


How to read body language

All of us communicate with one another nonverbally,as well as with of the time we’re

not aware that we’re doing gesture with eyebrows or a hand,meet someone else’s eyes and

look away,shift positions in a actions we assume are random and

researchers have discovered in recent years that there is a system to them almost as consistent and

comprehensible as language.


Every culture has its own body language,and children absorb its nuances along with spoken

language.A Frenchman talks and moves in way an Englishman crosses his legs is

nothing like the way a male American does talking,Americans are apt to end a statement with

a droop of the head or hand,a lowering of the wind up a question with a lift of the

hand,a tilt of the chin,or a widening of the a future-tense verb they often gesture with a

forward movement.


There are regional idioms,too:an expert can sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin just by the

way he uses his eyebrows during sex,ethnic background,social class,and

personal style all influence your body heless,you move and gesture within the

American idiom.


The person who is truly bilingual is also bilingual in body York’s famous

mayor,Fiorello La Guardia,politicked in English,Italian,and films of his speeches

are run without sound,it’s not too difficult to identify from his gestures the language he was

of the reasons English-dubbed foreign films often seem flat is that the gestures don’t

match the language.


Usually the wordless communication acts to qualify the the nonverbal elements

express very often,and very efficiently,is the emotional side of the a person feels

liked or disliked,often it’s a case of “not what he said but the way he said it.”Psychologist Albert

Mehrabian has devised this formula:total impact of a message=7 percent verbal+38 percent

vocal+55 percent importance of the voice can be seen when you consider that even the

words “I hate you” can be made to sound sexy,


家Alber Mehrabian设计了这样一个公式:一个信息传递的全部影响=7%的口头语言+38%的声调+55%的面部表情。考虑一下即使是“我恨你”也可以被说的非常性感就能理解声调的重要性了。

Experts in kinesics-the study of communication through body movement-are not prepared to spell

out a precise vocabulary of an American rubs his nose,it may mean he is

disagreeing with someone or rejecting there are other possible

interpretations, example,when a student in conversation with a professor holds the older

man’s eyes a little longer than is usual,it can be a sign of respect and affection;it can be a subtle

challenge to the professor’s can be a sign of respect and affection;it can be a subtle challenge to

the professor’s authority;or it can be something else expert looks for patterns in the

context,not for an isolated meaningful gesture.


Kinesics is a young science-developed in the 1950s-and very much the brainchild of one

man,anthropologist L it already offers a wide variety of small

example,eyebrows have a respertoire of about 23 possible positions;men use

their eyebrows more than women people find they can shut out conversation and

concentrate on watching body language for only about 30 seconds at a can

experiment with it,however,simply by turning on the television picture without the sound.

神态学是一门新兴的学科,它是20世纪50年代产生的,是人类学家Ray L B博士的发明。但是神态学已经有了很多方面的小发现。例如,眉毛可以有大约23个可能的位置,男人比女人用眉毛用的更多。大多数人发现不听对话集中于观察肢体语言,他们一次只可以支撑30秒。很简单,打开电视机的图像不听声音,每个人都可以做这样一个实验。

One of the most potent elements in body language is eye ans are careful about

how and when they meet one another’s our normal conversation,each eye contact lasts

only about a second before one or both individuals look two Americans look

searchingly into each other’s eyes,emotions are heightened and the relationship becomes more

ore we carefully avoid this,except in appropriate circumstances.


Americans abroad sometimes find local eye behavior,hard to interpret,”Tel Aviv was

disturbing,”one man recalled.”People stared right at me on the street;they looked me up and

down.I kept wondering if I was uncombed or y,a friend explained that Israelis

think nothing of staring at others on the street.”

在国外的美国人有时候会发现当地的眼部动作很难理解。有个人回忆说:“Tel Aviv感到很困惑,人们就在街上那样盯着我,他们上下打量我,我一直在想我是不是没有梳头或者没拉拉链。最终,一个朋友像我解释说以色列人在街上盯着人看没有任何含义。”

Proper street behavior in the United states requires a nice balance of attention and

are supposed to look at a passerby just enough to show that you’re aware of his you

look too little,you appear haughty or secretive;too much,and you are y what

happens is that people eye each other until they are about eight feet apart,at which point both cast

down their ogist Goffman describes this as “a kind of dimming of lights.”In

parts of the Far East it is impolite to look at the other person at all during England

the polite listener stares at the speaker attentively and blinks his eyes occasionally as a sign of

eye-blink says nothing to Americans,who expect the listener to nod or to murmur

something-such as “mm-hmm.”


There are times when what a person says with his body gives the lie to what he is saying with his

d Freud once wrote:”No mortal can keep a his lips are silent,he chatters

with his fingertips;betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.”

有时候人的肢体语言会暴露他口头上说的话是谎话。Sigmund Freud曾经写到:没有人能够保守秘密,即使他的嘴能够不说,他的指尖也会说出来,他的一举一动都会出卖他。

Thus,a man successfully control his face,and appear calm and self-controlled--unaware that signs

of tension and anxiety are leaking out,that his foot is beating on the floor constantly,restlessly,as if

it had a life of its is another emotion feet and legs may arguments the feet

often become sometimes produces barely perceptible running motions,a kind of

nervous leg there are the subtle,provocative leg gestures that women use consciously

and unconsciously.


Recent studies by psychologists suggest that posture often reflects a person’s attitude toward

people he is experiment indicates that when men are with other men they dislike,they

relax either very little or very much-depending on whether they see the other man as

in this experiment always signaled dislike with very relaxed

men,paired with women they disliked,were never tense enough about it to sit up rigidly.


Postures sometimes offer a guide to broad relationship within a group,Imagine that at a

party,guests have been fired up by an may be able to spot at a glance the two sides

of the argument by postures of the pros,for example,may sit with crossed knees,the

cons with legs stretched out and arms folded.A few middle-of-the-roaders may a little of

each-crossing their knees and folding their an individual abruptly shifts his body around in

his chair,it may mean that he disagrees with the speaker or even that he is changing of

this,of course,represents an infallible guide,but it is apparently significant enough to be worth

watching for.


While children learn spoken and body language-proper postures,eye behaviors ,etc-they also learn

a subtler thing:how to react to space around walks around inside a kind of private

bubble,which represents the amount of air space he feels he must have between himself and other

pologists,working with cameras,have recorded the tremors and minute eye

movements that betray the moment the individual’s bubble is adults,however,we hide

out feelings behind a screen of polite words.


Anthropologist points out that for two unacquainted adult male North

Americans the comfortable distance to stand for private conversation is from arm’s length to about

four feet South American likes to stand much closer,which creates problems when the

two meet face to ,as the South American moves in,the North American feels he’s being

pushy,and as the North American backs off,the South American thinks he’s being standoffish.


The American and the Arab are even less compatible in their space like close

some instances,they stand very close together to walk,staring intently into each other’s

eyes and breathing into each other’s are actions the American may associate with

sexual intimacy and he may find it disturbing to be subjected to them in a nonsexual context.


The amount of space a man needs is also influence by his personality-introverts,for example,seem

to need more elbow room than ion and mood also affect oers

waiting in line to see a sexy film will line up much more densely than those waiting to see a

family-entertainment movie.


George du Maurier once wrote:”Language is a poor fill your lungs with wind and shake

a little slit in your throat and make mouths,and that shakes the air;and the air shakes a pair of little

drums in and my brain seizes your meaning in the a roundabout way and

what a waste of time!”


Communication between human beings would be just that dull if it were all done with

actually,words are often the smallest part of it.


本文标签: 语言动作美国肢体例如