

Android in China

The lure of the mobile kingdom

Re-entering China will be hard for Google, but it may still try



Sep 12th 2015 | From the print edition

“IT’S all speculation.” Google’s reaction to reports that it is in talks with officials and handset-makers to launch an app store in China is no surprise. Such a move would be a high-profile reversal: in 2010 the firm shut down most of its Chinese operations or shifted them to Hong Kong in reaction to government demands to censor online-search results. Even so, on September 8th the firm did take a tentative step back into the country: Motorola, its former handset unit (now owned by Lenovo, a Chinese firm), launched the first smartwatch supported by Google and powered by its operating system, Android, that understands Chinese voice commands.


It would be remarkable if a company like Google (whose parent firm’s chairman, Eric Schmidt, is a director of the Economist Group) were not carefully considering the pros and cons of going back into China in a bigger way. Although its growth has slowed, the country is now the world’s biggest mobile-device market, with more than 400m smartphones expected to be sold there this year. Having no presence in China is a serious handicap in the battle with other tech giants, notably Apple.

如果像谷歌这样的公司(谷歌母公司的主席Eric Schmidt是经济学人集团的董事。)没有长远地考虑回到中国的利弊,这将是不可思议的。虽然中国的发展速度减慢了,但是它现在是世界上最大的移动设备市场,预计今年要销售超过4亿台智能手机。如果谷歌没有在中国与其他科技公司,特别是苹果,争夺市场,将是一个严重的失策。

Google’s absence from China is threatening its control of Android. Elsewhere, the operating system usually comes bundled with the firm’s mobile services, such as the app store and digital maps. Handset-makers which want Google’s stamp of approval have to install these services on their devices and present them prominently. In China, since those Google services are unavailable, manufacturers use open-source versions of Android, which they can adapt as they see fit. As a result, the country’s mobile market is much more fragmented, but also more competitive and innovative. It boasts hundreds of app stores. Handset-makers, in particular Xiaomi, differentiate their products by, among other things, integrating them with local mobile services. Messaging apps such as WeChat have evolved into rival platforms which host many services similar to Google’s.


Not only are all new Android phones sold in China powered by a version of the software which is not certified by Google; the Chinese model is also now spreading to other developing countries, in particular India. Xiaomi, for instance, has big plans there. Teaming up with a big Chinese handset-maker, such as Huawei or ZTE, could help Google to stem the non-Google Android tide—not just in China, but everywhere else.


Yet becoming a force in China’s mobile market would be a struggle—for the same reason Microsoft has failed to make it big in smartphones, despite spending billions. It is very hard to establish a mobile ecosystem of developers and handset-makers in a market where other firms—not just Xiaomi, but Baidu, Tencent (which operates WeChat) and others—are entrenched.


There is still the small matter of reaching an accord with the Chinese government. According to The Information, the website that first reported Google’s putative app-store plans, the firm would block apps deemed objectionable and limit certain features, such as location information. Even then, the government might prefer to keep Google out of China—after all, its absence has been a boon for local champions. “We are open to newer approaches. We’ll have to wait and see,” Sundar Pichai, Google’s new chief executive, said when asked about China recently. The firm whose motto is “Don’t be evil” may be unable to resist returning to a country that is no more virtuous than when it left.

还有一件小事是必须与中国政府达成协议。The Information网站第一个报道了谷歌的APP商店计划,根据该网站的报道,谷歌将会屏蔽那些被认为是讨厌的APP并且将限制某些功能,比如说位置信息功能。即便如此,政府可能更愿意谷歌退出中国,毕竟,它的缺席一直是国内顶尖互联网公司的福音。谷歌新任首席执行官Sundar Pichai在被问及中国问题时表示,“我们对新的途径保持开放,不得不等待和观望”。这个以“不做恶”为信条的公司可能没法抵御回归中国巨大市场的诱惑,尽管与它离开的那个时候相比,这个国家并没有什么改善。

本文标签: 王国学人经济