

**Day 6 of Self-Discipline**

Hi everyone, welcome to my channel. I’m Ethan.

Today, I want to write a description of all the items and furniture in my apartment.

I’m currently renting a place that has a living room, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, and a balcony.

In the bedroom, there’s a bed, blanket, pillow, wardrobe, shoe cabinet, bedside table, air conditioner, remote control, window, and curtains. Inside the wardrobe, I have hangers, shirts, tank tops, T-shirts, hoodies, jackets, shorts, pants, jeans, sweatpants, casual pants, and underwear. In the shoe cabinet, there are sneakers, casual shoes, and dress shoes. That’s pretty much everything in the bedroom, which is mainly a place for sleeping and storing clothes.

Next is the living room, which has a sofa, armchair, stools, coffee table, fan, broom, mop, trash can, mirror, comb, and hair dryer. After work, I like to lie on the sofa and play with my phone. Every morning before heading out, I style my hair and check my outfit in the mirror.

Now, let’s move on to the kitchen, where there are more items. I have a refrigerator, gas stove, range hood, microwave, oven, rice cooker, induction cooker, sink, faucet, dish soap, dishcloth, oil, salt, soy sauce, and so on. I often tell myself to cook and bring lunch to work, but I still end up being too lazy because cooking feels like too much trouble. When I do buy groceries, I usually get chicken, pork, beef, fish, eggs, and vegetables like romaine lettuce, lettuce, chives, and bitter melon. I hope I can cook more often in the future because homemade meals are healthier.

In the dining room, there’s a large cabinet for storing bowls and plates, with a spot on top for chopsticks. We rarely use forks and spoons, but we have them just in case. Besides that, there’s a dining table and some stools.

In the bathroom, I have a water heater, washing machine, toilet, sink, faucet, and a medicine cabinet containing toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, a razor, face wash, shampoo, and body wash. Towels are hung on the wall. We only have a shower, no bathtub, so unfortunately, we can’t take baths.

The last area is the balcony, which I rarely visit. It’s mainly used for drying clothes and storing some miscellaneous items. My roommate smokes, so he goes out to the balcony to avoid us inhaling secondhand smoke, although we still end up catching some of the smell.

I’m not sure if learning all these words will be useful, but I figure the more English I read, the more I’ll learn. If you have any good recommendations for tutorials, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

That’s all for today. See you next time. Bye!














**Day 5 of Self-Discipline**

Hi everyone, welcome to my channel. I'm Ethan.

Yesterday, I sprained my hand while playing badminton, and my wrist is a bit sore today, so I'm skipping my workout tonight. Instead, I plan to go out and practice driving, and I'll also install a new sound system in my car. That way, I can sing along while driving in the future.

From now on, I'll finish all my work during the day, so after work, I'll have free time to either exercise or practice driving.

Once I get more comfortable with driving, I'll be able to take road trips on the weekends, explore new places, and maybe visit nearby cities to try some local food.

Lately, I've been quite busy, and my schedule has gotten a bit chaotic. I've stopped getting up early to make lunch to bring to work, but I hope to get back to it tomorrow.

For now, I've been ordering takeout for lunch, but I'm getting tired of it, and it feels like there's nothing good left to choose from. I find myself struggling to decide what to order every day.

That's all for today. See you next time. Bye!










**Day 4 of Self-Discipline**

Hi everyone, welcome to my channel. I’m Ethan.

Yesterday, I got my car, and I’m really excited about it. I’m 28 this year, and after working for ten years, I finally have my own car.

I grew up in the countryside, where getting around is quite inconvenient, especially when it comes to hailing a taxi. Now that I have a car, it’ll be much easier to get around.

I bought the car with a loan, and the monthly payment is around 3,000 yuan. Honestly, I don't feel too much pressure from it because even if I weren't paying for the car, I’d end up spending the money elsewhere. At least after two years, when the loan is paid off, I’ll still have the car.

After buying the car, we had dinner and then six of us went for a walk by the beach. What was supposed to be a short stroll turned into a four-hour walk, and by the end, we were all exhausted.

By the time I got home and finished dinner, it was almost 11 PM, so I ended up staying up late again.

Today after work, I’m planning to explore my car's features and get some driving practice in.

That’s all for today. See you next time. Bye!












**Day 3 of Self-Discipline**

Hi everyone, welcome to my channel. I'm Ethan.  

Today is the Qixi Festival, also known as Chinese Valentine's Day, so happy holiday to everyone! But I'm still single, so I don't really need to celebrate. Instead, I'm going to play badminton with my buddies later. It's a sad story! Let's have a moment of silence for three seconds.

Now, let me share what happened today. This is just a way for me to practice my English, so it's mainly everyday stuff. If you find it boring, feel free to give a like and exit the video.

I woke up at 8 AM, got up to go to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and then I just lay in bed playing on my phone until 9. Then, I worked for half an hour. Because I had a sugary drink, I didn't feel hungry and ended up forgetting to have breakfast.

At 9:30, I left for work. On my way there, a bird pooped on my knee. Gross! As if being single and not having anyone to celebrate Valentine's Day with wasn't bad enough, this had to happen. What a terrible day! But thankfully, I was wearing shorts, so I just wiped it off with some water.

After that, I got into my regular work routine. I had lunch at noon and took a 30-minute nap. I started work again at 1:30 PM and finished at 6 PM. I also found some time to study English during breaks at work.

After getting home and having dinner, I relaxed a bit and then headed out for some exercise.

And that's it—my simple and ordinary life. Just another day, but a fulfilling one.

That's all for now. See you next time. Bye-bye!












**Day 2 of Self-Discipline**

Hello everyone, welcome to my channel. I’m Ethan.

Last night, I didn’t get home from playing badminton until 10 PM. After showering and recording and editing the video, it was already 11 PM, so I ended up going to bed late again.

So, I’ve decided that from now on, I’ll record my videos in the morning. This way, I can talk about what I did the day before and share my thoughts. It’s also a good way to motivate myself to get up early.

Additionally, I’m thinking of improving my spoken English by watching *Friends*. I’m not sure how effective it will be, so feel free to share your suggestions in the comments.

That’s all for today. See you next time, bye!








**Day 1 of Self-Discipline**

Hello everyone, welcome to my channel. I’m Ethan.

Since Tuesday, I’ve had a cold with symptoms like a runny nose, sneezing, and a sore throat. On top of that, it’s the beginning of the month, so I’ve been busy calculating salaries and performance. Because of this, I haven’t been studying English or updating my videos for the past few days.

Starting today, I want to resume my daily check-in videos and commit to going to bed early, waking up early, and studying English every day.

That’s it for today. Keeping it short. See you next time, bye!








Today, I don’t have a new script because I was pretty tired yesterday and didn’t want to stay up late. So, I only recorded half of the video. Today, I’m just going to read yesterday’s script.


Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel. I’m Ethan.

Yesterday was Sunday, and I didn’t have to work, so I decided to go out and relax.

I woke up at 6 AM and spent some time on my phone until 9 AM. Then my friend came over, and we headed to Huizhou West Lake for a day trip.

West Lake is 60 kilometers away from here, and it takes about an hour and 20 minutes to drive there. The highway was clear, but there was some traffic near the scenic area, which is why the journey took so long.

Next to the lake, there’s a Taoist temple. We went in to pray, and by the time we finished, it was noon. We had lunch and then walked along the lake, enjoying the scenery. The view at West Lake is beautiful, but the weather was very hot, and we quickly started sweating.

We took some photos of the scenery, but since it was so hot, our phones overheated, so we didn’t take too many pictures. We also fed the fish, and as soon as we threw in some fish food, many fish came to eat. If fishing were allowed here, it would surely be a great catch, but of course, I’m just joking—fishing is not allowed here.

After that, we rented a boat to enjoy the view from the water. West Lake has several small islands that are home to many birds. We cruised around for about an hour, but it was just too hot, so we decided to end our trip.

The drive back took another hour and a half. When I got home, I was exhausted, so I took a nap for an hour before getting up to shower and then went out for dinner. After that, I just relaxed on my phone until 10:30 PM, when I went to bed.

Alright, that was my relaxing Sunday trip. If you like this video, don’t forget to like, comment, and share. See you next time, bye!


Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel, I’m Ethan.








好了,这就是我昨天悠闲的周日行程。if you like this video, don’t forget to like, comment and share, see you next time, bay!


Hello, everyone. I'm Ethan. Welcome to my channel.

Since Tuesday, I've been busy with work until Thursday, but I'm finally done and have time to study English again. Even though I was only busy during work hours and didn't have to do overtime, I still felt tired after work and didn't have the motivation to study.

I've decided to go to bed at 10 PM and wake up at 6 AM every day. In the mornings, I'll cook, study, and work. By making my own meals and bringing lunch to the office, I can save some money.

Last night, I didn't sleep until 00:30 and got up at 6:30 AM. I didn't take a nap at noon because I had to run some errands. By the afternoon, I felt really tired. Luckily, work wasn't busy, so I was able to nap on the couch for an hour before getting up to write today's video script. This is what I'll be talking about in tonight's video.

Alright, folks. I'll be resuming my study schedule from now on, aiming to study for at least two hours every day.

If you like my video, please give it a thumbs up, leave a comment, save, and share it. See you next time, bye!

Hello, 大家好,我是Ethan,欢迎来到我的频道。







本文标签: Diary