


Chrome OS normally puts your operating system into a low-power sleep mode when you close the lid. This can be problematic if you hook your laptop up to an external monitor. Here’s how to stop your Chromebook from going to sleep when you close the lid.

当您合上盖子时,Chrome操作系统通常会将您的操作系统置于低功耗睡眠模式 。 如果将笔记本电脑连接到外部显示器,则可能会出现问题。 关闭盖子时,如何防止Chromebook进入睡眠状态。

Before we get started, a necessary disclaimer: closing your laptop’s lid and throwing it in your bag while it’s still on could cause some serious problems due to poor circulation or blocking of vents. Your laptop will continue to run, wasting its battery and potentially even overheating in your bag. You’ll need to manually put your laptop to sleep or shut it down using its power button or options in the Power menu rather than simply closing the lid.

在我们开始之前,有一个必要的免责声明:关闭笔记本电脑的盖子并在笔记本电脑仍处于打开状态时将其扔进包中,这可能会由于循环不良或通风Kong堵塞而造成一些严重问题。 您的笔记本电脑将继续运行,浪费电池,甚至可能使手提包过热。 您需要使用笔记本电脑的电源按钮或“电源”菜单中的选项手动将笔记本电脑置于睡眠状态或关闭笔记本电脑,而不是简单地合上盖子。

Additionally, if you use a Chromebook at school or work, you may not be able to change your sleep setting. You should contact your system administrator for additional help.

此外,I F你在学校或单位使用Chromebook,你可能无法改变你的睡眠环境。 您应该与系统管理员联系以获取其他帮助。

To change the default behavior of Chrome OS when you close the lid, click the clock area to open the system tray, and then click on the Settings cog.

要更改合上盖子时Chrome OS的默认行为,请单击时钟区域以打开系统托盘,然后单击“设置”齿轮。

Scroll down, and under the Device section, click “Power.”


Toggle the switch beside “Sleep when lid is closed” to the Off position.


Unlike on Windows 10, Chrome OS doesn’t have a separate setting for when your laptop is plugged in. So, if you usually only use your laptop plugged in at home but decide to take it on the go, always make sure you shut down or put it in Sleep mode when you place it in your bag to prevent overheating.

与Windows 10不同 ,Chrome操作系统没有用于笔记本电脑插入电源的单独设置。因此,如果您通常只在家中使用笔记本电脑插入电源,但决定随身携带它,请务必确保关机或将其放入包中时置于睡眠模式,以防止过热。

After you’ve made the changes, close the window. No need to save; it does that automatically.

进行更改后,关闭窗口。 无需保存; 它会自动执行。

You should now be able to close the lid on your laptop without it going into sleep mode. If you want to switch it back to the default settings, head back to Settings > Power, then toggle it back to the On position.

现在,您应该能够关闭笔记本电脑的盖子,而不必进入睡眠模式。 如果要将其切换回默认设置,请返回“设置”>“电源”,然后将其切换回“打开”位置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/415638/how-to-keep-your-chromebook-on-when-you-close-the-lid/


本文标签: 子时刷机chromebook