


A few months ago I wrote about how you can encrypt your entire life in less than an hour. Well, all the security in the world can’t save you if someone has physical possession of your phone or laptop, and can intimidate you into giving up your password.

几个月前,我写了一篇关于如何在不到一个小时的时间内加密您的整个生活的文章 。 好吧,如果某人实际拥有您的手机或笔记本电脑,那么世界上所有的安全保护措施都无法挽救您,并且会吓倒您放弃您的密码。

And a few weeks ago, that’s precisely what happened to a US citizen returning home from abroad.


On January 30th, Sidd Bikkannavar, a US-born scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory flew back to Houston, Texas from Santiago, Chile.

1月30日,美国出生的美国宇航局喷气推进实验室的科学家Sidd Bikkannavar从智利圣地亚哥飞回德克萨斯州休斯敦。

On his way through the airport, Customs and Border Patrol agents pulled him aside. They searched him, then detained him in a room with a bunch of other people sleeping in cots. They eventually returned and said they’d release him if he told them the password to unlock his phone.

在穿过机场的途中,海关和边境巡逻队特工将他拉到一边。 他们搜查了他,然后将他与其他一群睡在婴儿床中的人关在一起。 他们最终返回,并说如果他告诉他们解锁手机的密码,他将释放他。

Bikkannavar explained that the phone belonged to NASA and had sensitive information on it, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. He eventually yielded and unlocked his phone. The agents left with his phone. Half an hour later, they returned, handed him his phone, and released him.

Bikkannavar解释说,该电话属于NASA,并具有敏感信息,但他的恳求充耳不闻。 他最终屈服并解锁了手机。 特工离开了他的电话。 半小时后,他们返回,递给他手机,然后释放了他。

We’re going to discuss the legality of all of this, and what likely happened during that 30 minutes where Bikkannavar’s phone was unlocked and outside of his possession.


But before we do, take a moment to think about all the apps you have on your phone. Email? Facebook? Dropbox? Your browser? Signal? The history of everything you’ve ever done — everything you’ve ever searched, and everything you’ve ever said to anyone — is right there in those apps.

但是在开始之前,请花点时间考虑一下手机上所有的应用程序。 电子邮件? Facebook的? 投寄箱? 您的浏览器? 信号? 您曾经做过的所有事情的历史-您曾经搜索过的一切,以及您曾经对任何人说过的一切-都在这些应用程序中。

“We should treat personal electronic data with the same care and respect as weapons-grade plutonium — it is dangerous, long-lasting and once it has leaked there’s no getting it back.” — Cory Doctorow
“我们应该像对待武器级p一样对待和尊重个人电子数据-这是危险的,持久的,一旦泄漏就无法收回。” —科里·多特洛(Cory Doctorow)

How many potentially incriminating things do you have lying around your home? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably zero. And yet police would need to go before a judge and establish probable cause before they could get a warrant to search your home.

您在家中躺着多少可能引起犯罪的物品? 如果您像大多数人一样,答案可能是零。 但是,警察在获得逮捕令搜查您的房屋之前,必须先向法官提出诉讼并确定可能的原因。

What we’re seeing now is that anyone can be grabbed on their way through customs and forced to hand over the full contents of their digital life.


Companies like Elcomsoft make “forensic software” that can suck down all your photos, contacts — even passwords for your email and social media accounts — in a matter of minutes. Their customers include the police forces of various countries, militaries, and private security forces. They can use these tools to permanently archive everything there is to know about you. All they need is your unlocked phone.

像Elcomsoft这样的公司制造的“取证软件”可以在短短几分钟内吸引您所有的照片,联系人,甚至是您的电子邮件和社交媒体帐户的密码。 他们的客户包括各个国家的警察部队,军队和私人安全部队。 他们可以使用这些工具永久存档有关您的所有信息。 他们需要的只是您的解锁手机。

“If one would give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest man, I would find something in them to have him hanged.” — Cardinal Richelieu in 1641

“如果有人给我六句最诚实的人的笔迹,我会发现其中有一些东西使他被绞死。” — 1641年的黎塞留枢机

What’s the worst thing that could happen if the Customs and Border Patrol succeed in getting ahold of your unlocked phone? Well…

如果海关和边境巡逻队成功抢走您的未锁定手机,最糟糕的事情是什么? 好…

  • Think of all of the people you’ve ever called or emailed, and all the people you’re connected with on Facebook and LinkedIn. What are the chances that one of them has committed a serious crime, or will do so in the future?

    想想您曾经打电话或发电子邮件的所有人员,以及您在Facebook和LinkedIn上与之联系的所有人员。 其中一个人犯下严重罪行的机会是,或将来会犯此罪行的机会是什么?
  • Have you ever taken a photo at a protest, bought a controversial book on Amazon, or vented about an encounter with a police officer to a loved one? That information is now part of your permanent record, and could be dragged out as evidence against you if you ever end up in court.

    您是否曾经在抗议活动中拍照,在亚马逊上买过有争议的书,或者向亲人发泄过与警官的相遇? 现在,这些信息已成为您永久记录的一部分,如果您最终出庭,可以将其作为对您不利的证据。
  • There’s a movement within government to make all data from all departments available to all staff at a local, state, and federal level. The more places your data ends up, the larger a hacker’s “attack surface” is — that is, the more vulnerable your data is. A security breach in a single police station in the middle of nowhere could result in your data ending up in the hands of hackers — and potentially used against you from the shadows — for the rest of your life.

    政府内部正在采取行动,要求将所有部门的所有数据提供给地方,州和联邦各级的所有员工。 数据放置的位置越多,黑客的“攻击面”就越大-也就是说,数据越容易受到攻击。 在茫茫荒野中,一个警察局中的安全漏洞可能导致您的数据终生被黑客掌握,并有可能在黑夜中被您利用。

等一会儿。 那我的第四和第五修正权呢? 这不合法吗? (Wait a second. What about my fourth and fifth amendment rights? Isn’t this illegal?)

The fourth amendment protects you against unreasonable search and seizure. The fifth amendment protects you against self-incrimination.

第四修正案保护您免受不合理的搜查和扣押。 第五项修正案保护您免受自我指责。

If a police officer were to stop you on the street of America and ask you to unlock your phone and give it to them, these amendments would give you strong legal ground for refusing to do so.


But unfortunately, the US border isn’t technically the US, and you don’t have either of these rights at the border.

但不幸的是,从技术上讲,美国边界并不是美国,并且边界上您既没有这些权利,也没有 。

It’s totally legal for a US Customs and Border Patrol officer to ask you to unlock your phone and hand it over to them. And they can detain you indefinitely if you don’t. Even if you’re a American citizen.

美国海关边境巡逻队的官员要求您解锁手机并将其移交给他们是完全合法的。 如果您不这样做,他们可以无限期拘留您。 即使您是美国公民。

The border is technically outside of US jurisdiction, in a sort of legal no-man’s-land. You have very few rights there. Barring the use of “excessive force,” agents can do whatever they want to you.

从技术上讲,边界在美国法律管辖范围之外,属于某种合法的无人区。 您在那里的权利很少。 除非使用“过度使用武力”,否则特工可以对您做任何想做的事情。

So my advice is to just do whatever they tell you, to and get through customs and on into the US as quickly as you can.


美国不是唯一这样做的国家。 (The US isn’t the only country that does this.)

It’s only a matter of time before downloading the contents of people’s phones becomes a standard procedure for entering every country. This already happens in Canada. And you can bet that countries like China and Russia aren’t far behind.

下载人们的电话内容成为进入每个国家的标准程序只是时间问题。 这已经在加拿大发生。 您可以打赌,像中国和俄罗斯这样的国家并不落后。

“Never say anything in an electronic message that you wouldn’t want appearing, and attributed to you, in tomorrow morning’s front-page headline in the New York Times.” — Colonel David Russell, former head of DARPA’s Information Processing Techniques Office
“永远不要在明日上午《纽约时报》头版头条的电子消息中说出您不想出现并归因于您的任何内容。” — DARPA信息处理技术办公室前负责人David Russell上校

Since it’s illegal in most countries to profile individual travelers, customs officers will soon require everyone to do this.


The companies who make the software that downloads data from your phones are about to get a huge infusion of money from governments. Their software will get much faster — maybe requiring only a few seconds to download all of your most pertinent data from your phone.

制造从手机下载数据的软件的公司将获得政府的巨额注资。 他们的软件将变得更快-可能仅需几秒钟即可从手机下载所有最相关的数据。

If we do nothing to resist, pretty soon everyone will have to unlock their phone and hand it over to a customs agent while they’re getting their passport swiped.


Over time, this unparalleled intrusion into your personal privacy may come to feel as routine as taking off your shoes and putting them on a conveyer belt.


And with this single new procedure, all the hard work that Apple and Google have invested in encrypting the data on your phone — and fighting for your privacy in court — will be a completely moot point.


Governments will have succeeded in utterly circumventing decades of innovation in security and privacy protection. All by demanding you hand them the skeleton key to your life — your unlocked phone.

各国政府将成功规避数十年的安全和隐私保护创新。 通过要求您将生命的万能钥匙交给他们-您的解锁手机。

您无法移交没有的设备。 (You can’t hand over a device that you don’t have.)

When you travel internationally, you should leave your mobile phone and laptop at home. You can rent phones at most international airports that include data plans.

出国旅行时,应将手机和笔记本电脑留在家里。 您可以在大多数有数据计划的国际机场租用电话。

If you have family overseas, you can buy a second phone and laptop and leave them there at their home.


If you’re an employer, you can create a policy that your employees are not to bring devices with them during international travel. You can then issue them “loaner” laptops and phones once they enter the country.

如果您是雇主,则可以制定一项政策,规定您的员工在国际旅行期间请勿携带设备。 一旦他们进入该国,您就可以向他们发放“贷款”笔记本电脑和手机。

Since most of our private data is stored in the cloud — and not on individual devices — you could also reset your phone to its factory settings before boarding an international flight. This process will also delete the keys necessary to unencrypt any residual data on your phone (iOS and Android fully encrypt your data).

由于我们的大多数私人数据都存储在云中,而不是存储在单个设备中,因此您也可以在登机之前将手机重置为出厂设置。 此过程还将删除对手机上的所有残留数据进行解密的必要密钥(iOS和Android完全加密您的数据)。

This way, you could bring your physical phone with you, then reinstall apps and re-authenticate with them once you’ve arrived. If you’re asked to hand over your unlocked phone at the border, there won’t be any personal data on it. All your data will be safe behind the world-class security that Facebook, Google, Apple, Signal, and all these other companies use.

这样,您可以随身携带实体电话,然后在到达后重新安装应用程序并对其进行重新身份验证。 如果要求您在边境交出未锁定的手机,则手机上将没有任何个人数据。 您的所有数据将在Facebook,Google,Apple,Signal和所有其他公司使用的世界一流安全性的背后得到保护。

Is all this inconvenient? Absolutely. But it’s the only sane course of action when you consider the gravity of your data falling into the wrong hands.

这一切不方便吗? 绝对。 但是,当您考虑将数据的重要性落入错误的手中时,这是唯一明智的选择。

If you bother locking your doors at night, you should bother securing your phone’s data during international travel.


This may upset Customs and Border Patrol agents, who are probably smart enough to realize that 85% of Americans now have smart phones, and probably 100% of the Americans who travel internationally have smart phones. They may choose to detain you anyway, and force you to give them passwords to various accounts manually. But there’s no easy way for them to know which services you use and which services you don’t use, or whether you have multiple accounts.

这可能会使海关和边境巡逻人员不满,他们可能足够聪明,以至于意识到现在有85%的美国人拥有智能手机,而出国旅行的美国人中可能有100%拥有智能手机。 他们可能仍然选择拘留您,并强迫您手动将密码输入各个帐户。 但是,没有一种简单的方法让他们知道您使用的服务和不使用的服务,或者您是否有多个帐户。

We live in an era of mass surveillance, where governments around the world are passing terrifying new anti-privacy laws every year.

我们生活在一个大规模监视的时代,全世界的政府每年都在通过可怕的新反隐私法 。

“Those who are willing to surrender their freedom for security have always demanded that if they give up their full freedom it should also be taken from those not prepared to do so.” — Friedrich Hayek
“那些愿意为安全而放弃自由的人一直要求,如果他们放弃自己的充分自由,那么也应该从那些不准备这样做的人手中夺走自由。” —弗里德里希·哈耶克(Friedrich Hayek)

With a lot of hard work on our part, enlightenment will triumph. Privacy will be restored. And we will beat back the current climate of fear that’s confusing people into unnecessarily giving up their rights.

通过我们的艰苦努力,开悟将取得成功。 隐私将恢复。 而且,我们将消除当前令人恐惧的气氛,这种气氛使人们不必要地放弃自己的权利。

In the meantime, follow the Boy Scouts of America Motto: always be prepared. The next time you plan to cross a border, leave your phone at home.

同时,请遵循美国童子军的座右铭: 时刻做好准备。 下次您打算越过边界时,请将手机留在家中。

I only write about programming and technology. If you follow me on Twitter I won’t waste your time. ?

我只写关于编程和技术的文章。 如果您在Twitter上关注我,我不会浪费您的时间。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/ill-never-bring-my-phone-on-an-international-flight-again-neither-should-you-e9289cde0e5f/


本文标签: 你也手帕会将不干净我再也不