

UNITY 5.2.3
iOS: Added a PlayerSetting to add the iOS 9 UIRequiresFullScreen to the Xcode generated plist to enable/disable multitasking support.
iOS:添加一个PlayerSetting选项来增加iOS9 UIRequiresFullScreen,使得Xcode生成列表开启/关闭多任务支持。
iOS: Added Touch Pressure support. Scripts can access this API through the pressure and maximumPossiblePressure properties on Touch.
iOS:添加 按压 支持。脚本可以检索到以下API获取 按压 和 maximumPossiblePressure 属性在Touch中。
Added warning for NetworkIdentity on child game objects.
Better error messages when network packets larger than MTU are generated by internal multiplayer systems.
GI: Added the “Min Chart Size” option on the MeshRenderer to allow for lowering chart size in case stiching is not needed.
GI:在MeshRenderer中添加”Min Chart Size”选项,来允许不需要缝合时,更低的图片尺寸。
GI: Added the “Ignore Normals” option on the MeshRenderer to skip comparing normals when detecting charts for realtime GI. This can be necessary when using hand authored UVs to avoid chart splits.
GI:在MeshRenderer中添加”Ignore Normals”选项来跳过比较法线,当实时GI检查图片时。当使用手动UVs避免图片碎裂时很重要。
GI: Upgraded Enlighten to 2.22 UN20:
GI:升级Enlighten到2.22 UN20
- An issue has been fixed where AMD Opteron CPUs produced different atlas packing to Intel Xeon CPUs.
- 如下问题已经被修复,AMD Opteron CPU系列产生不同图集包对比英特尔至强系列。
- A crash affecting Linux binaries on CPUs lacking SSE3 instructions has been fixed.
- 修复一个当CPU缺少SSE3指令时,导致Linux二级制包崩溃的问题。
- PS4 SDK used is 3.000.
- PS4 SDK使用3.000.
- iOS stays on the old Enlighten build for a moment.
- iOS依然使用要使用一段时间旧的Enlighten构建。
IL2CPP: Allow null checks, array bounds checks, and divide by zero checks to be selectively included or omitted from generated C++ code by using a C# attribute on type, method, or property definitions.
iOS/IL2CPP: Enable incremental build support using the “Append” option. Keep the generated code stable across additional, removal, and changes for string literals and non-generic types.
Networking: Added more logging info on too-large packets when object state updates exceed the MTU.
Networking: Added log messages to identify the object and script that cause too-large packets to be generated.
StackTraceLogType.None now works on iOS and Android.
Physics: Expose the error tolerance on SpringJoint. This allows the springs to have a rest length shorter than the default 2.5 cm.
(587995) - Physics: Always render the outline of a PolygonCollider2D in dark-green so that if an edge is discarded, it still shows.
(587995)-Physics:PolygonCollider2D 在dark-green模式,尽管一个边缘已经失效,却经常渲染轮廓线。
(718508) - Physics: Increase precision of Physics2D.OverlapArea & Physics2D.OverlapCircle methods.
(718508)-Physics:增加Physics2D.OverlapArea & Physics2D.OverlapCircle 函数的精确度。
Unity Ads: Update to Unity Ads 1.5.3
Uniyt Ads:更新到Unity Ads 1.5.3版本.
VR: A camera can now target the main display backbuffer in VR mode by setting “Target Eye” to “None (Main Display)”.
VR:在VR模式下可以通过设置”Target Eye”为”None (Main Display)”,使得摄像机的target可以设置为主显示缓存区。
VR: Updated the OVRPlugin. Oculus Runtime 0.8 is required to use Oculus VR with this patch.
VR:更新OVRPlugin。Oculus 0.8运行时需要通过这个补丁使用Oculus VR。
VR: Update to Oculus OVRPlugin.
VR:更新Oculus OVRPlugin。

UNITY 5.2.4
iOS: Add support for Apple Pencil through Touch and Input APIs.
iOS:通过Touch和Input 添加支持苹果 Pencil画笔的API。
Physics: Added ‘OneWayGrouping’ property to PlatformEffector2D to group contacts.
Unity Ads: Update to Unity Ads 1.5.4.
Unity Ads:更新到Unity Ads 1.5.4版本。
VR: Asynchronous Loading during Splash Screen to reduce load times.
VR: Optimized Oculus to start CPU work for next frame while rendering the current frame.

本文标签: 中文版Unityamp