


Engagement, engagement, engagement.


My brother Lee and I are web developers and entrepreneurs. We try to capitalize on every opportunity available to increase user engagement. A critical part of any strategy aimed at improving user engagement involves allowing users to comment on website articles/blog posts. Commenting is possible on any WordPress site via WordPress’ default commenting functionality or by installing a third party plugin. However, WordPress’ default commenting lacks some important features that tend to increase user interaction. It also requires the installation of the Akismet plugin to keep your site’s comments spam free. In addition, there was recent news uncovering a cross site scripting bug (the 0 Day Bug) in WordPress’ commenting when Akismet is absent (but a patch has been released). For these reasons, we opt for alternatives to WordPress’ default commenting functionality.

我的兄弟李和我是Web开发人员和企业家。 我们尝试利用每一个可用的机会来增加用户参与度。 任何旨在提高用户参与度的策略的关键部分都包括允许用户对网站文章/博客文章发表评论。 通过WordPress的默认评论功能或安装第三方插件,可以在任何WordPress网站上进行评论。 但是,WordPress的默认注释缺少一些重要的功能,这些功能往往会增加用户交互。 它还需要安装Akismet插件,以使您的站点的评论垃圾邮件保持免费。 此外,最近有新闻报道,当Akismet不存在(但已发布补丁程序)时,WordPress的评论中发现了跨站点脚本错误(0 Day Bug)。 由于这些原因,我们选择了WordPress默认评论功能的替代方法。

We researched four popular third party WordPress commenting plugins: Disqus, Facebook, Livefyre and Google Plus. We delved into the user and admin features offered by each plugin, their configuration processes, and some shortcomings to provide an in depth comparison of your options.

我们研究了四个流行的第三方WordPress评论插件:Disqus,Facebook,Livefyre和Google Plus。 我们深入研究了每个插件提供的用户和管理员功能,它们的配置过程以及一些缺点,以对您的选项进行深入的比较。

Disqus评论 (Disqus Comments)

The Disqus Comment System plugin has the highest number of active installs of all of the plugins that we checked out (200,000+). At the time of writing, this plugin was last updated by Disqus on December 9, 2014, it is compatible with WordPress version 4.0.4 or below (but we used this plugin on version 4.1.5 and it worked great) and is rated 3.5 out of 5 by 80 people. The following websites currently use the Disqus Commenting functionality: wired, npr, politico, ew (Entertainment Weekly). You can find this plugin in the WordPress Plugin Directory at https://wordpress/plugins/disqus-comment-system/. Collectively, this information gives us a good indication of what we can expect from the plugin. The Disqus plugin will likely work reliably and consistently (even at high levels of traffic), will likely be supported/updated by the creators if bugs are found and its ubiquity likely points to its ease of use and implementation. However, we’re not going to let them off that easy; we need to see it to believe it. We installed and activated the Disqus Comment System plugin on a WordPress site. We documented the configuration process as well as the different user and admin features.

在我们检出的所有插件中,Disqus Comment System插件的活动安装数量最多(200,000+)。 在撰写本文时,此插件最后一次由Disqus于2014年12月9日更新,它与WordPress版本4.0.4或更低版本兼容(但我们在版本4.1.5上使用了此插件,效果很好),评分为3.5五分之八十的人。 以下网站当前使用“ Disqus评论”功能:wired,npr,politico,ew(娱乐周刊)。 您可以在WordPress插件目录https://wordpress/plugins/disqus-comment-system/中找到此插件。 总的来说,这些信息可以很好地说明我们可以从插件中获得什么。 Disqus插件将可能可靠且一致地工作(即使在高流量下),如果发现错误,创建者可能会支持/更新该插件,并且其普遍存在可能表明其易于使用和实施。 但是,我们不会让他们那么容易。 我们需要看到它才能相信它。 我们在WordPress网站上安装并激活了Disqus评论系统插件。 我们记录了配置过程以及不同的用户和管理员功能。

Configuration Process:


  1. Add, Install and Activate the Disqus Commenting System. Follow the onscreen instructions

    添加,安装和激活Disqus评论系统。 按照屏幕上的说明进行操作
  2. Sign in – Login via Facebook, Google plus or Twitter OR sign up for a Disqus account

    登录–通过Facebook,Google plus或Twitter登录或注册一个Disqus帐户
  3. Add the site name and url that you’ll be adding Disqus Comments to in your Disqus account

  4. Select your site

  5. You are good to go! You should see a Disqus commenting box (like that shown below) on any blog post on your site.

    你已准备好出发! 您应该在网站上的任何博客文章上看到一个Disqus评论框(如下所示)。

用户功能 ( User Features)

  • Sign In to Comment (with Disqus, Facebook, Google Plus or Twitter), Sign Up to Comment (with Disqus, Facebook, Google Plus or Twitter), or comment as a guest (if this is enabled)

    登录以发表评论(使用Disqus,Facebook,Google Plus或Twitter),注册以发表评论(使用Disqus,Facebook,Google Plus或Twitter)或以访客身份发表评论(如果已启用)
  • Responsive design to fit different devices – The commenting functionality is set to 100% width of whatever container it is in. So, how it looks depends on how well crafted the theme is.

  • Add images to the comment (< = 2MB)

    将图像添加到注释(<= 2MB)
  • Share Comment on Facebook or Twitter

  • Sort Comments by Best, Oldest and Newest

  • Ability to Recommend a Comment Stream on an article

  • Ability to Subscribe to a Comment Stream on an article (allowing you to keep up to date with who is commenting on your article or on an article you’re interested in)

  • Share an individual comment on Facebook, Twitter or share the direct link

  • Reply to each individual comment

  • Edit each individual comment

  • The ability to up or down vote certain comments

  • Notification and reply by email

  • Support for Disqus community widgets

  • Ability to connect with their discussion community

  • Increase exposure to your comments by their community’s users (not sure how much play these get though)

  • Users can see all Disqus comment threads that they have been a part of by clicking on the speech bubble next to the user’s name


管理员功能 ( Admin Features)

How to Access: Sign into your Disqus account, click on the cog in the top right hand corner and click on Admin. This should take you to the Moderation Panel.

访问方法 :登录您的Disqus帐户,单击右上角的齿轮,然后单击“管理员”。 这将带您进入审核面板。

  • Free to use

  • Get email addresses associated with all of your commenters.

  • Ability to approve, mark as spam or delete any comment in the approved, pending, spam or deleted category (in the moderation dashboard)

  • Ability to mark as spam, delete, blacklist, moderate or feature individual comments you see on the site

  • Ability to Close a Comment Thread or Open a Closed Thread

  • Add/Remove Moderators

  • Spam filtering by being able to add users to Blacklists (prevent users on this list from posting) and whitelists (allow users on this list to bypass some moderation settings)

  • Add words (such as profanity) to the restricted list (requiring approval before publishing)

  • Can see profiles of users (including the number of comments made in total, number of comments marked as spam or flagged, email and ip address associated with this user, Disqus user rating and how long a user has been a part of Disqus).

  • Setting Community rules


    • Comments require moderator approval before publishing, all comments are automatically published, or comments that aren’t from verified emails require approval

    • Allow guests to comment

    • Require approval of comments with links before they are published

    • Automatically display and include images and videos that are included in comments

    • Email moderator(s) when a comment is flagged

    • Don’t display a comment once it is flagged X amount of times

    • Don’t allow comments after a certain number of days

    • Set a Twitter username for tweeted comments to @ reply

  • Import existing comments (via a WXR file into Disqus’ moderation panel)

  • Able to be crawled and indexed by search engines

  • Export Disqus Comments as a Backup (not for use in importing them later – you would want to export comments on WordPress if you would need it to possibly be uploaded later)

  • Migrate Threads to a new domain, upload a URL map (if your URLs change) or crawl your site for 301 redirects (Disqus crawls your old pages and updates the thread to be associated with the new url)

  • Analytics – seeing the top comments, the number of comments and votes in the last 30 days and in the last 3 months

  • Adjust the Appearance of your Comments (Color Scheme, Typeface, moderator badge)

  • Adjust the text of the comment count link

  • Adjust the default sorting (it defaults to Best but you could change it to Newest, Oldest or Best)

  • Comments made with Disqus are also synced with your WordPress database (this also allows you to revert to WordPress default commenting without losing any comments that you had while using disqus)


Disqus性能 (Disqus Performance)

Disqus had a total of 46 HTTP requests related to loading the commenting functionality.


Facebook评论 (Facebook Comments)

Another commenting plugin that we checked out uses Facebook’s commenting plugin. You may not have heard of this little social network called Facebook ;). They have over 1.4 billion users and a $220+ billion market cap. According to the WordPress Plugin Directory, the most popular WordPress Facebook Comments plugin has 90,000+ active installs, a 4.5 out of 5 rating from 81 people, is compatible with WordPress version up to 4.1.4 (but we used this plugin on version 4.1.5 and it worked great) and was last updated on April 4, 2015. Facebook commenting is visible on techcrunch, espn and foxsports (and of course the functionality stems from Facebook’s internal commenting engine). This background provides a solid foundation for use; it shows that the plugin is likely easy and very reliable to use on the user and admin side (which we can attest to). You can get this plugin at https://wordpress/plugins/facebook-comments-plugin/ or use Facebook’s documentation to add it to your WordPress site. We installed the Facebook Comments plugin on a WordPress site and documented the configuration process as well as the different user and admin functionality.

我们检出的另一个评论插件使用Facebook的评论插件。 您可能没有听说过这个名为Facebook;)的小型社交网络。 他们拥有超过14亿用户,市值超过220亿美元。 根据WordPress插件目录,最流行的WordPress Facebook Comments插件具有90,000多个活动安装,在81个用户中,有5个评分中有4.5满分,与WordPress版本4.1.4兼容(但我们在4.1版上使用了此插件。 5,效果很好),最后一次更新是在2015年4月4日。在techcrunch,espn和foxsports上可以看到Facebook的评论(当然,功能来自Facebook的内部评论引擎)。 此背景为使用奠定了坚实的基础。 它表明该插件在用户和管理员方面(我们可以证明)很容易且非常可靠。 您可以从https://wordpress/plugins/facebook-comments-plugin/获取此插件,或使用Facebook的文档将其添加到WordPress网站。 我们在WordPress网站上安装了Facebook Comments插件,并记录了配置过程以及不同的用户和管理员功能。

Configuration Process:


  1. Create a Facebook App (choose WWW) at https://developers.facebook/apps


  2. Enter the App Id that you get after you create the app into the Facebook Comments Plugin settings page

  3. You are good to go! You should see the Facebook comments box (visible below) on all of your blog posts. You can disable the Facebook comments on each individual post by checking a box on each post edit page.

    你已准备好出发! 您应该在所有博客文章上看到Facebook评论框(在下面可见)。 您可以通过选中每个帖子编辑页面上的复选框来禁用每个帖子上的Facebook评论。
  4. *It’s important to keep in mind that if you use this Facebook commenting plugin you will want to disable WordPress comments on your site (otherwise both the WordPress default commenting and Facebook commenting will show up on the page). In order to remove the default WordPress comments, we recommend installing the WordPress Disable Comments plugin. Download the plugin at https://wordpress/plugins/disable-comments/, add it as a new plugin to your WordPress site and then activate it.

    *请务必记住,如果您使用此Facebook评论插件,则将要在站点上禁用WordPress评论(否则WordPress默认评论和Facebook评论都会显示在页面上)。 为了删除默认的WordPress注释,我们建议安装WordPress禁用注释插件。 从https://wordpress/plugins/disable-comments/下载该插件,并将其作为新插件添加到您的WordPress网站,然后激活它。

用户功能 ( User Features)

  • Allow users to comment on your blog post once they’re signed into their Facebook account or by signing up for Facebook. Users cannot comment using other login providers (used to be able to do this but can’t as of Graph API v2.3)

    登录到Facebook帐户或注册Facebook后,允许用户对您的博客文章发表评论。 用户无法使用其他登录提供程序发表评论(曾经能够做到这一点,但是从Graph API v2.3开始不能这样做)
  • Responsive design to fit different devices – The commenting functionality is set to 100% width of whatever container it is in. So, how it looks depends on how well crafted the theme is.

  • Reply, edit, delete or like each individual comment

  • Threaded comments and replies

  • Users have ability to like, flag and reply to each individual comment

  • Comment sorting – by time, top (most active discussions are highlighted and spam is hidden and higher quality comments are bright to the top)

  • Increased exposure of your comments to the Facebook community (Not sure how much exposure you get out of this though)


    • Users can simultaneously post their comment and share their comment on Facebook by checking the box next to “Also post on Facebook.” This gives users the ability to easily share their activity with friends

      用户可以同时选中“也在Facebook上发帖”旁边的框,同时发表评论并在Facebook上分享评论。 这使用户能够轻松地与朋友分享他们的活动
    • If a friend comments on the same article that you commented on, you will get a notification alerting you to their comment.

    • If a user responds directly to your comment, you’ll receive a Facebook notification – alerting you to the reply.

    • Ability to Follow a Post (follow a comment) associated with an article (allowing you to keep up to date with a comment you’re interested in).

    • Ability to Unfollow a Comment (removing any additional notifications that you would receive).


管理员功能 ( Admin Features)

How to Access: Sign into the Facebook Account that you used to create the Facebook App associated with the comments plugin. Then, you can either go to the following link https://developers.facebook/tools/comments OR click on the Moderator Tool link at a page of your site with the Facebook comments plugin. For more information check out the following link https://developers.facebook/docs/plugins/comments#moderation-setup.

如何访问:登录用于创建与评论插件关联的Facebook App的Facebook帐户。 然后,您可以转到以下链接https://developers.facebook/tools/comments或单击带有Facebook注释插件的网站页面上的“主持人工具”链接。 有关更多信息,请查看以下链接https://developers.facebook/docs/plugins/comments#moderation-setup 。

  • Free to use

  • Create blacklisted words (could be Standard Facebook restrictions or a custom list)

  • Add/Remove Moderators

  • Ability to make all comments public by default and add to moderator view, make all comments public by default and add only comments with blacklisted words to moderator view, or make all comments hidden by default and add all comments to moderator view

  • Approve or Hide comments. You can approve or hide multiple comments at once using the checkboxes or the select all checkbox in the left column.

    批准或隐藏评论。 您可以使用左侧列中的复选框或全选复选框一次批准或隐藏多个评论。
  • Set the default comment sorting (social ranking, oldest, newest).

  • Automatically correct common grammar mistakes

  • Always show the comments composer or collapse when there are greater than 5 comments

  • Create a list of banned users (they will still be able to comment but only them and their friends can see the comment).

  • The language of the comments plugin can be changed to fit the language of your site (these languages are supported http://www.facebook/translations/FacebookLocales.xml)

    可以更改注释插件的语言以适合您的网站的语言(这些语言受支持http://www.facebook/translations/FacebookLocales.xml )

  • Set width of the plugin

  • Set color scheme of the plugin

  • Set number of comments to show

  • Technical Notes* You have the ability to add a class and a data-href attribute to an HTML element and it will output the number of comments associated that href. You can also Export Facebook Comments as a Backup. You could get all comments associated with a particular URL by using a Facebook Graph API call but it would be tricky for a non-technical person to figure out. Also, there’s not much else you could do with those comments (because you can’t import them into Facebook).

    技术说明*您可以将类和data-href属性添加到HTML元素,并且它将输出与href关联的注释数量。 您也可以将Facebook评论导出为备份。 通过使用Facebook Graph API调用,您可以获得与特定URL相关的所有注释,但是对于非技术人员来说很难弄清楚。 此外,您对这些评论没有太多其他选择(因为您无法将其导入Facebook)。

The list below outlines some functionality that is absent from Facebook Comments.

下面的列表概述了Facebook Comments中缺少的一些功能。

缺点: ( Shortcomings:)

  • Don’t get email addresses associated with your commenters

  • Cannot add images to the comment

  • Cannot allow guests to comment

  • Cannot import existing comments

  • Comments are unable to be crawled and indexed by search engines (it doesn’t appear to be the case, but if we’re wrong feel free to correct us in the comments below)

  • Doesn’t have analytics.

  • Comments made with Facebook are NOT synced with your WordPress database (making it very very difficult to switch from Facebook comments to a different commenting solution and retain those existing comments)

  • Unable to delete comments from Facebook

  • Must have a Facebook Account or sign up for one to comment


Facebook评论表现 (Facebook Comments Performance)

Facebook required 8 HTTP requests to load the commenting functionality on our demo site.


Livefyre评论 (Livefyre Comments)

Livefyre Comments 3 is another popular alternative to WordPress’ default commenting functionality. Livefyre Comments 3 has 8,000+ active installs, 4 out of 5 stars from 4 users, was last updated on December 5, 2014 and is compatible with sites up to WordPress version 3.5.2. (We used this plugin on a WordPress version 4.1.5 site and it worked exactly as it should BUT the avatar image was too large for the design and overlapped a bit of the comment box. So, you should definitely stick to the listed compatibility on this one.). You can download this plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory at https://wordpress/plugins/Livefyre-comments/. The following sites are using Livefyre’s commenting functionality: tennis, hootesuite, spinsucks and thecommunitymanager. Below, you can check out the configuration process for the Livefyre Comments 3 WordPress plugin along with a comprehensive list of user and admin features.

Livefyre评论3是WordPress默认评论功能的另一种流行替代方法。 Livefyre评论3具有8,000多个活动安装,其中4个星(满分4星)来自4个用户,最近一次更新是在2014年12月5日,并且与WordPress版本3.5.2以下的网站兼容。 (我们在WordPress版本4.1.5的站点上使用了此插件,它的工作方式与应使用的头像完全相同,但对于设计而言,头像太大,并且与注释框重叠了一点。因此,您绝对应该坚持列出的兼容性这个。)。 您可以从WordPress插件目录https://wordpress/plugins/Livefyre-comments/下载此插件。 以下网站使用Livefyre的评论功能:Tennis,hootesuite,spinsucks和thecommunitymanager。 在下面,您可以查看Livefyre Comments 3 WordPress插件的配置过程以及用户和管理员功能的完整列表。

Configuration Process:


  1. Click on the confirm your blog configuration with Livefyre link at the top of your WordPress dashboard

  2. Login to your Livefyre account (or create one)

  3. Once Livefyre is done importing your existing comments, you’re good to go! Create a Facebook App at https://developers.facebook/apps

    一旦Livefyre导入完现有注释,您就可以开始了! 在https://developers.facebook/apps创建一个Facebook应用

用户功能 ( User Features)

  • Allows users to comment on your blog post once they’re signed into their account or comment as a guest (if this is enabled). They give you multiple options to make the sign in process easier; you can use your Livefyre, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn or OpenID credentials.

    允许用户在登录其帐户后评论您的博客文章,或以访客身份发表评论(如果已启用)。 它们为您提供了多种选择,使登录过程更加轻松; 您可以使用Livefyre,Twitter,Facebook,Google +,LinkedIn或OpenID凭据。
  • Ability to Follow commenting that occurs on a certain page by clicking on the +Follow button.

  • Responsive design to fit different devices – The commenting functionality is set to 100% width of whatever container it is in. So, how it looks depends on how well crafted the theme is.

  • Social media login with above networks

  • Add an Image to your Comment

  • Twitter @ mention other people in your comment

    Twitter @在您的评论中提及其他人
  • Change the text formatting by clicking on the little pencil in the left corner ( make text bold, italics, underlined, numbered or bulleted)

  • Sort by Newest, Oldest or Top Comments

  • Share to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or with a link

  • Edit or Delete your own comment

  • Flag, Like or Reply to an individual comment


管理员功能 (Admin Features)

How to Access: Login to your Livefyre account. Go to a page of your site with the commenting plugin, hover over your picture and click on the Admin Console link.

如何访问:登录到您的Livefyre帐户。 转到带有评论插件的网站页面,将鼠标悬停在图片上,然后点击管理控制台链接。

  • Free to use

  • Feature an individual comment

  • Tag comments

  • Mark as Approved, Pending, or Bozo (Spam) or Move to Trash for each individual comment

  • You can quick filter the comments (by approved, approved and flagged, all sidenotes, all content, pending)

  • You can also filter the comments in more depth by state (approved, pending, bozo, trash), source (Livefyre, Facebook, Twitter), flags (spam, off-topic, offensive, disagree, profanity, spam), created date/time (from and to dates), modified date/time (from and to dates), author (ip, display name, user id), contains (keyword, media), collection (collection id, collection tag, parent id).

  • Edit a comment

  • View replies to a comment

  • Look up more info related to a comment (author ip address, username, whether it passed a spam check, content id, collection id)

  • View Flags and Reports associated with a comment

  • Add a note to a comment

  • View Collections (comments associated with an individual page) and the ability to add new collections

  • View all of the users who have commented via the plugin (see all of their activity (comments, likes, conversations involved in))

  • Viewing analytics on conversations and moderation reports

  • Insert all comments to the WordPress database. This also allows you to revert to WordPress default commenting without losing any comments that you had while using Livefyre

    将所有注释插入WordPress数据库。 这也使您可以还原到WordPress默认评论,而不会丢失使用Livefyre时的任何评论
  • Allow guest commenting

  • Remove replies to a comment that was marked as bozo or deleted

  • Define rules for when you should trash, bozo or pre-moderate comments depending on the number of times it has been flagged

  • Define a list of banned IP addresses (preventing commenting from those IPs)

  • Enable profanity checking or use a site specific profanity list.

  • Add/Remove moderators, owners, whitelisted users, banned users, banned browsers

  • Allow users to edit their comments

  • Display linkbacks

  • Require moderator approval before content is published

  • Allow photo uploads

  • Highlight recently featured comments above the editor

  • Display Facebook and Twitter content related to your article


Below lists a key feature that is absent from Livefyre Comments.


缺点: ( Shortcomings:)

  • Aren’t given access to email addresses associated with your commenters.


LiveFyre性能 (LiveFyre Performance)

LiveFyre took 15 HTTP requests to load the LiveFyre commenting functionality.


Google Plus评论 (Google Plus Comments)

The final WordPress Commenting plugin that we investigated is Comments Evolved for WordPress. The Comments Evolved plugin allows you to include several commenting options on your WordPress site via a tabbed interface. We just wanted to use Google Plus Commenting so we made sure that there was only one tab corresponding to Google Plus. While Google doesn’t officially support Google Plus Comments outside of use on Blogger, the creator of this WordPress plugin figured out a way to make it work on WordPress sites. This plugin has 10,000+ active installs , is rated 4.5 out of 5 stars from 65 people, was last updated on March 31, 2015, and is compatible with WordPress versions less than or equal to 3.6.1 (but we used it on a site with WordPress version 4.1.5 and everything worked as it should). This plugin can be found at https://wordpress/plugins/gplus-comments/.

我们调查的最终WordPress Commenting插件是WordPress的Comments Evolved。 评论演变插件允许您通过选项卡式界面在WordPress网站上包括多个评论选项。 我们只是想使用Google Plus评论,所以我们确保只有一个选项卡与Google Plus相对应。 尽管Google并未在Blogger上正式使用以外的形式正式支持Google Plus Comments,但此WordPress插件的创建者却想出了一种使其在WordPress网站上运行的方法。 该插件的有效安装次数超过10,000,在65人(满分5星)中评分4.5,最近更新于2015年3月31日,并且与WordPress小于或等于3.6.1的版本兼容(但我们在网站上使用了它) WordPress版本4.1.5,并且一切正常。 可以在https://wordpress/plugins/gplus-comments/找到该插件。

Configuration Process:


  1. Once you’ve activated the plugin, make sure that the only value in the Tab Order input is gplus. If you have multiple values in this field, then your users will have multiple commenting options.

    激活插件后,请确保Tab键输入中的唯一值是gplus 。 如果您在此字段中有多个值,那么您的用户将有多个注释选项。

  2. Save Changes and you’re good to go!

  3. *It’s important to keep in mind that if you use this Google Plus commenting plugin mentioned below you will want to disable WordPress comments on your site. In order to remove the default WordPress comments, we recommend installing the WordPress Disable Comments plugin. Download the plugin at https://wordpress/plugins/disable-comments/, add it as a new plugin to your WordPress site and then activate it.

    *请务必记住,如果您使用下面提到的此Google Plus评论插件,则需要在网站上禁用WordPress评论。 为了删除默认的WordPress注释,我们建议安装WordPress禁用注释插件。 从https://wordpress/plugins/disable-comments/下载该插件,并将其作为新插件添加到您的WordPress网站,然后激活它。

用户功能 ( User Features)

  • Comment after logging into your Google Plus account.

    登录您的Google Plus帐户后发表评论。
  • Mention people in your comment

  • Comment Sorting – sort by newest and top comments as well as public comments versus only those in your Google Plus circle

    评论排序-按最新和热门评论以及公共评论(仅与Google Plus圈子中的评论)排序
  • Reply, +1 and Flag each individual comment

    回复,+ 1和举报每个评论
  • Link, Report Spam or Abuse, or Mute any comment

  • Edit, Link, Delete, Disable Replies to a comment thread that is authored by you

  • Responsive design to fit different devices – The commenting functionality is set to 100% width of whatever container it is in. So, how it looks depends on how well crafted the theme is.

  • Comments are able to be crawled and indexed by search engines


管理员功能 ( Admin Features)

  • None. Since the Google Plus Comments are meant for Blogger, they offer moderation tools for Blogger blog authors ( However, using Google Plus Comments on other sites is not officially supported and we couldn’t figure out a way to use the moderation tools on WordPress.

    。 由于Google Plus评论是针对Blogger的,因此它们为Blogger博客作者提供了审核工具( )。 但是,不正式支持在其他站点上使用Google Plus评论,我们无法找到在WordPress上使用审核工具的方法。

  • Free to use


Below is a list of the shortcomings of Google Plus Comments.

以下列出了Google Plus评论的缺点。

缺点: ( Shortcomings:)

  • Doesn’t have any moderation functionality when used on a site other than Blogger.

  • Unable to create default comment approval settings.

  • Unable to delete, mark as spam, approve or hide comments from Google Plus.

    无法从Google Plus中删除,标记为垃圾邮件,批准或隐藏评论。
  • Must have a Google Plus Account or sign up for one to comment

    必须拥有Google Plus帐户或注册一个帐户才能发表评论
  • Don’t get email addresses associated with your commenters

  • Cannot add images to the comment

  • Cannot allow guests to comment

  • Cannot import existing comments

  • Doesn’t have analytics.

  • Comments made with Google Plus are NOT synced with your WordPress database (making it very very difficult to switch from Google Plus comments). So, if you decide to switch commenting plugins down the road, you will not be able to carry the comments made here with you to another plugin

    使用Google Plus发表的评论不会与您的WordPress数据库同步(这使得从Google Plus评论切换非常困难)。 因此,如果您决定改掉评论插件,您将无法将在此发表的评论带到另一个插件。
  • Using Google Plus Comments on sites other than Google or Blogger is not officially supported by Google. So, if there are issues with use on other sites, Google may not fix them.

    在Google或Blogger以外的其他网站上使用Google Plus评论不受Google正式支持。 因此,如果在其他网站上使用存在问题,则Google可能不会修复它们。

Google Plus评论效果 (Google Plus Commenting Performance)

The Google Plus plugin required 11 HTTP requests to load commenting.

Google Plus插件需要11个HTTP请求才能加载评论。

结论 (In Conclusion)

While you can use any of these commenting plugins, certain plugins prove to be much more useful than others in certain situations. For example, you may have existing WordPress comments and want to make sure they are carried on to your new commenting functionality. You will lose existing WordPress comments if you switch to Google Plus or Facebook Comments. However, Disqus and Livefyre have import capabilities for existing comments; making them the obvious choice in this circumstance. You may also have no existing comments but you want the flexibility to switch to a different commenting platform later. Again, you do not want to use Facebook or Google Plus Comments in this instance. We would suggest using Livefyre or Disqus. In choosing between Livefyre and Disqus, we would recommend using Disqus. Disqus offers more features, gives you access to the email addresses associated with all your commenters, has the most number of active installs and has a better design than Livefyre.

尽管您可以使用这些评论插件中的任何一个,但在某些情况下,某些插件被证明比其他插件有用得多。 例如,您可能已有WordPress注释,并希望确保将其保留到新的注释功能中。 如果切换到Google Plus或Facebook Comments,您将丢失现有的WordPress评论。 但是,Disqus和Livefyre具有导入现有评论的功能。 在这种情况下使其成为显而易见的选择。 您可能还没有现有的评论,但希望以后可以灵活切换到其他评论平台。 同样,您不想在这种情况下使用Facebook或Google Plus评论。 我们建议您使用Livefyre或Disqus。 在Livefyre和Disqus之间进行选择时,我们建议使用Disqus。 Disqus提供更多功能,使您可以访问与所有评论者关联的电子邮件地址,并且活动安装数量最多,并且比Livefyre设计更好。

In all other situations, we would discourage you from using Google Plus. Google Plus has no moderation functionality and is not officially supported by Google for use on any site other than Blogger. The last updated date and the compatibility information are also strong indicators that you should not use Google Plus Commenting via the Comments Evolved for WordPress plugin.

在其他所有情况下,我们都不建议您使用Google Plus。 Google Plus没有审核功能,Google并未正式支持其在Blogger以外的任何其他网站上使用。 上次更新日期和兼容性信息也是强烈的指示,表明您不应该通过针对WordPress插件使用的Commentsvolved来使用Google Plus评论。

So, Facebook, Disqus and Livefyre are your best alternatives to WordPress’ default commenting functionality. We tend to lean towards Facebook and Disqus because both are more ubiquitous than Livefyre, have functionality that we prefer and boast more of a modern and beautiful design. Facebook Comments has some simple and reliable admin functionality, but we prefer having the additional admin features that Disqus offers. But, Facebook is a staple and nearly everyone knows how their functionality works. We also love the prospect of easy and increased user engagement by users sharing their Facebook comments to Facebook and receiving Facebook notifications to continue their conversations on different comment threads. However, being able to share a conversation or comment on Twitter and/or Facebook, subscribe to a comment thread, add images to a comment, up or down vote a comment and recommend a conversation via Disqus provides more opportunities for users to engage with your website than Facebook comments. Lastly, Disqus is more open than Facebook Comments and provides more sign in and sign up pathways, the possibility of guest commenting and gives you access to all of your commenters’ email addresses. These features are incredibly valuable in building an engaged community.

因此,Facebook,Disqus和Livefyre是WordPress默认评论功能的最佳替代品。 我们倾向于使用Facebook和Disqus,因为它们比Livefyre更为普及,具有我们更喜欢的功能,并拥有更多现代美观的设计。 Facebook Comments具有一些简单而可靠的管理功能,但我们更喜欢拥有Disqus提供的其他管理功能。 但是,Facebook是主要产品,几乎每个人都知道其功能是如何工作的。 我们也喜欢这样一种前景,即用户可以将自己的Facebook评论分享到Facebook并接收Facebook通知,以继续在不同的评论线程上进行对话,从而增加用户的参与度。 但是,能够在Twitter和/或Facebook上共享对话或评论,订阅评论线程,在评论中添加图像,对评论进行上下投票以及通过Disqus推荐对话为用户提供了更多与您互动的机会网站比Facebook评论。 最后,Disqus比Facebook Comments更开放,并提供更多的登录和注册途径,可以进行来宾评论,并提供您访问所有评论者的电子邮件地址的权限。 这些功能对于建立敬业的社区非常有用。

So, at the end of the day, it’s hard for us lovers of user engagement not to land in the Disqus camp.


继续进行对话 :我们一直都喜欢更多的见识,因此请评论您喜欢的评论插件以及原因。 (Continue the Conversation: We always love more insight, so please comment on which commenting plugin you love and why.)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/comprehensive-comparison-of-wordpress-commenting-plugins/


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