


AirDroid for Android replaces your USB cable for connecting to your PC. Transfer files back and forth, send text messages, play music, view your photos, and manage applications using a web browser or a desktop client.

适用于Android的AirDroid取代了USB电缆以连接到PC。 使用Web浏览器或桌面客户端来回传输文件,发送短信,播放音乐,查看照片以及管理应用程序。

AirDroid is free. It functions as a web server, allowing your Android device and your computer to communicate over the network.

AirDroid是免费的。 它充当网络服务器,允许您的Android设备和计算机通过网络进行通信。

入门 (Getting Started)

AirDroid is available for free from the Android Market. To be able to transfer files between your Android device and your PC, you have to sign up for a free account. This also allows you to use AirDroid over the Internet instead of only over Wi-Fi. When the app first opens, you’re asked to sign in or sign up. If you didn’t sign up using a browser, you can sign up for your free account from this screen. Once you’ve signed up for your free account, sign in to your account in the AirDroid app.

AirDroid可从Android Market免费获得。 为了能够在Android设备和PC之间传输文件,您必须注册一个免费帐户。 这也使您可以通过Internet而不是仅通过Wi-Fi使用AirDroid。 当应用首次打开时,系统会要求您登录或注册。 如果您未使用浏览器进行注册,则可以从此屏幕注册免费帐户。 注册免费帐户后,请在AirDroid应用中登录您的帐户。

Once you sign in, a dialog box displays allowing you to enable the feature that allows you to view all app and system notifications from your phone on your PC in real time. To turn on the feature now, tap “Enable”. You can also turn on the feature later in the settings.

登录后,将显示一个对话框,您可以启用该功能,该功能允许您从PC上的手机实时查看所有应用程序和系统通知。 要立即打开该功能,请点击“启用”。 您也可以稍后在设置中打开该功能。

If you tapped “Enable”, the “Notification access” screen displays. Tap on the “AirDroid Notification Mirror Service” check box. If you tapped “Later”, you can skip the next two steps.

如果点击“启用”,则显示“通知访问”屏幕。 点击“ AirDroid通知镜像服务”复选框。 如果点击“稍后”,则可以跳过接下来的两个步骤。

A confirmation dialog box displays. Tap “OK”.

显示确认对话框。 点击“确定”。

There should be a check mark in the “AirDroid Notification Mirror Service” check box indicating the service is on. Press the “Back” button on your device to return to the AirDroid app.

“ AirDroid Notification Mirror Service”复选框中应有一个复选标记,指示该服务已打开。 在设备上按“返回”按钮以返回到AirDroid应用程序。

In the AirDroid app, a web address displays.


本文标签: 如何使用黑屏设备airdroidandroid