

敏捷 回顾会

更新资料 (Update)

After initial publication, this document has been welcomed for review by the folks planning Agile Retrospective 20. If you would like to take part in planning Agile Retrospective 20, please visit the project master document and make the comments and changes you would like to see.


背景 (Background)

The Agile movement began at the turn of the 21st century, as senior software developers became increasingly frustrated with management practices which they perceived to be harming their productivity. The creation of the Agile Manifesto in 2001 is the most prominent landmark moment in the history of this movement. Since then, a number of guides on how to achieve agility and how to be Agile have been written. Controversies have also arisen, including debates about “Agile vs agility”, concerns that the movement has lost its way, disagreements about methods. There have been successes and failures, achievements and disappointments.

敏捷运动始于21世纪初,当时高级软件开发人员对管理实践感到越来越沮丧,他们认为这会损害生产力。 2001年制定的《敏捷宣言》是该运动历史上最突出的标志性时刻。 从那时起,已经编写了许多有关如何实现敏捷性和如何变得敏捷的指南。 还出现了争议,包括有关“敏捷与敏捷”的辩论,对运动迷路的担忧,对方法的分歧。 有成功与失败,成就与失望。

One of the main traditions in the Agile movement is the retrospective, a practice of stopping work after a period of time to look back and ask “What happened? Where are we? How did we get here?” Things have definitely happened in the last 20 years, and there’s a good chance that we can learn something by examining that time period. Given the many thousands of practitioners and stakeholders involved, practices optimized for teams of around 7 are unlikely to cope with the scale of the exercise.

回顾运动是敏捷运动的主要传统之一,回顾运动是经过一段时间后回头问“发生了什么事? 我们在哪? 我们是怎么来到这里的?” 在过去的20年中,事情肯定发生了,很有可能我们可以通过检查这段时间来学习一些东西。 考虑到涉及到成千上万的从业者和利益相关者,针对大约7个团队进行优化的实践不太可能适应该练习的规模。

Know Your Game is a methodology I developed in order to clarify structural issues in human organized activity. The idea is to apply the principles of game design to serious activities, on the principle that when an activity is inherently rewarding, people do a better job. Knowing your game (as opposed to setting it up, or playing it) is about seeing the constraints clearly and establishing a vision for how the game will be designed and played.

“了解您的游戏”是我开发的一种方法,用于阐明人类有组织的活动中的结构性问题。 想法是将游戏设计原则应用于严肃的活动,其原则是,当一项活动具有内在的回报时,人们会做得更好。 了解您的游戏(而不是进行设置或玩游戏)是要清楚地了解约束条件,并为游戏的设计和玩法建立愿景。

With luck, this document will contribute to a minimum viable agreement that can be used to govern the retrospective. If things don’t go brilliantly, it’s an example of how Know Your Game can be used to understand a work structure.

幸运的是,这份文件将有助于达成一个最低限度的可行协议,以用于回顾。 如果事情进展不顺利,这就是如何使用“了解您的游戏”来理解工作结构的一个示例。

欲望 (Desire)

What is the activity that we are trying to design? It’s to look at what has happened and understand it. What should our structure enable? What should it protect us from?

我们要设计的活动是什么? 看看发生了什么并了解它。 我们的结构应该启用什么? 它应该保护我们什么?

Brilliance Line


It would be brilliant if we all walked away from this exercise with a renewed sense of purpose and vigor. With a clear and united understanding of where we are, how we got here, and a sense of what our goals for the future should be.

如果我们所有人都以一种新的目标和活力离开这一活动,那将是很棒的。 对我们的位置,如何到达这里以及对未来的目标应该有清晰的认识。

Qualifying Line


If we invested a bunch of time and energy into this retrospective and didn’t learn anything, then we never really played properly.


风险 (Risk)

Every well-designed game features an intentional risk (which adds excitement that feeds our desire), and usually features a number of inevitable risks (which add excitement of a less enjoyable sort).


Intentional risk


The gap between the qualifying line and the brilliance line is wide enough that this is a good intentional risk. We should set out to learn something, bearing in mind that the best outcome will be a clear and shared understanding.

排位线和辉煌线之间的差距足够大,以至于这是一个很好的故意风险。 我们应该着手学习一些东西,同时牢记最好的结果将是清晰和共同的理解。

Inevitable risks


Egos and livelihoods are at stake if someone is blamed for an adverse outcome, while fame (probably not much fortune) is available to those who provide remarkable insights and visibly advance the state of the art. All of the usual problems of large groups,multi-organization efforts, multi-timezone efforts, and multi-disciplinary efforts apply.

如果有人因不良后果而受到指责,那么自我和生计将受到威胁,而那些能提供非凡见识并明显提高技术水平的人则享有名望(可能财富不多)。 大型团体,多组织工作,多时区工作和多学科工作的所有常见问题都适用。

玩家们 (Players)

Most agile practitioners are software engineers, whose favourite game is “Let’s build a coherent whole.” They have a strong interest in constructing social environments through rules established by consent (much of the work done by the Agile movement is the design of these types of rules), and a tendency to reject hierarchy and the trappings of hierarchy. Once they have consented to a rule, they tend to comply consistently. Compliance with rules perceived as badly designed or illegitimate tends to be very poor. They value explicit discussion, and tend to be suspicious of anything resembling emotional manipulation.

大多数敏捷从业者都是软件工程师,他们最喜欢的游戏是“让我们构建一个连贯的整体”。 他们对通过同意建立的规则构建社会环境抱有浓厚的兴趣(敏捷运动所做的大部分工作就是设计这些类型的规则),并且倾向于拒绝等级制度和陷阱。 一旦他们同意规则,他们就会趋向一致。 对被认为设计不当或不合法的规则的遵守往往很差。 他们重视明确的讨论,并且对任何类似情感操纵的事物都持怀疑态度。

No organizational players have been identified at this time. The major organizational players are likely to take an interest and demand participation if the effort is succeeding.

目前尚未确定组织参与者。 如果努力成功,则主要的组织参与者可能会感兴趣并要求参与。

Technologies currently in play include Facebook groups and the Medium blogging platform. A proliferation of technologies is likely, given the inclinations of the human players.

当前使用的技术包括Facebook团体和Medium博客平台。 鉴于人类玩家的倾向,技术的扩散很可能会发生。

结构体 (Structure)

The fundamental underlying structure is “An ecosystem of concepts and perceptions.”


Nobody is getting paid, and the Agile movement does not have a clear individual leader. Therefore, any attempt to impose a structure without genuine cooperation will fail. Due to the high proportion of builders among the players, structures must be negotiable and modifiable. No single structure can be expected to satisfy all: the game as a whole will result in an ecosystem of structures, the goal should be productive coexistence.

没有人得到报酬,敏捷运动没有明确的领导者。 因此,任何在没有真正合作的情况下强加结构的尝试都将失败。 由于参与者中建设者的比例很高,因此结构必须可以协商和修改。 没有一个单一的结构可以满足所有人的需求:整个游戏将形成一个结构生态系统,目标应该是生产性共存。

However, if the people who proposed this retrospective are treated as legitimate authorities for the purpose of conducting a retrospective for the benefit of participants, it becomes possible to establish boundaries and to consolidate on a specific structure. It may be helpful to refrain from publicizing the specific structures unless they have strong curation/moderation in place.

但是,如果提议进行回顾的人们被视为合法当局,目的是为了为参与者的利益进行回顾,那么就可以确定界限并巩固特定的结构。 除非公开的特定结构强烈策划/适度,否则不要公开特定结构可能会有帮助。

The following structures might be viable (noting that many combinations and permutations are possible):


‘Vote with your feet’ pattern


The volunteer nature of the effort and unpredictability of rewards strongly indicates the ‘vote with your feet’ pattern, where players choose activities and structures for themselves, without any requirement to justify their decisions.


Planned conference


A group may choose to curate a planned conference. This creates an up-front burden on curators and presenters that is hopefully offset by an increased ability to demonstrate the value of the event before attending. Time constraints add focus. May exclude some participants due to timezone/travel requirements.

小组可以选择策划计划的会议。 这给策展人和演讲者带来了前期负担,但希望能够通过在参加会议之前展示活动价值的能力得到提高来抵消。 时间限制增加了重点。 由于时区/旅行要求,可能会排除一些参与者。

Un(planned) conference


Un-conferences have an inherent appeal to the anti-hierarchy sentiment in the Agile community. Charisma on the day has a greater impact than in a planned conference. (Shy presenters may miss out, despite having valuable contributions to make.) Use of an un-conference structure (a plan that does not specify content) will prevent chaos.

非正式会议对敏捷社区中的反等级情绪具有内在的吸引力。 当天的魅力比计划的会议影响更大。 (尽管做出了宝贵的贡献,但主持人可能会错过机会。)使用非会议结构(未指定内容的计划)可以防止混乱。

Curated written conversation


Establishment of a journal (presumably a relatively informal one) allows for the amplification of shy voices and filters out a range of contributions. Confidence in the editors would be critical to the success of such a structure. This would be the slowest structure.

建立日记本(大概是一个相对非正式的日记本)可以放大害羞的声音,并过滤出各种稿件。 编辑者的信心对于这种结构的成功至关重要。 这将是最慢的结构。

Moderated written conversation


Moderation after the fact strongly decreases the workload involved in curation, and provides opportunities to fringe opinions that might not be given in a curated conversation. Confidence in the moderators would be important to this structure.

事后进行节制可以大大减少策划工作的工作量,并提供一些机会,以消除可能在策划的对话中无法给出的意见。 对主持人的信心对于此结构很重要。

Unmoderated written conversation


Rules for a written conversation might be enough to provide sufficiently orderly conversation, without empowering a specific group to enforce those rules. This would require a high level of cooperation with the rules in order to remain focused.

书面对话的规则可能足以提供足够有序的对话,而无需授权特定的团队来执行这些规则。 为了保持重点,这将需要与规则进行高度合作。

承认 (Recognition)

The following activities should be explicitly recognized as valuable in this game:


  • Providing facts that facilitate understanding

  • Providing insight or analysis that facilitates understanding

  • Offering perspectives that reconcile conflicting facts, insights, or analyses

  • Recognizing players for any activity on this list


Any effort to set targets or metrics for these activities has a strong likelihood of backfiring, and is unlikely to produce a significant benefit.


辅导课程 (Coaching)

Informal offers of coaching will be inevitable, and are likely to offer value to the participants in the coaching relationship. A formal coaching structure is unlikely to succeed, given the nature of the movement. Lack of a formal coaching structure will increase the anxiety levels of the players. A focus on recognition can offset the anxiety increase.

非正式的教练提供将是不可避免的,并且很可能为教练关系中的参与者提供价值。 考虑到运动的性质,正式的教练结构不太可能成功。 缺乏正式的教练结构会增加球员的焦虑程度。 专注于识别可以抵消焦虑的增加。

晋升 (Promotion)

Many players will want to contribute visions for the future, alternative visions for Agile/agility, and plans to address problems. These contributions should be recognized as being contributions to a different game, and judgements will need to be made about whether these contributions can be made in the same playing field as the retrospective.

许多参与者将希望为未来提供愿景,为敏捷/敏捷性提供替代愿景,并计划解决问题。 这些贡献应该被认为是对其他游戏的贡献,并且需要判断这些贡献是否可以在与回顾比赛相同的比赛场地中做出。

将方法论应用于问题 (Applying the methodology to the problem)

If Know Your Game has succeeded, it has presented a coherent perspective on “What’s going on when we try to do this retrospective?” And the next step is to ask some questions of the key stakeholders:

如果“了解您的游戏”成功了,它将对“当我们尝试进行回顾时会发生什么?”提出了一致的看法。 下一步是向主要利益相关者提出一些问题:

  • Is this a fair and accurate statement of the design question, the strategic constraints, and the strategic options?

  • Is there an option that stands out as preferable?

  • Are we ready to start building something? If not, why not?

    我们准备好开始建造东西了吗? 如果没有,为什么不呢?

If you’re interested in the Agile/agility retrospective, or in other applications of this methodology, I’d love to hear from you.


翻译自: https://medium/the-innovation/a-20-year-agile-retrospective-what-kind-of-game-is-that-bf9f5af11613

敏捷 回顾会

本文标签: 敏捷回顾展那是