

This passage is transmitted from http://graphicsconferences.wikidot/conference-deadlines . Just for personal use.


3IA: International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence (Submision: Jan - Feb) [ 2008 ]
Annual conference held in May at Limoges (France)
Special Topics: Computer Graphics research using Artificial Intelligence techniques

International Symposium on Smart Graphics (Submission: Jan-Feb) [ URL ]
Annual Symposium held Spring to Summer at various international venues.
Accepted papers usually published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer.
Special Topics: Graphical interfaces that are sensitive to technological, computational and cognitive constraints.

ECEM: European Conference on Eye Movements [ 2007 ]
Biennial conference held around August in Europe
Special Topics: Eye-movements (not specific to Computer Graphics).

EGVE: Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (Submission: Jan-Feb) [ 2008 ]
Annual Symposium held between May and June in Europe.
Special Topics: Virtual environments and virtual reality.


Spring Conference on Computer Graphics [ URL ]
Annual Conference held in April at Budemerice Castle, Slovakia.

IV: International Conference on Information Visualisation [ 2008 ]
Annual conference held in July at venues in London, UK.
Special Topics: Information visualization.

EGPGV: Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
Now collocated with Eurographics - with submissions in December (see below)


EGSR: Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (Sub: late Mar - Apr.) [ 2008 ]
Annual Symposium (formerly EG Rendering Workshop) held in Europe.
Special Topics: Rendering.

VolVis: IEEE/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics 2004
biennial Symposium held in October at venues in the US. Usually co-located with IEEE Vis.
Special Topics: Volume Visualization and Graphics.

VIS: IEEE Visualization [ 2008 ]
Annual symposium held around October at various venues in the US.
Special Topics: Visualization.

SIACG: Ibero American Symposium on Computer Graphics
Biennial symposium held in venues in Latin Amarica and Europe
Special Topics: Computer Graphics in Spain Portugal and Latin-America.


SCA: The ACM Siggraph/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation [ URL ]
Annual Symposium co-located with the Siggraph or Eurographics conferences between late July to early September.
Special Topics: Computer Animation.

CASA: Computer Animation and Social Agents Conference (Sub: April - May) [ 2008 ]
Annual Symposium held in various international venues
Special Topics: Animation Techniques, Social Agents and Virtual Reality

Graphics Hardware Workshop [ URL ]
Annual Workshop held between July and September (Europe/USA). Traditionally co-located with Eurographics and Siggraph in alternating years and held on the dates preceding them.
Special Topics: Graphics Hardware.

SGP: Symposium on Geometry Processing [ 2008 ]
New Annual Symposium held in June/July. First four events have been in Europe.
Special Topics: Geometry processing.

APGV: Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization [ URL ]
Annual symposium in Europe and collocated with Siggraph in the US on alternating years.
Special Topics: Perception in Graphics and Visualization.

VG: International Workshop on Volume Graphics
Biennial Workshop held in various international venues.
Special Topics: Modeling, processing, and rendering of data which is typically acquired through analytical methods, medical scanners, computational simulations, or statistical measurements.

Symposium on Point-based Graphics
Annual symposium established in 2004.
Special Topics: Point-based Graphics

Pacific Graphics
Annual conference held at various venues in Easter Asia and Canada around October.

Siggraph Sketches due around this time


EGMM: Eurographics Multimedia Workshop
Workshop held in October at international venues worldwide. Previous workshops were held in 1999 and 2001.
Special Topics: Multimedia.

ISMAR: IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality
Annual symposium held around October at various international venues.
Special Topics: Mixed and Augmented Reality.

VIIP: IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing
Annual Symposium held in September at Marbella, Spain.
Special Topics: Multimedia.

SIBGRAPI: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing
Annual Symposium help around October in Brazil


MMM: International Conference on Multi-media Modelling (Sub: Jun - Jul)
Annual conference established in 1993, held in various international venues.
Special Topics: Representation, processing, interaction, integration, communication, and retrieval of multimedia information.

VDA: Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis
Annual conference usually held in January 18-24, 2004 in California, USA.
Special Topics: All aspects of visualization.


I3D: ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
Annual conference held in April in the US
Special Topics: 3D computer graphics and human interaction.

WSCG: International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (Sub: Sep - Oct)
Annual conference held in January/February at the University of West Bohemia (Plzen, Czech Republic)

ETRA: Eye-tracking Research and Applications
Biennial Symposium held in March in the US.
Special Topics: Eye-tracking, gaze, visual attention and other related topics.

IEEE Virtual Reality Conference
Annual conference held in March in the US
Special Topics: Virtual reality.

Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems
Annual symposium co-located with IEEE-VR
Special Topics: Haptic interfaces.

Geometric Modelling and Processing
Biennial conference held in April (3 conferences since 2000) in Asia.
Special Topics: Solid modeling, shape representation and geometric computation.

GRAPHITE: International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South East Asia
New annual conference. Graphite 2003 was held in February with submissions in September, Graphite 2004 will be held in June with submissions in December.

Annual conference in Europe now held in April


International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering
biennial Symposium held in early June at Annecy, France.
Special Topics: Non-photorealistic Animation and Rendering

International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications
Annual conference held in May/June at various international venues.
Special Topics: Modelling and processing of shapes and their properties.

ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications.
Annual Symposium held in June at various international venues.
Special Topics: Solid modeling, geometric modeling, and geometric computation.


VisSym: Joint Eurographics and IEEE Symposium on Visualisation (Sub: Nov. to early Dec.)
Annual Symposium held in May at various European Venues.
Special Topics: Visualization and Data Analysis

Advanced Visual Interfaces (Sub: Nov - Dec)
Biennial conference held in May at various venues in Italy.
Special Topics: Visual Interfaces.

CG&GM: International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling
Held between April and June at various International Venues.

SPM: ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium
Annual conference held in various international venues.
Special Topics:Solid objects modelling.

Eurographics short papers due around this time


ACM Siggraph (Full paper sub: Dec; Sketches: Mar) URL
Annual conference held July to August in the US.

CGI: Computer Graphics International (Sub: Dec - Jan) [ URL ]
Annual conference held between June and July at various international venues.
Accepted full papers are published in the journal "The Visual Computer", by Springer.
Special Topics: Computer Graphics

Graphics Interface [ URL ]
Annual conference held in May to June at various venues in Canada.
Special Topics: Computer graphics, interactive systems, and human-computer interaction.

ICME: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo.
Annual conference held between June and August at various international venues.
Special Topics: Various including mulitmedia, audio, VR 3D imaging, signal processing.

EUROVIS 2007: Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization (in cooperation with ACM/SIGGRAPH)
Annual Conference held in May in Europe
Special Topics: formerly known as VisSym, Visualization Most recent listed: 2007.

EGPGV: Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization [ 2008 ]
Now collocated with Eurographics
biennial symposium held in June at various venues in Europe
Special Topics: Solid modeling, geometric modeling, and geometric computation.

本文标签: GraphicsConferenceDeadlines