

看了一些帖子 也给官网打电话了

系统偏好设置-安全性与隐私-解锁-高级,取消勾选 在X分钟不活跃后退出登录,但毫无任何用,在1小时后再打开还是已经关机。。。

参考Previous Shutdown Causes Explained – George Garside


log show --predicate 'eventMessage contains "Previous shutdown cause"' --last 24h

5Correct Shut Down.Shutdown was initiated normally, from the macOS Shut Down menu or other shutdown command such as /sbin/shutdown. This does not indicate an issue with your system.
3Hard shutdown.Check the power button if you did not perform a hard shutdown yourself. It could be the case that the power button stuck down and forced a shutdown.
0Power disconnected.

Check power supply/battery on a laptop, or the power supply for a Mac without a battery. On a laptop, the Mac should hibernate before the battery becomes so discharged it is unable to shutdown correctly, therefore if you see this shutdown cause on a laptop it may indicate a hardware issue with the battery or with the battery controller for reading the charge. Try resetting the SMC by connecting the switched off computer to power, holding ⌃control+⌥option+⇧shift and pressing power.


猜测:应该是电池连接或者兼容问题,或者电源线没接牢固,或者开机键被什么东西顶到了。可能是屏幕 跟机器的接线有问题了

本文标签: 自动关机时再macbookpro熄屏后