

BIOS1101 Evolutionary and Functional Biology - 2024

General Course Information

Course Code :  BIOS1101

Year :  2024

Term :  Term 2

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

This course examines the evolutionary history of life on earth from origins of humans and the relationship between environment and adaptation. Students examine the diversity of life across  the animal and plant kingdoms, learning about classifcation, adaptation and basic structure and form. Animal (particularly human) and plant physiology are covered with an emphasis placed on adaptation in the Australian context. No prior knowledge is required. This is a blended course. The weekly laboratory classes are face-to-face and lectures are online.

Course Aims

The aims of the course are:

1. To engender an appreciation of the processes and causes of evolution which have led to the spectacular diversity of living organisms on the planet.

2. To study the physiology of major organ systems of animals with an emphasis on vertebrates.

3. To relate structure to growth patterns, development, and reproduction in higher plants.

For those students who intend to continue studying Biology, this course provides the basic information (the assumed knowledge) for higher level courses in the Biological Sciences

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 : Use evidence from the fossil record and the living world to explain evolution, evolutionary processes, and the diversity of life on earth.

CLO2 : Identify and classify living organisms into higher order evolutionary groupings.

CLO3 : Relate plant and animal anatomy, physiology and reproduction to function, adaptation and environment.

CLO4 : Perform fundamental biological laboratory skills including microscopy, biological    drawing, dissection, tissue sectioning, tissue staining, and microscope slide preparation to accomplish frst-handscientifc investigations.

Course Learning Outcomes

Assessment Item

CLO1 : Use evidence from the fossil record and the living world to explain evolution, evolutionary

processes, and the diversity of life on earth.

• Practical test

• Practical exercises

• Final exam

CLO2 : Identify and classify living organisms into higher order evolutionary groupings.

• Practical test

• Practical exercises

• Final exam

CLO3 : Relate plant and animal anatomy, physiology and reproduction to function, adaptation and


• Practical test

• Practical exercises

• Final exam

CLO4 : Perform. fundamental biological laboratory skills including microscopy, biological drawing,

dissection, tissue sectioning, tissue staining, and microscope slide preparation to accomplish frst- handscientifc investigations.

• Practical test

• Practical exercises

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System

Learning and Teaching in this course

There are four major components to this course:

1) Lectures which outline the main elements of evolution and functional biology. Lectures are primarily given by academics from the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences.

2) Practical classes which provide "hands on" experience teaching the basic skills of dissections, phylogeny, classifcation, physiology, and biological identifcation. There are 7 set practical classes.

3) Assessments which are designed to enhance skills such biological drawing, understanding of evolution, and understanding of physiology and functional adaptations.

4) Assessments which are designed to assess students understanding of the theory content provided in the lectures. This is examined by a fnal exam.

Additional Course Information

Each week, there will be three (3) lectures available online for the students via the BIOS1101 T2 Moodle page. One of these three lectures can be attended in-person every week, but it will be recorded and put online with the rest. Students can access this content via the interactive timetable. It is up to the student to make time to watch and listen to the weekly content provided, as well as prepare their own study notes. Staying on top of this content will help students in their understanding of assessment material and will also help students stay engaged with the course. The content from lectures is examined via a fnal exam in Inspera during the exam time period.

The practical aspect of this course is so important that participation in practical classes is a fundamental requirement for the award of a pass. During each practical class, time is spent working on assignments for the course. If you miss a practical class, you may miss out on valuable information required for the completion of your assignments. Any student who misses more than one practical class and does not provide a medical certifcate to cover any such absence may be awarded an unsatisfactory failure (UF) grade for having failed to complete essential elements of their assignments for the subject.


Assessment Structure

Assessment Item


Relevant Dates

Practical test

Assessment Format: Individual


Practical exercises

Assessment Format: Individual Short Extension: Yes (3 days)


Final exam

Assessment Format: Individual


Assessment Details

Practical test

Assessment Overview

You will be tested on your understanding of plant and animal form and function, and how variability in form and function is associated with adaptation across environments.

The test is in-person in the last scheduled practical of the term, and will be on material observed and techniques used in the practicals throughout the term. The test will be set up as a series of stations in the laboratory where each station will have a specimen and a question on that specimen. You will receive your test marks one week after the test.

Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO1 : Use evidence from the fossil record and the living world to explain evolution, evolutionary processes, and the diversity of life on earth.

· CLO2 : Identify and classify living organisms into higher order evolutionary groupings.

· CLO3 : Relate plant and animal anatomy, physiology and reproduction to function, adaptation and environment.

· CLO4 : Perform. fundamental biological laboratory skills including microscopy, biological drawing, dissection, tissue sectioning, tissue staining, and microscope slide preparation to accomplish frst-handscientifc investigations.

Detailed Assessment Description

For the practical exam, you will have practical specimens set out at various stations around the room. You will be required to answer questions related to the specimens at each station. A practical exam is a bit like musical chairs, when the bell rings-you move to the next station. The exma will take place during class in week 10. There will be 20 questions which covers practical lab content.

Practical exercises

Assessment Overview

You will be required to partake in practical tasks where you will be assessed on your ability to identify structures, and answer questions relating to form, function, and adaptation. There is also an introductory exercise coveringscientifc theory, the theory of evolution and natural selection. There are three practical exercises:

Exercise 1 is a tutorial and quiz coveringscientifc theory, the theory of evolution and natural selection. This exercise is worth 5% and is completed online in week 3. Correct answers are released at the completion of this task.

Exercise 2 is a dissection worksheet. You will be required to produce a biological drawing of a dissected rat and toad, identify organs and structures and answer questions related to form and function. This exercise is worth 15% and completed in class in week 5.

Exercise 3 is a Darwinian plant demon worksheet.

You will be required to use your understanding of form, function, adaptation, and plant plasticity to create a theoretical Darwinian plant demon. This exercise is worth 15% and submitted online in week 8.

For exercises 2 and 3, feedback is delivered in the form. of written comments, marking rubrics and one on one time with markers.

Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO1 : Use evidence from the fossil record and the living world to explain evolution, evolutionary processes, and the diversity of life on earth.

· CLO2 : Identify and classify living organisms into higher order evolutionary groupings.

· CLO3 : Relate plant and animal anatomy, physiology and reproduction to function, adaptation and environment.

· CLO4 : Perform. fundamental biological laboratory skills including microscopy, biological drawing, dissection, tissue sectioning, tissue staining, and microscope slide preparation to accomplish frst-handscientifc investigations.

Final exam

Assessment Overview

This exam will test your understanding of the concepts and theory covered in the lecture components of the course. The exam takes place during the ofcial university examination period and consists of 50 multiple choice questions.

Feedback is available through inquiry with the course convenor.

Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO1 : Use evidence from the fossil record and the living world to explain evolution, evolutionary processes, and the diversity of life on earth.

· CLO2 : Identify and classify living organisms into higher order evolutionary groupings.

· CLO3 : Relate plant and animal anatomy, physiology and reproduction to function, adaptation and environment.

本文标签: EvolutionaryFunctional