


If you occasionally restart your Android device, it clears its memory and speeds things up. It can also be a quick fix for minor problems, like crashing apps. Here’s how to restart your Android smartphone or tablet to fix common issues.

如果您偶尔重启Android设备,它将清除其内存并加快速度。 对于一些小问题,例如崩溃的应用程序,它也可以是一种快速解决方案。 这是重新启动Android智能手机或平板电脑以解决常见问题的方法。

执行标准重启 (Perform a Standard Restart)

A “standard restart” means you reboot your device with the built-in software options. Press the power button on your device (it’s usually on the top or right side but can also be on the left) for a few seconds to launch the onscreen power menu. You don’t have to unlock your device to do this.

“标准重启”是指您使用内置软件选项重启设备。 按下设备上的电源按钮(通常在顶部或右侧,也可以在左侧)几秒钟以启动屏幕上的电源菜单。 您无需解锁设备即可执行此操作。

The onscreen power menu options might vary slightly depending on your device, and which version of Android it runs. Tap “Restart” if there’s an option to do so, and then wait for your device to reboot.

屏幕上的电源菜单选项可能会略有不同,具体取决于您的设备及其运行的Android版本。 如果有选项,请点击“重启”,然后等待设备重启。

If you don’t see an option to restart, move on to the next method.


关闭然后重新打开 (Turn It Off and Back On)

You can also restart your Android smartphone or tablet manually by following the tried-and-true method of switching your device off, and then back on again.


The effect is the same as the previous method, and it’s a good alternative if your device doesn’t have a restart option in the power menu.


The same as before, hold the smartphone or tablet’s power button down for a few seconds to see the power options. Tap “Power Off” (or the equivalent on your device), and then wait for your phone or tablet to switch off completely.

与以前一样,按住智能手机或平板电脑的电源按钮几秒钟,以查看电源选项。 点击“关机”(或设备上的等效按钮),然后等待手机或平板电脑完全关闭。

Once your device is off, press the power button to turn it on again.


执行硬重启(或硬重启) (Perform a Hard Restart (or Hard Reboot))

If your device isn’t responding or you have trouble completing a typical reboot, you can perform a hard reset (or hard reboot) instead.


Don’t worry—this isn’t the same as a factory reset. This option is just a more drastic method of turning your Android device off and back on. It’s like holding the power button down on your computer.

不用担心-这与恢复出厂设置不同 。 此选项只是关闭和重新打开Android设备的一种更为剧烈的方法。 这就像按住计算机上的电源按钮一样。

To give this a go, press and hold the power button for at least 20 seconds. If Android isn’t responding, this will (usually) force your device to reboot manually.

为此,请按住电源按钮至少20秒钟。 如果Android没有响应,这(通常)将强制您的设备手动重启。

取出电池 (Remove the Battery)

Sleek smartphones and tablets are all the rage these days. Manufacturers now use integrated, nonremovable batteries to reduce the overall size of the hardware.

如今,时尚的智能手机和平板电脑风靡一时。 制造商现在使用集成的不可拆卸电池来减小硬件的整体尺寸。

If you’re lucky enough to have a device with a removable battery, and it still won’t restart, you can remove the battery. We recommend you try to turn off your device before you pull the battery.

如果您很幸运拥有带可拆卸电池的设备,但仍然无法重启,则可以卸下电池。 我们建议您在拉电池之前尝试关闭设备。

To begin, carefully remove the back casing from your device. Each manufacturer has a different way you can do this, but there are usually little areas where you can get your nail or a thin plastic spatula underneath to separate the two pieces. Avoid using any tools that might puncture the battery or otherwise damage your device.

首先,请小心地从设备上卸下后盖。 每个制造商都有不同的方式来执行此操作,但是通常在很少的区域中,您可以将指甲或薄的塑料刮铲放在下面以将两部分分开。 避免使用任何可能会刺破电池或损坏设备的工具。

After you remove the battery, put it back in, and then press the power button to turn on your device again.


使用ADB从PC重启 (Use ADB to Reboot From Your PC)

If the power button is broken, you might be able to plug your device into a computer and use the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool to reboot it. This tool—provided by Google—allows several remote operations, including rebooting your smartphone or tablet.

如果电源按钮损坏,则可以将设备插入计算机,然后使用Android调试桥(ADB)工具重新启动设备。 由Google提供的此工具可进行多种远程操作,包括重新启动智能手机或平板电脑。

First, you have to install ADB with the Android SDK along with your Android device drivers. You also need to make sure USB debugging is enabled in the developer options area of your Android settings.

首先,您必须使用Android SDK和Android设备驱动程序一起安装ADB 。 您还需要确保在Android设置的开发人员选项区域中启用了USB调试 。

Connect your device to your computer with a USB cable, open Command Prompt or Terminal, and then type adb devices to make sure your device is detected. If it isn’t, double-check that you correctly installed the drivers for your device and followed the setup guides linked above.

使用USB电缆将设备连接到计算机,打开命令提示符或终端,然后键入adb devices以确保检测到您的设备。 如果不是,请仔细检查您是否为设备正确安装了驱动程序,并遵循上面链接的安装指南。

If you see your device listed, type adb reboot and your Android device should reboot normally.

如果您看到列出的设备,请键入adb reboot ,您的Android设备应正常重启。

如果其他所有方法均失败,则恢复出厂设置 (If All Else Fails, Factory Reset)

When you troubleshoot problems on your Android device, a restart should always be your first step. This is often all that’s required to get things back to normal. But not always.

当您对Android设备上的问题进行故障排除时,重启应该始终是您的第一步。 这通常是使一切恢复正常所需要的。 但不总是。

Android devices do slow down over time. If a reboot doesn’t help, a factory reset might be the only way to get your device back in working order.

随着时间的流逝, Android设备的确会放慢速度 。 如果重启没有帮助,则恢复出厂设置可能是使设备恢复正常工作的唯一方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/437701/how-to-restart-an-android-smartphone-or-tablet/


本文标签: 重新启动智能手机平板电脑android