成员变量

    3. 做个比方。类实例化出对象就像现实中使用建筑设计图建造出房子,类就像是设计图,只设计出需要什么东西,但是并没有实体的建筑存在,同样类也只是一个设计,实例化出的对象才能实际存储数据,占用物理空间。



    [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-jUWeJLGl-1609755291786)(media/image20.png)]{width=“5.761805555555555in” height=“3.015972222222222in”}

Application domain


Application domain (AppDomain) is a boundary established by the common language runtime around objects created within the same application scope (i.e., starting from the entry point of the application, anywhere along the sequence of object activation).

应用程序域 (application domain) (AppDomain) 一种边界,它由公共语言运行库围绕同一应用程序范围内创建的对象建立(即,从应用程序入口点开始,沿着对象激活的序列的任何位置)。




An application domain is a logical isolation boundary created around .NET applications so that applications do not access or affect each other. It is a light-weight process having its own set of code, data, and configuration settings. Application domains are created by the runtime hosts, which are invoked by the common language runtime (CLR) to load the applications that need to be executed.

Prior to .NET, the isolation boundary between applications was the processes in which they were loaded. Every process had its own private virtual memory and can not access the memory of another process directly. Application domain has features similar to that of a process.

Application domains have the following features:

应用程序域是在周围创建的逻辑隔离边界。NET 应用程序,使应用程序不访问或相互影响。它是一个有自己一套代码、数据和配置设置的轻量级进程。应用程序域是由运行时宿主创建的,运行时宿主被通用语言运行库调用来加载需要执行的应用程序。之前。NET 时,应用程序之间的隔离边界是加载它们的进程。每个进程都有自己的私有虚拟内存,不能直接访问另一个进程的内存。应用程序域具有类似于进程的特性。


  • Optimum utilization of system resources by using fewer processes to execute multiple applications. 通过使用较少的进程执行多个应用程序来优化系统资源的利用

  • Reliability by using isolation of tasks in situations where data cannot be shared and for unstable tasks that need to be unloaded without affecting the process. 在数据不能共享的情况下使用任务隔离,对于需要卸载但不影响进程的不稳定任务,使用隔离的可靠性

  • Better efficiency by executing long-running processes that rarely use large extensions with optimal memory. 通过执行很少使用具有最佳内存的大型扩展的长时间运行的进程来提高效率

  • Application security by restricting the direct access to the code running in one application from the code or resources of another application. 通过限制从另一个应用程序的代码或资源直接访问在一个应用程序中运行的代码来实现应用程序安全性

  • Security control by specifying configuration details along for each application domain. 通过为每个应用程序域指定配置详细信息来进行安全控制

    Application domain differs in the manner in which the CLR loads and executes multiple .NET applications in one single process. It does not allow direct access to the memory of loaded applications. It is managed by the CLR of the .NET Framework whereas a process is managed by the OS. The CLR provides fault isolation between application domains with less overhead than processes, due to its inherent feature of verifiable type-safety of managed code. Also, multiple threads can reside in an application domain, they are free to cross application domain boundaries.

    For example, ASP.NET is a runtime host that creates multiple application domains for each user accessing a web site. They can also be created and configured for applications that need to isolate code or to load extensions only while using them. This fact makes application domains useful in situations where plug-ins and other untrusted code is used. They are also useful in minimizing the working set of applications that use large DLLs.

    To enable communication between objects in different application domains one of the following three types of objects is used:

    应用程序域的不同之处在于 CLR 加载和执行多个。NET 应用程序在一个进程中。它不允许直接访问已加载应用程序的内存。属性的 CLR 对其进行管理。NET 框架,而进程是由操作系统管理的。由于其固有的可验证托管代码类型安全特性,CLR 在应用程序域之间提供故障隔离,开销比进程少。此外,多个线程可以驻留在一个应用程序域中,它们可以自由地跨越应用程序域边界。例如,ASP.NET 是一个运行时主机,它为访问网站的每个用户创建多个应用程序域。还可以为需要隔离代码或仅在使用扩展时加载扩展的应用程序创建和配置这些扩展。这一事实使得应用程序域在使用插件和其他不可信代码的情况下非常有用。它们在最小化使用大型 dll 的应用程序的工作集方面也很有用。为了支持不同应用程序域中的对象之间的通信,需要使用以下三种类型的对象之一:

  • Marshal-By-Value: Complete copy of the object passed to the calling application domain. This is used when the state of object can be moved for performance reasons. 按值封送: 传递给调用应用程序域的对象的完整副本。当出于性能原因可以移动对象状态时,可以使用这种方法

  • Marshal-By-Reference-Reference (MBR): A proxy of the object is passed to the client; used when the state of the object has to stay within the application domain. 按引用封送(marshal-by-reference,MBR) : 将对象的代理传递给客户机; 当对象的状态必须保留在应用程序域中时使用

  • Context-bound: MBR object used across domains or within the context of its own application domain. 上下文绑定: 跨域或在自己的应用程序域上下文中使用的 MBR 对象

Activity diagram


Activity diagram is another common tool used by UML to model the dynamic behavior of a system. It describes the sequence of activities and shows the control flow from one activity to another. Activity diagram is a kind of flow chart in essence. Activity diagram focuses on the control flow from one activity to another, which is driven by internal processing.




  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    Activity Diagrams describe how activities are coordinated to provide a service which can be at different levels of abstraction. Typically, an event needs to be achieved by some operations, particularly where the operation is intended to achieve a number of different things that require coordination, or how the events in a single use case relate to one another, in particular, use cases where activities may overlap and require coordination. It is also suitable for modeling how a collection of use cases coordinate to represent business workflows


  • Identify candidate use cases, through the examination of business workflows 通过检查业务工作流,识别候选用例

  • Identify pre- and post-conditions (the context) for use cases 确定用例的前置条件和后置条件(上下文)

  • Model workflows between/within use cases 用例中/之间的模型工作流

  • Model complex workflows in operations on objects 为对象操作中的复杂工作流建模

  • Model in detail complex activities in a high level activity Diagram 在高级活动图中详细建模复杂的活动

    [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-Z8OjsHb9-1609755291787)(media/image21.png)]{width=“3.7118055555555554in” height=“4.451388888888889in”}

  1. 理解与应用




    •UML 2.0而言,去除了"活动图是状态图的一种特例"这一规定


Decision table


A decision table is a table with various conditions and their corresponding actions .





Decision tree is a two dimensional matrix. It is divided into four parts, condition stub, action stub, condition entry, and action entry . See the first figure listed below. Condition stub shows the various possible conditions.


Condition entry is used for specifying which condition is being analyzed. Action stub shows the various actions taken against different conditions.


And action entry is used to find out which action is taken corresponding to a particular set of conditions.


The steps to be taken for a certain possible condition are listed by action statements. Action entries display what specific actions to be undertaken when selected conditions or combinations of conditions are true. At times notes are added below the table to indicate when to use the table or to distinguish it from other decisions tables.


The right side columns of the table link conditions and actions and form the decision rules hence they state the conditions that must be fulfilled for a particular set of actions to be taken. In the decision trees, a fixed ordered sequence is followed in which conditions are examined. But this is not the case here as the decision rule incorporates all the required conditions, which must be true.


Before describing the steps involved in building the decision table it is important to take a note of few important points. Every decision should be given a name and the logic of the decision table is independent of the sequence in which condition rules are written but the action takes place in the order in which events occur . Wherever possible, duplication of terms and meaning should be avoided and only the standardized language must be used.


The steps of building the concerned tables are given below.


Firstly figure out the most essential factors to be considered in making a decision.

This will identify the conditions involved in the decision. Only those conditions should be selected which have the potential to either occur or not but partial occurrences are not permissible.


Determine the most possible steps that can take place under varying conditions and not just under current condition. This step will identify the actions.


Calculate all the possible combinations of conditions.

For every N number of conditions there are 2*2*2… (N times) combinations to be considered.

计算所有可能的条件组合。对于每 n 个条件,有2 * 2 * 2… … (n 次)组合需要考虑。

Fill the decision rules in the table.

Entries in a decision table are filled as Y/N and action entries are generally marked as “X” . For the conditions that are immaterial(不重要的,无关紧要的) a hyphen “-” is generally put. Decision table is further simplified by eliminating and consolidating certain rules. Impossible rules are eliminated(排除). There are certain conditions whose values do not affect the decision and always result in the same action. These rules can be consolidated into(统一放到) a single rule.

填写表中的决策规则。决策表中的条目填充为 y/n,操作条目通常标记为" x"。对于非物质的条件(something something something something,something something something something something) ,通常用连字符"-"表示。通过删除和合并某些规则,进一步简化了决策表。不可能的规则被消除(something something)。有些条件的值不会影响决策,并且总是导致相同的行为。这些规则可以合并成(something something something something)一个规则。

Fault Tolerance


VSphere fault tolerance ensures the continuous availability of the virtual machine by creating and maintaining the secondary virtual machine that is the same as the primary virtual machine and can replace the primary virtual machine at any time in case of failure. In fact, it creates an identical replica for a virtual machine.

vSphere Fault Tolerance通过创建和维护与主虚拟机相同,并且可在发生故障切换时随时替换主虚拟机的辅助虚拟机,来确保虚拟机的连续可用性,其实就是一为某一个虚拟机创建一个完全相同的副本。


  1. 定义,目的,作用描述

    vSphere Fault Tolerance通过创建和维护与主虚拟机相同,并且可在发生故障切换时随时替换主虚拟机的辅助虚拟机,来确保虚拟机的连续可用性,其实就是一为某一个虚拟机创建一个完全相同的副本。可以为虚拟机启用vSphere Fault Tolerance。比获得比vSphere HA所提供的级别更高的可用性和数据保护,从而确保业务连续性。Fault Tolerance时基于ESXi主机平台构建的(使用VMware vLockstep技术),它通过在单独主机上一虚拟锁步方式运行相同的虚拟机来提供连续可用性。

    使用FT技术,允许虚拟机在无须中断的情况下从服务器故障恢复,实现零停机时间和零数据丢失。基于vLockstep技术,该技术时主虚拟机和辅助虚拟机保持虚拟同步运行。VMware FT独立于应用程序和操作系统,允许以更低的成本和复杂性保护更多应用程序,并且可以和其他的vSphere功能集成。


    vSphere HA通过在主机出现故障时重新启动虚拟机来为虚拟机提供基本级别的保护。vSphere FT可提供更高级别的可用性,允许用户对任何虚拟机运行保护以防止主机发生故障时丢失数据、事务或连接。FT通过确保主虚拟机和辅助虚拟机的状态在虚拟机的指令执行的任何时间点均相同来提供连续可用性。使用ESXi平台上的额VMware vLockstep技术来完成此过程。vLockstep通过使主虚拟机和辅助虚拟机执行相同顺序的X86指令来完成此过程。主虚拟机捕获所有输入和事件(从处理器到虚拟I/O设备),并在辅助虚拟机上进行重放。辅助虚拟机执行与主虚拟机相同的指令序列,而仅单个虚拟机映像(主虚拟机)执行工作负载。如果运行主虚拟机的主机或运行辅助虚拟机的主机发生故障,则会发生即时且透明的故障切换。正常运行的ESXi主机将无缝变成主虚拟机的主机,而不会断开网络连接或中断正在处理的事务。使用透明故障切换,不会有数据损失,并且可以维护网络连接。在进行透明故障切换之后,将重新生成新的辅助虚拟机,并且将重新建立冗余。整个过程是透明且全自动的,并且即使vCenter Server不可用,也会发生。

    vSphere FT的工作方式

    VMware 容错可通过创建和维护等同于主虚拟机并可在发生故障切换时替换主虚拟机的辅助虚拟机来为虚拟机提供连续可用性。当启用Fault Tolerance时,会创建一个重复虚拟机(称为辅助虚拟机),该虚拟机会以虚拟锁步方式随主虚拟机一起运行。VMware vLockstep可捕获主虚拟机上发生的输入和事件,并将这些输入和事件发送到正在另一个主机上运行的辅助虚拟机。使用此信息,辅助虚拟机的执行将等同于主虚拟机的执行。因为辅助虚拟机与主虚拟机一起以虚拟锁步的方式运行,所以它可以无中断地接管任何点处的执行,从而提供容错保护(三)vSphere FT的要求


    群集要求:至少有两台通过FT认证的主机运行相同的FT版本号或主机内部版本号,如FT版本:2.0.1-3.0.0-3.0.0.ESXi主机可以访问相同的虚拟机数据存储和网络,配置了FT日志记录和vMotion网络,vSphere HA群集已创建并启用。



4)理解与应用 {#理解与应用-11 .list-paragraph}


15.Goal programming model


A linear programming model used by enterprises to realize management by objectives. Fenghuoliepin company believes that goal planning is an effective method to solve the multi-objective management of enterprises. It is a mathematical method to find the solution with the minimum deviation from the target value under the given limited resources according to the target values determined by the decision-maker in advance and their realization priorities.





美国学者A.查纳斯和W.W.库珀在把线性规划应用于企业时,认识到企业经营具有多目标的特点,因而在1961年首先提出了目标规划的概念和数学模型。目标规划的基本概念是,当规定的目标与求得的实际目标值之间的差值为未知时,可用偏差量 d来表示。d表示实际目标值超过规定目标值的数量,称为正偏差量,d表示实际目标值未达到规定目标值的数量,称为负偏差量。

如果企业决策者将利润量、材料消耗量、能源消耗量等可控指标作为目标时,则可根据各项指标的完成对企业经营活动作出贡献的重要程度,分别给这些目标以不同的优先级别pk,k=1,2,…,K。如果规定利润最重要,则确定为p1;材料消耗量次之,则确定为p2等等。p1优先于p2,p2优先于p3等等。在同一优先级别中也可以同时有几个目标。在进行目标规划时凡是给予优先级别p1的目标,应首先实现,在此基础上再相继实现p2 、p3等级别的相应目标。最后使未能达到目标值的偏差量总和为最小。



Portability is a characteristic attributed to a computer program if it can be used in an operating systems other than the one in which it was created without requiring major rework.




{#section-1 .list-paragraph}

  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    Portability is a characteristic attributed to a computer program if it can be used in an operating systems other than the one in which it was created without requiring major rework. Porting is the task of doing any work necessary to make the computer program run in the new environment. In general, programs that adhere to standard program interfaces such as the X/Open UNIX 95 standard C language interface are portable. Ideally, such a program needs only to be compiled for the operating system to which it is being ported. However, programmers using standard interfaces also sometimes use operating system extensions or special capabilities that may not be present in the new operating system. Uses of such extensions have to be removed or replaced with comparable functions in the new operating system. In addition to language differences, porting may also require data conversion and adaptation to new system procedures for running an application.

    可移植性是计算机程序的一个特征,如果它可以用在操作系统之外的其他操作系统中,而不需要大量的返工。移植的任务是完成任何必要的工作,使计算机程序在新的环境中运行。一般来说,遵循标准程序接口(如 x/Open UNIX 95标准 c 语言接口)的程序是可移植的。理想情况下,这样的程序只需要为它要移植到的操作系统进行编译。然而,使用标准接口的程序员有时也使用操作系统扩展或新操作系统中可能没有的特殊功能。必须在新的操作系统中删除或用类似的功能取代这种扩展的用途。除了语言上的差异,移植还可能需要数据转换和适应运行应用程序的新系统过程。

    Portability has usually meant some work when moving an application program to another operating system. Recently, the Java programming language and rudiment environment has made it possible to have programs that run on any operating system that supports the Java standard (from Sun Micro systems) without any porting work. Java applets in the form of compiler byte code can be sent from a server program in one operating system to a client program (your Web browser) in another operating system without change.

    在将应用程序移动到另一个操作系统时,可移植性通常意味着一些工作。最近,Java 编程语言和执行期函式库语言使程序可以在任何支持 Java 标准的操作系统上运行(来自昇阳电脑) ,而不需要任何移植工作。预编译字节码形式的 Java 小程序可以从一个操作系统中的服务器程序发送到另一个操作系统中的客户机程序(您的 Web 浏览器) ,而不需要更改。

  2. 理解与应用


Quality requirement

  1. 词语解说

    Quality requirement is a common term in project management. It is defined as the condition used to assess the conformance of the project by validating the acceptability of an attribute or characteristic for the quality of a particular result.


  2. 词语链接



In a nutshell, the quality requirement defines the expectations of the customer for quality, the internal processes as well as the attributes of products that indicate whether the quality factors are satisfied or not.


The quality requirements in project management are defined in terms of the quality criteria, quality factors, and quality metrics. The quality criteria document the internal process and attributes of the product that will be monitored all throughout the project life cycle. The quality factors document the perceived aspects of the user regarding the deliverables of the project to determine if the project satisfies the expectations from customers. Lastly, the quality metrics document the indicators used to measure the quality of the product.


The quality requirement is used by different project management processes particularly the Quality Management Plan to create the risk register, requirements documentation, and cost-benefit analysis.


This term is defined in the 5th edition of the PMBOK.

  1. 理解与应用




    功能、性能、界面、易用性、兼容性、安全性、可用性 / 可靠性、维护性、可扩展性

    功能以外统称为 非功能









    资源特性:占用资源(CPU 、内存 、硬盘、网络)少


    user interface()好不好看









    尽量符合用户平时的使用习惯(比如确认enter 换行什么的)

    兼容性 / 可移植性


    硬件 :CPU 不同性能(HZ)

    平台: win7 win10


    其他软件兼容 :360 和 QQ ,数据库升级更变,不同浏览器使用

    数据兼容: 不同网络状态



    可用性 / 可靠性


    可行性=正常运行时间 / (正常运行时间 + 非正常运行时间) x 100%


    4个9,即 99.99%(全年52分钟不正常工作)


    7个9 ,即99.99999%(全年失效时间不超过两秒)


    关注 MTTF (平均无故障时间) 、 MTTR(平均回复时间、MTBF(平均失效时间间隔))





    可扩展性 / 可伸缩性测试



Non-functional requirement

  1. 词语解说

    (NFR) specifies the quality attribute of a software system. They judge the software system based on Responsiveness, Usability, Security, Portability and other non-functional standards that are critical to the success of the software system. Example of nonfunctional requirement, “how fast does the website load?” Failing to meet non-functional requirements can result in systems that fail to satisfy user needs.

    非功能性需求指定了软件系统的质量属性。他们根据对软件系统成功至关重要的响应能力、可用性、安全性、可移植性和其他非功能性标准来判断软件系统。非功能性需求的例子,"网站加载的速度有多快? "不能满足非功能性需求可能导致系统不能满足用户需求。

  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    Non-functional Requirements allows you to impose constraints or restrictions on the design of the system across the various agile backlogs. Example, the site should load in 3 seconds when the number of simultaneous users are > 10000. Description of non-functional requirements is just as critical as a functional requirement.



    Users must change the initially assigned login password immediately after the first successful login. Moreover, the initial should never be reused. 用户必须在第一次成功登录后立即更改最初分配的登录密码。此外,初始化的代码永远不应该被重用

    Employees never allowed to update their salary information. Such attempt should be reported to the security administrator. 员工不允许更新他们的工资信息。这种尝试应该报告给安全管理员

    Every unsuccessful attempt by a user to access an item of data shall be recorded on an audit trail. 用户每次尝试访问一个数据项目的失败都应记录在审计线索上

    A website should be capable enough to handle 20 million users with affecting its performance 一个网站应该能够处理影响其性能的2000万用户

    The software should be portable. So moving from one OS to other OS does not create any problem. 软件应该是可移植的,所以从一个操作系统移动到另一个操作系统不会产生任何问题

    Privacy of information, the export of restricted technologies, intellectual property rights, etc. should be audited. 应对信息隐私、受限技术出口、知识产权等进行审计


    The nonfunctional requirements ensure the software system follow legal and compliance rules. 非功能性需求确保软件系统遵循法律和遵从规则

    They ensure the reliability, availability, and performance of the software system 它们确保了软件系统的可靠性、可用性和性能

    They ensure good user experience and ease of operating the software. 他们确保良好的用户体验和易于操作的软件

    They help in formulating security policy of the software system. 它们有助于制定软件系统的安全策略


    None functional requirement may affect the various high-level software subsystem 无功能需求可能影响各种高级软件子系统

    They require special consideration during the software architecture/high-level design phase which increases costs. 它们需要在软件架构/高级设计阶段特别考虑,这会增加成本

    Their implementation does not usually map to the specific software sub-system, 它们的实现通常不会映射到特定的软件子系统,

    It is tough to modify non-functional once you pass the architecture phase. 一旦通过了体系结构阶段,就很难修改非功能性的内容

interface inheritance

  1. 词语解说

    Interface is a 100% abstract class. It contains only constants and method signatures. In other words it is a reference type similar to class. An interface can’t be instantiated. It can be implemented by a class or extended by another interface.

    接口是100% 抽象类。它只包含常量和方法签名。换句话说,它是类似于 class 的引用类型。接口不能被实例化。它可以通过类实现,也可以通过其他接口进行扩展。

  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    An interface can be defined as the following:


    public interface DriveCar {

    void turnLeft();

    void turnRight();

    void moveBack();

    void accelerate();


    The methods declared in an interface don’t have method bodies. By default all the methods in an interface are public abstract. Similarly all the variables we define in an interface are essentially constants because they are implicitly public static final. So, the following definition of interface is equivalent to the above definition.


    public interface DriveCar {

    public abstract void turnLeft();

    public abstract void turnRight();

    public abstract void moveBack();

    public abstract void accelerate();


    How To Use:


    An interface defines a contract which an implementing class must adhere to. The above interface DriveCar defines a set of operations that must be supported by a Car. So, a class that actually implements the interface should implement all the methods declared in the interface.

    接口定义了实现类必须遵守的契约。上面的接口 DriveCar 定义了一组必须由 Car 支持的操作。因此,实际实现接口的类应该实现接口中声明的所有方法。



    class Car implements DriveCar{

    void turnRight(){

    //implementation code goes here


    void turnLeft(){

    //implementation code goes here


    void moveBack(){

    //implementation code goes here


    void accelerate(){

    //implementation code goes here



    Now we can take a reference of type DriveCar and assign an object of Car to it.

  2. 理解与应用


Requirements analysis

  1. 词语解说

    Requirements analysis, also called requirements engineering, is the process of determining user expectations for a new or modified product. These features, called requirements, must be quantifiable, relevant and detailed.





Requirements analysis, also called requirements engineering, is the process of determining user expectations for a new or modified product. These features, called requirements, must be quantifiable, relevant and detailed. In software engineering, such requirements are often called functional specifications. Requirements analysis is an important aspect of project management.


Requirements analysis involves frequent communication with system users to determine specific feature expectations, resolution of conflict or ambiguity in requirements as demanded by the various users or groups of users, avoidance of feature creep and documentation of all aspects of the project development process from start to finish. Energy should be directed towards ensuring that the final system or product conforms to client needs rather than attempting to mold user expectations to fit the requirements.


Requirements analysis is a team effort that demands a combination of hardware, software and human factors engineering expertise as well as skills in dealing with people.


abnormal end

  1. 词语解说

    Abnormal End (ABEND) is an abnormal or unexpected termination of a task in software. It occurs when a software program crashes due to errors. Generally errors in a software application or the operating system cause ABEND.

    异常结束(ABEND)是软件中任务的异常或意外终止。当一个软件程序由于错误而崩溃时,就会发生这种情况。通常,软件应用程序或操作系统中的错误会导致 ABEND。

  2. 词语链接



The term ABEND gets its name from an error message seen in IBM OS/360 systems. The term is claimed to have derived from the German word “abend”, which means “evening”. When an ABEND occurs the system may stop responding, causing the program to close abruptly.

An ABEND may occur in two scenarios:

术语 ABEND 的名称来自 IBM OS/360系统中的一条错误消息。据称,这个词来源于德语" abend" ,意思是"傍晚"。当 ABEND 发生时,系统可能停止响应,导致程序突然关闭。ABEND 可能发生在两种情况下:

When the system is given a set of instructions that it cannot handle or recognize 当系统接收到一系列的指令,而这些指令又不能处理或识别

When a program tries to address a memory space beyond a specific limit 当程序试图寻址超出特定限制的内存空间时

Modern operating systems are designed to prevent the system from rebooting by allowing only the offending application to halt or close. Other applications will continue to run normally. Modern operating systems are also more bug resistant than their predecessors, but some application bugs do cause the operating system to hang or lock up, requiring a reboot.

现代操作系统的设计目的是防止系统重启,只允许有问题的应用程序暂停或关闭。其他应用程序将继续正常运行。现代操作系统也比它们的前辈更能抵抗 bug,但是一些应用程序的 bug 确会导致操作系统挂起或锁定,需要重新启动。



absolute address


Absolute address of memory refers to an address scheme in communication, computer and data processing system. This address directly identifies a storage unit without using the associated media, such as a base station address or a related address.

存储器的绝对地址(Absolute Address)是指在通信、计算机和数据处理系统中的一个地址方案。这个地址直接鉴别一个存储单元而不使用相关媒体,例如,一个基站地址或相关地址。



  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    Absolute address is actually a term used when referring to one of the addressing modes used by an application. Thus, in a computer that offers virtual memory, this ‘absolute address’ is also a virtual address - because all application code is only going to refer to virtual addresses. Other addressing modes use virtual addresses as well. Of course, like I wrote earlier, virtual addresses are eventually mapped to a physical addresses when accessing RAM.

    绝对地址实际上是在引用应用程序使用的寻址模式时使用的术语。因此,在提供虚拟内存的计算机中,这个"绝对地址"也是一个虚拟地址------因为所有应用程序代码都只引用虚拟地址。其他寻址模式也使用虚拟地址。当然,正如我前面所写的,当访问 RAM 时,虚拟地址最终会映射到物理地址。

    Here is how an ‘absolute address’ is different from it’s counterparts - the other addressing modes (one of them being ‘relative address’):


    An Intel JMP(jump) instruction may specify a ‘relative jump’, where the displacement is relative to the next instruction. Something like:

    一条 Intel JMP (跳转)指令可能指定一个"相对跳转" ,其位移相对于下一条指令。例如:

    “Jump N bytes ahead of the next instruction” <- This is PC-relative addressing.

    “跳转 n 字节前面的下一个指令” <-这是 pc 相对寻址。

    Or it may be used with an absolute address, like:


    “Jump to the Nth byte in memory” <- This is absolute addressing.

    “跳转到内存中的第 n 个字节” <-这是绝对地址。

    In both cases, the addresses being referred to by the JMPs are virtual addresses (which get mapped to a physical address in a way that is transparent to the application)

    在这两种情况下,jmp 引用的地址都是虚拟地址(以对应用程序透明的方式映射到物理地址)

  2. 理解与应用




abstract machine

  1. 词语解说

    Abstract machines, also called automata, are an element of theoretical computer science. An abstract machine resembles a function in mathematics.


  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    Abstract machines, also called automata, are an element of theoretical computer science. An abstract machine resembles a function in mathematics. It receives inputs and produces outputs according to specified rules. Abstract machines differ from more literal machines because they are assumed to function perfectly and independently from hardware. They are subdivided into types on the basis of characteristics such as how they perform their operations and what types of inputs they can receive.


    When classifying abstract machines, one of the most simple distinctions concerns the number of operations they are permitted to perform at any given point. An abstract machine is called deterministic if there is always only one way for it to proceed. It is nondeterministic if multiple possibilities exist for the machine in at least one of its possible states. A “pushdown” automaton is one that has the capacity to manipulate its stack of inputs, rather than simply responding to them one by one in the order in which they appear.


    Wolfram MathWorld gives two famous examples of abstract machines. One of these examples is Conway’s game of life, which is a deterministic abstract machine because only one configuration can emerge out of any other. This game uses a grid in which each box, or cell, can either have the state “living” or “dead.” The state of the whole grid is determined on the basis of the previous state. If a living cell touches exactly two or three other living cells, it continues to live. If it has one, two, or more than three neighbors (up to a possible eight), it dies. A dead cell with exactly three neighbors will come to life; otherwise, it will remain dead.

    MathWorld 给出了两个著名的抽象机器的例子。其中一个例子是康威的生命游戏,这是一个确定性的抽象机器,因为只有一个配置可以出现在任何其他。这个游戏使用一个网格,其中每个盒子,或细胞,可以有状态"活着"或"死亡"整个网格的状态是根据以前的状态确定的。如果一个活细胞恰好与另外两个或三个活细胞接触,它就会继续存活。如果它有一个、两个或三个以上的邻居(最多可能有八个) ,它就会死亡。一个正好有三个邻居的死亡细胞会复活,否则,它会一直死亡。

    Another example, the Turing machine, is one of the most basic and fundamental abstract machines in computer science. A Turing machine performs operations on a tape—a string of symbols—of unlimited size. It contains instructions both for changing the symbols and for changing the symbol upon which it is operating. A simple Turing machine might have only the instruction “transform symbol to 1, then move right.” This machine would output nothing but a string of 1’s. This simple Turing machine is deterministic, but it is also possible to construct nondeterministic Turing machines that can perform several different operations given the same input.


    These abstract machines can serve many purposes. They can be fun theoretical toys, but they can also serve as models for real computer systems. The abstract machine is at the heart of computer science as a discipline.


action item

  1. 词语解说

    In the realm of management, an action item is a specific task or action that needs to be taken care of, and they are usually what you would place on a to-do list or a calendar so that you can keep track of what needs to be done.


  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    If you have ever kept a planner or to-do list, then you have probably used action items. An action item is a single, clearly defined task that must be done. For example, a personal action item could be to walk the dog or to call mom. While action items help you keep track of and accomplish the things you need to accomplish in your daily life, they have a bigger importance in the workplace.


    If you owned your own business and wanted to grow your business, then you’d need to implement action items to keep you on track. Action items help you figure out what you need to do to get a project from start to finish. Breaking a project down into more tangible, bite-sized steps can make a large project seem that much easier to complete.


    Action items help break a big project into smaller, more manageable tasks 行动项目有助于将一个大项目分解成更小、更易于管理的任务

    action items

    When to Use Them


    Imagine that you do have your own business. You have a business that makes tablets and laptops, and you are about to start a project to design a new laptop/tablet combo. When should you start to use action items?


    You should use action items from the beginning of the project. Even if you are in the planning stages, action items will help you get to the next step and figure out what you need to do.


    You should also use action items throughout your project, all the way up until you finish your project.


    How to Use Them


    Okay, so you know that using action items will help you finish your project, but how can you use them?


    To help get your laptop/tablet combo project headed in the right direction, your first action item can very well be this:


    Assign roles for new project. 为新项目分配角色

    You can send out an email telling your team that at the next meeting, you will be working on the action item of assigning roles. To help everyone get on the same page, your email can even list the action items that need to be done next. This way, when your team gets together to discuss the project, everyone will know what needs to be done, and they will be ready to help you figure out who is going to be doing what.


    After the roles have been assigned, you can then start working on the other action items, such as these:


    Design 4 possible styles for review, due by next week. 设计4种可能的款式供评审,下周交

    Find 4 possible wholesalers that make quality screens, due by next week. 找到4个可能的批发商,生产高质量的屏幕,到下周为止

    Write 4 different possible specs for the new laptop/tablet, due by next week. 为下周到期的新笔记本/平板电脑写下4种不同的可能规格

    These action items will get you to the next step of your project where you start to assemble the first prototype of your product.


    The best way to use action items is by continuing to create new ones as you finish your previous action items. This will get you closer to finishing your project one step at a time.


    Include due dates with your action items so you know when you need to finish each step and action item. Also, make sure that your action items have an action associated with what you are supposed to do. For example, you wrote ‘‘Design 4 possible styles for review, due by next week’’ instead of just ‘‘Possible styles’’. By including an action, you are clearly stating what you need to do.


  2. 理解与应用


actual parameter


the actual value that is passed into the method by a caller



[[https://www.definitions/definition/actual%20parameter]{.ul}](https://www.definitions/definition/actual parameter)

  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    actual parameter 实际参数 — the actual value that is passed into the method by a caller. ー调用方传入方法的实际值

    For example, the 例如:200 used when 用于processDeposit is called is an actual parameter. 是一个实际的参数

    actual parameters are often called 实际参数通常被称为arguments 争论

    When a method is called, the formal parameter is temporarily “bound” to the actual parameter. The method uses the formal parameter to stand for the actual value that the caller wants to be used.


    For example, here the processDeposit method uses the formal parameter amount to stand for the actual value used in the procedure call:

    例如,这里 processDeposit 方法使用形式参数 amount 来表示过程调用中使用的实际值:

    balance = balance + amount ;

    Note: formal parameters are bound to an actual value only as long as their method is active. When a method returns to its caller, the formal parameters no longer contain any values. They cannot be used to store the state of an object.

    注意: 形式参数只有在其方法处于活动状态时才与实际值绑定。当方法返回给调用方时,形式参数不再包含任何值。它们不能用于存储对象的状态。

  2. 理解与应用


Application software

  1. 词语解说

    Application software, or app for short, is software that performs specific tasks for an end-user.

    应用软件,简称 app,是为最终用户执行特定任务的软件。

  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    Effectively, if the user is interacting directly with a piece of software it is application software. For example, Microsoft Word or Excel are application software, as are common web browsers such as Firefox or Google Chrome.

    实际上,如果用户直接与一个软件进行交互,那么它就是应用软件。例如,Microsoft Word 或 Excel 是应用软件,常见的网络浏览器如 Firefox 或 Google Chrome 也是应用软件。

    It also includes the category of mobile apps, including communication apps such as WhatsApp or games such as Candy Crush Saga. There are also app versions of common services such as those providing weather or transport information or apps for customers to interact with companies.

    它还包括一类移动应用,包括诸如 WhatsApp 之类的通讯应用,或者诸如糖果大爆险之类的游戏。还有应用程序版本的公共服务,如那些提供天气或交通信息或应用程序的客户与公司互动。

    Application software is distinct from system software, which refers to the software that actually keeps the systems running such as the operating system, computational science software, game engines, industrial automation, and software as a service applications.


    Instead of interacting with the user, the system software interacts with other software or hardware.


  2. 理解与应用


Algorithm Analysis

  1. 词语解说

    Algorithm analysis is a quantitative analysis of how much computing time and storage space an algorithm needs. Algorithm is the step of solving a problem. It can be defined as any special method to solve a certain problem. In computer science, the algorithm should be described by computer algorithm language, and the algorithm represents an accurate and effective method to solve a class of problems by computer.

    算法分析是对一个算法需要多少计算时间和存储空间作定量的分析。 算法(Algorithm)是解题的步骤,可以把算法定义成解一确定类问题的任意一种特殊的方法。在计算机科学中,算法要用计算机算法语言描述,算法代表用计算机解一类问题的精确、有效的方法。

  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    Usually, the efficiency or running time of an algorithm is stated as a function relating the input length to the number of steps (time complexity) or storage locations (space complexity). Algorithm analysis is an important part of a broader computational complexity theory, which provides theoretical estimates for the resources needed by any algorithm which solves a given computational problem. These estimates provide an insight into reasonable directions of search for efficient algorithms. In theoretical analysis of algorithms it is common to estimate their complexity in the asymptotic sense, i.e., to estimate the complexity function for arbitrarily large input. Big O notation, Big-omega notation and Big-theta notation are used to this end.

    通常,一个算法的效率或运行时间表示为一个函数,它将输入长度与步数(时间复杂度)或存储位置(空间复杂度)联系起来。算法分析是更广泛的计算复杂性理论分析的一个重要组成部分,它为任何解决给定计算问题的算法所需的资源提供理论估计。这些估计为寻找高效算法提供了合理的方向。在算法的理论分析中,通常是在渐近意义上估计它们的复杂度,即对任意大的输入估计复杂度函数。大 o 符号、大 -omega 符号和大 -theta 符号被用于此目的。

    Rule of thumb: 经验法则: Simple programs can be analyzed by counting the nested loops of the program. A single loop over n items yields f( n ) = n. A loop within a loop yields f( n ) = n 简单的程序可以通过计算程序的嵌套循环来进行分析。在 n 个项上的单个循环产生 f (n) = n。循环中的循环产生 f (n) = n2. A loop within a loop within a loop yields f( n ) = n . 循环中的循环产生 f (n) = n3.

    Rule of thumb: 经验法则:Given a series of for loops that are sequential, the slowest of them determines the asymptotic behavior of the program. Two nested loops followed by a single loop is asymptotically the same as the nested loops alone, because the nested loops dominate the simple loop. 给定一系列顺序的 for 循环,其中最慢的一个决定了程序的渐近行为。两个嵌套循环后跟一个单循环是渐近相同的嵌套循环单,因为嵌套循环主导的简单循环

  2. 理解与应用



base address

  1. 词语解说

    A base address is a unique location in primary storage (or main memory) that serves as a reference point for other memory locations called absolute addresses.


  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    In order to obtain an absolute address, a specific displacement (or offset) value is added to the base address. In primary storage, all addresses literally comprise fixed-length sequences of bits that stand for positive whole numbers usually expressed in hexadecimal form. For example, a base address might indicate the beginning of a program loaded into primary storage. The absolute address of each individual program instruction could be specified by adding a displacement to the base address.


Backwards recovery

  1. 词语解说

    Reverse Engineering (also known as reverse technology) is a process of reappearance of product design technology, that is, reverse analysis and Research on a target product, so as to deduce and obtain the design elements of the product, such as processing flow, organizational structure, functional characteristics and technical specifications, so as to produce similar but not identical products. Reverse engineering comes from hardware analysis in commercial and military fields. Its main purpose is to deduce the design principle of the product directly from the analysis of the finished product when the necessary production information cannot be obtained easily.


  2. 词语链接



The reasons for reverse engineering are as follows:

Interface design. Because of interoperability, reverse engineering is used to find out the cooperation protocol between systems.

● military or commercial secrets. Steal the latest research or product prototype of an enemy or competitor.

● improve documentation. When the original documents are inadequate, and when the system is updated and the original designer is not present, reverse engineering is used to obtain the required data to supplement or understand the latest state of the system.

● software upgrade or update. For functional, compliance, security requirements changes, reverse engineering is used to understand existing or legacy software systems to assess the work required to update or migrate systems.

● manufacturing unlicensed / unauthorized copies.

● academic / learning purposes.

● remove replication protection and disguised login rights.

Document loss: when reverse engineering is adopted, the document of a special equipment has been lost (or not at all), and the person in charge of the project cannot be found. The complete system often needs to be redesigned based on the old system, which means that the only way to integrate the original functions for the project is to use the reverse engineering method to analyze the existing fragments for redesign.

Product analysis: used to investigate the operation mode, component composition, budget estimation and identification of potential infringement.

Make game plug-in: understand the game operation mechanism through reverse engineering, then bypass the protection mechanism, and realize the plug-in function by modifying the memory value, modifying the code in memory, and calling internal functions.












Reverse engineering is widely used in new product development, product modification design, product imitation, quality analysis and testing

Shorten the design and development cycle of products and speed up the update of products;

Reduce the cost and risk of developing new products;

Speed up the design of product modeling and serialization;

Suitable for single piece, small batch parts manufacturing, especially mold manufacturing, can be divided into direct molding and indirect molding. Direct molding method: the rapid direct molding method based on RP technology is to directly manufacture and shape the CAD results of mold by RP system. This method does not need RP system to make sample parts, and does not rely on traditional mold manufacturing process. It is particularly fast for metal mold manufacturing, and it is a mold making method with great development prospect; indirect mold making method: indirect molding method is to use RP technology to manufacture product parts prototype, and the original mold is used as mother mold, mold core or mold making tool (grinding mold), and then combined with traditional mold making process Make the required mold.


  • 缩短产品的设计、开发周期,加快产品的更新换代速度;

  • 降低企业开发新产品的成本与风险;

  • 加快产品的造型和系列化的设计;

  • 适合单件、小批量的零件制造,特别是模具的制造,可分为直接制模与间接制模法。直接制模法:基于RP技术的快速直接制模法是将模具CAD的结果由RP系统直接制造成型。该法既不需用RP系统制作样件,也不依赖传统的模具制造工艺,对金属模具制造而言尤为快捷,是一种极具开发前景的制模方法;间接制模法:间接制模法是利用RP技术制造产品零件原型,以原型作为母模、模芯或制模工具(研磨模),再与传统的制模工艺相结合,制造出所需模具。

bathtub curve

  1. 词语解说

    The bathtub curve is a type of model demonstrating the likely failure rates of technologies and products.


  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    One function of the bathtub curve is to show the likelihood of initial failure with products. Companies try to eliminate the first infant mortality phase by refining products and engineering to eliminate “dead on arrival” products. There is a sense that products that fail quickly will turn away customers. Companies might use specific tasks like a highly accelerated life test (HALT) or a highly accelerated stress test (HAST) to try to promote the engineering of more durable and long-lasting products. Technology experts may talk about eliminating the causes of “infant mortality” failures. All of this is part of specific product development and quality control in the enterprise world.


  2. 理解与应用



  1. 词语解说

    In the environment in which software is created, the term “availability” refers to a method that places the user, rather than the system, at the center of the process. This method is called user centered design. It takes the concerns and opinions of users into account from the beginning of the design process, and puts forward that the needs of users should be put in the first place in any design decision.


  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用,目的描述












    让我们以二十世纪八十年代末问世的典型 Microsoft® MS-DOS® 字处理程序为例。此类程序提供了多种强大的文本编辑和处理功能,但需要用户学习和记忆几十个令人费解的按键后才能执行这些功能。可以说此类应用程序具有很高的实用性(它们为用户提供了必要的功能),但其可用性却较差(用户必须花费大量的时间和精力来学习和使用它们)。与之形成对比的是,一个设计合理的简单的应用程序(如计算器)使用起来很容易,但其实用性却有欠缺。












    可用性的这三个基本方面在很大程度上受到当前任务性质和用户执行任务的频率的影响。有些功能的使用频率很低或者使用起来十分复杂,导致用户基本上每次使用时都要重新学习;对于这些功能,Microsoft 通常开发了使用向导,在整个使用过程中对用户予以指导。









    可用性可将您的产品与您的竞争对手的产品区分开来。如果两个产品在实用性方面从本质上讲是一样的,那么人们很可能认为可用性更好的产品高出一筹。此外,由于 Microsoft® Windows® 的外观和感受以及随附的编程准则划定了基本用户界面的使用区域的标准,因此很多执行相似功能的程序其外观与操作在相当大的程度上是相似的。这些相似性表明,即使可用性上的细微差异也会对用户的喜好产生重大的影响。




    例如,设想一下在开发周期的后期而不是在前期(产品仍处在开发阶段时)对设计进行修正您要花费多少时间和金钱吧!如果您一直等到 Beta 测试时期才使用户接触到产品以便进行可用性测试,就会发现自己不得不将花费了大量时间开发的程序的各部分分拆重做。而若等到产品真正发布时,如果要根据负面反馈进行修改或支持较差的设计,因为产品支持的庞大开销或用户对产品的接受程度较差等原因,很可能要支付高昂的费用。





  2. 理解与应用


    可用性专业人员协会 (UPA) 有一份供应商指南,有助于找到为您执行测试的可用性顾问。


    自己雇佣可用性专业人员,那么 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 有职业介绍服务,使您可以找到潜在的雇员。很多可用性专业人员还属于 ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI) 和 UPA,您也可以在他们的出版物和会刊上刊登招聘广告。

32.algorithmic language


Algorithm refers to the definite and limited steps taken to solve a specific problem. The computer programming language used to express algorithms is called algorithmic language. Algorithmic language is a description tool of algorithm and a general language between machine language and mathematical language

算法是指为解决某个特定问题而采取的确定且有限的步骤 [1] 。用来表达算法的计算机程序设计语言称为算法语言(Algorithmic language)。算法语言是算法的一种描述工具,是介于机器语言和数学语言之间的一种通用语言




Computer language is divided into machine language, assembly language and high-level language. High level language is a kind of artificial design language, because it describes the specific algorithm, so it is also called algorithm language.

Computer has been widely used in various fields of social life, and has become a popular modern tool. People will need to do the work of the computer into a certain form of instructions, and they are stored in the internal memory of the computer, when people give the command, it will automatically operate according to the order of instructions. This set of instructions that can be executed continuously is called “program”. It can be said that program is the language of “dialogue” between human and machine, that is, we often say “programming language”.

At present, there are hundreds of programming languages used in the society, such as C, visual basic, C + + and Java, which are called “advanced languages” of computers. These languages are close to people’s habits of natural language and mathematical language as a form of expression, making it very convenient for people to learn and operate.

Common algorithm languages include basic, FORTRAN, COBOL, Pascal, C, C + + and Java.



目前,在社会上使用的程序设计语言有上百种,如C、Visual Basic、C++和Java等被称为计算机的"高级语言"。这些语言都是用接近人们习惯的自然语言和数学语言作为表达形式,使人们学习和操作起来感到十分方便 [1] 。


application domain

  1. 词语解说

    One of the prerequisites for the development of a software system is that we have a definition and a clear understanding of the contents of the application domain concerned. This is the part of an organization for which we are to develop application software. This means that the application domain is our starting point and the context for our software development.


  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    An application domain is the segment of reality for which a software system is developed. It is the background or starting point for the actual-state analysis and the creation of a domain model.


    An application domain can be an organization, a department within an organization, or a single workplace.


    The concept of an application domain is at least as wide, so that the domain concepts and relations relevant for the construction of models can be well understood during the analysis of the actual state of the domain. On the other hand, its extent should always be limited, that is, never be too complex.


    An application domain normally includes a domain-specific language. This means that people in this domain use specific terms and concepts and think about their domain in a specific way.


    The application domain is very important, because it is critical for our application-oriented way of developing software. The developers analyze and describe the actual tasks and situations (see Section 6.41) that characterize the application domain in the domain-specific language. This corresponds to an actual-state analysis, where the typical processes and the objects used in these processes are represented in their domain-specific use contexts, for example, as scenarios or glossary entries (see Section 5.3.11). It is similar to the business model in UP. At the same time, the application domain is the basis for the construction of a domain model. Together with the analysis and description of the actual state within the application domain, we are gradually building the domain model.

    应用领域非常重要,因为它对于我们面向应用的软件开发方式至关重要。开发人员分析和描述实际的任务和情况 ,这些任务和情况描述了领域特定语言应用程序中的应用域。这与实际状态分析相对应,在这种分析中,这些流程中使用的典型流程和对象在其特定于领域的使用上下文中表示,例如,作为场景或术语表条目。它类似于 UP 的商业模式。同时,应用领域是构建领域模型的基础。结合对应用领域内实际状态的分析和描述,我们正在逐步构建领域模型。

    Building a domain model


    This model represents the segment of the actual application domain to be supported by the software system under development. Obviously, our domain model is similar to the domain model in UP. Later in this chapter, we will explore the question whether or not the UP domain model can meet all our requirements, that is, easy to understand and easy to construct, as one model.

    此模型表示开发中的软件系统所支持的实际应用程序域的部分。显然,我们的领域模型类似于 UP 中的领域模型。在本章的后面,我们将探索 UP 领域模型是否能够满足我们的所有需求,即作为一个模型易于理解和易于构造的问题。

    This interest of developers in an application domain is not limited to the segments that will be mapped in the domain model; they will also deal with segments required to understand the current work situation within the actual-state analysis. It is at once a risk and an art to find the right limits for the actual-state analysis, and not to let it get out of hand both in terms of time and content. Experiences from traditional data-modeling projects have shown that it is simply not possible to achieve a complete analysis of the entire application domain. The first notion of the future application system will help developers find the right point to stop analyzing. This means that the developers have to gain quick insight about the points of the application domain where software support could be useful and feasible.

    开发人员对应用程序领域的兴趣并不局限于将映射到领域模型中的片段; 他们还将处理理解实际状态分析中当前工作情况所需的片段。为实际状态分析找到正确的界限,并且不让它在时间和内容上失控,这既是一种风险,也是一种艺术。传统数据建模项目的经验表明,完全分析整个应用程序领域是不可能的。未来应用程序系统的第一个概念将帮助开发人员找到停止分析的正确点。这意味着开发人员必须快速了解应用程序领域中哪些地方的软件支持可能是有用的和可行的。

  2. 理解与应用

应用程序域 (application domain) (App Domain) 一种边界,它由公共语言运行库围绕同一应用程序范围内创建的对象建立(即,从应用程序入口点开始,沿着对象激活的序列的任何位置)。应用程序域有助于将在一个应用程序中创建的对象与在其他应用程序中创建的对象隔离,以使运行时行为可以预知。在一个单独的进程中可以存在多个应用程序域。

software architecture


Software architecture is a series of related abstract patterns, which are used to guide the design of various aspects of large-scale software system.

软件架构(software architecture),是一系列相关的抽象模式,用于指导大型软件系统各个方面的设计。



  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    There is no doubt that the world is becoming increasingly dependent on software. Software is an essential element of the ubiquitous cell phone, as well as complex air traffic control systems. In fact, many of the innovations that we now take for granted – including organizations such as eBay or Amazon – simply wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for software. Even traditional organizations, such as those found in the finance, retail, and public sectors, depend heavily on software. In this day and age, it’s difficult to find an organization that isn’t, in some way, in the software business.

    毫无疑问,世界正变得越来越依赖软件。软件是无处不在的手机以及复杂的空中交通管制系统的基本元素。事实上,许多我们现在认为理所当然的创新---- 包括像 eBay 或亚马逊这样的组织---- 如果不是因为软件,根本不会存在。即使是传统的组织,比如那些在金融、零售和公共部门的组织,也严重依赖软件。在当今这个时代,很难找到一个在某种程度上不属于软件行业的组织。

    In order for such innovations and organizations to survive, the software they depend on must provide the required capability, be of sufficient quality, be available when promised, and be delivered at an acceptable price.


    All these characteristics are influenced by the architecture of the software, the subject of this article. My focus here is on “software-intensive systems,” which the IEEE defines as follows:

    所有这些特征都受到本文主题------软件体系结构的影响。我在这里的重点是"软件密集型系统" ,IEEE 对它的定义如下:

    A software-intensive system is any system where software contributes essential influences to the design, construction, deployment, and evolution of the system as a whole. [from IEEE 1471. See the “Architecture defined” section below.]

    软件密集型系统是任何系统,其中软件对整个系统的设计、构建、部署和演进有重要影响。[摘自 IEEE 1471。参见下面的"体系结构定义"部分。]

    In this article, the term “architecture,” when unqualified, is synonymous with the term “software architecture.” Although this article focuses on software-intensive systems, it is important to remember that a software-intensive system still needs hardware in order to execute and that certain qualities, such as reliability or performance, are achieved through a combination of software and hardware. The hardware aspect of the total solution cannot therefore be ignored. This is discussed in more detail later in this article.


    Architecture defined


    There is no shortage of definitions when it comes to “architecture.” There are even Websites that maintain collections of definitions.1 The definition used in this article is that taken from IEEE Std 1472000, the IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems, referred to as IEEE 1471.2 This definition follows, with key characteristics bolded.

    当涉及到"体系结构"时,并不缺少定义本文中使用的定义来自 IEEE Std 1472000,IEEE 软件密集型系统架构描述的推荐实践,简称 IEEE 1471.2。

    Architecture is the fundamental organization of a system embodied in its components, their relationships to each other, and to the environment, and the principles guiding its design and evolution. [IEEE 1471]


    This standard also defines the following terms related to this definition:


    A system is a collection of components organized to accomplish a specific function or set of functions. The term system encompasses individual applications, systems in the traditional sense, subsystems, systems of systems, product lines, product families, whole enterprises, and other aggregations of interest. A system exists to fulfill one or more missions in its environment. [IEEE 1471]


    The environment, or context, determines the setting and circumstances of developmental, operational, political, and other influences upon that system. [IEEE 1471]


    A mission is a use or operation for which a system is intended by one or more stakeholders to meet some set of objectives. [IEEE 1471]


    A stakeholder is an individual, team, or organization (or classes thereof) with interests in, or concerns relative to, a system. [IEEE 1471]

    涉众是个人、团队或组织(或其类别) ,他们对系统感兴趣,或者与系统有关。1471]

    As we can see, the term “component” is used throughout these definitions. However, most definitions of architecture do not define the term “component,” and IEEE 1471 is no exception, as it leaves it deliberately vague to cover the many interpretations in the industry. A component may be logical or physical, technology-independent or technology-specific, large-grained or small-grained. For the purposes of this article, I use the definition of component from the UML 2.0 specification; and I use the term fairly loosely in order to encompass the variety of architectural elements that we may encounter, including objects, technology components (such as an Enterprise JavaBean), services, program modules, legacy systems, packaged applications, and so on. Here is the UML 2.0 definition for “component”:

    正如我们所看到的,术语"组件"贯穿于这些定义之中。然而,架构的大多数定义并没有定义术语"组件" ,IEEE 1471也不例外,因为它故意使它含糊不清,以涵盖行业中的许多解释。组件可以是逻辑的或物理的、技术独立的或特定于技术的、大粒度的或小粒度的。出于本文的目的,我使用了 UML 2.0规范中的组件定义; 我相当松散地使用这个术语是为了包含我们可能遇到的各种架构元素,包括对象、技术组件(如企业 JavaBean)、服务、程序模块、遗留系统、打包应用程序等等。

  2. 理解与应用





















background processing

  1. 词语解说

    Background processing can be best defined by its action. It simply performs tasks in the background of a computer while a computer user performs actions in the foreground of the computer.


  2. 词语链接



Background processing can be best defined by its action. It simply performs tasks in the background of a computer while a computer user performs actions in the foreground of the computer. For example, in background processing, a computer user can actively manipulate one application using a keyboard and a computer screen while separate operations are performed at the same time and in the background. In many cases, background processes work completely autonomously and the user isn’t even aware that the processes are being performed.


Processing data in the background of any computer is an integral part of the functioning of a computer. Backgrounds can be high-priority, same-level priority or low-level priority compared to the application that a user is working with on-screen. As long as background processing is achieved within an acceptable time frame and doesn’t interfere with the activities of the user or the overall functioning of the computer, it can be considered to be successful.


One popular example of background processing involves the common printer. When a computer user works on a word processor to type up a document, saves it and commands the computer to print it, the command is transferred over to the printer by way of the computer’s background processes. This activity takes place independent of whatever is happening on the computer user’s screen. In fact, a computer user can continue to make modifications to the document, open and type a new document or work in an entirely new application altogether while the computer is engaged in background processing.


The lack of interaction between computer user and background processes should not be misunderstood to mean that the processes are unimportant. There are certain background processes that are just as important as those applications that are being interacted with in the foreground. Some computers have the ability to prioritize tasks and regulate how much energy is devoted to each. Generally, though, a background process is relatively low priority and has minimal output.


Background processes can be usually categorized as being either a daemon or a compute-intensive task. The average computer user will be more familiar with the work of daemons, as they help take care of common functions like email transferring, web page serving and time synchronization. Their interactions are not with users, but with programs or other computers on a network. They use very little memory and don’t put a large dent in CPU usage, so computer users may work on a machine for years without realizing that these processes exist and are actually taking place while they are concentrating on a task in the computer’s foreground.

后台进程通常可以分类为守护进程或计算密集型任务。一般的计算机用户将更加熟悉守护进程的工作,因为它们有助于处理电子邮件传输、网页服务和时间同步等常见功能。它们不是与用户交互,而是与程序或网络上的其他计算机交互。它们使用的内存很少,而且不会对 CPU 使用造成很大的影响,所以计算机用户可能会在一台机器上工作多年,却没有意识到这些进程的存在,而且实际上是在他们专注于计算机前景中的任务时发生的。

collaboration diagram

  1. 词语解说

    A collaboration diagram, also known as a communication diagram, is an illustration of the relationships and interactions among software objects in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). These diagrams can be used to portray the dynamic behavior of a particular use case and define the role of each object.


  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    Collaboration diagrams are created by first identifying the structural elements required to carry out the functionality of an interaction. A model is then built using the relationships between those elements. Several vendors offer software for creating and editing collaboration diagrams.


    A collaboration diagram resembles a flowchart that portrays the roles, functionality and behavior of individual objects as well as the overall operation of the system in real time. The four major components of a collaboration diagram are:


    Objects- Objects are shown as rectangles with naming labels inside. The naming label follows the convention of object name: 对象-对象显示为带有命名标签的矩形。命名标签遵循对象名称的约定:class name 类名. If an object has a property or state that specifically influences the collaboration, this should also be noted. 。如果对象具有专门影响协作的属性或状态,也应该注意这一点

    Actors- Actors are instances that invoke the interaction in the diagram. Each actor has a name and a role, with one actor initiating the entire use case. 参与者------参与者是在图中调用交互的实例。每个参与者都有一个名称和一个角色,由一个参与者启动整个用例

    Links- Links connect objects with actors and are depicted using a solid line between two elements. Each link is an instance where messages can be sent. 链接-链接连接对象与演员和描述使用实线之间的两个元素。每个链接都是可以发送消息的实例

    messages- Messages between objects are shown as a labeled arrow placed near a link. These messages are communications between objects that convey information about the activity and can include the sequence number. 消息------对象之间的消息显示为放置在链接附近的带标签的箭头。这些消息是对象之间的通信,它们传递有关活动的信息,并且可以包含序列号

    The most important objects are placed in the center of the diagram, with all other participating objects branching off. After all objects are placed, links and messages should be added in between.


    Collaboration diagrams should be used when the relationships among objects are crucial to display. A few examples of instances where collaboration diagrams might be helpful include:


    Modeling collaborations, mechanisms or the structural organization within a system design. 在系统设计中为协作、机制或结构组织建模

    Providing an overview of collaborating objects within an object-oriented system. 提供面向对象系统中协作对象的概述

    Exhibiting many alternative scenarios for the same use case. 显示同一用例的许多可选场景

    Demonstrating forward and 向前展示reverse engineering 逆向工程.

    Capturing the passage of information between objects. 捕获对象之间的信息通道

    Visualizing the complex logic behind an operation. 可视化操作背后的复杂逻辑

    However, collaboration diagrams are best suited to the portrayal of simple interactions among relatively small numbers of objects. As the number of objects and messages grows, a collaboration diagram can become difficult to read and use efficiently. Additionally, collaboration diagrams typically exclude descriptive information, such as timing.


    In UML, the two types of interaction diagrams are collaboration and sequence diagrams. While both types use similar information, they display them in separate ways. Collaboration diagrams are used to visualize the structural organization of objects and their interactions. Sequence diagrams, on the other hand, focus on the order of messages that flow between objects. However, in most scenarios, a single figure is not sufficient in describing the behavior of a system and both figures are required.

    在 UML 中,两种类型的交互图是协作图和序列图。虽然这两种类型使用相似的信息,但它们以不同的方式显示。协作图用于可视化对象的结构组织及其交互。另一方面,序列图关注对象之间流动的消息的顺序。但是,在大多数情况下,单个图形不足以描述系统的行为,需要两个图形。

  2. 理解与应用


[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-4vVicPbn-1609755291789)(media/image22.png)]{width=“5.763888888888889in” height=“3.692361111111111in”}


[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-r349AY01-1609755291790)(media/image23.png)]{width=“5.766666666666667in” height=“4.379861111111111in”}


  1. 词语解说

    The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is visual modeling language for business analysis applications and specifying enterprise process workflows, which is an open standard notation for graphical flowcharts that is used to define business process workflows. It is popular and intuitive graphic that can be easily understand by all business stakeholders, including business users, business analysts, software developers, and data architects.




  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    BPMN allows us to capture and document business processes of an organization in a clear and consistent way that ensures relevant stakeholders, such as, process owners and business users are involved in the process. Thus, the team can response to any issues identified in the processes more effectively. BPMN provide comprehensive and yet rich notations that can easily be understood by both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Business process modeling provides important benefits to companies and organizations such as the ones listed below.

    BPMN 允许我们以一种清晰和一致的方式捕获和记录组织的业务流程,以确保相关的涉众(如流程所有者和业务用户)参与流程。因此,团队可以更有效地响应过程中发现的任何问题。BPMN 提供了全面而丰富的符号,技术和非技术利益相关者都可以很容易地理解。业务流程建模为下面列出的公司和组织提供了重要的好处。

    An industry standard developed by the OMG consortium, a not-for-profit industry group 由非营利性行业组织 OMG 联盟开发的行业标准

    Provides businesses with the capability of defining and understanding their procedures through Business Process Diagrams 通过业务流程图为企业提供定义和理解其过程的能力

    To provide a standard notation that is readily understandable by all business stakeholders 提供所有业务涉众容易理解的标准符号

    To bridge the communication gap that frequently occurs between business process design and implementation 弥合业务流程设计和实现之间经常出现的通信差距

    Simple to learn yet powerful enough to depict the potential complexities of a business process 学起来很简单,但是足够强大,可以描述业务流程的潜在复杂性

    The Goal of BPMN

    BPMN 的目标

    Technical experts responsible for process implementation 负责过程实施的技术专家

    Business analysts who create and improve the processes 创建和改进流程的业务分析师

    Managers who monitor and control the processes 监督和控制过程的管理者

    Overview of BPMN

    BPMN 概述

    Knowing how the business operates is the first and the most critical step of business process improvement. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), provides a graphical representation of business work flows that anyone, from business analyst to stakeholder, can easily understand; aiding in business process analysis and business process improvements.

    了解业务如何运作是业务流程改进的第一步,也是最关键的一步。提供了业务工作流的图形化表示,任何人,从业务分析师到利益相关者,都可以很容易地理解这些业务流程建模标记法; 协助业务流程分析和业务流程改进。

    Any process described with BPMN is represented as a number of steps (activities) that are performed consequently or at the same time according to certain business rules. Take a look at the “Place Order online” process which can be used in an on-line store that place orders on the web.

    使用 BPMN 描述的任何流程都表示为许多步骤(活动) ,这些步骤(活动)随后或同时根据某些业务规则执行。

  2. 理解与应用

    BPMN定义了一个业务流程图(Business Process Diagram),该业务流程图基于一个流程图(flowcharting),该流程图被设计用于创建业务流程操作的图形化模型。而一个业务流程模型(Business Process Model),指一个由图形对象(graphical objects)组成的网状图,图形对象包括活动(activities)和用于定义这些活动执行顺序的流程控制器(flow controls)


  • 流对象(Flow)

  • 连接对象(Connection)

  • 泳道(Swimlane)

  • 人工信息(Artifact)

BPMN的开发是减少众多已存在的业务建模工具和标记断层的重要的一步。BPMI标准化组织从许多存在的标记中展示出了专业和经验,且从这些不同的标记中找到了最好的理念形成一套标准的标记语言,众多的标记语言包括UML、Activity Diagram、UML EDOC Business Process、IDEF、ebXML BPSS、RosettaNet以及Event-Process Chains等等。一个好的标准建模标记将会减少业务与IT用户之间的混乱。



Use Case Diagram

  1. 词语解说

    So what is a use case diagram? A UML use case diagram is the primary form of system/software requirements for a new software program underdeveloped. Use cases specify the expected behavior (what), and not the exact method of making it happen (how). Use cases once specified can be denoted both textual and visual representation (i.e. use case diagram). A key concept of use case modeling is that it helps us design a system from the end user’s perspective. It is an effective technique for communicating system behavior in the user’s terms by specifying all externally visible system behavior.

    那么什么是使用案例图呢?对于一个新的软件项目来说,UML 使用案例图是系统/软件需求的主要形式。用例指定预期的行为(什么) ,而不是使其发生的确切方法(如何发生)。一旦指定了用例,就可以同时表示文本和可视化的表示形式(例如使用案例图)。用例建模的一个关键概念是,它帮助我们从最终用户的角度设计系统。通过指定所有外部可见的系统行为,它是以用户的术语进行系统行为通信的一种有效技术。

  2. 词语链接

[[https://www.guru99/use-case-diagrams-example.html#:~:text=Summary%201%20Use%20case%20diagrams%20are%20a%20way,a%20package%2C%20or%20a%20class.%20More%20items…%20]{.ul}](https://www.guru99/use-case-diagrams-example.html#:~:text=Summary 1 Use case diagrams are a way,a package, or a class. More items… )

  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    A use case diagram is usually simple. It does not show the detail of the use cases:


    It only summarizes 它只是概括了some of the relationships 一些关系 between use cases, actors, and systems. 在用例、参与者和系统之间

    It does 的确如此not show the order 不要显示命令 in which steps are performed to achieve the goals of each use case. 执行步骤以实现每个用例的目标

    As said, a use case diagram should be simple and contains only a few shapes. If yours contain more than 20 use cases, you are probably misusing use case diagram.


    The figure below shows the UML diagram hierarchy and the positioning of the UML Use Case Diagram.

    Use case diagrams are typically developed in the early stage of development and people often apply use case modeling for the following purposes:


    Specify the context of a system 指定系统的上下文

    Capture the requirements of a system 捕获系统的需求

    Validate a systems architecture 验证系统架构

    Drive implementation and generate test cases 驱动实现并生成测试用例

    Developed by analysts together with domain experts 由分析师和领域专家共同开发

  2. 理解与应用

用例模型是从应用领域(Application domain)的角度,面向用户的一种模型,旨在描述用户眼中(而非程序员眼中)此系统的功能行为。

用例图体现了该系统能够为参与者提供的种种功能以及这些功能之间的联系。要画好一张用例图,需要把握三个元素:参与者(Actor)、用例(Use Case)和用例间的关系(Relationship)。

一、 参与者


1. 参与者本身并不属于系统结构之中,位于系统之外;

2. 参与者代表的是一类角色而不是一个具体对象,换言之,你可以说参与者是猪,而不能说参与者是"佩奇";

3. 参与者不一定是人,也可以是另一个外部的系统、环境等等。


[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-c3CsE1PO-1609755291791)(media/image24.png)]{width=“3.3020833333333335in” height=“2.21875in”}


二、 用例


[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-7iohR53v-1609755291791)(media/image25.png)]{width=“3.5520833333333335in” height=“1.28125in”}

UML中名为Purchase Ticket的用例


1. 用例名称;

2. 用例的参与者:使用该用例的参与者;

3. 用例的进入条件:满足什么条件可以使用该用例;

4. 用例的离开条件:满足什么条件可以结束该用例的使用;

5. 流程:参与者使用该用例的步骤;

6. 特殊需求:包含对用例性能上的需求或者拓展业务。

三、 关系


1. 扩展


扩展功能在UML中用<<extends>>和箭头表示,由子用例指向主用例。箭头的方向与主语->宾语一致。即 A extends B, 代表A扩展了B的功能,所以箭头由A指向B。

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-qBmSDUZN-1609755291792)(media/image26.png)]{width=“5.520833333333333in” height=“3.6979166666666665in”}


2. 包含


[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-Pq28LWY3-1609755291793)(media/image27.png)]{width=“5.395833333333333in” height=“2.5833333333333335in”}



3. 继承

处于继承关系中的用例在不同抽象层,其中被继承的一方是继承的一方更概括抽象的概念。例如:主用例是"用户识别",“人脸识别"是用户识别的一种,“指纹识别"也是用户识别的一种。在继承关系中常常出现”…是…的一种”(is a kind of)这样的关系,这可以帮助大家识别继承关系。下面是一个例子:

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-YoODTfVi-1609755291794)(media/image28.png)]{width=“5.635416666666667in” height=“2.9166666666666665in”}



在用例图中,用例关系的箭头方向是比较容易出错的一点,我的记忆方法是带入"A extends B",“A includes B” 和 "A inherits B"这样的句型,箭头永远从主语指向宾语。

Timing Diagram

  1. 词语解说

    Timing diagrams focus on conditions changing within and among lifelines along a linear time axis. Timing Diagrams describe behavior of both individual classifiers and interactions of classifiers, focusing attention on time of occurrence of events causing changes in the modeled conditions of the Lifelines.


  2. 词语链接

[[https://creately/diagram/example/jo83qjn56/Timing%20Diagram%20Template]{.ul}](https://creately/diagram/example/jo83qjn56/Timing Diagram Template)

  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    State Timeline Representation


    Changes from one state to another are represented by a change in the level of the lifeline. For the period of time when the object is a given state, the timeline runs parallel to that state. A change in state appears as a vertical change from one level to another. The cause of the change, as is the case in a state or sequence diagram, is the receipt of a message, an event that causes a change, a condition within the system, or even just the passage of time.


    [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-f6mMiCfg-1609755291795)(media/image29.png)]{width=“5.7625in” height=“3.4916666666666667in”}

    Timing Diagram Example

    Value lifeline Representation


    The figure below shows an alternative notation of UML Timing diagram. It shows the state of the object between two horizontal lines that cross with each other each time the state changes.

    下面的图显示了 UML 计时图的另一种表示法。它显示了两条水平线之间的对象状态,这两条线在状态发生变化时相互交叉。

    [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-qHa8pZAU-1609755291796)(media/image30.png)]{width=“5.768055555555556in” height=“2.1458333333333335in”}

    Compact view of Timing Diagram

    Basic Concepts of Timing Diagrams


    Major elements of timing UML diagram - lifeline, timeline, state or condition, message, duration constraint, timing ruler.

    时间 UML 图的主要元素------生命线、时间线、状态或条件、消息、持续时间约束、时间标尺。



    A lifeline in a Timing diagram forms a rectangular space within the content area of a frame. Lifeline is a named element which represents an individual participant in the interaction. It is typically aligned horizontally to read from left to right.


    [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-vjGV5ACJ-1609755291797)(media/image31.png)]{width=“2.375in” height=“1.0833333333333333in”}

    Timing Diagram with One Lifeline

    Multiple lifelines may be stacked within the same frame to model the interaction between them.


    [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-SJhPiKdk-1609755291798)(media/image32.png)]{width=“2.2395833333333335in” height=“1.5520833333333333in”}

    Timing Diagram with Multiple lifelines

    State Timeline in Timing Diagram


    A state or condition timeline represents the set of valid states and time. The states are stacked on the left margin of the lifeline from top to bottom.


    [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-ZW0C5wd4-1609755291798)(media/image33.png)]{width=“5.53125in” height=“2.4375in”}

    State Timeline in Timing Diagram

    The cause of the change, as is the case in a state or sequence diagram, is the receipt of a message, an event that causes a change, a condition within the system, or even just the passage of time.


  2. 理解与应用


Event Time


Event time: event time is the time that each independent event occurs on its generating device, which is usually embedded in the record before entering Flink.

Event time:事件时间是每个独立事件在其生成设备上发生的时间,通常是在进入到Flink之前就嵌入在记录中的时间。




Processing time:处理时间是指执行相应操作机器的系统时间。当流程序在处理时间上运行时,所有基于时间的操作(如时间窗口)将使用当前运行机器的系统时间。每小时处理时间窗口包括在系统时间每小时内到达的所有指定操作记录。例如:如果应用程序在上午9:15开始运行,第一个小时处理时间窗口将包括上午9:15到10:00之间处理的事件,下一个窗口将包含上午10:00到11:00之间处理的事件,以此类推。


Event time:事件时间是每个独立事件在其生成设备上发生的时间,通常是在进入到Flink之前就嵌入在记录中的时间。并且可以从每个记录中提取事件时间戳,在事件时间中,决于数据产生的时间,而不是当前系统时间。事件时间程序必须指定如何生成事件Watermarks,用来保证事件时间的有序性。Watermarks机制将在下一节中进行描述。




Ingestion time:摄入时间(Ingestion Time)是事件进入Flink的时间,在源操作中每个记录都会获得源的当前时间作为时间戳,后续基于时间的操作(如: time window)会依赖这个时间戳




注意,为了在事件时间中运行此示例,程序需要使用定义事件时间和自己触发watermarks的源数据,或者程序必须在源文件之后注入一个Timestamp Assigner 和 Watermark Generator。这些函数描述了如何获取事件的时间戳以及哪些程度的无序事件流需要展示。

40. domain modeling {#domain-modeling .list-paragraph}

  1. 词语解说

    Domain model is a visual representation of conceptual classes or objects in the real world. It is also called concept model, domain object model and analysis object model. It focuses on analyzing the problem domain itself, discovering important business domain concepts, and establishing relationships between business domain concepts.


  2. 词语链接


  1. 定义,作用,目的描述

    In the business object model, business roles represent the roles employees will play, while business entities represent the objects employees will handle. On the one hand, the business object model can be used to determine how business employees will interact to produce the desired results for business actors. On the other hand, the system use case model and design model specify the business information system.

    Business modeling and system modeling solve different problems, and the degree of abstraction is also different. Therefore, in general, information systems should not appear directly in the business model.

    On the other hand, employees use information systems as business roles to communicate with each other, with the protagonist, and to access business entity information. All links, associations or attributes are supported by a potential information system.

    These two types of modeling environments have the following relationships:

    As a specific business role, employees correspond to a system protagonist of the information system. If the information system is established so that all the work of the employee in the business use case is supported by a system use case, he is most likely to get the best support. In addition, if the business paradigm is large, the lifetime is long, or the work in multiple independent domains is combined, the information system use case can support the operation of business roles. The objects that employees work on (modeled as business entities) are often represented in information systems. In the object model of information system, these business entities appear as entity classes. The association relationship and aggregation relationship between business entities often lead to the corresponding association and aggregation relationship between entity classes in the design model. Therefore, system use cases access and manipulate entity classes in the design model, which represent business entities accessed by supported business use cases. Finally, the business protagonist who directly uses the business information system also becomes the system protagonist of the information system. These relationships are critical when determining requirements for business supporting information systems.





    作为特定业务角色的雇员与信息系统的一个系统主角相对应。如果建立的信息系统使该雇员在业务用例中的所有工作都得到一个系统用例的支持,则他最有可能得到最好的支持。 另外,如果业务用例规模大、生存期长或者合并了多个独立领域中的工作,信息系统用例将可以支持业务角色的操作。 雇员工作的对象(建模为业务实体)常在信息系统中得到表现。在信息系统的对象模型中,这些业务实体作为实体类出现。业务实体之间的关联关系和聚合关系常常使设计模型中实体类之间产生对应的关联关系和聚合关系。 因此,系统用例访问并操作设计模型中的实体类,这些实体类代表由被支持业务用例访问的业务实体。最后,直接使用业务信息系统的业务主角也成为信息系统的系统主角。 当确定对支持业务的信息系统的需求时,这些关系十分关键。

  2. 理解与应用

业务对象模型(也叫领域模型 domain model)是描述业务用例实现的对象模型。它是对业务角色和业务实体之间应该如何联系和协作以执行业务的一种抽象。业务对象模型从业务角色内部的观点定义了业务用例。该模型为产生预期效果确定了业务人员以及他们处理和使用的对象(“业务类和对象”)之间应该具有的静态和动态关系。它注重业务中承担的角色及其当前职责。这些模型类的对象组合在一起可以执行所有的业务用例

业务角色显示了一个人承担的一系列职责。业务实体表示使用或产生的可交付工件、资源和事件。业务用例实现显示了协作的业务角色和业务实体如何执行某个工作流程。使用以下几种图来记录业务用例实现: 图显示参与的业务角色和业务实体。活动图,其中泳道显示业务角色的职责,而对象流显示如何在工作流程中使用业务实体。 序列图描述业务角色和业务主角之间交互的详细情况,并显示如何在业务用例执行过程中访问业务实体。


  1. 对我们小组项目的发展建议


  • 利用所学内容完善好需求分析

  • 根据需求分析的内容,分析实现系统所需要的资源以及技术

  • 实现该系统的大部分功能

  • 结合系统的商业价值分析,将系统朝着商用的方向发展

ist of the information system. If the information system is established so that all the work of the employee in the business use case is supported by a system use case, he is most likely to get the best support. In addition, if the business paradigm is large, the lifetime is long, or the work in multiple independent domains is combined, the information system use case can support the operation of business roles. The objects that employees work on (modeled as business entities) are often represented in information systems. In the object model of information system, these business entities appear as entity classes. The association relationship and aggregation relationship between business entities often lead to the corresponding association and aggregation relationship between entity classes in the design model. Therefore, system use cases access and manipulate entity classes in the design model, which represent business entities accessed by supported business use cases. Finally, the business protagonist who directly uses the business information system also becomes the system protagonist of the information system. These relationships are critical when determining requirements for business supporting information systems.





作为特定业务角色的雇员与信息系统的一个系统主角相对应。如果建立的信息系统使该雇员在业务用例中的所有工作都得到一个系统用例的支持,则他最有可能得到最好的支持。 另外,如果业务用例规模大、生存期长或者合并了多个独立领域中的工作,信息系统用例将可以支持业务角色的操作。 雇员工作的对象(建模为业务实体)常在信息系统中得到表现。在信息系统的对象模型中,这些业务实体作为实体类出现。业务实体之间的关联关系和聚合关系常常使设计模型中实体类之间产生对应的关联关系和聚合关系。 因此,系统用例访问并操作设计模型中的实体类,这些实体类代表由被支持业务用例访问的业务实体。最后,直接使用业务信息系统的业务主角也成为信息系统的系统主角。 当确定对支持业务的信息系统的需求时,这些关系十分关键。
  1. 理解与应用

业务对象模型(也叫领域模型 domain model)是描述业务用例实现的对象模型。它是对业务角色和业务实体之间应该如何联系和协作以执行业务的一种抽象。业务对象模型从业务角色内部的观点定义了业务用例。该模型为产生预期效果确定了业务人员以及他们处理和使用的对象(“业务类和对象”)之间应该具有的静态和动态关系。它注重业务中承担的角色及其当前职责。这些模型类的对象组合在一起可以执行所有的业务用例

业务角色显示了一个人承担的一系列职责。业务实体表示使用或产生的可交付工件、资源和事件。业务用例实现显示了协作的业务角色和业务实体如何执行某个工作流程。使用以下几种图来记录业务用例实现: 图显示参与的业务角色和业务实体。活动图,其中泳道显示业务角色的职责,而对象流显示如何在工作流程中使用业务实体。 序列图描述业务角色和业务主角之间交互的详细情况,并显示如何在业务用例执行过程中访问业务实体。


  1. 对我们小组项目的发展建议


  • 利用所学内容完善好需求分析

  • 根据需求分析的内容,分析实现系统所需要的资源以及技术

  • 实现该系统的大部分功能

  • 结合系统的商业价值分析,将系统朝着商用的方向发展

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