

Once a week we dip into our reader mailbag to answer your tech questions. This week we take a look at how you can avoid frequent reboots, moving MS Office, and how to share your laptop’s internet connection.

每周一次,我们浸入阅读器邮袋中,以回答您的技术问题。 本周,我们来看看如何避免频繁重启,移动MS Office以及如何共享笔记本电脑的Internet连接。

为什么我必须经常重启? (Why Do I Have to Reboot so Often?)

Dear How-To Geek, I feel like I have to reboot my Windows PC all the time, either because I’ve installed new software or because Windows is always updating. This wouldn’t be a huge deal, but my computer takes a while to reboot. Anything I can do to avoid the hassle?

亲爱的How-To Geek,我觉得我必须一直重新启动Windows PC,因为我已经安装了新软件,或者因为Windows总是在更新。 算不上什么大事,但是我的电脑需要一段时间才能重启。 为了避免麻烦,我能做些什么?



Sick of Rebooting in Reno


Dear Sick of Rebooting,


The simple answer is that you don’t necessarily need to reboot every time an application asks you to. Most of the time it’ll work just fine. If you don’t notice anything out of sort there’s a good chance you can postpone the reboot. Check out our treatment of the topic here for a full run down on why installation files are so insistent on rebooting your system and why you can almost always ignore them.

简单的答案是,您不必在每次应用程序要求时都重新启动。 在大多数情况下,它都可以正常工作。 如果您没有发现任何不正常的情况,则很有可能可以推迟重新启动。 在这里查看我们对该主题的处理,以全面了解为什么安装文件如此坚持重启系统以及为什么几乎总是可以忽略它们。

将办公室移至新PC (Moving Office to a New PC)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Hi! A while ago I installed Microsoft Office 2010 on my Netbook, however that was the last PC i had a license for (it was Microsoft Office Home & Student and thus licensed for up to three PCs). What I would like to know is is there anyway I can “deregister” the product (as in withdraw the right for that computer – thus getting my product key back) so that I can install it on a different PC legally?

嗨! 不久前,我在上网本上安装了Microsoft Office 2010,但这是我获得许可的最后一台PC(它是Microsoft Office Home&Student,因此最多可许可三台PC)。 我想知道的是,无论如何我都可以“注销”该产品(例如撤回该计算机的使用权,从而取回我的产品密钥),以便可以合法地将其安装在其他PC上?



Office Swapping in San Diego


Dear Office Swapping,


There is no explicit click-this-button deactivation for the Office products. Uninstall the product from the device that no longer needs it, then install it on the new machine. Plug in the activation code on the new machine and, if you’re lucky, things will go smoothly and you won’t need to make any phone calls. If things don’t go smoothly, just call Microsoft Activation at 1-888-652-2342 and explain the situation. They’ll help you with any activation issues you have.

没有为Office产品明确禁用单击此按钮。 从不再需要该产品的设备上卸载该产品,然后将其安装在新计算机上。 插入新机器上的激活码,如果幸运的话,一切都会顺利进行,您无需打任何电话。 如果事情进展不顺利,只需致电 1-888-652-2342 致电Microsoft激活并说明情况。 他们将帮助您解决任何激活问题。

通过Ad Hoc网络共享Internet (Sharing Internet via Ad Hoc Networking)

Dear How-To Geek, I have a laptop that has 4G WiMAX, but I want to know, do you know if there is a way for me to tether this to another computer because I would really like to tether my connection? Sincerely, Tetherer in California

亲爱的How-To Geek,我有一台配备4G WiMAX的笔记本电脑,但是我想知道,您是否知道我是否有办法将它绑定到另一台计算机,因为我真的想绑定我的连接? 此致,Tetherer在加利福尼亚

Dear Tetherer,


What you’re looking for isn’t as much tethering as it is creating an Ad Hoc network. What you want is for your laptop to function as a router of sorts and all your other devices to connect to it. Assuming all your other devices have Wi-Fi it’s a straight forward fix. To set up an Ad Hoc network for Windows check out our detailed guide here. You can also read up up on configuring a Linux-based Ad Hoc network here and a Mac OS X one here.

您所寻找的并不仅限于建立Ad Hoc网络。 您想要的是让您的笔记本电脑能够充当各种路由器,并与所有其他设备连接。 假设所有其他设备都具有Wi-Fi,这是一个简单的解决方法。 要为Windows设置Ad Hoc网络,请在此处查看我们的详细指南 。 您还可以阅读涨涨上配置一个基于Linux的Ad Hoc网络在这里和Mac OS X的一个位置 。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek and we’ll do our best to help you dig up an answer.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件, 网址为tips@howtogeek ,我们将尽力帮助您找到答案。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/63544/ask-htg-rebooting-too-frequently-moving-microsoft-office-tethering-to-a-wimax-laptop/

本文标签: 笔记本电脑重新启动频繁网络HTG