




夏威夷州由137个岛屿组成,其中主要的8个岛屿是夏威夷岛、茂宜岛、欧胡岛、考艾岛、莫洛凯岛、拉奈岛、尼豪岛和卡霍奥拉维岛。夏威夷州位于太平洋中部,距离美国本土约2,400英里。该州的地形多样,包括火山、热带雨林、沙滩和珊瑚礁。著名的自然景观包括夏威夷火山国家公园(Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park)和威基基海滩(Waikiki Beach)。





  • 旅游业:旅游业是夏威夷州的支柱产业,每年吸引数百万游客前来观光度假。主要旅游景点包括威基基海滩、珍珠港、茂宜岛的哈纳公路(Hana Highway)和大岛的火山国家公园。
  • 军事:夏威夷州是美国太平洋舰队的总部所在地,拥有多个重要的军事基地,对州经济有重大影响。
  • 农业:夏威夷州的主要农产品包括糖、菠萝、咖啡、坚果和花卉。近些年,花卉和有机农产品的生产在不断增长。
  • 教育:夏威夷大学系统(University of Hawaii System)在州内各岛设有多个校区,是重要的教育和研究机构。



  • 夏威夷大学(University of Hawaii):包括位于檀香山的夏威夷大学马诺阿分校(University of Hawaii at Manoa),这是该州最大的大学,以其海洋科学、天文学和环境科学研究项目著名。
  • 夏威夷太平洋大学(Hawaii Pacific University):私立大学,以其商学、国际关系和护理学项目著名。



  • 本地夏威夷文化:夏威夷州有着悠久的本地文化传统,包括草裙舞(Hula)、乌克丽丽(Ukulele)音乐、夏威夷语和传统仪式。夏威夷州每年举办多种文化活动和节庆,如梅里·蒙娜基亚艺术节(Merrie Monarch Festival)。
  • 多元文化:夏威夷州是一个文化大熔炉,融合了亚洲、太平洋岛屿和西方的文化元素。州内有许多文化节庆和活动,如檀香山的樱花节和中国新年庆祝活动。
  • 户外活动:夏威夷州提供丰富的户外活动,如冲浪、潜水、远足和观鲸。群岛的自然美景和温暖气候吸引了众多户外运动爱好者。



  • 檀香山(Honolulu):夏威夷州的首府和最大城市,是一个重要的商业、文化和旅游中心。檀香山著名的景点包括威基基海滩、珍珠港和钻石头山(Diamond Head)。
  • 希洛(Hilo):位于夏威夷岛东部,以其自然景观和丰富的文化历史闻名,是通往夏威夷火山国家公园的门户。
  • 茂宜岛的卡胡卢伊(Kahului):茂宜岛的主要城市和商业中心,以其美丽的海滩和热带景观吸引了大量游客。




Hawaii is the only island state in the United States, located in the central Pacific Ocean. It is renowned for its beautiful beaches, tropical climate, and rich cultural history. Here is a detailed introduction to Hawaii, covering its geographical location, population, economy, education, culture, and major cities.

Geographical Location

Hawaii consists of 137 islands, with the eight main islands being Hawaii (the Big Island), Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Niihau, and Kahoolawe. The state is located in the central Pacific Ocean, about 2,400 miles from the U.S. mainland. Hawaii’s diverse terrain includes volcanoes, tropical rainforests, beaches, and coral reefs. Notable natural landmarks include Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and Waikiki Beach.


According to the 2020 Census, Hawaii has a population of approximately 1,455,271 people. The population is mainly concentrated on the island of Oahu, particularly in the state capital, Honolulu, and its surrounding areas. Hawaii’s population is diverse, including Asians, Pacific Islanders, Whites, Latinos, and African Americans. Additionally, there is a significant population of Native Hawaiians, who are the bearers of Hawaii’s cultural heritage.


Hawaii’s economy relies heavily on tourism, military, defense, agriculture, and education.

  • Tourism: Tourism is Hawaii’s primary industry, attracting millions of visitors each year. Major tourist attractions include Waikiki Beach, Pearl Harbor, the Road to Hana on Maui, and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
  • Military: Hawaii is home to the headquarters of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and numerous military bases, significantly impacting the state’s economy.
  • Agriculture: Hawaii’s main agricultural products include sugar, pineapples, coffee, macadamia nuts, and flowers. Recently, the production of flowers and organic products has been growing.
  • Education: The University of Hawaii System is a major educational institution with campuses on various islands, contributing significantly to research and education in the state.


Hawaii is home to several important higher education institutions known for their high-quality education and research programs.

  • University of Hawaii: Includes the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, the state’s largest university, known for its programs in oceanography, astronomy, and environmental science.
  • Hawaii Pacific University: A private university known for its programs in business, international relations, and nursing.


Hawaii’s culture is rich and diverse, blending Native Hawaiian culture, Asian influences, and Western traditions.

  • Native Hawaiian Culture: Hawaii has a deep-rooted Native Hawaiian cultural tradition, including hula dance, ukulele music, the Hawaiian language, and traditional ceremonies. The state hosts various cultural events and festivals, such as the Merrie Monarch Festival.
  • Multiculturalism: Hawaii is a cultural melting pot, integrating elements from Asian, Pacific Islander, and Western cultures. The state hosts numerous cultural festivals and events, such as the Honolulu Festival and Chinese New Year celebrations.
  • Outdoor Activities: Hawaii offers abundant outdoor activities, including surfing, snorkeling, hiking, and whale watching. The islands’ natural beauty and warm climate attract many outdoor enthusiasts.

Major Cities

Hawaii has several major cities, each with its unique charm.

  • Honolulu: The capital and largest city of Hawaii, Honolulu is a major commercial, cultural, and tourism hub. Notable attractions include Waikiki Beach, Pearl Harbor, and Diamond Head.
  • Hilo: Located on the eastern side of the Big Island, Hilo is known for its natural beauty and rich cultural history. It is the gateway to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
  • Kahului: The main city and commercial center of Maui, Kahului is known for its beautiful beaches and tropical landscapes, attracting numerous tourists.


Hawaii is known for its stunning natural landscapes, warm climate, and diverse cultural traditions. The state holds significant positions in tourism, military, and agriculture, while its unique Native Hawaiian culture and abundant outdoor activities attract tourists and new residents from around the world. Whether in bustling cities or serene beaches, Hawaii showcases its distinctive charm.



本文标签: 夏威夷州美国双语中英Hawaii