

  1. 说明:本文主要说明扫码之后自动连接WiFi的一些处理,扫码的流程相对简单,网上教程也比较多,对于目前Android各个版本也没有太多变化。
  2. 问题描述:最近在做项目的时候,发现以前的项目有扫描二维码自动连接WiFi的功能,设备改了生成二维码的方式,然后发现手机无法自动连接WiFi了。
  3. 问题原因:经过代码调试发现:(我都是真机调试)
  4. 问题解决:
  • 区别:我测试手机 小米10 android Q(andorid 10)的系统,同事手机荣耀 android P的系统,大胆猜测是不是android 10又搞了什么奇怪的东西
  • 根因:皇天不负有心人,上代码:
         * Add a new network description to the set of configured networks.
         * The {@code networkId} field of the supplied configuration object
         * is ignored.
         * <p/>
         * The new network will be marked DISABLED by default. To enable it,
         * called {@link #enableNetwork}.
         * @param config the set of variables that describe the configuration,
         *            contained in a {@link WifiConfiguration} object.
         *            If the {@link WifiConfiguration} has an Http Proxy set
         *            the calling app must be System, or be provisioned as the Profile or Device Owner.
         * @return the ID of the newly created network description. This is used in
         *         other operations to specified the network to be acted upon.
         *         Returns {@code -1} on failure.

本文标签: androidwifi