

saprk 提交远程作业

The number of people working remotely is at an all-time high, and that’s not just because telecommuting is pants-optional. By giving employees more control over their schedule and work environment, remote jobs can enhance the work-life balance that so many people struggle to maintain.

远程工作的人数创历史新高,这不仅是因为远程办公是可选的。 通过让员工更好地控制自己的日程安排和工作环境, 远程工作可以增强许多人难以维持的工作与生活的平衡。

But if you’ve held in-house positions for most of your career, properly preparing for your remote job search can up your chances of impressing remote employers, nailing the interview, and landing a remote job that best fits your needs.


远程雇主正在寻找什么? (What Are Remote Employers Looking For?)

Remote employers are looking for three things in particular.


独立 (Independence)

The office may at times feel like a panopticonic prison, but there is something to be said for workplace accountability. Can you stay focused without a boss periodically checking in on you? Can you stay productive without the sight and sound of other co-workers clacking away on their computers? When you work from home, the Damocles of the deadline is blunted and the motivating effect of being in close proximity to your team members weakens.

办公室有时可能感觉像是一个泛监狱的监狱,但是对于工作场所的责任感,还有话要说。 如果没有老板定期检查您,您能否保持专注? 您能否在没有其他同事视线干扰计算机的情况下保持生产力? 当您在家工作时,最后期限的时间会缩短,与团队成员近在咫尺的激励作用会减弱。

Remote employers understand these challenges, which is why they look for candidates who can motivate themselves without external prompting. As trite as buzzwords like self-starter and proactive can be, they carry a significant amount of weight in the remote job search. Not only do you need to possess these qualities, you’ll need to be able demonstrate them to potential employers.

偏远的雇主了解这些挑战,这就是为什么他们寻找无需外部提示就能激励自己的候选人的原因。 像自我启动主动这样的流行词一样陈词滥调,它们在远程求职中具有很大的分量。 您不仅需要具备这些特质,还需要向潜在的雇主展示它们。

通讯 (Communication)

Working in an office allows employees to be more passive. Don’t know what’s going on? A co-worker can fill you in via a few seconds of conversation. Your boss is only a few steps away. Maybe there’s a whiteboard in the break room with announcements. Sharing a space with people just makes it much easier to stay in the loop.

在办公室工作使员工变得更加被动。 不知道发生了什么事? 同事可以通过几秒钟的对话来填补您的空缺。 您的老板只有几步之遥。 休息室里可能有一块白板,上面有公告。 与人共享空间只会使保持联系更加容易。

But if you’re on your own, you need to take initiative. To compensate for the lack of face-to-face, a good remote worker will put effort into the virtual communication tools at their disposal. They’ll reach out to people through email or Slack. They’ll suggest video chats or calls to hash things out. Even swapping memes in a group chat can help you stay engaged. But if you give in to the temptation of solitude, communication could suffer, and so could your work.

但是,如果您独自一人,则需要采取主动。 为了弥补面对面的不足,一名优秀的远程工作者将努力使用虚拟通讯工具。 他们将通过电子邮件或Slack与人们联系。 他们会建议视频聊天或通话以解决问题。 甚至在群聊中交换模因也可以帮助您保持互动。 但是,如果您屈从于孤独的诱惑,沟通会受到影响,您的工作也会受到影响。

理性思考 (Rational Thinking)

When communicating primarily through text, it’s all too common for our imaginations to run wild with unfounded anxieties. Emailed your boss a question and they didn’t respond within whatever time frame you’ve arbitrarily decided was reasonable? They must think it’s a dumb question and you’re dumb for asking it. They must not deem you important enough to expediently respond to. They must be offended by something you wrote. Asked a co-worker to do something and they responded with “k”? They hate you. They’re telling everyone how much they hate you. Everyone hates you. You’re garbage!

当主要通过文本进行交流时,对于我们的想象力来说,普遍存在着毫无根据的焦虑。 向您的老板发送了一个问题的电子邮件,他们没有在您任意确定的合理时间范围内答复? 他们必须认为这是一个愚蠢的问题,而您问这个问题却很愚蠢。 他们一定不能认为您很重要,不能及时做出回应。 他们一定被您写的东西冒犯了。 要求同事做某事,他们回答“ k”? 他们恨你。 他们告诉所有人他们多么讨厌你。 每个人都讨厌你。 你真是垃圾

Or … absolutely none of that is true and the coldness of non-verbal communication is messing with your head. Like any good employer, remote employers don’t want drama. They want rational critical thinkers who can vault the pitfalls of remote communication and maintain healthy work relationships. K?

或……绝对没有一个是真的,非语言交流的冷漠使您的头脑混乱。 像任何好的雇主一样,偏远的雇主也不想戏剧化。 他们需要理性的批判性思想家,他们可以规避远程通信的陷阱并保持健康的工作关系。 K?

您如何在简历中展示这些技能? (How Do You Demonstrate These Skills On Your Resume?)

Even if you have little to no remote work experience, there are ways to frame your in-house work experience so that it demonstrates remote work skills. What have you done that demonstrates independence? Communication? Rational thinking? Figure it out and integrate it into your resume.

即使您几乎没有远程工作经验,也可以通过一些方法来组织内部工作经验,从而展示远程工作技能。 你做了什么证明独立的事? 通讯? 理性思考? 找出答案并将其集成到您的简历中。

For example, if you took the initiative on anything in a previous position, emphasize it. Say you independently devised and implemented project x or volunteered to plan, create, and maintain project y. Explain that you created and ran program z with little oversight.

例如,如果您主动采取任何先前的措施,请强调一下。 假设您独立设计和实施项目x或自愿计划,创建和维护项目y 。 解释一下您创建并运行程序z时几乎没有进行监督

Here are some other ideas to get you thinking:


  • You’re not highly motivated, you’re self-motivated

    你没有上进心 ,你有上进心

  • You didn’t work on a lot of projects, you balanced multiple projects simultaneously


  • You didn’t let clients know if their orders were going to be late, you proactively reached out to clients when their orders were going to be late.

    您不会让客户知道他们的订单是否要迟到 ,您会在客户的订单要迟到时主动与客户联系

寻找合适的远程工作 (Finding the Right Remote Job)

Whatever your field of work, refrain from throwing your resume at every remote job opportunity to see what sticks. Have some dignity, for Pete’s sake! Like any job search, you have just as much right to be discerning as a potential employer, so before starting your search, establish what you’re looking for in a remote job so you can find one that fits your needs, work preferences, and desired lifestyle.

无论您从事何种工作,都不要在每一个远程工作机会上投简历,以免发现问题。 看在皮特的份上,有尊严! 像任何求职一样,您也有同潜在雇主一样的洞察力,因此在开始寻找工作之前,请确定您要在远程工作中找到的内容,以便找到适合您需求,工作偏好和理想的生活方式。

Here are some questions to ask yourself:


  • Am I looking for full-time work or freelance work? One might have benefits, one probably doesn’t. One is certainly more stable than the other, but then again, one is probably more flexible …

    我在寻找全职工作还是自由职业? 一个人可能有好处,一个人可能没有好处。 一个肯定比另一个更稳定,但是再一次,一个可能更灵活……
  • Do I want the opportunity to go into the office if I need to, or am I all right working for a company hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away? Many remote jobs offer the chance to periodically meet face to face. Others are too geographically dispersed to make that possible.

    如果我需要,我是否希望有机会进入办公室,还是可以为数百英里(甚至数千英里)以外的公司工作? 许多远程工作提供了定期面对面交流的机会。 其他人由于地理位置太分散而无法实现这一目标。
  • Do I want to work regular hours, or do I want something more flexible? Some remote jobs demand a traditional 9–5 schedule, while others let you work whenever you want as long as you get your work done. And then there are jobs that might demand you operate on a different time table entirely, such as those based in other countries, or those that need people to work odd hours and/or weekends.

    我想按时工作还是要更灵活一些? 有些远程工作需要传统的9-5排班,而另一些则需要您完成工作,随时随地进行。 然后,有些工作可能会要求您完全按照不同的时间表进行操作,例如其他国家的工作,或者需要人们在零时和/或周末工作的工作。
  • What kind of work culture do I want? Some remote jobs are team-oriented and collaborative. Others treat you like a lone-wolf. Some companies keep mostly in-house employees with a few remote workers, and others, the opposite.

    我想要什么样的工作文化? 一些远程工作是面向团队和协作的。 其他人则把你当作孤狼。 一些公司主要保留内部员工,而另一些则保留远程员工,而其他公司则相反。

Nailing down these criteria helps focus your remote job search and improves the likelihood that you’ll find one that fits your needs. So keep these questions in mind when reviewing a job posting or reading about the company. Look at Glassdoor reviews or contact current or former employees and inquire about their experience. Remember, they need to be as good a fit for you as you are for them.

明确这些条件有助于集中精力进行远程工作搜索,并提高找到适合您需求的可能性。 因此,在审查职位或阅读有关公司的信息时,请记住这些问题。 查看Glassdoor的评论或联系现有或以前的员工,并询问他们的经验。 请记住,它们需要和您一样适合您。

面试准备 (Prep for the Interview)

A remote job interview will probably proceed similarly to an in-house job interview (what are your greatest strengths, where do you see yourself in five years, can there be ethical consumption under capitalism, and so on), but there are a few remote-specific gotcha questions to always look out for.


在没有亲自监督的情况下,您将如何保持动力和生产力? (How will you stay motivated and productive without an in-person supervisor?)

This is your opportunity to venture beyond the buzzword by inviting the interviewer into your inner sanctum. However you self-motivate — whether it’s listening to nature sounds and taking a ten-minute walk every two hours, relying on to-do lists and Pomodoro timers to stay on task, using website blockers to avoid distractions. Lay it all out for the interviewer to assure them that you can do the job without traditional oversight.

这是您邀请邀请面试官进入您内心圣殿的机会,超越了流行语。 但是,您会自我激励-无论是听大自然的声音,还是每两个小时散步十分钟,都依靠待办事项列表和Pomodoro计时器来完成任务,使用网站拦截器来避免分心。 安排面试官确保他们可以在没有传统监督的情况下完成工作。

如果出现紧急问题但您无法联系团队的任何成员,您将怎么办? (What would you do if there was an urgent issue but you can’t reach any members of your team?)

This isn’t a hypothetical question. Something like this is bound to happen, and a remote employer wants to hear a few very specific responses.

这不是一个假设的问题。 这样的事情势必会发生,一个偏远的雇主希望听到一些非常具体的答复。

  • You will remain calm, collected, and rational.

  • You will handle as much of the issue as you can on your own.

  • You will thoroughly document the issue for later analysis.

  • You will reach out to any stakeholders affected by the issue and assure them that steps are being taken to rectify it.


您为什么要远程工作? (Why do you want to work remotely?)

This question is really about two things: why you want to work a remote job, and why you want to work for this particular company.


For part one, just be honest. The flexible schedule allows you to better balance your time. You want to be home for your dog, your kids, or because you’re renovating your house. You’re more comfortable in your own space. You don’t want to waste time commuting. Traditional hours don’t gel with your circadian rhythm. These are all completely legitimate reasons to work remotely, and any reasonable employer should find them perfectly sufficient.

对于第一部分,请诚实。 灵活的时间表可让您更好地平衡时间。 您想成为狗狗,孩子的家,或者因为您要翻修房屋。 您在自己的空间中更舒适。 您不想浪费通勤时间。 传统时间不符合您的昼夜节律。 这些都是远程工作的完全合法的理由,任何合理的雇主都应该发现它们完全足够。

For part two, answer as you would if this were an in-house job interview. If you’re excited about working for the company, great! If it really is just because you want to work remotely, find something about the company you appreciate and focus on that. You support their mission, you’ve heard good things about their work culture, you value their philanthropic efforts. Unless you’re applying to Halliburton, you can probably find something you like.

对于第二部分,如果这是一次内部工作面试,请回答。 如果您对为公司工作感到兴奋,那就太好了! 如果确实是因为您想远程工作,请找到您喜欢的公司并专注于此。 您支持他们的使命,听到有关他们工作文化的好消息,重视他们的慈善事业。 除非您向Halliburton申请,否则您可能会找到自己喜欢的东西。

您将如何与团队沟通? (How are you going to communicate with your team?)

Communication is vital in any job, so you can imagine the weight remote employers must place on it. Definitely touch on your favorite collaboration tools (Google Docs, Slack, carrier pigeon), but also discuss your communication style. What usually prompts you to check in with people? Is it only when there’s a problem? When you need something? Do you like structured, scheduled check-ins or are you more of an ad hoc kind of person? Do you like participating in ongoing group chats to stay engaged, ease stress, or strengthen relationships? Or are one-on-ones more your thing?

在任何工作中,沟通都是至关重要的,因此您可以想象远程雇主必须承担的重任。 绝对可以使用您喜欢的协作工具(Google文档,Slack,信鸽),还可以讨论您的沟通方式。 通常会提示您与他人签到吗? 只是在有问题的时候? 什么时候需要什么? 您喜欢结构化,预定的入住方式,还是更喜欢临时人员? 您喜欢参加正在进行的群组聊天以保持互动,减轻压力或加强人际关系吗? 还是一对一的东西呢?

There is no right communication style (though there are plenty of wrong ones, cough cough inappropriate BCC behavior cough cough). Remote employees just want to hear that you understand the importance of communication, and have a solid plan of attack.

没有正确的沟通方式(尽管有很多错的, 咳嗽,不适当的BCC行为, 咳嗽,咳嗽 )。 远程员工只是想听听您了解交流的重要性,并制定可靠的攻击计划。

远程求职的要点 (Takeaways for Your Remote Job Search)

  • Remote employers are looking for independent workers who can take initiative, are self-motivated, and stay focused and engaged no matter where they’re working.

  • Remote employers need workers who aren’t just savvy with virtual communication tools, but who will put in the extra effort to check in with people, ask for help when they need it, and offer help when they’re asked.

  • Remote employers rely on rational people who won’t succumb to the self-sabotage of text-based communication.

  • To showcase your remote abilities, use your resume to highlight aspects of previous jobs that translate to remote work.

  • Before starting your remote job search, establish what kind of remote job will fit your needs.

  • Prepare for a remote job interview by anticipating remote-specific gotcha questions, all while keeping in mind that employers don’t just want to know why you want to work remotely, but why you want to work remotely for them.


Prepared for your remote job search? Head to SitePoint Remote to find your next role, where we handpick the best remote jobs for developers, designers, and digital professionals.

准备好进行远程求职了吗? 前往SitePoint Remote寻找您的下一个职位,我们在此处为开发人员,设计师和数字专业人士挑选最佳的远程工作。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/how-to-prepare-for-a-remote-job-search/

saprk 提交远程作业

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