

ai人工智能测面相 准吗

意见 (Opinion)

“Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.”

“多样性被邀请参加聚会。 包容性被要求跳舞。”

— Verna Myers

—维纳·迈尔斯(Verna Myers)

介绍 (Introduction)

Let’s start with addressing what I mean by when I ask if there are black people in AI.


The term AI(Artificial Intelligence) used in this article headline is extensive, let’s narrow it down to the specific parts of AI I’ll be focusing on.

本文标题中使用的AI( 人工智能 )一词含义广泛,下面将其范围缩小到我将关注的AI特定部分。

I’ll be focusing on if there are black people in AI Jobs/Roles.

我将重点研究AI Jobs / Roles中是否有黑人。

Other areas I could probably cover in the future are AI Ethics, AI Regulations and AI Studies.


This is not a rant article, and my aim is not to vent or highlight the shortcomings of companies or individuals.


If there’s anything I would like you to take away from his article is an idea of how you can help get more black individuals into AI.


So, if you are in a hurry, scroll down to the “What Can I Do” section.

因此,如果您急忙,请向下滚动到“ 怎么办”部分。

And for those with a bit more time, enjoy.


Be sure to read till the end in order to get the full picture I’m trying to paint here, it’s not all black and white.


Subsections of AI, by Author

为什么黑人个人加入AI很重要? (Why Is It Important For Black Individuals To Be In AI?)

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
乔恩·泰森 ( Jon Tyson)在 Unsplash上 摄

To answer this question, we have to take a look at the consequences of the omission of black people in AI and AI processes. This will tell us why it’s important for black individuals to be in AI.

要回答这个问题,我们必须看一下在AI和AI流程中黑人遗漏的后果。 这将告诉我们为什么黑人在AI中很重要。

Typical AI processes consist of data gathering, data cleansing, model implementation, model evaluation and deployment. And if black AI practitioners are not involved in any of these processes, then it can in some cases, leads to inherent bias within these AI systems.

典型的AI流程包括数据收集,数据清理,模型实现,模型评估和部署。 而且,如果黑人AI从业人员没有参与任何这些流程,那么在某些情况下,它可能导致这些AI系统内在的偏差。

I’ve previously written on the topic of Algorithmic bias in AI systems, feel free to delve into this article, right after this one.

之前,我已经写过AI系统中的算法偏差这一主题,在此之后,随时可以深入研究本文 。

Here are a few examples of consequences that have occurred due to bias within AI systems, and negligence within AI processes.


  • In 2015, Jacky Alciné wrote a tweet that expressed his concern on the classification algorithm behind Google Photos. The algorithm had misclassified his black friend as a gorilla.

    2015年,JackyAlciné发表了一条推文,表达了他对Google Photos背后的分类算法的关注。 该算法将他的黑人朋友误认为是大猩猩。
  • In April 2020, a Google Image labelling service misclassified a black hand holding an object as a gun.

    2020年4月, Google图像标签服务将持有物体的黑手错误地归类为枪支 。

  • And it was revealed more recently in Jul 2020 that Detroit police had used a facial recognition system to unfairly accuse a man of a crime he didn’t commit.

    2020年7月,最近的一次调查显示, 底特律警察使用面部识别系统不公平地指控该男子犯下了自己没有犯罪的罪行。

  • And lastly, a black was arrested due to a facial recognition system matching his face with that of a thief from a security camera footage.

    最后, 由于面部识别系统将他的脸与安全摄像机镜头中的小偷相匹配, 黑人被捕 。

Most machine learning practitioners will tell you that the problems lie within the datasets used to train these systems. And that is true. But we also have to recognize that if we have more black individuals within AI, they could perhaps bring a more diverse perspective on how and where datasets are sourced.

大多数机器学习从业人员会告诉您问题出在用于训练这些系统的数据集中。 那是真的。 但是,我们还必须认识到,如果我们在AI中拥有更多黑人,他们也许可以就如何以及在何处获取数据集带来更多样化的观点。

Nonetheless, consequences of algorithmic bias are becoming more apparent in the current time, and the frequency of mistaken matches and AI bias events seem to be increasing.


We have recently seen large datasets being pulled offline due to apparent racial and gender bias content alongside a reduction of access to facial recognition systems to police.

最近,我们看到由于种族和性别偏见的明显内容而导致大型数据集被下线 ,同时减少了警察使用面部识别系统的机会 。

Let’s get back to the main point of this article.


那么,AI工作/角色中有黑人吗? (So, Are There Black People In AI Jobs/Roles?)

Let me provide you with examples of the AI-related job positions that are currently available within the AI industry.


Common AI-related job roles/position. Image by Author
与AI相关的常见工作角色/职位。 图片作者
Left: Photo by Qim Manifester, Middle: Photo by Roberto Nickson, Right: Photo by Rahul Chakraborty all on Unsplash
左:Qim Manifester摄,中:Roberto Nickson摄,右:Rahul Chakraborty摄,全都未飞溅

These listed roles below are responsible for the face unlocking features on your iPhone, or the automated driving capabilities in your Tesla vehicle. These roles create the Alexa, OK Google and Siri you find on your smart devices.

以下列出的这些角色负责您iPhone上的人脸解锁功能或Tesla车辆中的自动驾驶功能。 这些角色将创建您在智能设备上找到的Alexa,OK Google和Siri。

We have identified the AI roles that black people need to be involved in to create less bias AI systems.


These roles are generally categorized as technical roles or ‘tech’ roles. Now let’s see which companies are significant players in the technology and AI space.

这些角色通常分为技术角色或“技术”角色。 现在,让我们看看哪些公司在技术和AI领域扮演重要角色。

You could probably guess a few.


Top Tech Companies hiring roles in AI, image by author

We are getting closer to our answer.


To determine if these companies are hiring black/African American individuals within roles associated with AI, or more generally tech-based position, we have to refer to the diversity report of a few of these companies.


A company’s diversity report is the statistical presentation of the distribution of employees based on several categories such as ethnicity, gender, disability, religion or sexual orientation.


Before we get into these reports, I have to mention that the diversity reports only cover employees of the companies based in the United States of America.


I can’t imagine the data aggregation and employee census program that would be required to look at diversity on a global scale. Nonetheless, we will focus and work with what we have.

我无法想象在全球范围内看待多样性所需要的数据汇总和员工普查计划。 尽管如此,我们将专注于现有工作。

But do take note that the numbers presented may not truly reflect the distribution appropriately, at least on a global scale.


让我们更深入 (Let’s Dive Deeper)

This section is not aimed at calling out companies or shaming their diversity efforts.


What I’m hoping to accomplish in this section is to let you the reader see firsthand the disparity in the distribution of ethnicities within major tech companies. And then decide for yourself if the number of black individuals is too low.

我希望在本节中完成的工作是让读者亲眼目睹大型科技公司内部种族分布的差异。 然后自己决定黑人的人数是否太少。

Our original question “Are There Black People In AI?”, has now transformed to “Do the key players in AI hire enough black/African Americans for AI-based roles?”

我们最初的问题“ 人工智能中有黑人吗?” ,现已转变为“ 人工智能的主要参与者是否雇用足够的黑人/非裔美国人担任基于人工智能的角色?”

Let’s examine the overall distribution of ethnicities within the provided diversity reports and take a closer look at the amount of Black/African-Americans that are within technical roles. These technical roles are where you’ll find the Machine learning engineers, Roboticists and Data scientists.

让我们检查提供的多样性报告中种族的总体分布,并仔细研究属于技术角色的黑人/非裔美国人的数量。 这些技术职位是您可以找到机器学习工程师,机器人专家和数据科学家的地方。

Unfortunately, the reports don’t include ethnic distribution based on job titles, but the overall technical role report will suffice.


脸书 (Facebook)

Facebook has made headlines for several different reasons over the past few years. The most popular event would probably be Mark Zuckerburg’s testimony to the US Congress on the Cambridge Analytica scandal back in 2018.

在过去几年中,Facebook成为头条新闻的原因有多种。 最受欢迎的事件可能是扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerburg)在2018年就美国剑桥分析公司(Cambridge Analytica)丑闻向美国国会所作的证词 。

Anyways, let’s take a look at Facebook’s diversity report. For those who are interested in the full report, you can access it here, along with data on demographics.

无论如何,让我们看一下Facebook的多样性报告。 对于那些对完整报告感兴趣的人,您可以在此处访问它,以及人口统计数据。

The numbers and figures included below are focused on the year 2019 and do not reflect the current state of affairs within Facebook.


In 2019 the overall percentage of Black/African Americans in a role within Facebook was 3.8%. Arguably one of the lowest, when compared to the rest of the included ethnicities.

在2019年,在Facebook中扮演角色的美国黑人/非洲裔美国人的总百分比为3.8%。 与其他种族相比,可以说是最低的种族之一。

Nonetheless, this is a modest increase of 0.3% from 2018 and a notable increase of 1.8% from 2014.


Facebook diversity report ‘all roles’ Facebook多样性报告“所有角色”

Now we can get a little bit granular and look at the ethnic distribution based on technical roles.


In 2019 there are just 1.5% black people in technical roles within Facebook. And if we focus on just AI-based roles we would probably find that the percentage is a lot smaller, I won’t be surprised if it was within the range of 0.5–0.9%.

在2019年,Facebook内部仅有1.5%的黑人担任技术职务。 如果仅关注基于AI的角色,我们可能会发现该百分比要小得多,如果百分比在0.5%至0.9%之间,我不会感到惊讶。

Facebook diversity report ‘technical roles’ Facebook多样性报告的“技术角色”

Within Facebook, the growth of black people in non-technical roles has been rather impressive looking back six years. But, in contrast, the growth of black people within a technical role remained almost stagnant in the years 2014–2017 and only a 0.7% increase from 2017–2020.

在Facebook内部,回溯六年前,非技术角色的黑人人数增长十分可观。 但是,相比之下,在技术角色中,黑人的增长在2014-2017年期间几乎停滞不前,与2017-2020年相比仅增长了0.7%。

Facebook diversity report ‘black representation’ Facebook多样性报告“黑人代表”

I will try not to bore you with some more figures, so let’s go through the rest of the company’s diversity report at a quicker pace.


网飞 (Netflix)

I’m not going to lie I’m addicted to Netflix.


As a technical person, I’m very interested in their recommendation algorithm and how it works.


They just seem to know what you want; there must be some talented folks behind the Netflix system.

他们似乎只是知道您想要什么。 Netflix系统背后必须有一些才华横溢的人。

Netflix’s demographic data is more current as it represents the demographic distribution for Q3 2020, but remember this is the US only.


For Netflix, there is approximately 7% Black/African American employed in Netflix in the US, and 4% of these individuals are in technical roles.


Again, one of the lowest percentages.


Netflix diversity report ‘company’ Netflix多样性报告“公司”
Netflix diversity report ‘tech’ Netflix多样性报告“技术”

微软 (Microsoft)

Microsoft can be seen as the grandfather of tech companies, and the company is currently 45 years old. They also have other major subsidiaries such as LinkedIn, GitHub, Skype etc. Here’s a link to their full diversity and inclusion report for 2019.

可以将微软视为科技公司的祖父,该公司目前已有45年历史。 他们还拥有其他主要子公司,如LinkedIn,GitHub,Skype等。这是其2019年完整多样性和包容性报告的链接 。

The overall Black/African American demographic in Microsoft is around 4.4%. As you can see from the image below, this is an increase from the previous year.

微软在美国黑人/非裔美国人中的总体人口比例约为4.4%。 从下图可以看出,这比上一年有所增加。

In fairness, all the statistics and numbers all show an increase when compared to the previous years. I’ll cover some of the initiatives that attribute to this increase. In my opinion, this is where some of the solutions lie.

公平地讲,与前几年相比,所有统计数据和数字都显示出了增长。 我将介绍一些归因于这种增长的倡议。 我认为,这就是某些解决方案所在。

Microsoft Diversity and inclusion report Microsoft多样性和包容性报告

谷歌 (Google)

Let’s end this section by taking a look at Google’s diversity report that includes some figures for the current year, 2020 and the previous year.

在本节结束时,我们来看一下Google的多样性报告 ,其中包括本年度,2020年和上一年的一些数据。

And just like the rest of the other tech giants, there is a notable small distribution of Black/African Americans, and again, it’s an improvement from the year before.


Google Diversity Report Google多样性报告
Google Diversity Report Google多样性报告

Feel free to reflect on these charts and statistics at any point in time. Or better yet read the full diversity report to get a more detailed understanding of the demographic of ethnicities within the mentioned companies.

随时可以随时反映这些图表和统计信息。 或者更好地阅读完整的多样性报告,以更详细地了解所提及公司中种族的人口统计信息。

信不信由你,事情正在改善 (Believe It Or Not, Things Are Improving)

The figures in the above section might alarm some readers; some of you might not even be phased by the numbers, as you pretty much could have guessed how low the distribution was for black individuals in technical roles.

上一节中的数字可能会使一些读者感到震惊; 你们中的某些人甚至可能不会被数字分阶段使用,因为您可能已经猜到了担任技术职务的黑人的分布多么低。

But what if I told you that things are better than they used to be, and they are still be improving.


Morning Brew on Morning Brew在 Unsplash Unsplash拍摄

Each of the companies mentioned above all have programs, bursaries, initiatives, and scholarships dedicated to the education of future AI engineers from diverse backgrounds.


Let me give you examples of a few, and perhaps you might find one that could be of benefit to you or possibly someone you know.


  • Techprep by Facebook: This platform aims at inspiring people from various backgrounds to seek a career in tech. It provides learners with free information and resources on programming and jobs that programmers can obtain. The platform also accommodates supporters and parents of learners that want to be better equip and motivate their kids or mentees.

    Facebook的Techprep :该平台旨在激发来自不同背景的人们寻求技术职业。 它为学习者提供了免费的信息以及程序员可以获取的有关编程和工作的资源。 该平台还为希望更好地装备和激励孩子或受训者的学习者的支持者和家长提供支持。

  • CodeFWD by Facebook: This platform is aimed at educators and equips them with the tools required to create engaging lessons and activities for young underrepresented learners from ethnic minority background.

    Facebook的CodeFWD :该平台面向教育者,并为他们提供了必要的工具,可为少数族裔背景的年轻,代表性不足的学习者创建有趣的课程和活动。

  • Engineer in Residence by Facebook: Facebook has a program in which they accommodate computer science undergraduates within the company, under the supervision of Facebook Engineers. The Facebook Engineers, teach these students the direct application of theoretical knowledge into an actual product. They also provide information and resources to aid students within the program to find job opportunities within Facebook and its partners. The programme is aimed at colleges and universities in the US with primarily Black and Hispanic students.

    Facebook驻地工程师 :Facebook有一个计划,在Facebook工程师的监督下,他们可以在公司内部容纳计算机科学专业的本科生。 Facebook工程师教这些学生将理论知识直接应用到实际产品中。 他们还提供信息和资源,以帮助计划中的学生在Facebook及其合作伙伴中找到工作机会。 该计划针对美国的大学和大学,主要是黑人和西班牙裔学生。

  • More black content on Netflix: Netflix’s black employees created a presentation that showed executives an opportunity within the black family market that Netflix was missing out on. They implored executives to focus some resources on creating more content that is aimed at black families.

    Netflix上更多的黑色内容 :Netflix的黑人雇员创建了一个演示文稿,向管理人员展示了黑人家庭市场中Netflix错失的机会。 他们恳请高管们将一些资源集中在创建更多针对黑人家庭的内容上。

  • Netflix’s Inclusion and Diversity Executive position: Netflix has an executive position that is primarily focused on improving the diversity and inclusion initiatives within the company. Vernā Myers currently holds this position.

    Netflix的包容与多元化高管职位:Netflix的高管职位主要侧重于改善公司内部的多元化和包容性计划。 VernāMyers目前担任此职位。

  • Google’s commitment to racial equality. With an increase in racial tension and an exposure of the unwarranted police brutalities faced by black US citizens, Google released a statement that outlined their focus on improving black employability and employee relations within Google.

    Google 对种族平等的承诺 。 随着种族紧张局势的加剧以及暴露于美国黑人公民面临的不必要的警察暴行,谷歌发表了一份声明,概述了他们在改善黑人就业能力和改善谷歌内部员工关系方面的重点。

  • Google’s free Computer Science curriculum: This is an open platform aimed at both learners and teachers. The platform provides learners with intuitive activities within the curriculum that are centred around practical programming, such as creating video games. The platform also provides teachers with the tools required to track students learning and work efficiently.

    Google的免费计算机科学课程 :这是一个面向学习者和教师的开放平台。 该平台为学习者提供了课程内的直观活动,这些活动围绕实用的编程(例如创建视频游戏)为中心。 该平台还为教师提供了跟踪学生学习和有效工作所需的工具。

  • CodeNext by Google The program aims to build the next generation of Black and Latinx leaders through the provision of learning environments for students(high-schoolers) to attend after schools and on weekends. Program content mostly covers the aspects of computer science and related topics such as programming and problem-solving. Students have the opportunity to create applications and tools with their newly learnt skills. The program also creates a mentor-mentee relationship between Google employees and students.

    CodeNext由谷歌该计划旨在通过提供学校后和周末学习的学生(高中生)出席环境的构建下一代黑色和Latinx领导人。 程序内容主要涵盖计算机科学的各个方面以及相关主题,例如编程和问题解决。 学生有机会利用他们新学习的技能来创建应用程序和工具。 该计划还会在Google员工与学生之间建立导师与受助人的关系。

  • Google Tech Exchange: This exchange programme initiative enables Black and Hispanic students to attend Google’s Mountain View campus and get some knowledge on topics such as machine learning and other tech-based subject areas

    Google Tech Exchange :这项交流计划计划使黑人和西班牙裔学生能够访问Google的Mountain View校园,并获得有关机器学习和其他基于技术的学科领域等主题的一些知识

  • DeepMind Scholarship Program: The scholarship this program presents is aimed at individuals from low-income backgrounds; African or Caribbean heritage or Women.

    DeepMind奖学金计划 :该计划提供的奖学金针对低收入背景的个人; 非洲或加勒比文化遗产或妇女。

  • Google aims to include more black people in their senior positions.

    Google的目标是让更多黑人担任高级职务 。

“In the US, the number of African American/Black employees has risen 17.3% overall, including a 28.6% increase in technical roles.”


— Microsoft Diversity Report

— 微软多样性报告

These are just a few of the programs and initiatives run by some of the tech giants mentioned in this article. As you can see, there is some energy focused on educating and including the black community within the growth of technology and also the development of AI tools.

这些只是本文提到的一些技术巨头实施的一些计划和倡议。 如您所见,在技术发展以及AI工具的开发中,有一些精力集中在教育黑人社区并将其包括在内。

改进速度至关重要 (Speed Of Improvements Matters)

At this point, we can see that there is a small number of black individuals within technical roles in major tech companies and an even lower number in AI roles. But we’ve also seen that there’s some energy and focus on making the numbers of underrepresented ethnic group increase.

在这一点上,我们可以看到,在大型科技公司中,担任技术职务的黑人人数很少,而在AI职务中的人数甚至更少。 但是,我们也看到了一些活力,并致力于增加代表性不足的族裔人数。

So we could state that even though there are some improvements being done, the speed and impact of these improvement matters.


If these tech companies are allocating some energy and resources, the next section of this article will provide an idea of how you could do the same.


我能做什么? (What Can I Do?)

Glad you asked.


I’ll approach this section by addressing different groups of individuals that might be reading this article, and include the methods of how they can assist in increasing the number of Black/African Americans in AI.


These are my suggestions, but feel free to modify and improve upon them as you see fit, so long as the goal remains the same.


黑人技术人员 (Black Technical Individuals)

How I got into tech is an interesting story, but to cut a long story short, it was all an accident.


Despite my academic and industry career in tech initially being an accident, I later motivated those around me to pursue studies and jobs within the tech industry. I taught and provided resources to my brother, cousins and close friends who showed the slightest interest in tech.

尽管我最初在科技领域的学术和行业职业是偶然的,但后来我激励周围的人在科技行业从事研究和工作。 我教给对技术丝毫兴趣的兄弟,堂兄和密友,并提供了资源。

You can do the same, and I’m sure you probably are already motivating those around you to at least learn how to code.


But go one step further. Show individuals within your life the tools you build, your work process and even take them into your workplace. All of this will inspire the younger generation of the potential that they can achieve.

但是,请更进一步。 向个人展示您构建的工具,工作流程,甚至将其带入您的工作场所。 所有这些将激发年轻一代他们可以实现的潜力。

For technical individuals who are in roles such as software engineering, data analyst, front-end developers and back-end developers, you have probably had an inkling to dabble into some data science or machine learning. I would implore you to take a leap of faith. You probably already have the technical skills to build AI systems, now you just need to spend a few months picking up a few libraries and tools.

对于像软件工程,数据分析师,前端开发人员和后端开发人员这样的技术人员,您可能已经开始涉猎某些数据科学或机器学习。 我恳请您采取信仰的飞跃。 您可能已经具备构建AI系统的技术技能,现在只需要花几个月的时间来挑选一些库和工具。

黑人非技术人员 (Black Non-Technical Individuals)

Some of the readers of this article could be marketers, accountants, bankers even radiologists, and I’m sure you’ve all heard about the impending job apocalypse that will be caused as a result of AI and automation.


How about if you were told that you could be the ones building these AI systems for your line of work.


There are machine learning programs that trade the stock market better and more efficiently than traders do; there are even deep learning systems that can classify cancer X-rays quicker than a radiologist can.

有一些机器学习程序可以比交易员更好,更有效地交易股票市场。 甚至有深度学习系统可以比放射线医师更快地对X射线进行分类。

What I’m trying to say is that the skills required for you to transition from your non-technical role to an AI-based role is only a Bootcamp or a degree away.


Again don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith.


大家 (Everyone)

Everyone regardless of colour, needs to be able to do three things to the people around them: inspire, motivate and educate.

每个人,不论肤色如何,都必须能够对周围的人做三件事: 启发,激励和教育

Photo by Alex Haney on Unsplash
Alex Haney在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

Inspire young black kids around you; let them know that they are more than capable of building the game Fortnite with some game programming skills.

激发周围的年轻黑人孩子; 让他们知道,他们具有一定的游戏编程能力,不仅可以构建Fortnite游戏。

Motivate those around you to seek knowledge and new opportunities. Some individuals are already equipped with the intellectual acumen to tackle some complex problems. Still, they might be lacking courage and just need a good support system.

激励周围的人寻求知识和新机会。 一些人已经具备了解决某些复杂问题的智力。 但是,他们可能仍然缺乏勇气,只需要一个良好的支持系统。

Educate those who show a willingness to learn. In the current day and age, educational resources are free and abundant. It’s so plentiful it’s intimidating for individuals even to start learning. For those who are in positions that other aspire to be in, be sure to provide curious learners with information that will allow them to cut through the noise and reach their goals.

培养那些愿意学习的人。 在当今时代,教育资源是免费的和丰富的。 它是如此丰富,甚至使个人开始学习也感到恐惧。 对于那些处于其他渴望成为的职位的人,请务必向好奇的学习者提供信息,使他们能够消除噪音并达到目标。

If you’ve made it this far I applaud you. Let’s bring this article to a close. I hope you have gotten a thing or two from here.

如果您到目前为止做到了,我会为您鼓掌。 让我们结束本文。 我希望您从这里得到了一两件事。

AI中有黑人吗? (Are There Black People In AI?)

Yes, there are black people in AI, take me for example, I work as a Computer Vision Engineer.


But could there be more black people in AI, hell yeah!


Perhaps the problem might not be that top tech companies don’t want to hire black talent, the problem could also be that there isn’t a substantial amount of black talent to hire into AI roles, to begin with.


I took an MSc in Computer Vision and Machine learning between2018–2019 and, I could count the number of black students amongst my cohorts on just one hand. But my experience is not indicative of the general ethnic representation.

我在2018年至2019年期间获得了计算机视觉和机器学习的理学硕士学位,而且我可以单手计算一下我的同伙中黑人学生的数量。 但是我的经验并不能说明一般的种族代表。

We need to encourage young students not to be intimidated by specialized roles such as machine learning, computer vision or robotics. We also need to inform many talented individuals that are seeking a career change that becoming a data scientist or a machine learning engineer is just a 3–6 months Bootcamp away.

我们需要鼓励年轻学生不要被诸如机器学习,计算机视觉或机器人技术之类的专业角色所吓倒。 我们还需要告知许多正在寻求职业转变的有才能的人,成为数据科学家或机器学习工程师距离Bootcamp仅3-6个月。

And more importantly, it’s a worthwhile career.


Information is key.


I’m sure there are other problems and issues that I have failed to cover that could be preventing Black people from getting into AI. I invite you to educate me in the comment section on matters that you feel could also be included in this article.

我敢肯定,还有其他我未能解决的问题和问题可能会阻止黑人进入AI。 我邀请您在评论部分中教育我,您认为自己可能也包含在本文中。

希望您觉得这篇文章有用。 (I hope you found the article useful.)

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翻译自: https://towardsdatascience/are-there-black-people-in-ai-fb6928166d73

ai人工智能测面相 准吗

本文标签: 中有人工智能面相黑人AI