


  • 1 Project burn chart (complete)
  • 2 Expected plan for the project
  • 3 Description of Actual Progress
  • 4 Related Video demo
    • Day1-2: Complete Plan1 - Website Construction
    • Day3-4: Complete Plan2 - Page Theme Construction
    • Day5-6: Complete Plan3 - Content Column Division
    • Day7-8: Complete Plan4 - Build comment section and online chat function
    • Day9-10: Complete Plan5 - Markdown online editor
  • 5 Member perceptions and insights
    • 5.1 Team Member 1: Zhang Qin
    • 5.2 Team Member 2: Chen Zhenggang
    • 5.3 Team Member 3: Liu Yiqi
    • 5.4 Team Member 4: Hu Jiachen
    • 5.5 Team Member 5: Zhang Jiayang
    • 5.6 Team Member 6: Chen Jinghua
    • 5.7 Team Member 7: Yi Li
    • 5.8 Team Member 8: Peng Houming
    • 5.9 Team Member 9: Zhao Pan
    • 5.10 Team Member 10: Chen Yuheng
    • 5.11 Team Member 11: Yin Xiangbin
  • 6 Distribution of workload in the Alpha Sprint
    • 6.1 Day1-2: Finish Plan1 website building
    • 6.2 Day3-4: Complete Plan2 page theme construction
    • 6.3 Day5-6: Complete Plan3 content column division
    • 6.4 Day7-8: Complete Plan4 to build comment section and online chat function
    • 6.5 Day9-10: Finish Plan5 markdown online editor
    • 6.6 Topical Collection of Essays
    • 6.7 Team's code standards, current sprint tasks, and plans of essay
    • 6.8 Testing Essay
    • 6.9 Sprint summary essay
  • 7 Alpha Sprint Team Assessment Form
  • 8 Outlook for the next phase
    • 8.1 For the functional aspects of the website
    • 8.2 For website content
  • 9 Defence Evaluation Form Tencent Document

This assignment belongs to which courseEE308FZ Software Engineering https://bbs.csdn/forums/ssynkqtd-04
Where this assignment is requiredhttps://bbs.csdn/topics/617606376
Team nameFZU Flying Club
The goal of this assignmentHelp students understand Alpha Sprint and promote course project progress
Other referencesNone

1 Project burn chart (complete)

2 Expected plan for the project

Begin: Completion of front-loading related blogs (Code Standards, Sprint Tasks and Plans)

Day1-2: Complete Plan1 - Website Construction

Day3-4: Complete Plan2 - Page Theme Construction

Day5-6: Complete Plan3 - Content Column Division

Day7-8: Complete Plan4 - Build comment section and online chat function

Day9-10: Complete Plan5 - Markdown online editor

Time left: Finish writing the remaining blogs (general test report, top collection blog, alpha sprint mission summary paper)

3 Description of Actual Progress

Our team members completed all the planned tasks for the Alpha Sprint on time and even a bit faster than expected, which allowed us to plan the next tasks more fully and make our website more complete and rich. At the same time, our team members ensured the quality of the tasks and completed the testing of the related modules, and the test results were good enough to provide users with a convenient, fast and comfortable web browsing experience and feeling.

4 Related Video demo

Day1-2: Complete Plan1 - Website Construction

Sprint Plan 1 demonstration video

Day3-4: Complete Plan2 - Page Theme Construction

Sprint Plan 2 demonstration video

Day5-6: Complete Plan3 - Content Column Division

Sprint Plan 3 demonstration video

Day7-8: Complete Plan4 - Build comment section and online chat function

Sprint Plan 4 demonstration video comment module

Sprint Plan 4 demonstration video online chat module

Day9-10: Complete Plan5 - Markdown online editor

Sprint Plan 5 demonstration video

5 Member perceptions and insights

5.1 Team Member 1: Zhang Qin

During the software engineering alpha sprint assignment, I gained a deep understanding of the criticality of teamwork and communication. When faced with complex problems and tight deadlines, it becomes crucial for team members to work closely together. Through effective communication, we were able to better understand each other’s ideas and perspectives, so that we could quickly reach a consensus and efficiently move the project forward.

In the early stages of the assignment, we took the time to develop clear objectives and plans that defined each member’s responsibilities. With a clear division of labour and well-defined goals, we were able to move forward in a more orderly manner, reducing conflict and duplication of effort. In addition, regular communication meetings became a key platform for us to coordinate our work and solve problems. Through open and frank discussions, we were able to quickly identify and resolve potential problems, ensuring that the team stayed on the right track.

Throughout the sprint, I learnt the importance of teamwork and how each member’s contribution positively impacted the ultimate success. By sharing knowledge and experience, we were able to work together to overcome challenges and achieve unexpected results. This experience has given me a deep understanding that teamwork and efficient communication are indispensable elements in achieving project goals.

In conducting website testing, I have learnt that testing is not just about finding bugs, but also about ensuring a high quality of user experience and website functionality. Collaboration and communication among the team in website testing is especially critical.

First of all, it is crucial for the whole team to clearly define the goals of the tests and the expected user behaviours. Clearly defining the expected behaviours for each feature point and possible user scenarios in the test plan can help the testing team to be more targeted. It also helps the development team to understand user expectations, which leads to better problem solving.

Second, working closely with developers is key to ensuring that issues are resolved quickly. By communicating in a timely manner about issues found during testing, we are able to quickly locate and fix vulnerabilities to ensure the stability and security of the site. In this process, collaboration between development and testing is not just about fixing bugs, but also helps both parties better understand each other’s work and improves overall efficiency.

Finally, the value of user feedback cannot be ignored. By being in close contact with end users, we are able to learn about problems and requirements in real scenarios. This kind of information is invaluable to the testing team, helping to cover possible usage scenarios more comprehensively and improving the quality of testing.

All in all, website testing is a process where teamwork and communication are closely intertwined, and requires close collaboration between various team members to ensure that the quality of the website and the user experience is at an optimal level.

5.2 Team Member 2: Chen Zhenggang

  1. Effective communication: Our team members often have face-to-face communication and feedback to ensure timely sharing of information and timely resolution of problems.
  2. Code quality and testing: We focus on the importance of code quality and testing to ensure software reliability and stability.
  3. Continuous Integration and deployment: We have adopted a continuous integration and deployment approach to ensure that code is merged and deployed in a timely manner to speed up development and improve efficiency.
  4. Reflection and improvement: After the end of each sprint, we will reflect and summarize to find the existing problems and improvements, so as to continuously improve the efficiency and quality of team cooperation.

5.3 Team Member 3: Liu Yiqi

As the Alpha Sprint nears its conclusion, I’ve had time to reflect on my experiences and insights during this period.

I have gained an appreciation for the power of teamwork and collaboration. Working closely with my team members has allowed me to understand their strengths and weaknesses, which in turn has helped us distribute tasks effectively and achieve our goals more efficiently.

Through the course of the sprint, I also learned the importance of open communication. It’s not just about discussing progress or roadblocks; it’s also about fostering a culture where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions. This kind of environment encourages creativity and innovation, ultimately leading to better results.

Lastly, I realized that while sprints can be intense and demanding, they also provide an opportunity for personal growth. By constantly pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones and taking on new challenges, we become better problem solvers and critical thinkers.

Overall, the Alpha Sprint has been a valuable experience, both professionally and personally. I’m grateful for the chance to work alongside such talented individuals and look forward to future collaborations.

5.4 Team Member 4: Hu Jiachen

  1. Communication and Collaboration: Team members should maintain good communication and exchange ideas and solve problems through timely communication. Chat tools, email, and other methods can be used for communication to ensure information flow.
  2. Version Control: Use version control tools to manage the code, facilitating collaboration and code management among team members. Through submission, merging, and pulling operations, ensure the stability and traceability of the code.
  3. Common Progress: Team members should learn from each other and grow together, sharing programming experience and skills. Technical sharing and open-source projects can be used to enhance the overall strength of the team.
  4. Project Management: Use project management tools for task assignment and progress tracking to ensure the project is completed on time.

5.5 Team Member 5: Zhang Jiayang

In Alpha Sprint, my understanding of teamwork and collaboration is deep and rich. As a front-end engineer, I am mainly responsible for working closely with back-end engineers, which makes me deeply appreciate the importance of collaborative efforts.

First of all, communication has become the key to success. Throughout the sprint, we have maintained open channels of communication to share information, progress and difficulties in a timely manner. Through frequent communication, we are able to better understand each other’s needs and expectations, and solve problems in a targeted way, thus improving work efficiency.

Second, mutual understanding and respect are the cornerstones of collaboration. Understanding the workflow and mindset of back-end engineers allows me to better integrate into the entire team and ensure a smoother interface between front end and back end. In the team, each member has played their own professional advantages, mutual respect and trust, forming a good collaborative atmosphere.

In addition, flexible adaptation and rapid response to change are also key factors for team success. During the sprint, requirements may change at any time, and technical challenges may also follow. As a front-end engineer, I learned to be more flexible in responding to change, quickly adjusting work schedules, and working with my team to meet challenges and ensure that projects move forward smoothly.

In general, through Alpha Sprint, I not only have a deeper growth in technology, but also cultivate the sense of teamwork. Teamwork is not only technical collaboration, but also all-round improvement in communication, understanding and response. This experience has convinced me that the strength of the team will continue to be the key to our success in the future work.

5.6 Team Member 6: Chen Jinghua

In terms of communication, we try our best to pursue face-to-face communication, which effectively improves the work efficiency of our team.

In addition, we annotate our code as much as possible during pull, and write it completely for each commit. In this process, our better cooperation enabled us to complete the project more smoothly, which was a breakthrough for our team.

In terms of test projects, we combine local testing with global testing to test our completed functions step by step.

Although tedious, but can eliminate the problem step by step.I think the alphy Sprint project has made me learn to better cooperate with the completion of soft engineering projects. I got a lot out of this one.

5.7 Team Member 7: Yi Li

During a phase of writing and testing, time pressure led to the discovery of some issues only at the last moment. We adopted a more detailed time planning and timely monitoring of testing to ensure that problems are addressed during the development process, avoiding any impact on the final outcome.

The iteration cycles were too short, making it challenging for team members to coordinate effectively. Therefore, we extended the iteration cycles, integrating multiple functionalities from the same stage before proceeding with the next development step, allocating sufficient time for each iteration.

5.8 Team Member 8: Peng Houming

  1. Team goal consensus: Before starting work, team members need to clarify the goals and tasks of the project and reach a consensus. This helps ensure that everyone is pulling in the same direction.

  2. Division of labor cooperation: Division of labor cooperation is an important means to complete the task. Everyone is responsible for his own part, but he should also work closely with others to ensure the smooth completion of the task.

  3. Communication and feedback: Good communication and feedback mechanisms can help team members better understand each other’s ideas and needs, so that they can better collaborate to complete tasks.

  4. Collective intelligence: Teamwork can give play to collective wisdom, and through discussion and communication, the best solution can be found together.

  5. Support each other: In teamwork, it is very important to support each other. Sometimes one person may have problems, but others can help and support.

5.9 Team Member 9: Zhao Pan

  1. High efficiency and rapid progress: The essence of an alpha sprint is to focus the team’s energies for a limited period of time, and this pressure and goal-orientation fuels the potential of team members to focus on the task and find more efficient solutions. In this focused environment, people are usually able to produce more and better quality work than usual in a short period of time. This accelerated progress and high efficiency is critical to the advancement of a project because it means more work is done in less time, providing a solid foundation for project success.
  2. Learning Opportunities and Rapid Iteration: Alpha Sprints provide a safe place for experimentation where team members can try out new ideas, conduct rapid experiments, and learn from them. This rapid iteration and trial-and-error approach doesn’t just lead to visible results, it also helps foster innovative thinking in the team. Team members learn by making mistakes, and the low cost of such mistakes facilitates the team’s exploration of new ideas and motivates them to keep trying and improving.
  3. The importance of teamwork and communication:
    Within a tight timeframe, effective communication and teamwork become critical. Frequent communication helps to ensure that each team member is clear about the task objectives, reducing misunderstandings and direction deviations. This open atmosphere of shared information and experience helps foster closer working relationships and inspires more efficient team dynamics.
  4. Personal Growth: Individuals also improve in Alpha Sprint. By managing time and resources, the individual’s time management skills and decision-making abilities are improved. The experience of rapid iteration and problem solving also drives individuals to be more creative and confident, more willing to try new approaches and learn from failures.

5.10 Team Member 10: Chen Yuheng

When a team is in the Sprint phase, teamwork is critical.

Firstly, clear communication is the key to success. Team members need to have a clear understanding of tasks and goals in order to collaborate efficiently.

Secondly, division of labour is also crucial. Everyone’s skills and expertise should be fully utilised, and team members should support each other and collaborate to complete the task.

In addition, flexibility and adaptability are important qualities for teamwork. Changes and challenges may arise during the Sprint process, and the team needs to be flexible and adapt to new situations in a timely manner.

Finally, team building is also essential. Trust, respect and a friendly atmosphere among team members can inspire better cooperation and innovation. By working together, teams can complete tasks more efficiently and achieve better results.

5.11 Team Member 11: Yin Xiangbin

Alpha sprints are an agile development methodology that helps teams validate the viability of their product and the needs of their users in a short amount of time.

In our team development project, we used the alpha sprint approach and gained the following insights and gains:

  • The Alpha sprint approach allowed us to more clearly define our goals and problems, and the value we wanted to deliver to our users.

  • The Alpha sprint approach allowed us to efficiently conduct market research and competitive analysis, as well as create user profiles and journey maps.

  • Alpha sprinting allowed us to generate multiple creative solutions more quickly and select the most promising ones through voting and discussion.

  • The alpha sprint approach allowed us to build a concise prototype and validate our assumptions and practices through user testing and feedback.

  • The Alpha sprint approach allows us to take a deeper look at what we learned and what we can do next.

Overall, the alpha sprint approach allowed our team to be more collaborative and innovative, closer to our users and markets, and more effective in moving our projects forward.

6 Distribution of workload in the Alpha Sprint

6.1 Day1-2: Finish Plan1 website building

Website build:
Zhang Qin
Chen Zhengang
Chen Yuheng

Zhang Jiayang
Chen Jinghua

Blog written by:
Zhang Qin
Zhao Pan

6.2 Day3-4: Complete Plan2 page theme construction

Page theme construction:
Chen Zhengang
Yin Xiangbin
Liu Yiqi

Zhang Qin
Zhang Jiayang
Chen Jinghua

Blog written by:
Zhang Qin
Yi Li

6.3 Day5-6: Complete Plan3 content column division

Content column division:
Chen Zhengang
Zhang Qin

Yin Xiangbin
Liu Yiqi

Blog written by:
Zhang Qin
Hu Jiachen

6.4 Day7-8: Complete Plan4 to build comment section and online chat function

Build the comment section and online chat function:
Zhang Jiayang
Chen Jinghua
Chen Zhengang
Chen Yuheng

Yin Xiangbin
Liu Yiqi
Zhang Qin
Peng Houming

Blog written by:
Zhang Qin
Chen Zhengang

6.5 Day9-10: Finish Plan5 markdown online editor

Make Markdown online editor:
Chen Zhengang
Zhang Jiayang
Chen Yuheng

Zhang Qin
Liu Yiqi
Yin Xiangbin

Blog written by:
Zhang Qin
Chen Zhengang
Peng Houming

6.6 Topical Collection of Essays

Zhang Qin

6.7 Team’s code standards, current sprint tasks, and plans of essay

Zhang Qin
Zhao Pan
Peng Houming

6.8 Testing Essay

Yin Xiangbin
Zhang Qin

6.9 Sprint summary essay

Membership of the Whole Group

7 Alpha Sprint Team Assessment Form

Student IDNameWork DescriptionContribution
832102212张钦(QIN ZHANG)Participate in website establishment blog writing, participate in the production of page theme blog writing, participate in page content column division blog writing, participate in website discussion forum and online chat function blog writing, participate in markdown online editor blog writing, in website creation, in page theme testing, in page content sectioning, participation in website discussion forum and online chat function testing, in markdown editor testing, General test report writing, Alpha Sprint Mission Summary Blog Writing, Team’s code standards, current sprint tasks, and plans of essay15%
832102227彭厚铭(HOUMING PENG)participation in website discussion forum and online chat function testing, participation in blog writing for markdown editor, Team’s code standards, current sprint tasks, and plans of essay5%
832101223胡佳辰(JIACHEN HU)page content division tasks blog writing, Production of PPT for project defence6%
832101221易立(LI YI)building page theme blog writing, Project burn-out mapping6%
832102221赵攀(PAN ZHAO)website initial setup blog writing, Team’s code standards, current sprint tasks, and plans of essay5%
832102213张嘉扬(JIAYANG ZHANG)In testing the newly set up website, involved in page theme testing, creation of discussion forums and online chat functionality in the website, participation in creating markdown online editor9%
832102214陈正罡(ZHENGGANG CHEN)In website creation, involved in building theme pages, involved in page content sectioning, creation of discussion forums and online chat functionality in the website, participation in blog writing for website discussion forums and online chat features, participation in blog writing for markdown editor, participation in creating markdown online editor14%
832102215陈宇恒(YUHENG CHEN)In website creation, creation of discussion forums and online chat functionality in the website, participation in creating markdown online editor9%
832102219陈敬华(JINGHUA CHEN)In testing the newly set up website, involved in page theme testing, creation of discussion forums and online chat functionality in the website9%
832102205尹相斌(XIANGBIN YIN)Involved in building theme pages, involved in page content sectioning task testing, participation in website discussion forum and online chat function testing, participation in markdown editor testing, General test report writing11%
832102206刘译祺(YIQI LIU)Involved in building theme pages, involved in page content sectioning task testing, participation in website discussion forum and online chat function testing, participation in markdown editor testing, Conducting online evaluation documentation for Project (Tencent)11%

8 Outlook for the next phase

8.1 For the functional aspects of the website

  1. Dig deeper, expand the online chat function, and provide more multimedia data transmission channels and functions (such as, pictures, videos and so on).
  2. Increase the number of users on the receiving end of the website in order to answer questions and provide counselling services for overseas students.

8.2 For website content

  1. Continue to enrich the cases of overseas study and create a questionnaire to collect relevant cases.
  2. Add and enrich the content of the sharing board, including employment, internship, graduate school, public examination and so on.
  3. Add and modify the preface of the website, so that users can better understand our team’s FZU Flying Book, so that they can use it better.
  4. Write the rules and regulations of conduct for the website, the use of civilised language and so on.
  5. Write rules for discussion forums and online chats.

9 Defence Evaluation Form Tencent Document

Link: https://docs.qq/sheet/DYVdtTktxeW91R2RQ

本文标签: essaysummarySprintClubFlying