

新版火狐 拖 功能

Like clockwork, six weeks after releasing Firefox 37, Mozilla has released Firefox 38, which includes some impressive new features that will keep lovers of the bleeding edge happy. However, it also comes with a bitter pill for some, in the form of digital rights management integration.

就像发条一样,在Firefox 37发布六周后,Mozilla也发布了Firefox 38,其中包括一些令人印象深刻的新功能,这些新功能将使喜欢前沿技术的人感到高兴。 但是,它也以数字版权管理集成的形式为某些用户带来痛苦。

Let's look at some of what's in the bag.


响应式图像支持 (Responsive Image Support)

Firefox 38 now supports both the picture element and srcset attribute on images—joining Chrome and Opera.

Firefox 38现在支持picture元素和srcset属性(将Chrome和Opera连接srcset

However, there's still one bug left for Firefox to address with this. Responsive images will load using the correct media queries, but currently don't respond to viewport resizing.The bug is currently being worked on and should be fixed soon.

但是,Firefox仍然需要解决一个错误。 响应式图像将使用正确的媒体查询加载,但当前不响应视口调整大小。该错误正在修复中,应尽快修复。

Web Workers和WebSockets (Web Workers and WebSockets)

Firefox 38 now allows code running in a Web Worker to open up a WebSocket connection. This is great for games or other collaborative applications, which can now do their multiplayer/realtime logic in a separate thread from the UI.

Firefox 38现在允许在Web Worker中运行的代码打开WebSocket连接。 这对于游戏或其他协作应用程序非常有用,它们现在可以在与UI分开的线程中执行其多人/实时逻辑。

选项面板重新设计 (Options Panel Redesign)

The redesigned Options panel is now default for version 38. (Prior to this, it was only possible to activate it by changing its settings in about:config).


If you don't like the new design, you can go back to the old layout via about:config, setting browser.preferences.inContent to false.


有争议的决定:DRM (A Controversial Decision: DRM)

Firefox now supports the Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) API on Windows desktop (Vista+), and also automatically downloads Adobe's Content Decryption Module.

Firefox现在支持Windows桌面(Vista +)上的Encrypted Media Extensions (EME)API,并且还可以自动下载Adobe的内容解密模块。

EME is the fruit of the W3C's rather controversial venture into the world of digital rights management (DRM). It works by providing a channel of communication between the browser and the content provider's copyrighted material.

EME是W3C对数字版权管理(DRM)领域颇有争议的冒险的成果。 它通过在浏览器和内容提供商的受版权保护的材料之间提供通信渠道来起作用。

The advantage for end users is that HTML5 video can be used for content such as streamed video, removing the need to download third-party plugins like Flash or Silverlight.

对于最终用户而言,优势在于HTML5 video可用于诸如流视频之类的内容,而无需下载第三方插件(如Flash或Silverlight)。

It's not a popular decision with some commentators, though, such as Cory Doctorow, who laments the move. Mozilla's argument is that its browser will be left behind if it doesn't support video streaming services like Netflix. But it's a difficult situation for an organization dedicated to supporting the Open Web.

但是,对于某些评论员来说,这并不是一个受欢迎的决定,例如Cory Doctorow对此表示遗憾 。 Mozilla的论点是,如果它不支持Netflix等视频流服务,其浏览器将被抛在后面。 但是对于致力于支持Open Web的组织来说,这是一个困难的局面。

Netflix is currently testing Firefox’s DRM solution to see if it's suitable for serving content to its subscribers.


So, three cheers for DRM! Or maybe not so much … If you still feel uncomfortable about the decision, you can download a fresh copy of Firefox without EME.

因此,为DRM欢呼三声! 也许没有那么多…如果您仍然对该决定感到不满意,则可以下载不带EME的Firefox的新副本。

安全 (Security)

In total, 13 security bugs have been fixed in Firefox 38. Among them, five were marked by Mozilla as critical.

Firefox 38中总共修复了13个安全错误。其中有5个被Mozilla标记为严重。

To increase the security of WebRTC—a relatively new API enabling real-time communication in the browser—Firefox 38 now requires that applications or servers support PFS (perfect forward security) ciphers, a public-key system. (As a consequence, developers who have a WebRTC application or server will need to make sure their code is up to date.)

为了提高WebRTC的安全性(一种相对较新的API,可以在浏览器中进行实时通信),Firefox 38现在要求应用程序或服务器支持PFS (完美前向安全性)密码(一种公钥系统)。 (因此,拥有WebRTC应用程序或服务器的开发人员将需要确保其代码是最新的。)

In Firefox 37, the Developer Tools' Network panel saw significant security improvements—users being able to get information about the connection of every single resource. Firefox 38 improves on this, by adding warnings if SSLv3 is used for the encryption process, instead of TLS or RC4.

在Firefox 37中,“开发人员工具”的“ 网络”面板显着改善了安全性-用户能够获取有关每个资源连接的信息。 Firefox 38通过添加警告(如果SSLv3用于加密过程而不是TLS或RC4)来改进这一点。

HTML5 <ruby>标记支持 (HTML5 <ruby> Markup Support)

Better typography for Japanese and Chinese language sites is now possible without clunky libraries or extensions by using the <ruby> markup. It's used for things like indicating the pronunciation or meaning of characters in the text. (You can read more about it here.)

现在,通过使用<ruby>标记,可以在没有笨拙的库或扩展名的情况下为日语和中文网站提供更好的排版。 它用于指示文本中字符的发音或含义。 (您可以在此处了解更多信息。)

发行了新的ESR (New ESR Released)

For some large organizations, having to deploy a new browser version every six weeks is too much of a burden. So with every seventh stable release of Firefox, Mozilla releases a different version of Firefox, known as Firefox ESR (Extended Release Support). With Firefox 38 comes the latest ESR version.

对于某些大型组织而言,每六周必须部署一个新的浏览器版本是一个很大的负担。 因此,在Firefox的每七个稳定版本中,Mozilla都会发布一个不同版本的Firefox,称为Firefox ESR(扩展版本支持)。 Firefox 38附带了最新的ESR版本。

There are two differences between Firefox 38 and ESR 38 worth noting:

值得注意的是,Firefox 38和ESR 38有两个区别:

  • Firefox Hello—a free, in-browser video chat service—is deactivated by default in Firefox ESR 38. The reason for this is apparently backwards compatibility.

    Firefox Hello(一种免费的浏览器内视频聊天服务)在Firefox ESR 38中默认情况下处于禁用状态。其原因显然是向后兼容。

  • The new Encrypted Media Extensions used to execute DRM in HTML5 is also disabled.


The latest Firefox ESR can be downloaded here.

可以在此处下载最新的Firefox ESR。

结论 (Conclusion)

Just a few days after the release of Firefox 38, Mozilla pushed out the 38.0.1 minor update, which includes additional bug fixes.

Firefox 38发布仅几天后,Mozilla推出了38.0.1次要更新,其中包括其他错误修复 。

You can find a full list of what's new in version 38 on the official release notes page, and the Mozilla Developer Network page lists changes of particular interest to web developers.


While Firefox 38 comes with some pleasing new features, the addition of DRM will leave a bitter aftertaste for some. It's obvious that Mozilla is not happy about it, but they believe it's the right decision in the long run.

虽然Firefox 38拥有一些令人愉悦的新功能,但DRM的添加将给某些产品留下苦涩的回味。 很明显,Mozilla对此并不满意 ,但从长远来看,他们认为这是正确的决定。

What's your feeling about that? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

您对此有何感想? 在评论中让我们知道您的想法!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/whats-new-firefox-38/

新版火狐 拖 功能

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