


前段时间重装了系统,伴随而来的是硬盘分区的变化和配置问题。具体来说就是,我使用了Acronis Disk Director Suite软件,将原来安装在ext4下面的Ubuntu给格式化掉了,因为原来的该Ubuntu因为更新内核挂掉了,图形界面不可用,对我来说,目前使用图形界面还是很有必要的。在经历过多次尝试之后,我还是放弃了找回这个Ubuntu,而直接选择了重装,虽然现在有点后悔为何当初使用弱爆的wubi安装,导致现在每次进入启动界面都要先进入windows引导界面选择Ubuntu,再启动grub来选择Ubuntu(导致其实可以在第一个界面中选择Ubuntu,后面一个又选回去Win7)。早知道如此,当初或许会不给自己留退路,直接搞个Ubuntu的硬盘安装算了,少了很多麻烦,而且更省事。(这个在文章http://www.cppblog/deercoder/archive/2011/09/11/155572.html中也有所描述,权限的问题还是不好解决,毕竟不是在Linux下面的文件系统下直接进行操作)。



 <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass> 上面这种说明形式,以及实例中关于proc的例子。
proc            /proc           proc    nodev,noexec,nosuid 0       0

于是乎试着使用自己的方式来改写。sudo fdisk -l查看硬盘信息.
  Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *           1        7572    60820168+   7  HPFS/NTFS
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda2            7572       11494    31498240    7  HPFS/NTFS
Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda3           11494       26506   120588288+   5  Extended
Partition 3 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda4           26507       30401    31283280    7  HPFS/NTFS
Partition 4 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda5           11494       16715    41943040    7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda6           16716       21937    41943040    7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda7           21937       26506    36700160    7  HPFS/NTFS 然后在逐个挂载分区,看看哪个是对应的learn盘,fun盘,首先在/media下面新建一个文件,比如test,然后执行命令:
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/test

/dev/sda4    /media/Code    ntfs    nodev,noexec,nosuid 0      0    
/dev/sda5     /media/Learn   ntfs    nodev,noexec,nosuid 0      0
/dev/sda6    /media/Fun     ntfs    nodev,noexec,nosuid 0     0 唯一一点需要注意的就是文件类型,这里我的盘都是ntfs类型的,所以通过查看文档知道有该类型(不知道为何开始使用hpfs也是OK的,后面就不行了),在经过几次测试之后,发现出现了类型错误。

信息错误可以有dmesg | tail来查看。


然后挂载的话就直接使用sudo mount /media/Fun ......即可。


如果想要取消挂载的话,直接使用umount命令即可。比如取下挂载fun,则使用命令:sudo umount /media/fun即可。

P.S: 如何挂载ISO文档呢?之前下载了无损音乐,格式是ISO镜像,不想解压,那么如何mount上去呢?
Key:  sudo mount *.iso /mnt -o loop(将*.iso换成你的那个iso所在的路径即可,另外,也不一定要挂载在mnt目录下面,可以另外新建一个文件夹,类似于前面在media下面新建Fun,Learn等文件夹一样。)

P.S.S: 在终端输入命令之后,如果想在前面加入sudo怎么办?还要移动方向键来选择插入点,多麻烦啊?
修改:上面的描述在实际运行的时候,能够开机的时候mount,但是今天发现,直接用Banshee来打开音乐的话,还是会出现问题,就像没有mount一样,不能打开文件,所以怀疑是权限问题。再次阅读了man mount和man fstab的资料(主要资料在man mount中),修改了相应的权限。能够实现mount的时候打开文件了,而且是开机自动mount。

proc            /proc           proc    nodev,noexec,nosuid 0       0 /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk /               ext4    loop,errors=remount-ro 0       1 /host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk none            swap    loop,sw         0       0 /dev/sda4       /media/Code    ntfs     users,auto,rw,dev,exec,umask=002     0   0 /dev/sda5       /media/Learn   ntfs     users,auto,rw,dev,exec,umask=002     0   0  /dev/sda6       /media/Fun     ntfs     users,auto,rw,dev,exec,umask=002     0   0 修改后的option字段增加了很多设置,具体来说就是:
auto:Can be mounted with the -a option.(使用mount -a的时候能够吧fstab中的所有自动mount上去)
dev: Interpret character or block special devices on the filesystem. exec:可执行权限

下面是一个资料中关于fstab的详细解释,在其中有更详细的解释和说明(How to fstab)( http://ubuntuforums/showthread.php?t=283131) 摘录部分资料:

defaults = rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async.

Options for a separate /home : nodev,nosuid,relatime

My recommended options for removable (USB) drives are in green.

auto= mounted at boot
noauto= not mounted at boot

user= when mounted the mount point is owned by the user who mounted the partition
users= when mounted the mount point is owned by the user who mounted the partition and the group users

ro= read only
rw= read/write
说明:option字段中,即上面的 users,auto,rw,dev,exec,umask=002部分,是使用逗号间隔的一个设置,其中auto是在启动的时候自动mount,而noauto则是在启动的时候不mount(可见之前noauto实际上还是没有mount上去吧,这也解释了为何不能打开,虽然可以看见盘符,能够进去,但是以前保存的列表还是不能打开文件,不过进入盘符倒是可以的。) 


  1. /mnt Typically used for fixed hard drives HD/SCSI. If you mount your hard drive in /mnt it will NOT show in "Places" and your Desktop.
  2. /media Typically used for removable media (CD/DVD/USB/Zip). If you mount your hard drive in /media it WILL show in "Places" and your Desktop.




   The following options apply to any filesystem  that  is being  mounted        (but  not every filesystem actually honors them - e.g., the sync option        today has effect only for ext2, ext3, fat, vfat and ufs):        async  All I/O to the filesystem should be  done  asynchronously.  (See      also the sync option.)        atime  Update  inode access time for each access. See also the stricta‐      time mount option.        noatime      Do not update inode access times on this filesystem  (e.g,  for      faster access on the news spool to speed up news servers).        auto   Can be mounted with the -a option.(开机自动mount)        noauto Can  only  be  mounted  explicitly (i.e., the -a option will not      cause the filesystem to be mounted).        context=context,  fscontext=context,  defcontext=context  and  rootcon‐        text=context      The  context= option is useful when mounting filesystems that do      not support extended attributes, such as a floppy or  hard  disk      formatted  with  VFAT,  or systems that are not normally running      under SELinux, such as an ext3 formatted disk from a non-SELinux      workstation. You can also use context= on filesystems you do not      trust, such as a floppy. It also helps  in  compatibility  with      xattr-supporting filesystems on earlier 2.4.<x> kernel versions.      Even where xattrs are supported, you can save time not having to      label  every file by assigning the entire disk one security con‐      text.      A commonly used  option  for  removable  media  is  context=sys‐      tem_u:object_r:removable_t.      Two  other options are fscontext= and defcontext=, both of which      are mutually exclusive of the context option. This means you can      use fscontext and defcontext with each other, but neither can be      used with context.      The fscontext= option works for all filesystems, regardless  of      their  xattr  support. The fscontext option sets the overarching      filesystem label to a specific security context. This filesystem      label  is  separate  from the individual labels on the files. It      represents the entire filesystem for certain kinds of permission      checks,  such as during mount or file creation.  Individual file      labels are still obtained from the xattrs  on  the  files  them‐      selves.  The  context option actually sets the aggregate context      that fscontext provides, in addition to supplying the same label      for individual files.      You  can set  the  default security context for unlabeled files      using defcontext= option. This overrides the value set for unla‐      beled  files  in the policy and requires a filesystem that sup‐      ports xattr labeling.      The rootcontext= option allows you to explicitly label the  root      inode of a FS being mounted before that FS or inode because vis‐      able to userspace. This was found to be useful for  things  like      stateless linux.      For more details, see selinux(8)        defaults      Use  default  options:  rw,  suid,  dev, exec, auto, nouser, and      async.        dev    Interpret character or block special devices on the filesystem.        nodev  Do not interpret character or block special devices on the  file      system.        diratime      Update  directory inode access times on this filesystem. This is      the default.        nodiratime      Do not update directory inode access times on this filesystem.        dirsync      All directory updates within the filesystem should be done  syn‐      chronously.   This  affects  the following system calls: creat,      link, unlink, symlink, mkdir, rmdir, mknod and rename.        exec   Permit execution of binaries.        noexec Do not allow direct execution of any  binaries  on  the  mounted      filesystem.   (Until  recently  it  was possible to run binaries      anyway using a command like /lib/ld*.so /mnt/binary. This  trick      fails since Linux 2.4.25 / 2.6.0.)        group  Allow  an ordinary (i.e., non-root) user to mount the filesystem      if one of his groups matches the group  of  the device.   This      option  implies  the options nosuid and nodev (unless overridden      by subsequent options, as in the option line group,dev,suid).        encryption      Specifies an encryption algorithm to use.  Used  in  conjunction      with the loop option.        keybits      Specifies  the key size to use for an encryption algorithm. Used      in conjunction with the loop and encryption options.  nofail  Do      not  report  errors for this device if it does not exist.  iver‐      sion Every time the inode is modified, the i_version field  will      be incremented.        noiversion      Do not increment the i_version inode field.        mand   Allow mandatory locks on this filesystem. See fcntl(2).        nomand Do not allow mandatory locks on this filesystem.        _netdev      The  filesystem resides on a device that requires network access      (used to prevent the  system  from  attempting  to  mount  these      filesystems until the network has been enabled on the system).        nofail Do not report errors for this device if it does not exist.        relatime      Update  inode  access  times  relative to modify or change time.      Access time is only updated if the previous access time was ear‐      lier  than  the current modify or change time. (Similar to noat‐      ime, but doesn't break mutt or other applications that  need  to      know  if a  file has been read since the last time it was modi‐      fied.)        norelatime      Do not use relatime feature.  See  also  the  strictatime  mount      option.        strictatime      Allows  to  explicitly requesting full atime updates. This makes      it possible for kernel to defaults to relatime  or  noatime  but      still allow userspace to override it. For more details about the      default system mount options see /proc/mounts.        nostrictatime      Use  the kernel's  default  behaviour  for  inode  access  time      updates.        suid   Allow  set-user-identifier  or set-group-identifier bits to take      effect.        nosuid Do not allow set-user-identifier or set-group-identifier bits to      take  effect.  (This seems safe, but is in fact rather unsafe if      you have suidperl(1) installed.)        owner  Allow an ordinary (i.e., non-root) user to mount the  filesystem      if  he  is  the  owner  of  the device.  This option implies the      options  nosuid  and  nodev  (unless  overridden by  subsequent      options, as in the option line owner,dev,suid).        remount      Attempt  to remount an already-mounted filesystem.  This is com‐      monly used to change the mount flags  for  a  filesystem,  espe‐      cially  to  make a  readonly  filesystem writeable. It does not      change device or mount point.      The remount functionality follows the standard way how the mount      command  works  with options from fstab. It means the mount com‐      mand doesn't read fstab (or mtab) only when a device and dir are      fully specified.      mount -o remount,rw /dev/foo /dir      After this call all old mount options are replaced and arbitrary      stuff from fstab is ignored, except the loop=  option  which  is      internally generated and maintained by the mount command.      mount -o remount,rw  /dir      After  this  call  mount reads fstab (or mtab) and merges these      options with options from command line ( -o ).        ro     Mount the filesystem read-only.        rw     Mount the filesystem read-write.        sync   All I/O to the filesystem should be done synchronously. In  case      of  media  with  limited number of write cycles (e.g. some flash      drives) "sync" may cause life-cycle shortening.        user   Allow an ordinary user to mount the filesystem.  The name of the      mounting user  is  written  to  mtab so that he can unmount the      filesystem again.   This option implies  the  options  noexec,      nosuid,  and  nodev (unless overridden by subsequent options, as      in the option line user,exec,dev,suid).        nouser Forbid an ordinary (i.e., non-root) user to mount  the  filesys‐      tem.  This is the default.        users  Allow  every  user  to  mount  and unmount the filesystem.  This      option implies the options noexec,  nosuid,  and nodev  (unless      overridden   by  subsequent  options,  as  in  the  option  line      users,exec,dev,suid).



/dev/device   mountpoint   type   rules   dump   order

设备名称        挂载点          分区类型   挂载选项     dump选项    fsck选项


/dev/hda2     /                    ext3        defaults   0 1

/dev/hda3     swap             swap      defaults   0 0

/dev/hda5     /usr               ext3        defaults   0 0

/dev/fdo        /mnt/flopy     ext3        noauto     0 0

/dev/cdrom    /mnt/cdrom   iso9660  noauto,ro 0 0

/dev/device就是需要挂载的设备,/hda2就是第一个IDE插槽上的主硬盘的第二个分区。如果是第二个IDE插槽主硬盘的第三个分区,那就是/dev/hdc3,具体可以在linux下使用fdisk -l  查看。

mountpoint 就是挂载点。/、 /usr、 swap 都是系统安装时分区的默认挂载点。

type 是指文件系统类型,下面列举几个常用的:

Linux file systems: ext2, ext3, jfs, reiserfs, reiser4, xfs, swap.
vfat = FAT 32, FAT 16
ntfs= NTFS
Note: For NTFS rw ntfs-3g
CD/DVD/iso: iso9660
Network file systems:
nfs: server:/shared_directory /mnt/nfs nfs <options> 0 0
smb: //win_box/shared_folder /mnt/samba smbfs rw,credentials=/home/user_name/winbox-credentials.txt 0 0
auto: The file system type (ext3, iso9660, etc) it detected automatically. Usually works. Used for removable devices (CD/DVD, Floppy drives, or USB/Flash drives) as the file system may vary on thesedevices.

rules 是指挂载时的规则。下面列举几个常用的:
auto 开机自动挂载
default 按照大多数永久文件系统的缺省值设置挂载定义
noauto 开机不自动挂载
nouser 只有超级用户可以挂载
ro 按只读权限挂载
rw 按可读可写权限挂载
user 任何用户都可以挂载


order 指fsck(启动时fsck检查的顺序)。为0就表示不检查,(/)分区永远都是1,其它的分区只能从2开始,当数字相同就同时检查(但不能有两1)。

如果我要把第二个IDE插槽主硬盘上的windows C 区挂到文件系统中,那么数据项是:

/dev/hdc1 /c vfat defaults 0 0

(/c 是事先建立的文件夹,作为c盘的挂载点。)


fstab中存放了与分区有关的重要信息,其中每一行为一个分区记录,每一行又可分为六个部份,下面以/dev/hda7 / ext2 defaults 1 1为例逐个说明:

1. 第一项是您想要mount的储存装置的实体位置,如hdb或如上例的/dev/hda7。

2. 第二项就是您想要将其加入至哪个目录位置,如/home或如上例的/,这其实就是在安装时提示的挂入点。

3. 第三项就是所谓的local filesystem,其包含了以下格式:如ext、ext2、msdos、iso9660、nfs、swap等,或如上例的ext2,可以参见/prco/filesystems说明。

4. 第四项就是您mount时,所要设定的状态,如ro(只读)或如上例的defaults(包括了其它参数如rw、suid、exec、auto、nouser、async),可以参见「mount nfs」。

5. 第五项是提供DUMP功能,在系统DUMP时是否需要BACKUP的标志位,其内定值是0。

6. 第六项是设定此filesystem是否要在开机时做check的动作,除了root的filesystem其必要的check为1之外,其它皆可视需要设定,内定值是0。



http://www.tuxfiles/linuxhelp/fstab.html 注意主要的问题就在于第四列中的option设置,这里引用上面一文中的设置内容:

4th column: Mount options >

The fourth column in fstab lists all the mount options for the device or partition. This is also the most confusing column in the fstab file, but knowing what some of the most common options mean, saves you from a big headache. Yes, there are many options available, but I'll take a look at the most widely used ones only. For more information, check out the man page of mount.

auto and noauto With the auto option, the device will be mounted automatically (at bootup, just like I told you a bit earlier, or when you issue the mount -a command).auto is the default option. If you don't want the device to be mounted automatically, use the noauto option in /etc/fstab. With noauto, the device can be mounted only explicitly.

user and nouser These are very useful options. The user option allows normal users to mount the device, whereas nouser lets only the root to mount the device. nouseris the default, which is a major cause of headache for new Linux users. If you're not able to mount your cdrom, floppy, Windows partition, or something else as a normal user, add the user option into /etc/fstab.

exec and noexec exec lets you execute binaries that are on that partition, whereas noexec doesn't let you do that. noexec might be useful for a partition that contains binaries you don't want to execute on your system, or that can't even be executed on your system. This might be the case of a Windows partition.

exec is the default option, which is a good thing. Imagine what would happen if you accidentally used the noexec option with your Linux root partition...

ro Mount the filesystem read-only.

rw Mount the filesystem read-write. Again, using this option might cure the headache of many new Linux users who are tearing their hair off because they can't write to their floppies, Windows partitions, or something else.

sync and async How the input and output to the filesystem should be done. sync means it's done synchronously. If you look at the example fstab, you'll notice that this is the option used with the floppy. In plain English, this means that when you, for example, copy a file to the floppy, the changes are physically written to the floppy at the same time you issue the copy command.

However, if you have the async option in /etc/fstab, input and output is done asynchronously. Now when you copy a file to the floppy, the changes may be physically written to it long time after issuing the command. This isn't bad, and may sometimes be favorable, but can cause some nasty accidents: if you just remove the floppy without unmounting it first, the copied file may not physically exist on the floppy yet!

async is the default. However, it may be wise to use sync with the floppy, especially if you're used to the way it's done in Windows and have a tendency to remove floppies before unmounting them first.

defaults Uses the default options that are rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async.

man command | col -b > output.txt
  man ls | col -b > ls.txt

本文标签: 硬盘Ubuntu