

Generally, the culture of any firm can be described as principally action-orientated, people-orientated or system-orientated. That is to say, the behavior that the managers exhibit tends to emphasise one of these three approaches to leadership and management.


In successful firms where leadership is action-orientated, the culture is generally driven by one or a handful of managers who present a strong vision for the firm and lead by example. The emphasis is on getting things done, on driving for change.Such leaders constantly infuse energy throughout training that emphasises individual action, showing initiative, taking considered risks and stressing individual output and results. It is a dynamic culture that rests on individuals being motivated to rise to the challenges of the business and being willing to take on responsibilities, often beyond what is considered their normal role.


The downside is that the approach can be somewhat "one-sided", overlooking the need for systems to handle routine matters, and taking for granted that people are all driven by a sense of challenge. It can result in the strong and quick riding roughshod over the more considered and thoughtful. When overdone, action-orientation becomes "flare" behavior, insensitive to differences in situations and people.


Successful people-orientated cultures derive from leadership that trains people to be ready to take responsibility and then invests them with it. Such firms delegate responsibility down as far as possible. They are not the "do it, check it, recheck it, double-check it and then check it again to be sure" types of cultures. They empower trained people and trust them to build quality in. They ask people to make decisions and expect them to do so. If the decisions prove wrong, the experience is used as the basis for learning rather than for criticism or punishment. They emphasise commitment and mutual support, reinforced through training that focuses on how and when to delegate responsibility, on understanding and recognising that people are not all the same, learning how to get the best out of everyone.


However, people-orientated cultures are not warm and cuddly. They respect people, support them and develop them- but they expect them to perform. If people fail to live up to expectations after proper training investment, appropriate steps are taken. The downside of people-orientated cultures occurs when responsibility is not appropriately delegated. Insufficient challenge for bright, trained people leads to poor performance. Equally, giving people more than they can handle without properly preparing them, and without providing adequate support if they initially falter, leads to the same result.


Suceessful system-orientated cultures focus on trying to deal systematically with recurring problems and situations. Basically, they have their feet on the ground; in most organisations, 80% of what is done is routine, and the system-orientated firm knows this. So its procedures handle the routine, leaving managers to use their energy on that 20% of the work that needs their expertise.


The essence of a successful system-orientated culture is its ability and willingness to constantly question its systems. Such organisations tend to have strong corporate cultures, and people have to buy into them before being given the right to question and criticise. But given that, every process is up for evaluation and improvement. The rule book really matters, but it is not cast in stone. Away from the rule book, initiative is a key characteristic, but it is initiative in a strong team environment. People consult where possible and take individual decisions only when it is not.



英 [ɪnˈfjuːz]  美 [ɪnˈfjuːz] 

  • v. 使充满(某种感觉),向……灌输(某品质);冲泡(茶、药草等),浸渍;输注(药物等)

[ 第三人称单数 infuses 现在分词 infusing 过去式 infused 过去分词 infused ]


英 [ˈrʌfʃɒd]  美 [ˈrʌfʃɑːd] 

  • adv. 为所欲为,横行霸道;对……不予理睬,轻蔑地对待……
  • adj. 马蹄上装有防滑钉的


英 [fleə(r)]  美 [fler] 

  • v. 突然烧旺,闪耀;突发,加剧;突然发怒,突然爆发;张开,展开
  • n. 闪耀的光;闪光装置,信号弹;突然发怒,发脾气;喇叭裤;(发炎等症状的)突然复发;(太阳等恒星的)耀斑;(底片上的)翳雾斑;船舷的翻边

[ 复数 flares 第三人称单数 flares 现在分词 flaring 过去式 flared 过去分词 flared ]


英 [ɪmˈpaʊə(r)]  美 [ɪmˈpaʊər] 

  • v. 授权;给予(某人)权力,使自主

[ 第三人称单数 empowers 现在分词 empowering 过去式 empowered 过去分词 empowered ]


英 [ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃ(ə)nt]  美 [ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃnt] 

  • adj. 不充分的,不够重要的


英 [ˈfɔːltə(r)]  美 [ˈfɔːltər] 

  • v. 衰弱,衰退;结巴地说,支支吾吾地说;蹒跚,踉跄;犹豫,踌躇;(目光)游离,(微笑)僵住
  • n. 踌躇;支吾;颤抖
  • n. (Falter)(美、德)法尔特(人名)

[ 第三人称单数 falters 现在分词 faltering 过去式 faltered 过去分词 faltered ]


英 [rɪˈkɜːrɪŋ]  美 [rɪˈkɜːrɪŋ] 

  • adj. 反复出现,再次发生;循环小数的;经常性的
  • v. 再发生,反复出现;(思考或讲话时)重新回到,反复提及(recur to);(小数)循环(recur 的现在分词)


英 [ˌekspɜːˈtiːz]  美 [ˌekspɜːrˈtiːz] 

  • n. 专长,专门技能(知识);专家的意见


英 [ˈvɪʒənri]  美 [ˈvɪʒəneri] 

  • adj. 有眼力的,有远见卓识的;(宗教)幻觉的;想象力丰富的,空想的
  • n. 有远见的人,愿景家;出现宗教幻觉的人;想象力丰富的人

[ 复数 visionaries 比较级 more visionary 最高级 most visionary ]


英 [ˌriːəˈlɪstɪk; ˌrɪəˈlɪstɪk]  美 [ˌriːəˈlɪstɪk] 

  • adj. 务实的,实事求是的;实际的,现实可行的;写实的,逼真的;实在论的

[ 比较级 more realistic 最高级 most realistic ]

15 According to the text, a company that has an action-orientated approach to management is likely to B

  1. accept that some initiatives will be more successful than others.接受一些倡议会比其他的倡议更成功的事实。
  2. view staff in terms of their personal achievements. 根据员工的个人成就来查看他们。
  3. emphasise the importance of staff input into strategy. 强调员工参与战略的重要性。
  4. expect staff to work extra hours without remuneration.希望员工加班却没有报酬。

16 Which of the following does the writer consider a disadvantage of action-orientated management?D

  1. It attracts people who are unreliable.
  2. It focuses too heavily on controversial issues.
  3. It gives out the wrong kind of message to new recruits.
  4. It makes a questionable assumption about human behaviour. 它对人类行为做出了一个可疑的假设。

17 Unlike action-orientated companies, those who favour people-orientated management C

  1. keep a watchful eye on what their employees do. 密切关注他们的员工在做什么
  2. are unwilling to tolerate errors of judgement. 不愿意容忍错误的判断。
  3. are sensitive to individual differences. 对个体差异敏感。
  4. see indecision as a positive feature. 把优柔寡断看作是一个积极的特征。

18 According to the text, which type of person may under-perform in a peopleorientated

company? A

  1. an intelligent person who lacks stimulation  缺乏刺激的聪明人
  2. a new member of staff who is keen to learn new skills
  3. a new employee who is given a challenging role
  4. an individual who learns less quickly than others

19 In the writer's view, the system-orientated approach is B

  1. visionary.
  2. realistic.
  3. uninspiring.    adj. 不鼓舞人的
  4. outdated.

20 In a system-orientated culture, employees are A

  1. encouraged to share ideas.
  2. not expected to criticise colleagues.
  3. trained to focus on self-improvement.
  4. not allowed to challenge company policy.


本文标签: 剑桥英语真题高级BEC