

Literature review

what's the literature review for?

what's the limited literatue revies:

no synthesis; only summaries;not comprehensive;not sufficient background for readers; too specific; not logically organized; poor referencing

plagiarized; no point to make.

To make literature perfect sence, we should: show various aress of relevants research, give a historical account of you topic, show research gaps, contradictions, correlations, weaknesses, summarize available techniques and materials and show your work's originality.

what are the difficulties in writing literature review, why?

Time; too much literature; no literature on topic; getting started; how broad or narrow to be; which papers to keep or discard; discipline to reread papers

workflow for literature review: consult librarian; begin detailed and exhaustive search; systematically keepnotes of all sources; find texts offering an overview of your topic; find review articles for:overall sense of topic, areas, most active researchers/ authors, improtant papers

synthesize a rought outline for your literature reveiw ->identify key papers(most frequenly cited?) Expand your rough outline

read from key papers: Abstract /relevant parts quote useful chunks of text take notes(don't need to read everything )

notetaking:summarize;research aim;metods;key findings;questions;your own comments/critiques

choose specific topic heading for your review(outline) and organize in folders for each heading. Organize!

start writing: what do you want to say? know what you want to say before you start writing. what's your argument? what story are you telling? make sure the ideas are connected. complete your list of references following all rules exactly.

posted on 2010-05-11 06:01 Zhu Qing 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏


本文标签: Literaturereview