

英语口语 10 个问题 & 回答

1. 个人品质

​ What personal qualities do you appreciate? 欣赏哪些个人品质

​ How do you evaluate yourself? 如何评价自己

​ What qualities do you think have the greatest impact on one’s development? why? 什么品质对一个人的发展影响最大

​ What kind of people do you think will become postgraduates? 什么样的人将成为研究生

​ Please use three words to describe yourself. 用三个词来描述自己

​ Talk about your shortcomings and your strengths. 你的缺点和你的长处

Thanks for your question.


As far as I’m concerned, I appreciate personal qualities likeI think I have qualities like self-confidence / self-discipline /perseverance / flexibility / ambition / creativity / humility /honesty / conscientiousness. Because they are essential characteristics that make us valuable and competent in our work and study.

就我而言,我很欣赏/我认为我具有 自信/自律/毅力/灵活性/野心/创造力/谦逊/诚实/认真 等品质。因为这些品质能使我们胜任工作和学习任务并创造价值。

With self-confidence, I trust myself to take the best action, focus on my strengths and learn from my mistakes quickly.


With flexibility, I can change and adapt to situations and circumstances and deal with unexpected challenges calmly.


As for my shortcomings, I think I am shy and I tend to focus on small details / I am not very good at multitasking / I like being straight forward, etc. But I am working on it and trying to be abetter version of myself.


2. 个人爱好

​ What’s your favorite color? Why? 最喜欢的颜色

​ What is your hobby and how did you get this hobby? 爱好

​ Please talk about your favorite sport. 最喜欢的运动

Thanks for your question.


My favorite color is blue, because it reminds me of sky and sea, making me feel relaxed and peaceful. Also, blue is seen as trustworthy, dependable and committed, and that is exactly who I am.


I love traveling, because it allows me to adapt to new and unexpected situations. For example, I try to anticipate possible delays and other interruptions in my travel and always have a list of important contacts, such as my hotel front desk or my family. These strategies have prepared me well for many possible and unexpected situations and greatly enhanced my flexibility.


Basketball is my favorite sport. Because it is a fantastic method to keep in shape and stay healthy. And it can help circulate more blood, oxygen, and nutrients into the body, boosting our energy levels and improving our overall health.


3. 本科专业/现在专业/未来就业/目前专业对未来就业的帮助

​ What do you want to do after graduation? Will your career be related with your major study? 毕业后想做什么,是否与你的专业学习有关

​ Talk about prospect of your major, your future plans, and your views on the subject. 专业前景,未来计划,对该专业的看法

​ What are your plans for the five years after graduation? 毕业后的五年计划

​ How would you introduce your major to others? 向他人介绍你的专业

​ Are you optimistic about your major and why? 对你的专业是否乐观

​ What are your future plans? 未来计划

Thanks for your question.


I majored in Computer Science & Technology at (). Computer Science & Technology is a discipline with a broad focus on computer systems and networks. The major of Computer Science & Technology is set up mainly to nurture well-rounded, high quality, interdisciplinary talents with strong practical abilities.


In the future, I want to be a professional System Architect. 或 I think the prospect of my major is quite promising. Because …

未来,我想成为一名专业的系统架构师。 我非常看好我的专业前景。因为…

4. 家乡城市

​ Please give a brief introduction of your hometown / your hometown’s characteristics. 介绍家乡(特色)

​ What is your favorite city, and why? 最喜欢的城市

Thanks for your question.


My hometown is Beijing, the capital of the People’s Republic of China. It is the world’s most populous national capital city, with over 21 million residents. Combining both modern and traditional style architectures, Beijing is one of the oldest cities in the world, with a rich history dating back over three millennia.

我的家乡是舟山,中华人民共和国的首都。它是世界上人口最多的国家首都,居民超过 2100 万。北京是世界上最古老的城市之一,建筑结合了现代和传统风格。京城历史悠久,可追溯到三千年前。

It is located in Northern China and is a global city and one of the world’s leading centers for culture, diplomacy, politics, finance, business and economics, education, research, language, tourism, sport, science and technology and transportation. As a megacity, Beijing is the second largest Chinese city by urban population after Shanghai and is the nation’s cultural, educational, and political center.


5. 印象深刻的人/老师/教授

​ Who is the most impressive teacher during your undergraduate study? And why? 本科学习期间印象最深的老师

​ What do you want to learn from your teacher? Who is your most respected professor and why? 想从老师那里学到什么,最尊敬的教授

​ What do you think of people who think independently? 对独立思考的人有什么看法

​ Please say something about one of your friends, and his or her recent situation. 说说你的一个朋友,以及他或她的近况

​ Tell me one of your favorite courses and give me the reasons. 最喜欢的一门课程

Thanks for your question.


The most impressive teacher during my undergraduate study is ( ), because he / she respects students and is able to create a sense of community and belonging in the classroom. He / she is also warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. I want to learn one important quality of his / her, that is love what you do, instead of doing what you love.

我本科期间印象最深的老师是( ),因为他/她尊重学生,能够在课堂上营造一种集体感和归属感。他/她也很热情,平易近人。我想学习他/她的一个重要品质,就是喜欢你所做的事,而不是做你喜欢的事。

My favorite course is ( ), because it is intriguing and offers me a lot of opportunities to do experiments and teamwork. And the professor can cover the textbook with deep insight so that we can study with less unnecessary effort.

我最喜欢的课程是( ),因为它很妙趣横生,并给我提供了很多做实验和团队合作的机会。而且,授课老师讲课深入浅出,让我们少走了不少弯路。

7. 本科院校/报考院校

​ Tell me something about your bachelor’s college.

​ Tell me something about your college life please.

​ What do you think is the best university?

​ What is the first objective that you want to achieve in postgraduate period?

​ What are your goals and plans for postgraduate study?

​ Introduce what you have gained in college.

​ Why do you choose this university?

​ Do you have any plans for your postgraduate study?

Thanks for your question.


My bachelor’s school is (), one of China’s higher education institutions, which is a multidisciplinary university.


The history of () can be traced back to 1950. Today it has 2 campuses, covering a total area of approximately 30,000 hectares.

()的历史可以追溯到1950年。如今,它拥有2个校区,总面积约为30000 公顷。

Following its motto, Hardworking, dedicated, united & innovative, the university gives priority to quality and integrity, and devotes itself to nurturing well-rounded, high quality, interdisciplinary talents with strong abilities of self-directed learning.


I have gained a broad knowledge about my major, a confident mindset and a clear perception of my strengths and weaknesses in college.


And in my postgraduate study, I plan to go deeper into my major-related studies and further improve myself in an all-round manner.


8. 教育

​ What is the meaning of education in your opinion? 教育的意义

​ What is the biggest difficulty you have had in your study? 学习中遇到的最大困难

Thanks for your question.


I think that one continuing purpose of education, since ancient times, has been to make people understand what it is to be a human being. Also, education can develop the intellect, serve social needs, contribute to the economy, create an effective work force, and prepare students for a job or career, etc.


Acquiring successful time management skills was the biggest challenge I faced as a student. It was an aspect of college life but I underestimated its significance. Now that I am in a new stage of personal development and study, I will spare no efforts to improve on it and try to become a master of time management.


9. 最近读过的书

​ Talk about the journals or the books you have read recently. 最近阅读的期刊或书籍

Thanks for your question.


Well, books are a prominent source of information, feelings, and inspiration. And recently I read a book named “( )” written by ( ).

书籍是信息、感受和灵感的重要来源。最近我读了一本由( )写的名为( )的书。

I finished reading it in only 3 days. This book tells a compelling / fascinating / intriguing story about ( ).

我只用 3 天就读完了这本书。它讲述了一个关于( )的引人入胜 / 耐人寻味的故事。

I think this book is a must read for everyone. Because it is full of inspiring thoughts and creative ideas. But I found one disadvantage of the book—its long sentences sometimes come to one paragraph and the ideas are very complicated. However, I believe that the extremely long sentences sometimes force us to slow down and reabsorb, so that gives us a precious opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the author’s ideas.


10. 交友

​ What does friendship mean to you? 友谊的意义

​ What kind of people will you choose to make friends with? 选择与什么样的人交朋友

Thanks for your question.


Friendship, for me is something that stands the test of time, unfortunate events and misunderstandings. Friends are an extended family that always have your back and having good friends makes you feel blessed and grateful.


I would like to make friends who are there for me through thick and thin, who listen and understand me and who respect me for who I am.我想结交


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