



第一个排名按AIS(Article Influence Score)的标准:


1. Management Science

2. Journal of Operations Management

3. Mathematical Programming

4. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

5. Operations Research

6. Mathematics of Operations Research


7. Transportation Science

8. Transportation Research Part B

9. INFORMS Journal on Computing

10. Production and Operations Management


11. Transportation Research Part E

12. Omega

13. System and Control Letters

14. Computers & Operations Research

15. Computational Optimization and Applications

16. European Journal of Operational Research

17. OR Spectrum

18. Journal of Scheduling

19. Naval Research Logistics

20. Reliability Engineering & System Safety

21. Decision Support System

22. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems

23. IIE Transactions

24. Journal of Global Optimization

25. Optimization Letters

26. Journal of Quality Technology

27. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

28. Discrete Optimization

29. Optimization Methods & Software

30. Networks

31. Optimization and Engineering

32. Networks and Spatial Economics

33. Technovation

34. Annals of Operations Research

35. International Journal of Production Economics


36. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal

37. TOP

38. Operations Research Letters

40. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research

41. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making

42. Journal of the Operational Research Society

43. Safety Science

44. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry

45. Interfaces

46. Expert Systems with Applications

47. Queueing Systems

48. Optimization

49. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences

50. IEEE Systems Journal

51. Engineering Optimalization

52. European Journal of Industrial Engineering

53. International Journal of Systems Science

54. International Journal of Production Research

第二个排名按5-year IF的标准:

(PS: 只给出前20名)

1. Journal of Operations Management

2. Transportation Research Part B

3. Omega

4. Technovation

5. Management Science

6. Decision Support System

7. Transportation Research Part E

8. Transportation Science

9. International Journal of Production Economics

10. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

11. European Journal of Operational Research

12. Operations Research

13. Reliability Engineering & System Safety

14. Computers & Operations Research

15. Mathematical Programming

16. Expert Systems with Applications

17. Production and Operations Management

18. System and Control Letters

19. OR Spectrum

20. INFORMS Journal on Computing

本文标签: 期刊运筹学管理科学排名国际