


  1. 总题数:24
  2. 答题数:24
  3. 正题:19
  4. 错题:5
  5. 未答:0

单选题 (每题1分,共24道题)

1、 [单选] 项目A中的客户请求与项目经理开会,因为该客户对可交付成果是否符合要求和规范没有信心。项目经理在准备此次会议时应采用什么样的策略?
The customer in Project A requests a meeting with the project manager because the customer has no confidence that the deliverables meet the requirements specification. What strategies should the project manager adopt in preparing for this meeting?

  •  A:核实事业环境因素(EEFs)和过程
    Verify enterprise environmental factors (EEFs) and processes
  •  B:记录可靠数据,并核实是否已达到验收标准
    Document reliable data and verify whether it has reached the acceptance criteria
  •  C:带上变更控制委员会(CCB)日志和登记册,并向该客户展示这些日志和登记册
    Bring the Change Control Board (CCB) log and register and show them to the customer
  •  D:审查与该客户签订的合同中所记载的测试方法
    Review the test methods documented in the contract with the customer

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


2、 [单选] 项目经理经常收到关于某项目的变更请求,但他确保变更控制过程适当地应用中。项目经理本应采取什么措施来防止频繁的变更请求?
The project manager often receive requests for changes to a project, but he ensures that the change control process is being applied appropriately. What should the project manager have done to prevent frequent change requests?

  •  A:确保项目范围获得相关方批准
    Ensure the project scope is approved by the stakeholder
  •  B:在项目开始时定义项目范围
    Define the project scope at the beginning of the project
  •  C:完成责任分配矩阵(RAM)
    Complete the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
  •  D:更新需求矩阵
    Update the requirements matrix

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


3、 [单选] 在审查一个长期项目期间,相关方对项目经理关于项目绩效已随时间转移而得到改善的主张表示不认同。他们要求提交详细的报告。项目经理应该怎么做?
During the review of a long-term project, stakeholders disagree with the project manager’s claim that project performance has been improved over time, and they ask for a detailed report. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:完成趋势分析,并报告结果
    Complete the trend analysis and escalate the results
  •  B:确定进度绩效指数(SPI),以显示团队的工作效率
    Determine the Schedule Performance Index (SPI) to show the team's productivity
  •  C:计算完工尚需估算(ETC),以显示潜在的新完成日期
    Calculate the Estimate to Complete (ETC) to show potential new finish dates
  •  D:执行偏差分析,并报告结果
    Execute a variance analysis and escalate the results

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


4、 [单选] 项目可交付成果已经完成,但由于成果不及预想,主要项目相关方不愿接受这些可交付成果。项目经理怎么做?
Project deliverables have been completed, but key project stakeholders are reluctant to accept them because the results are less than expected. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:确保主要项目相关方的要求均得到满足
    Ensure that the requirements of key project stakeholders are met
  •  B:与主要项目相关方确认项目范围和可交付成果
    Validate project scope and deliverables with key project stakeholders
  •  C:继续开展项目收尾工作
    Continue the project closure
  •  D:评估项目所受影响,并相应地激活变更请求过程
    Evaluate the impact on the project and activate the change request accordingly

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


5、 [单选] 项目经理正在与一个很大的团队总结经验教训,希望大家提出建议,项目经理该如何收集这些信息?
The project manager is working with a large team to learn from the experience and wants people to give suggestions. How can the project manager gath
