



一、 船舶抵达

1. 抵达引水锚地Anchored at Pilot anchorage. Arrived at Pilot anchorage

2. 抵达检疫锚地Anchored at Quarantine anchorage

3. 等候引水Awaiting pilot, Waiting for pilot

4. 等候联检Awaiting Joint Inspection

5. 检疫通过Free Pratique granted

6. 进行联检Joint Inspection conducted

7. 联检完毕Joint Inspection completed

8. 等候潮水进港Awaiting tide for entry

9. (从引水站)驻往装、卸泊位Proceeding to berth for loading/discharging

10. 从锚驶往装/卸泊位Heaved up (Weighed) anchor and proceeded to berth

for loading/discharging

11. 驶靠第X号码头Proceeded & berthed alongside wharf NO…

12. 从浮筒移至装/卸泊位Shifting from buoys to loading/discharging berth

13. 船系XX号浮筒Moored at buoys NO…

14. 因…不能进港Failed to enter due to…

15. 因…返回锚地Turned back to anchorage due to…


1.准备装卸Preparation for loading/discharging

2.首末次开盖舱First opening& final closing of hatches

3.整理吊杆 Rigging derricks.

4.清扫舱(船员/工人清扫)Cleaning holds (by crew members/shore labors)

5.铺垫舱 Dunnaging and matting

6.水密检验通过 Water tight test passed

7.接油管 Connecting oil pipes

8.拆油管 Disconnecting pipes

本文标签: 锚地抵达引水泊位