









一位朋友到机场接机,眼看所有乘客都走光了,她还是没有接到人。问题出在哪儿呢?她看到人就问 "Are you from Chicago?" 因为她要接的人是从芝加哥转机飞来的,事后很久她才知道原来她问错了──"Are you from Chicago?"是问“你是芝加哥人吗?”被接机的那个人如果在华人社会里待过,也许就会猜得出来吧!


其实,"Are you from Chicago?"这句话真的错得很离谱吗,也未必,只差了一个字,正确的说法是:"Are you coming from Chicago?"






商业英文错误用法1:Cost reduction vs. Cost down


一想到降低成本,在英文里,大部份人会联想到"cost down",所以就说"Our company wants to cost down. 或者问how to cost down? 老外都觉得很怪,因为他们认为这样说文法不太通,但他们和老中沟通时,老中都觉得“怎么可能不对?”太常用cost down夹杂在中英文的表达里,习惯而成自然,也不觉得它错,甚至有一本中文书就叫《Cost Down,这样做就对了!》。中文人口之多,势力之大,将来积非成是,英文字典说不定会接受"to cost down"。不过现在还是先学学正统的说法:


降低成本,英文可以用reduce the cost 或是keep the cost down,如降低30%成一,就可说成achieve a cost reduction of 30%.


We've put out a cost-reduction challenge to all of our vendors. (我们已经对所有的厂商发布降低成本的要求。)


商业英文错误用法2:What is your job?


问别人工作是什么,很多人直接问:“What is your job?”


这说法也不太好,What is your work?也不对。因为人家不会回答你"my job is....."或"my work is....."




What do you do?


What do you do for a living?




He has recently found a work at the bank.


Work 作“工作、职业”解时,为不可数名词;job 为可数名词,正确的说法应该是 find a job. 


商业英文错误用法3:Personnel vs. Personal




"Personnel" 是“公司员工”或“人事部门”。All personnel of the company are eligible for the retirement plan. (公司员工都有资格参与退休计划)


Personnel [ ] 重音在字尾。


"Personal" 是形容词,指“私人的”或是“亲自的”。 It's all a matter of personal taste.(这纯属个人兴趣)"Personal"的重音在第一音节。 


商业英文错误用法4:Executive vs. Execution


一位 "executive" 是指公司的主管。CEO执行长是"Chief executive officer"的缩写,executive的念法是[ ],注意重音。


Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc. said its founder and chief executive officer will retire next month and be replaced by a top executive from rival generic drug maker Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc


和Executive很像的一个字是execution,执行或执行力。重音在"U",它的动词是"execute" ,既是执行,也有处决的意思,把执行长讲成 "execute" - 有置人于死地的错觉,不要用错了。


He will lead the execution of the company's corporate strategy, collaborating with the executive team on company-wide initiatives such as strategic ventures and business development. 


商业英文错误用法5:Discuss & discussion




When I discuss with my client, I cannot say the things that I want to say because of my English.


中文的“和....讨论”,最容易联想到的英文就是discuss。Discuss是一个及物动词,不能用discuss about、不能说"They are discussing" ,也不能用"discuss with somebody",discuss后面一定要加一个讨论的主题。像discuss the topic、discuss the proposal......。




(O) When I talk to my client, I cannot say the things that I want to say because of my English.




(X) They'd like to discuss about what to do next.


(O) They'd like to discuss what to do next.


They'd like to discuss what to do next.也可以写成They want a discussion about/ on what to do next.


商业英文错误用法6:I look forward to hearing from you.


这个片语通常使用在商业书信的结尾。有些人会写成,"I look forward to hear from you."这是错的,因为look forward to的to是介系词,后面一定要用V-ING动名词型式。 


•  I look forward to our meeting. 


•  I look forward to meeting you.


其他和look forward to类似的用法是Be/get used to /Get around to /Object to 


•  He couldn't get used to driving on the other side of the road. 


•  I'm not used to getting up so early. 


•  I'll get around to doing it. (我会找时间做)


•  I object to unpaid overtime work. (反对加班没有加班费)


商业英文错误用法7:Headquarters & Information


很多人自动会去掉 "headquarters" 的 "s",又莫名其妙地帮 "information" 加上 "s"。


Headquarters 是单数名词,指的是总部: Brussels, which is the headquarters of the Common Market, is an attractive city.


总部这个字字尾是"s",很容易让人以为是复数名词。其实它是单数,去掉 "s" 就成了动词 "to headquarter."


例如:The European correspondent will headquarter in Paris。




The European correspondent will make Paris her headquarters


很多人也会在information字尾加上 "s"。大部分的人推断如果他们需要很多资讯,他们就会改为复数,例如,"The book contains many useful informations." 但是资讯是不可数名词。 这句话要改成"The book contains much useful information."

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