


【NO字开头的短语】 cross, no crown:不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹; admittance:请勿

入内; touching! 别碰; Parking! 禁止停车; offence!没有冒犯你的意思!

response:没反应; comment:无可奉告; doubt:毫无疑问; farther!好了!够


【如何让别人"停止解释"】 more excuses! 别再辩解了!'t make any

excuses! 不要再找借口了。't give me excuses.不要再找借口了。4.I've heard

enough of your excuses. 我不想再听你的辩解了。5.I don't want to hear any excuses.

我不想听任何解释。 drop it.不要再说了。

【询问别人是否有空】 you doing anything this afternoon? 你今天下午有安排吗?

you busy this afternoon?今天下午你忙吗? you available this afternoon? 今天下午你有空

吗? , I'm tied up. ,I have plans. 6.I'm afraid I can't. about tomorrow? 明天怎


【单词成句】1)Behave! 放尊重点!2)Bingo! 中了! 3)Definitely! 当然!4)Objection! 我抗

议!5)Adorable! 可爱极了!6)Behave! 放尊重点!7)Bravo! 太棒了! 8)Disgusting! 好恶心

呀!9)Gorgeous! 美极了! 10)Outrageous! 不得了!11)Present! 到(有)!(点名时) 12)Stingy!


【成功法则】:ine exactly what you want.确定自己的目标 your mind with

positive thoughts.让自己的脑海充满积极的思想。 rid of fears and doubts.剔除恐惧和怀

疑 calm, confident and optimistic.从容、自信和乐观

【如何建立人脉】How to build up social network?1、学会适应环境 adjust yourself;2、学

会大方 be generous;3、要谦逊 be humble;4、有礼貌 be polite;5、学会感恩 be grateful;

6、遵守时间 be punctual;7、信守诺言 keep promises;8、学会忍耐 be tolerant 你做到了


【心烦时】 man really bugs me.那个人真让我心烦。's getting on my nerves.真让人心

烦。 bad news bothered me.那个坏消息让我烦心了。 is really annoying.这可真够恼

人的5.I didn't mean to upset him.我不是有意烦扰你的。 bad news bothered me.那个坏消


【That's开头表达】's impossible. 那绝不可能。's ridiculous.这太荒唐了。's

out of the question. 那根本不可能。's it! 啊,对啦! ‘s not it.不是那么回事。's

too much! 太过分了! can't be!这怎么可能!'s no business of mine.不关我的事。

【请稍等/等一下几种地道表达】 Please ~ 1)Wait a moment. 2)Wait a minute. 3)Wait a second.

4)Just a second. 5)Just a moment. 6)Hold on. 7)Hold on a minute. 8)Hang on a second. 9)Will you

care to hold.(不常见)10) give me a sec , I'll be right with you.

【鼓励】 your chin up. 别灰心。 heart- we'll find a way out. 振作起来,我们会

有办法的。 trying! Don't give up the ship. 继续努力! 别轻易放弃! a few, lose a

few. That's life. 有得也有失,生活就是如此。ow is another day. 有明天就有希望。

【―eye‖相关的表达】 candy养眼花瓶(某些人从视觉表面具有吸引力,其实没什么实质内

容) 2. eyelid 眼皮 3. eye for an eye.以牙还牙; boogers眼屎; -catching吸引眼球;

eye红眼病; shadow眼影;er眼线笔;hes眼睫毛;10. eye witness


【遇到麻烦时常说】 are in trouble. 这下可麻烦了。2. It's really a difficult problem./It's big

problem. 这真是个难题。3.I don't know what to do. 那我该怎么办呢? should I do? 怎

么办? am I supposed to do? 我该怎么办? am I going to do? 那我接下来要做什


【谢耳朵损人口语】Poser!耍大牌;stingy bastard!小气鬼;Nerd 书呆子;Same difference半

斤八两;You just don`t appreciate it.不识抬举;How did it come to this!岂有此理;Playing with

fire 找死;Lucky bastard! 狗屎运;Don`t play innocent!别装蒜;That`s rubbish!胡扯(转)

【经典英语广告词】◇ Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!——雀巢冰激凌 ◇ The relentless

pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。——凌志轿车 ◇ Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.

动态的诗,向我舞近。——丰田汽车 ◇ Just do it. 只管去做。——耐克运动鞋

【各种―赞同‖】 true!千真万确! said. 说得好。 got it.你算说对了。 bet.

没错。`s for sure.那是当然。`s true.正是如此。`re right.你说得对。

minds think alike.英雄所见略同。

【各种―走‖】stagger 蹒跚;plod 重步行走;pace 踱步;loiter 游荡;stride 大步走;stray 迷

途;strut 昂头阔步;ramble 漫步;lurk 潜行;creep 爬行;stroll 闲逛;trudge 艰难地走;

scramble 攀爬;crawl 爬行;rush 快步走;limp 跛行;march 迈进

【趣味颜色短语】paint the town red饮酒狂欢;white hope被寄予厚望的人;in the black有

盈余;sing the blues 垂头丧气,抱怨;green room演员休息室;purple passage辞藻华丽的段

落;brown study沉思出神;golden opinions高度评价;blue jacket水手;grey sister修女

【口语积累】I`m on your side我全力支持你。We`re all for it我们全都同意。You asked for it!

你自讨苦吃。You have my word我保证。Don`t count on me.别指望我。Don`t fall for it! 别上

当。Don`t give me that! 少来这套。I felt sort of ill. 我感觉有点不适。It`s going too far太离谱


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