


Modern mobile devices have access to a wealth of data suitable for learning models, which in turn can greatly improve the user experience on the device. For example, language models can improve speech recognition and text entry, and image models can automatically select good photos.However, this rich data is often privacy sensitive, large in quantity, or both, which may preclude logging to the data center and training there using conventional approaches. We advocate an alternative that leaves the training data distributed on the mobile devices, and learns a shared model by aggregating locally-computed updates. We term this decentralized approach Federated Learning.We present a practical method for the federated learning of deep networks based on iterative model averaging, and conduct an extensive empirical evaluation, considering five different model architectures and four datasets. These experiments demonstrate the approach is robust to the unbalanced and non-IID data distributions that are a defining characteristic of this setting. Communication costs are the principal constraint, and we show a reduction in required communication rounds by 10–100× as compared to synchronized stochastic gradient descent.



摘要里,我没有看懂这些名词:迭代模型平均(iterative model averaging)、非独立同分布(non-IID)、鲁棒性(Robust)、同步随机梯度下降(synchronized stochastic gradient descent)


迭代模型平均(iterative model averaging):(占个坑



同步随机梯度下降(synchronized stochastic gradient descent):梯度下降法是一个最优化算法,通常也称最速下降法,常用于机器学习和人工智能中递归性逼近最小偏差模型。深度学习最常用的优化方法就是随机梯度下降法,一个经典的例子就是假设你现在在山上,为了以最快的速度下山,且视线良好,你可以看清自己的位置以及所处位置的坡度,那么沿着坡向下走,最终你会走到山底。但是如果你被蒙上双眼,那么你则只能凭借脚踩石头的感觉判断当前位置的坡度,精确性就大大下降,有时候你认为的坡,实际上可能并不是坡,走一段时间后发现没有下山,或者曲曲折折走了好多路才能下山。类似的,批量梯度下降法就好比正常下山,而随机梯度下降法就好比蒙着眼睛下山。例子摘自(https://blog.csdn/qq_44614524/article/details/114241259)


Increasingly, phones and tablets are the primary computing devices for many people [30, 2]. The powerful sensors on these devices (including cameras, microphones, and GPS), combined with the fact they are frequently carried, means they have access to an unprecedented amount of data, much of it private in nature. Models learned on such data hold the promise of greatly improving usability by powering more intelligent applications, but the sensitive nature of the data means there are risks and responsibilities to storing it in a centralized location.


We investigate a learning technique that allows users to collectively reap the benefits of shared models trained from this rich data, without the need to centrally store it. We term our approach Federated Learning, since the learning task is solved by a loose federation of participating devices (which we refer to as clients) which are coordinated by a central server. Each client has a local training dataset which is never uploaded to the server. Instead, each client computes an update to the current global model maintained by the server, and only this update is communicated. This is a direct application of the principle of focused collection or data minimization proposed by the 2012 White House report on privacy of consumer data [39]. Since these updates are specific to improving the current model, there is no reason to store them once they have been applied.


A principal advantage of this approach is the decoupling of model training from the need for direct access to the raw training data. Clearly, some trust of the server coordinating the training is still required. However, for applications where the training objective can be specified on the basis of data available on each client, federated learning can significantly reduce privacy and security risks by limiting the attack surface to only the device,rather than the device and the cloud.


Our primary contributions are 1) the identification of the problem of training on decentralized data from mobile devices as an important research direction; 2) the selection of a straightforward and practical algorithm that can be applied to this setting; and 3) an extensive empirical evaluation of the proposed approach. More concretely, we introduce the Federated Averaging algorithm, which combines local stochastic gradient descent (SGD) on each client with a server that performs model averaging. We perform extensive experiments on this algorithm, demonstrating it is robust to unbalanced and non-IID data distributions, and can reduce the rounds of communication needed to train a deep network on decentralized data by orders of magnitude.


    Federated Learning  Ideal problems for federated learning have the following properties: 1) Training on real-world data from mobile devices provides a distinct advantage over training on proxy data that is generally available in the data center. 2) This data is privacy sensitive or large in size (compared to the size of the model), so it is preferable not to log it to the data center purely for the purpose of model training(in service of the focused collection principle). 3) For supervised tasks, labels on the data can be inferred naturally from user interaction.

    联邦学习 联邦学习的理想问题具有以下特性:1)对来自移动设备的真实数据进行训练比对数据中心中通常提供的代理数据进行训练具有明显的优势。2)此数据对隐私敏感或大小较大(与模型的大小相比),因此最好不要仅出于模型训练(服务于集中收集原则)的目的将其记录到数据中心。3)对于有监督的任务,数据上的标签可以从用户交互中自然推断出来。

    Many models that power intelligent behavior on mobile devices fit the above criteria. As two examples, we consider image classification, for example predicting which photos are most likely to be viewed multiple times in the future, or shared; and language models, which can be used to improve voice recognition and text entry on touch-screen keyboards by improving decoding, next-word-prediction, and even predicting whole replies [10]. The potential training data for both these tasks (all the photos a user takes and everything they type on their mobile keyboard, including passwords, URLs, messages, etc.) can be privacy sensitive.The distributions from which these examples are drawn are also likely to differ substantially from easily available proxy datasets: the use of language in chat and text messages is generally much different than standard language corpora,e.g., Wikipedia and other web documents; the photos people take on their phone are likely quite different than typical Flickr photos. And finally, the labels for these problems are directly available: entered text is self-labeled for learning a language model, and photo labels can be defined by natural user interaction with their photo app (which photos are deleted, shared, or viewed).


    Both of these tasks are well-suited to learning a neural network. For image classification feed-forward deep networks,and in particular convolutional networks, are well-known to provide state-of-the-art results [26, 25]. For language modeling tasks recurrent neural networks, and in particular LSTMs, have achieved state-of-the-art results [20, 5, 22].


  Privacy Federated learning has distinct privacy advantages compared to data center training on persisted data.Holding even an“anonymized” dataset can still put user privacy at risk via joins with other data [37]. In contrast, the information transmitted for federated learning is the minimal update necessary to improve a particular model(naturally, the strength of the privacy benefit depends on the content of the updates).1 The updates themselves can (and should) be ephemeral. They will never contain more information than the raw training data (by the data processing inequality), and will generally contain much less. Further, the source of the updates is not needed by the aggregation algorithm, so updates can be transmitted without identifying meta-data over a mix network such as Tor [7] or via a trusted third party. We briefly discuss the possibility of combining federated learning with secure multiparty computation and differential privacy at the end of the paper.

  Privacy 与数据中心对持久数据的训练相比,联邦学习具有明显的隐私优势。即使拥有一个“匿名”的数据集,通过与其他数据的连接,仍然会使用户隐私受到威胁[37]。相比之下,联邦学习传输的信息是改进特定模型所必需的最小更新(自然地,隐私获益的强度取决于更新的内容)。更新本身可以(并且应该)是短暂的。它们永远不会包含比原始训练数据更多的信息(由于数据处理的不平等),而且通常包含的信息要少得多。此外,聚合算法不需要更新的来源,因此可以在不识别元数据的情况下通过混合网络(如Tor[7])或受信任的第三方传输更新。本文最后简要讨论了联邦学习与安全多方计算和差异隐私相结合的可能性。

Federated Optimization We refer to the optimization problem implicit in federated learning as federated optimization, drawing a connection (and contrast) to distributed optimization. Federated optimization has several key properties that differentiate it from a typical distributed optimization problem: 
• Non-IID The training data on a given client is typically based on the usage of the mobile device by a particular user, and hence any particular user's local dataset will not be representative of the population distribution.
• Unbalanced Similarly, some users will make much heavier use of the service or app than others, leading to varying amounts of local training data.
• Massively distributed We expect the number of clients participating in an optimization to be much larger than the average number of examples per client.
• Limited communication Mobile devices are frequently offline or on slow or expensive connections.
In this work, our emphasis is on the non-IID and unbalanced properties of the optimization, as well as the critical nature of the communication constraints. A deployed federated optimization system must also address a myriad of practical issues: client datasets that change as data is added and deleted; client availability that correlates with the local data distribution in complex ways (e.g., phones from speakers of American English will likely be plugged in at different times than speakers of British English); and clients that never respond or send corrupted updates.

Federated Optimization  我们将联邦学习中隐含的优化问题称为联邦优化,并与分布式优化建立了联系(和对比)。联合优化有几个关键特性,可以将其与典型的分布式优化问题区分开来:

  • 非独立同分布:给定客户机上的训练数据通常基于特定用户对移动设备的使用,因此任何特定用户的本地数据集都不能代表总体分布。
  • 不平衡:同样,一些用户会比其他用户更频繁地使用服务或应用程序,从而导致不同数量的本地训练数据。
  • 大规模分布:我们预计参与优化的客户机数量将远远大于每个客户机的平均样例数量。
  • 有限的沟通:移动设备经常处于离线状态,或连接速度慢或费用高。


    These issues are beyond the scope of the current work; instead, we use a controlled environment that is suitable for experiments, but still addresses the key issues of client availability and unbalanced and non-IID data. We assume a synchronous update scheme that proceeds in rounds of communication. There is a fixed set of K clients, each with a fixed local dataset. At the beginning of each round, a random fraction C of clients is selected, and the server     sends the current global algorithm state to each of these clients (e.g., the current model parameters). We only select a fraction of clients for efficiency, as our experiments show diminishing returns for adding more clients beyond a certain point. Each selected client then performs local computation based on the global state and its local dataset, and sends an update to the server. The server then applies these updates to its global state, and the process repeats.




对于机器学习问题,我们通常采用 fi(w) = l(xi , yi ; w),即模型参数w在样例(xi;yi)上的预测损失。我们假设有K个客户机对数据进行划分,Pk是客户机k上的数据点的索引集,其中nk=|Pk|。因此,我们可以将目标(1)改写为

 如果划分Pk是通过在客户机上均匀随机分布训练样例形成的,那么我们将得到 EPk[Fk(w)] = f(w),其中期望值计算的是分配给固定客户机k的一组样例。这是通常由分布式优化算法所做的IID假设;我们将其他情况称为非IID设置(即Fk可能是 f 的任意错误近似值)。

In data center optimization, communication costs are relatively small, and computational costs dominate, with much of the recent emphasis being on using GPUs to lower these costs. In contrast, in federated optimization communication costs dominate — we will typically be limited by an upload bandwidth of 1 MB/s or less. Further, clients will typically only volunteer to participate in the optimization when they are charged, plugged-in, and on an unmetered wi-fi connection. Further, we expect each client will only participate in a small number of update rounds per day. On the other hand, since any single on-device dataset is small compared to the total dataset size, and modern smartphones have relatively fast processors (including GPUs), computation becomes essentially free compared to communication costs for many model types. Thus, our goal is to use additional computation
in order to decrease the number of rounds of communication needed to train a model. There are two primary ways we can add computation: 1) increased parallelism, where we use more clients working independently between each communication round; and, 2) increased computation on each client, where rather than performing a simple computation like a gradient calculation, each client performs a more complex calculation between each communication round. We investigate both of these approaches, but the speedups we achieve are due primarily to adding more computation on each client, once a minimum level of parallelism over clients is used.

    在数据中心优化中,通信成本相对较小,计算成本占主导地位,最近的许多重点是使用GPU来降m低这些成本。相反,在联邦优化中,通信成本占主导地位——我们通常会受到1 MB/s或更低的上传带宽的限制。此外,客户通常只在接入电源和使用未计量的Wi-Fi连接时自愿参与优化。此外,我们希望每个客户每天只参与少量的更新轮次。另一方面,由于与总数据集大小相比,任何单个设备上的数据集都很小,而且现代智能手机具有相对较快的处理器(包括GPU),因此对许多类型的模型来说,与通信成本相比,计算基本上是免费的。因此,我们的目标是使用额外的计算来减少训练模型所需的通信轮数。有两种主要的方法可以添加计算:1)增加并行性,在每轮通信之间使用更多独立工作的客户机;2)增加每个客户机上的计算,而不是执行像梯度计算这样的简单计算,每个客户机在每轮通信之间形成一个更复杂的计算。我们研究了这两种方法,但是我们实现的加速主要是由于一旦使用了客户机上的最小并行级别,就在每个客户机上增加了更多的计算。

Related Work Distributed training by iteratively averaging locally trained models has been studied by McDonald et al. [28] for the perceptron and Povey et al. [31] for speech recognition DNNs. Zhang et al. [42] studies an asynchronous approach with “soft" averaging. These works only consider the cluster / data center setting (at most 16 workers, wall-clock time based on fast networks), and do not consider datasets that are unbalanced and non-IID, properties that are essential to the federated learning setting. We adapt this style of algorithm to the federated setting and perform the appropriate empirical evaluation, which asks different questions than those relevant in the data center setting, and requires different methodology.

Related Work  局部迭代平均训练模型的分布式训练被McDonald等人[28]用于感知器,同时也被Povey等人[31]用于语音识别DNNs。Zhang等人[42]研究了具有“软”平均的异步方法。这些工作只考虑集群/数据中心的设置(最多16个工作人员,基于快速网络的挂钟时间),而没考虑不平衡和非IID的数据集。这是对联邦学习设置至关重要的属性。我们将这种类型的算法应用到联邦设置,并执行适当的实证评估。这体现出了不同于数据中心设置的问题,并且需要不同的方法。

Using similar motivation to ours, Neverova et al. [29] also discusses the advantages of keeping sensitive user data on device. The work of Shokri and Shmatikov [35] is related in several ways: they focus on training deep networks, emphasize the importance of privacy, and address communication costs by only sharing a subset of the parameters during each round of communication; however, they also do not consider unbalanced and non-IID data, and the empirical evaluation is limited.


In the convex setting, the problem of distributed optimization and estimation has received significant attention[4, 15, 33], and some algorithms do focus specifically on communication efficiency [45, 34, 40, 27, 43]. In addition to assuming convexity, this existing work generally requires that the number of clients is much smaller than the number of examples per client, that the data is distributed across the clients in IID fashion, and that each node has an identical number of data points — all of these assumptions are violated in the federated optimization setting. Asynchronous distributed forms of SGD have also been applied to training neural networks, e.g., Dean et al. [12], but these approaches require a prohibitive number of updates in the federated setting. Distributed consensus algorithms (e.g.,[41]) relax the IID assumption, but are still not a good fit for communication-constrained optimization over very many clients.


One endpoint of the (parameterized) algorithm family we consider is simple one-shot averaging, where each client solves for the model that minimizes (possibly regularized) loss on their local data, and these models are averaged to produce the final global model. This approach has been studied extensively in the convex case with IID data, and it is known that in the worst-case, the global model produced is no better than training a model on a single client [44, 3, 46].


2 The FederatedAveraging Algorithm

The recent multitude of successful applications of deep learning have almost exclusively relied on variants of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for optimization; in fact, many advances can be understood as adapting the structure of the model (and hence the loss function) to be more amenable to optimization by simple gradient-based methods [16]. Thus, it is natural that we build algorithms for federated optimization by starting from SGD.


SGD can be applied naively to the federated optimization problem, where a single batch gradient calculation (say on a randomly selected client) is done per round of communication. This approach is computationally efficient, but requires very large numbers of rounds of training to produce good models (e.g., even using an advanced approach like batch normalization, Ioffe and Szegedy [21] trained MNIST for 50000 steps on minibatches of size 60). We consider this baseline in our CIFAR-10 experiments.


In the federated setting, there is little cost in wall-clock time to involving more clients, and so for our baseline we use large-batch synchronous SGD; experiments by Chen et al.[8] show this approach is state-of-the-art in the data center setting, where it outperforms asynchronous approaches. To apply this approach in the federated setting, we select a C- fraction of clients on each round, and compute the gradient of the loss over all the data held by these clients. Thus, C controls the global batch size, with C = 1 corresponding to full-batch (non-stochastic) gradient descent.2 We refer to this baseline algorithm as FederatedSGD (or FedSGD).




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