

1. pcl 主要模块

pcl.PointCloudRepresents a class of points, supporting the PointXYZ type.
pcl.SegmentationSegmentation class for Sample Consensus methods and models
pcl.SegmentationNormalSegmentation class for Sample Consensus methods and models that require the
pcl.StatisticalOutlierRemovalFilterFilter class uses point neighborhood statistics to filter outlier data.
pcl.MovingLeastSquaresSmoothing class which is an implementation of the MLS (Moving Least Squares)
pcl.PassThroughFilterPasses points in a cloud based on constraints for one particular field of the point type
pcl.VoxelGridFilterAssembles a local 3D grid over a given PointCloud, and downsamples + filters the data

2. pcl详细模块

├──── pcl.find_library(name)
├────, path, format=None, binary=False)
Save pointcloud to file.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl._infer_format(path, format)
├──── pcl._encode(path)
├──── pcl.load_XYZRGBA(path, format=None)

    Load pointcloud from path.
    Currently supports PCD and PLY files.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", "obj", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.save_PointNormal(cloud, path, format=None, binary=False)

    Save pointcloud to file.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.load_XYZI(path, format=None)
Load pointcloud from path.
    Currently supports PCD and PLY files.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", "obj", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.load_PointWithViewpoint(path, format=None)

    Load pointcloud from path.
    Currently supports PCD and PLY files.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", "obj", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.load_XYZRGB(path, format=None)

    Load pointcloud from path.
    Currently supports PCD and PLY files.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", "obj", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.save_XYZRGBA(cloud, path, format=None, binary=False)
Save pointcloud to file.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.load(path, format=None)
Load pointcloud from path.

    Currently supports PCD and PLY files.
    Format should be "pcd", "ply", "obj", or None to infer from the pathname.
├──── pcl.RadiusOutlierRemoval
   └──── set_radius_search(self, double radius)
   └──── set_MinNeighborsInRadius(self, int min_pts)
   └──── get_radius_search(self)
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── get_MinNeighborsInRadius(self)
├──── pcl.SampleConsensusModelRegistration
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloudSearch_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── define_bounding_box(self)

        Investigate dimensions of pointcloud data set and define corresponding bounding box for octree
   └──── add_points_from_input_cloud(self)

        Add points from input point cloud to octree
   └──── is_voxel_occupied_at_point(self, point)

        Check if voxel at given point coordinates exist
   └──── delete_voxel_at_point(self, point)

        Delete leaf node / voxel at given point
   └──── get_occupied_voxel_centers(self)

        Get list of centers of all occupied voxels
   └──── radius_search(self, point, double radius, unsigned int max_nn=0)

        Search for all neighbors of query point that are within a given radius
├──── pcl.Segmentation
   └──── set_method_type(self, int m)
   └──── set_distance_threshold(self, float d)
   └──── set_MaxIterations(self, int count)
   └──── set_model_type(self, SacModel m)
   └──── segment(self)
   └──── set_optimize_coefficients(self, bool b)
├──── pcl.KdTreeFLANN_PointXYZI
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_point(self, PointCloud_PointXYZI pc, int index, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for the point
        at pc[index]
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZI pc, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for all points
        in the pointcloud
├──── pcl.StatisticalOutlierRemovalFilter_PointXYZRGB
   └──── set_mean_k(self, int k)

        Set the number of points (k) to use for mean distance estimation
   └──── set_negative(self, bool negative)

        Set whether the indices should be returned, or all points except the indices
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── set_InputCloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGB pc)
   └──── set_std_dev_mul_thresh(self, double std_mul)

        Set the standard deviation multiplier threshold
├──── pcl.ConcaveHull_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── set_Alpha(self, double d)
   └──── reconstruct(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
├──── pcl.Segmentation_PointXYZI
   └──── set_method_type(self, int m)
   └──── set_distance_threshold(self, float d)
   └──── set_model_type(self, SacModel m)
   └──── segment(self)
   └──── set_optimize_coefficients(self, bool b)
├──── pcl.NormalEstimation
   └──── compute(self)
   └──── set_SearchMethod(self, KdTree kdtree)
   └──── set_RadiusSearch(self, double param)
   └──── set_KSearch(self, int param)
├──── pcl.RandomSampleConsensus
   └──── set_DistanceThreshold(self, double param)
   └──── get_Inliers(self)
   └──── computeModel(self)
├──── pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB
   └──── from_list(self, _list)

        Fill this pointcloud from a list of 4-tuples
   └──── __reduce__(self)
   └──── from_array(self, ndarray arr)

        Fill this object from a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── _to_ply_file(self, const char *f, bool binary=False)
   └──── to_array(self)

        Return this object as a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── extract(self, pyindices, bool negative=False)

        Given a list of indices of points in the pointcloud, return a 
        new pointcloud containing only those points
   └──── make_voxel_grid_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_segmenter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_obj_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── to_file(self, const char *fname, bool ascii=True)
Save pointcloud to a file in PCD format
   └──── make_passthrough_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_ply_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── make_kdtree_flann(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_pcd_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── resize(self, npy_intp x)
   └──── make_statistical_outlier_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── from_file(self, char *f)

        Fill this pointcloud from a file (a local path)
   └──── _to_pcd_file(self, const char *f, bool binary=False)
   └──── to_list(self)

        Return this object as a list of 4-tuples
   └──── get_point(self, npy_intp row, npy_intp col)

        Return a point (3-tuple) at the given row/column
   └──── make_moving_least_squares(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_segmenter_normals(self, int ksearch=-1, double searchRadius=-1
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloud2Buf_PointXYZRGB
   └──── set_input_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGB pc)

        Provide a pointer to the input data set
   └──── delete_tree(self)

        Delete the octree structure and its leaf nodes
├──── pcl.ConcaveHull
   └──── set_Alpha(self, double d)
   └──── reconstruct(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloud_PointXYZI
   └──── set_input_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZI pc)

        Provide a pointer to the input data set
   └──── delete_tree(self)

        Delete the octree structure and its leaf nodes
├──── pcl.ConditionalRemoval
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── set_KeepOrganized(self, flag)
├──── pcl.PointCloud_Normal
   └──── from_list(self, _list)

        Fill this pointcloud from a list of 4-tuples
   └──── __reduce__(self)
   └──── to_list(self)

        Return this object as a list of 4-tuples
   └──── get_point(self, npy_intp row, npy_intp col)

        Return a point (4-tuple) at the given row/column
   └──── from_array(self, ndarray arr)

        Fill this object from a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── to_array(self)

        Return this object as a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── resize(self, npy_intp x)
├──── pcl.KdTreeFLANN_PointXYZRGB
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_point(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGB pc, int index, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for the point
        at pc[index]
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGB pc, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for all points
        in the pointcloud
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloud2Buf
   └──── set_input_cloud(self, PointCloud pc)

        Provide a pointer to the input data set
   └──── delete_tree(self)

        Delete the octree structure and its leaf nodes
├──── pcl.Vertices
   └──── from_list(self, _list)

        Fill this pointcloud from a list of 3-tuples
   └──── to_list(self)

        Return this object as a list of 3-tuples
   └──── from_array(self, ndarray arr)

        Fill this object from a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── to_array(self)

        Return this object as a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── resize(self, npy_intp x)
├──── pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZI
   └──── from_list(self, _list)

        Fill this pointcloud from a list of 4-tuples
   └──── __reduce__(self)
   └──── from_array(self, ndarray arr)

        Fill this object from a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── _to_ply_file(self, const char *f, bool binary=False)
   └──── to_array(self)

        Return this object as a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── extract(self, pyindices, bool negative=False)

        Given a list of indices of points in the pointcloud, return a 
        new pointcloud containing only those points
   └──── make_voxel_grid_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_segmenter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_obj_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── to_file(self, const char *fname, bool ascii=True)
Save pointcloud to a file in PCD format
   └──── make_passthrough_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_ply_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── make_kdtree_flann(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_pcd_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── resize(self, npy_intp x)
   └──── make_statistical_outlier_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── from_file(self, char *f)

        Fill this pointcloud from a file (a local path)
   └──── _to_pcd_file(self, const char *f, bool binary=False)
   └──── to_list(self)

        Return this object as a list of 4-tuples
   └──── get_point(self, npy_intp row, npy_intp col)

        Return a point (4-tuple) at the given row/column
   └──── make_segmenter_normals(self, int ksearch=-1, double searchRadius=-1
├──── pcl.SampleConsensusModelStick
├──── pcl.StatisticalOutlierRemovalFilter_PointXYZI
   └──── set_mean_k(self, int k)

        Set the number of points (k) to use for mean distance estimation
   └──── set_negative(self, bool negative)

        Set whether the indices should be returned, or all points except the indices
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── set_InputCloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZI pc)
   └──── set_std_dev_mul_thresh(self, double std_mul)

        Set the standard deviation multiplier threshold
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloud
   └──── set_input_cloud(self, PointCloud pc)

        Provide a pointer to the input data set
   └──── delete_tree(self)

        Delete the octree structure and its leaf nodes
├──── pcl.RegionGrowing
   └──── get_SmoothModeFlag(self)
   └──── get_ResidualThreshold(self)
   └──── get_MaxClusterSize(self)
   └──── get_ResidualTestFlag(self)
   └──── get_MinClusterSize(self)
   └──── set_MinClusterSize(self, int min)
   └──── set_CurvatureThreshold(self, float curvature)
   └──── get_CurvatureTestFlag(self)
   └──── get_SmoothnessThreshold(self)
   └──── get_SegmentFromPoint(self, int index)
   └──── set_MaxClusterSize(self, int max)
   └──── set_ResidualThreshold(self, float residual)
   └──── set_SmoothModeFlag(self, bool value)
   └──── set_SearchMethod(self, KdTree kdtree)
   └──── set_ResidualTestFlag(self, bool value)
   └──── set_InputNormals(self, PointCloud_Normal normals)
   └──── get_CurvatureThreshold(self)
   └──── set_SmoothnessThreshold(self, float theta)
   └──── set_NumberOfNeighbours(self, int neighbour_number)
   └──── set_CurvatureTestFlag(self, bool value)
   └──── Extract(self)
   └──── get_NumberOfNeighbours(self)
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloudChangeDetector_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── define_bounding_box(self)

        Investigate dimensions of pointcloud data set and define corresponding bounding box for octree
   └──── add_points_from_input_cloud(self)

        Add points from input point cloud to octree
   └──── is_voxel_occupied_at_point(self, point)

        Check if voxel at given point coordinates exist
   └──── get_PointIndicesFromNewVoxels(self)
   └──── delete_voxel_at_point(self, point)

        Delete leaf node / voxel at given point
   └──── get_occupied_voxel_centers(self)

        Get list of centers of all occupied voxels
├──── pcl.EuclideanClusterExtraction
   └──── set_ClusterTolerance(self, double b)
   └──── set_SearchMethod(self, KdTree kdtree)
   └──── set_MinClusterSize(self, int min)
   └──── set_MaxClusterSize(self, int max)
   └──── Extract(self)
├──── pcl.VoxelGridFilter
   └──── set_leaf_size(self, float x, float y, float z)

        Set the voxel grid leaf size
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloud_PointXYZRGB
   └──── set_input_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGB pc)

        Provide a pointer to the input data set
   └──── delete_tree(self)

        Delete the octree structure and its leaf nodes
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloud2Buf_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── set_input_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGBA pc)

        Provide a pointer to the input data set
   └──── delete_tree(self)

        Delete the octree structure and its leaf nodes
├──── pcl.Segmentation_PointXYZRGB
   └──── set_method_type(self, int m)
   └──── set_distance_threshold(self, float d)
   └──── set_model_type(self, SacModel m)
   └──── segment(self)
   └──── set_optimize_coefficients(self, bool b)
├──── pcl.Segmentation_PointXYZRGBA_Normal
   └──── set_method_type(self, int m)
   └──── get_eps_angle(self)
   └──── get_min_max_opening_angle(self)
   └──── set_distance_threshold(self, float d)
   └──── set_axis(self, double ax1, double ax2, double ax3)
   └──── set_radius_limits(self, float f1, float f2)
   └──── get_axis(self)
   └──── set_max_iterations(self, int i)
   └──── set_min_max_opening_angle(self, double min_angle, double max_angle)

        Set the minimum and maximum cone opening angles in radians for a cone model
   └──── set_eps_angle(self, double ea)
   └──── set_normal_distance_weight(self, float f)
   └──── set_model_type(self, SacModel m)
   └──── segment(self)
   └──── set_optimize_coefficients(self, bool b)
├──── pcl.StatisticalOutlierRemovalFilter
   └──── set_mean_k(self, int k)

        Set the number of points (k) to use for mean distance estimation
   └──── set_negative(self, bool negative)

        Set whether the indices should be returned, or all points except the indices
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── set_InputCloud(self, PointCloud pc)
   └──── set_std_dev_mul_thresh(self, double std_mul)

        Set the standard deviation multiplier threshold
├──── pcl.SampleConsensusModelLine
├──── pcl.VoxelGridFilter_PointXYZI
   └──── set_leaf_size(self, float x, float y, float z)

        Set the voxel grid leaf size
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
├──── pcl.PassThroughFilter_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new PointCloud_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── set_filter_limits(self, float filter_min, float filter_max)
   └──── set_filter_field_name(self, field_name)
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloudSearch_PointXYZI
   └──── define_bounding_box(self)

        Investigate dimensions of pointcloud data set and define corresponding bounding box for octree
   └──── add_points_from_input_cloud(self)

        Add points from input point cloud to octree
   └──── is_voxel_occupied_at_point(self, point)

        Check if voxel at given point coordinates exist
   └──── delete_voxel_at_point(self, point)

        Delete leaf node / voxel at given point
   └──── get_occupied_voxel_centers(self)

        Get list of centers of all occupied voxels
   └──── radius_search(self, point, double radius, unsigned int max_nn=0)

        Search for all neighbors of query point that are within a given radius
├──── pcl.MovingLeastSquares_PointXYZRGB
   └──── set_polynomial_fit(self, bool fit)

        Sets whether the surface and normal are approximated using a polynomial,
        or only via tangent estimation
   └──── set_polynomial_order(self, bool order)

        Set the order of the polynomial to be fit
   └──── set_search_radius(self, double radius)

        Set the sphere radius that is to be used for determining the k-nearest neighbors used for fitting
   └──── process(self)

        Apply the smoothing according to the previously set values and return
        a new pointcloud
├──── pcl.PointCloud_PointWithViewpoint
   └──── from_file(self, char *f)

        Fill this pointcloud from a file (a local path)
   └──── from_list(self, _list)

        Fill this pointcloud from a list of 6-tuples
   └──── __reduce__(self)
   └──── to_list(self)

        Return this object as a list of 6-tuples
   └──── get_point(self, npy_intp row, npy_intp col)

        Return a point (6-tuple) at the given row/column
   └──── from_array(self, ndarray arr)

        Fill this object from a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── _from_ply_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── to_array(self)

        Return this object as a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── to_file(self, const char *fname, bool ascii=True)

        Save pointcloud to a file in PCD format
   └──── _from_pcd_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── resize(self, npy_intp x)
├──── pcl.SegmentationNormal
   └──── set_method_type(self, int m)
   └──── get_eps_angle(self)
   └──── get_min_max_opening_angle(self)
   └──── set_distance_threshold(self, float d)
   └──── set_axis(self, double ax1, double ax2, double ax3)
   └──── set_radius_limits(self, float f1, float f2)
   └──── get_axis(self)
   └──── set_max_iterations(self, int i)
   └──── set_min_max_opening_angle(self, double min_angle, double max_angle)

        Set the minimum and maximum cone opening angles in radians for a cone model
   └──── set_eps_angle(self, double ea)
   └──── set_normal_distance_weight(self, float f)
   └──── set_model_type(self, SacModel m)
   └──── segment(self)
   └──── set_optimize_coefficients(self, bool b)
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloud_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── set_input_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGBA pc)

        Provide a pointer to the input data set
   └──── delete_tree(self)

        Delete the octree structure and its leaf nodes
├──── pcl.VoxelGridFilter_PointXYZRGB
   └──── set_leaf_size(self, float x, float y, float z)

        Set the voxel grid leaf size
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloudSearch
   └──── define_bounding_box(self)

        Investigate dimensions of pointcloud data set and define corresponding bounding box for octree
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_point(self, PointCloud pc, int index, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for the point
        at pc[index]
   └──── VoxelSearch(self, PointCloud pc)

        Search for all neighbors of query point that are within a given voxel
   └──── add_points_from_input_cloud(self)

        Add points from input point cloud to octree
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_cloud(self, PointCloud pc, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for all points
        in the pointcloud
   └──── is_voxel_occupied_at_point(self, point)

        Check if voxel at given point coordinates exist
   └──── delete_voxel_at_point(self, point)

        Delete leaf node / voxel at given point
   └──── get_occupied_voxel_centers(self)

        Get list of centers of all occupied voxels
   └──── radius_search(self, point, double radius, unsigned int max_nn=0)

        Search for all neighbors of query point that are within a given radius
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloudChangeDetector_PointXYZI
   └──── define_bounding_box(self)

        Investigate dimensions of pointcloud data set and define corresponding bounding box for octree
   └──── add_points_from_input_cloud(self)

        Add points from input point cloud to octree
   └──── is_voxel_occupied_at_point(self, point)

        Check if voxel at given point coordinates exist
   └──── get_PointIndicesFromNewVoxels(self)
   └──── delete_voxel_at_point(self, point)

        Delete leaf node / voxel at given point
   └──── get_occupied_voxel_centers(self)

        Get list of centers of all occupied voxels
├──── pcl.KdTreeFLANN_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_point(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGBA pc, int index, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for the point
        at pc[index]
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGBA pc, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for all points
        in the pointcloud
├──── pcl.PointCloud_PointNormal
   └──── from_list(self, _list)

        Fill this pointcloud from a list of 4-tuples
   └──── __reduce__(self)
   └──── to_list(self)

        Return this object as a list of 3-tuples
   └──── get_point(self, npy_intp row, npy_intp col)

        Return a point (3-tuple) at the given row/column
   └──── from_array(self, ndarray arr)

        Fill this object from a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── to_array(self)

        Return this object as a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── resize(self, npy_intp x)
├──── pcl.StatisticalOutlierRemovalFilter_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── set_mean_k(self, int k)

        Set the number of points (k) to use for mean distance estimation
   └──── set_negative(self, bool negative)

        Set whether the indices should be returned, or all points except the indices
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── set_InputCloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGBA pc)
   └──── set_std_dev_mul_thresh(self, double std_mul)

        Set the standard deviation multiplier threshold
├──── pcl.ConditionAnd
   └──── add_Comparison2(self, field_name, CompareOp2 compOp, double thresh)
├──── pcl.ConcaveHull_PointXYZRGB
   └──── set_Alpha(self, double d)
   └──── reconstruct(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
├──── pcl.GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint
   └──── gicp(self, PointCloud source, PointCloud target, max_iter=None)

        Align source to target using generalized iterative closest point (GICP)
├──── pcl.MovingLeastSquares
   └──── set_polynomial_fit(self, bool fit)

        Sets whether the surface and normal are approximated using a polynomial,
        or only via tangent estimation
   └──── set_polynomial_order(self, bool order)

        Set the order of the polynomial to be fit
   └──── set_search_radius(self, double radius)

        Set the sphere radius that is to be used for determining the k-nearest neighbors used for fitting
   └──── set_Search_Method(self, KdTree kdtree)
   └──── set_Compute_Normals(self, bool flag)
   └──── process(self)

        Apply the smoothing according to the previously set values and return
        a new PointCloud
├──── pcl.KdTree
├──── pcl.VFHEstimation
   └──── set_SearchMethod(self, KdTree kdtree)
   └──── set_KSearch(self, int param)
├──── pcl.IterativeClosestPointNonLinear
   └──── icp_nl(self, PointCloud source, PointCloud target, max_iter=None)

        Align source to target using generalized non-linear ICP (ICP-NL)
├──── pcl.ProjectInliers
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── get_copy_all_data(self)
   └──── get_model_type(self)
   └──── set_model_type(self, SacModel m)
   └──── set_copy_all_data(self, bool m)
├──── pcl.ApproximateVoxelGrid_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── set_leaf_size(self, float x, float y, float z)

        Set the voxel grid leaf size
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── set_InputCloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGBA pc)
├──── pcl.ApproximateVoxelGrid_PointXYZRGB
   └──── set_leaf_size(self, float x, float y, float z)

        Set the voxel grid leaf size
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── set_InputCloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGB pc)
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloud2Buf_PointXYZI
   └──── set_input_cloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZI pc)

        Provide a pointer to the input data set
   └──── delete_tree(self)

        Delete the octree structure and its leaf nodes
├──── pcl.ApproximateVoxelGrid_PointXYZI
   └──── set_leaf_size(self, float x, float y, float z)

        Set the voxel grid leaf size
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── set_InputCloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZI pc)
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloudChangeDetector_PointXYZRGB
   └──── define_bounding_box(self)

        Investigate dimensions of pointcloud data set and define corresponding bounding box for octree
   └──── add_points_from_input_cloud(self)

        Add points from input point cloud to octree
   └──── is_voxel_occupied_at_point(self, point)

        Check if voxel at given point coordinates exist
   └──── get_PointIndicesFromNewVoxels(self)
   └──── delete_voxel_at_point(self, point)

        Delete leaf node / voxel at given point
   └──── get_occupied_voxel_centers(self)

        Get list of centers of all occupied voxels
├──── pcl.SampleConsensusModelPlane
├──── pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── from_list(self, _list)

       Fill this pointcloud from a list of 4-tuples
   └──── __reduce__(self)
   └──── from_array(self, ndarray arr)

        Fill this object from a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── _to_ply_file(self, const char *f, bool binary=False)
   └──── to_array(self)

        Return this object as a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── extract(self, pyindices, bool negative=False)

        Given a list of indices of points in the pointcloud, return a 
        new pointcloud containing only those points
   └──── make_voxel_grid_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_segmenter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_obj_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── to_file(self, const char *fname, bool ascii=True)
Save pointcloud to a file in PCD format
   └──── make_passthrough_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_ply_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── make_kdtree_flann(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_pcd_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── resize(self, npy_intp x)
   └──── make_statistical_outlier_filter(self)

         Return a pcl
   └──── from_file(self, char *f)

        Fill this pointcloud from a file (a local path)
   └──── _to_pcd_file(self, const char *f, bool binary=False)
   └──── to_list(self)

        Return this object as a list of 3-tuples
   └──── get_point(self, npy_intp row, npy_intp col)

        Return a point (3-tuple) at the given row/column
   └──── make_moving_least_squares(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_segmenter_normals(self, int ksearch=-1, double searchRadius=-1
├──── pcl.SampleConsensusModelSphere
├──── pcl.KdTreeFLANN
   └──── radius_search_for_cloud(self, PointCloud pc, double radius, unsigned int max_nn=0)

        Find the radius and squared distances for all points
        in the pointcloud
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_point(self, PointCloud pc, int index, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for the point
        at pc[index]
   └──── nearest_k_search_for_cloud(self, PointCloud pc, int k=1)

        Find the k nearest neighbours and squared distances for all points
        in the pointcloud
├──── pcl.SampleConsensusModelCylinder
├──── pcl.MomentOfInertiaEstimation
   └──── get_AABB(self)
   └──── get_EigenVectors(self)
   └──── compute(self)
   └──── get_EigenValues(self)
   └──── get_Eccentricity(self)
   └──── get_OBB(self)
   └──── set_InputCloud(self, PointCloud pc)
   └──── get_MassCenter(self)
   └──── get_MomentOfInertia(self)
├──── pcl.NormalDistributionsTransform
   └──── set_OulierRatio(self, double outlier_ratio)
   └──── get_TransformationProbability(self)
   └──── set_StepSize(self, double step_size)
   └──── get_OulierRatio(self)
   └──── set_InputTarget(self)
   └──── set_Resolution(self, float resolution)
   └──── get_FinalNumIteration(self)
   └──── get_Resolution(self)
   └──── get_StepSize(self)
├──── pcl.SampleConsensusModel
├──── pcl.CropBox
   └──── set_Rotation(self, rx, ry, rz)
   └──── set_Min(self, minx, miny, minz, mins)
   └──── get_Negative(self)
   └──── set_MinMax(self, minx, miny, minz, mins, maxx, maxy, maxz, maxs)
   └──── set_Negative(self, bool flag)
   └──── set_Max(self, maxx, maxy, maxz, maxs)
   └──── get_RemovedIndices(self)
   └──── filter(self)
   └──── set_Translation(self, tx, ty, tz)
   └──── set_InputCloud(self, PointCloud pc)
├──── pcl.MovingLeastSquares_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── set_polynomial_fit(self, bool fit)

        Sets whether the surface and normal are approximated using a polynomial,
        or only via tangent estimation
   └──── set_polynomial_order(self, bool order)

        Set the order of the polynomial to be fit
   └──── set_search_radius(self, double radius)

        Set the sphere radius that is to be used for determining the k-nearest neighbors used for fitting
   └──── process(self)

        Apply the smoothing according to the previously set values and return
        a new pointcloud
├──── pcl.IntegralImageNormalEstimation
   └──── set_NormalEstimation_Method_SIMPLE_3D_GRADIENT(self)
   └──── set_NormalEstimation_Method_COVARIANCE_MATRIX(self)
   └──── set_NormalSmoothingSize(self, double param)
   └──── set_NormalEstimation_Method_AVERAGE_3D_GRADIENT(self)
   └──── set_MaxDepthChange_Factor(self, double param)
   └──── set_NormalEstimation_Method_AVERAGE_DEPTH_CHANGE(self)
   └──── compute(self)
├──── pcl.VoxelGridFilter_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── set_leaf_size(self, float x, float y, float z)

        Set the voxel grid leaf size
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
├──── pcl.Segmentation_PointXYZRGBA
   └──── set_method_type(self, int m)
   └──── set_distance_threshold(self, float d)
   └──── set_model_type(self, SacModel m)
   └──── segment(self)
   └──── set_optimize_coefficients(self, bool b)
├──── pcl.PassThroughFilter
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── set_filter_limits(self, float filter_min, float filter_max)
   └──── set_filter_field_name(self, field_name)
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloudChangeDetector
   └──── define_bounding_box(self)

        Investigate dimensions of pointcloud data set and define corresponding bounding box for octree
   └──── add_points_from_input_cloud(self)

        Add points from input point cloud to octree
   └──── is_voxel_occupied_at_point(self, point)

        Check if voxel at given point coordinates exist
   └──── get_PointIndicesFromNewVoxels(self)
   └──── delete_voxel_at_point(self, point)

        Delete leaf node / voxel at given point
   └──── get_occupied_voxel_centers(self)

        Get list of centers of all occupied voxels
   └──── switchBuffers(self)
├──── pcl.HarrisKeypoint3D
   └──── compute(self)
   └──── set_NonMaxSupression(self, bool param)
   └──── set_RadiusSearch(self, double param)
   └──── set_Radius(self, float param)
├──── pcl.ConcaveHull_PointXYZI
   └──── set_Alpha(self, double d)
   └──── reconstruct(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
├──── pcl.CropHull
   └──── Filtering(self, PointCloud outputCloud)
   └──── filter(self)
   └──── set_InputCloud(self, PointCloud pc)
   └──── SetParameter(self, PointCloud points, Vertices vt)
├──── pcl.Segmentation_PointXYZRGB_Normal
   └──── set_method_type(self, int m)
   └──── get_eps_angle(self)
   └──── get_min_max_opening_angle(self)
   └──── set_distance_threshold(self, float d)
   └──── set_axis(self, double ax1, double ax2, double ax3)
   └──── set_radius_limits(self, float f1, float f2)
   └──── get_axis(self)
   └──── set_max_iterations(self, int i)
   └──── set_min_max_opening_angle(self, double min_angle, double max_angle)

        Set the minimum and maximum cone opening angles in radians for a cone model
   └──── set_eps_angle(self, double ea)
   └──── set_normal_distance_weight(self, float f)
   └──── set_model_type(self, SacModel m)
   └──── segment(self)
   └──── set_optimize_coefficients(self, bool b)
├──── pcl.PassThroughFilter_PointXYZI
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new PointCloud_PointXYZI
   └──── set_filter_limits(self, float filter_min, float filter_max)
   └──── set_filter_field_name(self, field_name)
├──── pcl.ApproximateVoxelGrid
   └──── set_leaf_size(self, float x, float y, float z)

        Set the voxel grid leaf size
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new pointcloud
   └──── set_InputCloud(self, PointCloud pc)
├──── pcl.OctreePointCloudSearch_PointXYZRGB
   └──── define_bounding_box(self)

        Investigate dimensions of pointcloud data set and define corresponding bounding box for octree
   └──── add_points_from_input_cloud(self)

        Add points from input point cloud to octree
   └──── is_voxel_occupied_at_point(self, point)

        Check if voxel at given point coordinates exist
   └──── delete_voxel_at_point(self, point)

        Delete leaf node / voxel at given point
   └──── get_occupied_voxel_centers(self)

        Get list of centers of all occupied voxels
   └──── radius_search(self, point, double radius, unsigned int max_nn=0)

        Search for all neighbors of query point that are within a given radius
├──── pcl.PointCloud
   └──── make_octreeChangeDetector(self, double resolution)

        Return a pcl
   └──── from_list(self, _list)

        Fill this pointcloud from a list of 3-tuples
   └──── make_kdtree(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── __reduce__(self)
   └──── make_ConcaveHull(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── from_array(self, ndarray arr)

        Fill this object from a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── _to_ply_file(self, const char *f, bool binary=False)
   └──── make_RangeImage(self)
   └──── to_array(self)

        Return this object as a 2D numpy array (float32)
   └──── make_ConditionalRemoval(self, ConditionAnd range_conf)

        Return a pcl
   └──── extract(self, pyindices, bool negative=False)

        Given a list of indices of points in the pointcloud, return a 
        new pointcloud containing only those points
   └──── make_GeneralizedIterativeClosestPoint(self)
   └──── make_octreeSearch(self, double resolution)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_octree(self, double resolution)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_ProjectInliers(self)

        Return a pclfil
   └──── make_NormalEstimation(self)
   └──── make_RegionGrowing(self, int ksearch=-1, double searchRadius=-1
   └──── make_IterativeClosestPointNonLinear(self)
   └──── make_voxel_grid_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_segmenter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_obj_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── to_file(self, const char *fname, bool ascii=True)
Save pointcloud to a file in PCD format
   └──── make_ApproximateVoxelGrid(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_VFHEstimation(self)
   └──── make_EuclideanClusterExtraction(self)
   └──── make_ConditionAnd(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_passthrough_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_ply_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── make_kdtree_flann(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── _from_pcd_file(self, const char *s)
   └──── make_RadiusOutlierRemoval(self)

        Return a pclfil
   └──── resize(self, npy_intp x)
   └──── make_statistical_outlier_filter(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── from_file(self, char *f)

        Fill this pointcloud from a file (a local path)
   └──── _to_pcd_file(self, const char *f, bool binary=False)
   └──── make_cropbox(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_MomentOfInertiaEstimation(self)
   └──── make_IterativeClosestPoint(self)
   └──── to_list(self)

        Return this object as a list of 3-tuples
   └──── get_point(self, npy_intp row, npy_intp col)

        Return a point (3-tuple) at the given row/column
   └──── make_HarrisKeypoint3D(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_moving_least_squares(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_IntegralImageNormalEstimation(self)

        Return a pcl
   └──── make_segmenter_normals(self, int ksearch=-1, double searchRadius=-1
   └──── make_crophull(self)

        Return a pcl
├──── pcl.RangeImages
   └──── CreateFromPointCloud(self, PointCloud cloud, float angular_resolution, float max_angle_width, float max_angle_height, CoordinateFrame2 coordinate_frame, float noise_level, float min_range, int border_size)
   └──── SetUnseenToMaxRange(self)
   └──── SetAngularResolution(self, float angular_resolution_x, float angular_resolution_y)
   └──── IntegrateFarRanges(self, PointCloud_PointWithViewpoint viewpoint)
├──── pcl.IterativeClosestPoint
   └──── icp(self, PointCloud source, PointCloud target, max_iter=None)

        Align source to target using iterative closest point (ICP)
   └──── set_InputTarget(self, PointCloud cloud)
├──── pcl.Segmentation_PointXYZI_Normal
   └──── set_method_type(self, int m)
   └──── get_eps_angle(self)
   └──── get_min_max_opening_angle(self)
   └──── set_distance_threshold(self, float d)
   └──── set_axis(self, double ax1, double ax2, double ax3)
   └──── set_radius_limits(self, float f1, float f2)
   └──── get_axis(self)
   └──── set_max_iterations(self, int i)
   └──── set_min_max_opening_angle(self, double min_angle, double max_angle)

        Set the minimum and maximum cone opening angles in radians for a cone model
   └──── set_eps_angle(self, double ea)
   └──── set_normal_distance_weight(self, float f)
   └──── set_model_type(self, SacModel m)
   └──── segment(self)
   └──── set_optimize_coefficients(self, bool b)
├──── pcl.PassThroughFilter_PointXYZRGB
   └──── filter(self)

        Apply the filter according to the previously set parameters and return
        a new PointCloud_PointXYZRGB
   └──── set_filter_limits(self, float filter_min, float filter_max)
   └──── set_filter_field_name(self, field_name)

3. pcl_visualization模块

这里visual 为pcl.pcl_visualization
├──── visual.PointCloudColorHandleringRandom
├──── visual.PointCloudColorHandleringGenericField
├──── visual.PointCloudGeometryHandlerCustom
├──── visual.CloudViewing
   └──── ShowColorACloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGBA pc, cloudname=b'cloud')
   └──── ShowMonochromeCloud(self, PointCloud pc, cloudname=b'cloud')
   └──── WasStopped(self, int millis_to_wait=1)
   └──── ShowColorCloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZRGB pc, cloudname=b'cloud')
   └──── ShowGrayCloud(self, PointCloud_PointXYZI pc, cloudname=b'cloud')
├──── visual.PointCloudGeometryHandleringCustom
├──── visual.PointCloudColorHandleringCustom
├──── visual.PointCloudColorHandleringHSVField
├──── visual.PCLHistogramViewing
   └──── SpinOnce(self, int time=1, bool force_redraw=False)
   └──── Spin(self)
   └──── AddFeatureHistogram(self, PointCloud cloud, int hsize, cloudname, int win_width=640, int win_height=200)
├──── visual.PointCloudGeometryHandleringXYZ
├──── visual.PCLVisualizering
   └──── AddPlane(self)
   └──── ResetStoppedFlag(self)
   └──── AddCube(self, double min_x, double max_x, double min_y, double max_y, double min_z, double max_z, double r, double g, double b, name)
   └──── SetFullScreen(self, bool mode)
   └──── RemoveAllShapes(self, int viewport)
   └──── AddPointCloud_ColorHandler(self, PointCloud cloud, PointCloudColorHandleringCustom color_handler, id=b'cloud', viewport=0)
   └──── SetPointCloudRenderingProperties(self, int propType, int propValue, propName=b'cloud')
   └──── AddLine(self)
   └──── RemoveAllPointClouds(self, int viewport)
   └──── SetBackgroundColor(self, int r, int g, int b)
   └──── AddSphere(self)
   └──── AddCylinder(self)
   └──── RemoveShape(self, string id, int viewport)
   └──── SpinOnce(self, int millis_to_wait=1, bool force_redraw=False)
   └──── Spin(self)
   └──── AddCircle(self)
   └──── InitCameraParameters(self)
   └──── AddCoordinateSystem(self, double scale=1
   └──── WasStopped(self)
   └──── RemovePointCloud(self, string id, int viewport)
   └──── AddCone(self)
   └──── UpdateText(self, string text, int xpos, int ypos, id)
   └──── SetWindowBorders(self, bool mode)
   └──── AddText(self, string text, int xpos, int ypos, id, int viewport)
   └──── RemovePolygonMesh(self, string id, int viewport)
   └──── removeCoordinateSystem(self, int viewport)
   └──── AddPointCloudNormals(self, PointCloud cloud, PointCloud_Normal normal, int level=100, double scale=0
   └──── Close(self)
   └──── RemoveText3D(self, string id, int viewport)
   └──── AddPointCloud(self, PointCloud cloud, id=b'cloud', int viewport=0)
├──── visual.PointCloudColorHandleringRGBField
├──── visual.PointCloudGeometryHandleringSurfaceNormal

本文标签: 函数PythonPCL