

iphone 已停用 解锁

Starting with iOS 12, you will always have to unlock your iPhone or iPad to connect a USB accessory. This is because of “USB Restricted Mode,” which protects your iPhone or iPad from hacking tools like GrayKey.

从iOS 12开始,您将始终必须解锁iPhone或iPad才能连接USB附件。 这是因为“ USB受限模式”可以保护您的iPhone或iPad免受GrayKey等黑客工具的攻击 。

为什么您看到此消息 (Why You’re Seeing This Message)

You’re seeing this message because of “USB Restricted Mode,” a security feature Apple added in iOS 11.4.1 and improves on in iOS 12. It prevents any USB devices from establishing a data connection while your iPhone or iPad is locked. Devices connected to your Lightning port can still charge your iPhone or iPad—they just can’t do anything else until you unlock it.

您看到此消息的原因是“ USB受限模式 ”,这是Apple在iOS 11.4.1中添加的安全功能,并在iOS 12中进行了改进。它可以防止iPhone或iPad锁定时任何USB设备建立数据连接。 连接到Lightning端口的设备仍可以为iPhone或iPad充电-在解锁之前,它们将无能为力。

This protection was added because hacking tools like GrayKey have been exploiting USB connections to crack the PIN protection on iPhones and iPads. While GrayKey has been used by police departments and other government agencies, it’s possible this same technique would allow criminals to bypass your PIN and gain access to your iPhone or iPad. This shouldn’t be possible.

添加此保护的原因是,诸如GrayKey之类的黑客工具一直在利用USB连接来破解iPhone和iPad上的PIN保护。 虽然GrayKey已被警察部门和其他政府机构使用,但同样的技术可能会使罪犯绕过您的PIN并访问您的iPhone或iPad。 这不可能。

To prevent this exploit, Apple now restricts USB devices from establishing any sort of data connection while your iPhone or iPad is unlocked. That’s the default setting, anyway—you can disable this security feature if it gets in your way, but we don’t recommend it. USB Restricted Mode prevents people from gaining access to your iPhone or iPad without permission.

为了防止这种利用,Apple现在限制在解锁iPhone或iPad时USB设备建立任何类型的数据连接。 无论如何,这是默认设置-如果您无法使用此安全功能,则可以将其禁用,但我们不建议这样做。 USB受限模式可防止他人未经允许访问您的iPhone或iPad。

When you connect a USB device to your iPhone or iPad while restricted mode is active, you’ll see a “USB Accessory” notification that says either “Unlock iPhone to use accessories” or “Unlock iPad to use accessories.”

在受限模式处于活动状态时将USB设备连接到iPhone或iPad时,您会看到“ USB附件”通知,提示“解锁iPhone以使用附件”或“解锁iPad以使用附件”。

iOS 12删除了一个小时的宽限期 (iOS 12 Removes the One Hour Grace Period)

Apple originally added this feature to iOS 11.4.1. However, in its original state, there was a one-hour grace period. Any USB device could establish a connection as long as you had unlocked your iPhone or iPad in the last hour. And, after a device was connected, the timer would be reset.

Apple最初将此功能添加到iOS 11.4.1。 但是,在其原始状态下,存在一个小时的宽限期。 只要您在上一个小时解锁了iPhone或iPad,任何USB设备都可以建立连接。 并且,连接设备后,计时器将被重置。

In other words, anyone who got their hands on your iPhone or iPad would just have to plug any old USB device into the Lightning port within one hour after you’d last used it to bypass this protection. Apple added the one hour grace period to make this protection less annoying, but attackers could exploit it.

换句话说,只要您把手上的iPhone或iPad上的任何人都可以在您上次使用它来绕过此保护功能后的一小时内将任何旧的USB设备插入Lightning端口。 苹果增加了一个小时的宽限期,以减轻这种保护的烦恼,但攻击者可以利用它。

Even on iOS 11.4.1, putting your iPhone into Emergency SOS mode immediately enables USB Restricted Mode without the one hour timer. This also disables Touch ID and Face ID until you unlock your phone with your PIN or passphrase.

即使在iOS 11.4.1上,也可以立即将iPhone置于紧急SOS模式 ,从而启用USB受限模式,而无需一个小时计时器。 这也将禁用Touch ID和Face ID,直到您使用PIN或密码解锁手机。

In the iOS 12 beta, Apple appears to be removing this grace period. If your iPhone or iPad is locked and you connect a device, you will always be prompted to unlock it. If USB Restricted Mode is enabled, your iPhone or iPad is always protected.

在iOS 12 Beta中,Apple似乎正在删除此宽限期。 如果您的iPhone或iPad处于锁定状态,并且您连接了设备,则始终会提示您将其解锁。 如果启用了USB受限模式,则iPhone或iPad始终受到保护。

如何禁用USB受限模式 (How to Disable USB Restricted Mode)

We don’t recommend disabling USB restricted mode. When connecting a USB accessory, just unlock your phone or tablet—it should be easy and quick with Touch ID or Face ID.

我们不建议禁用USB受限模式。 连接USB配件时,只需解锁手机或平板电脑-使用Touch ID或Face ID即可轻松快捷。

But, if this feature is really annoying you, you can turn it off. Perhaps you use a lot of USB accessories and you find it annoying to unlock your iPhone or iPad each time. It’s your decision.

但是,如果此功能确实让您烦恼,则可以将其关闭。 也许您使用了很多USB配件,却发现每次解锁iPhone或iPad都很烦人。 是你的选择。

To disable USB Restricted Mode and let USB accessories function even while your device is locked, head to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode (or Face ID & Passcode). Enter your PIN to continue.

要禁用USB受限模式并让USB附件即使在设备锁定时也能正常工作,请转到“设置”>“ Touch ID和密码”(或“ Face ID”和“密码”)。 输入您的PIN码以继续。

In the “Allow Access When Locked” section, enable the “USB Accessories” option. With this option enabled, devices can connect to your iPhone or iPad while it’s locked.

在“锁定时允许访问”部分中,启用“ USB附件”选项。 启用此选项后,设备可以在锁定状态下连接到iPhone或iPad。

Again, we don’t recommend enabling this feature. It’s there to protect your private data from hacking tools that are currently being used in the real world.

同样,我们不建议您启用此功能。 它在那里可以保护您的私人数据免受现实世界中当前使用的黑客工具的攻击。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/359678/how-to-fix-unlock-iphone-to-use-accessories/

iphone 已停用 解锁

本文标签: 解锁配件iphone