

阅读理解20题,总分 值: 20分

Directions : Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.

You finally graduated from high school and you are either looking forward to your first semester in college or already there. Your parents are telling you how important it is to study and stay focused, but we all know what you are really looking forward to, having a good time! College is definitely something you have to take serious, after all, your future depends on it, but you also need to have a good time and learn how to live life a little bit. This means having college fun, college life and of course college parties!

College life is probably going to be your first experience away from home for any long period of time. You will probably still have mom and dad feeding you money, but you are going to be responsible for every other aspect of your life. Mom won’t be doing your laundry and cleaning up your room anymore. The bright side of that is that you won’t have the parental units hanging over your shoulder every five minutes or wanting to know where you were until two in the morning either. College life definitely has its perks.

You are going to make a ton of new friends too. You are going to be exposed to students from all different life styles and backgrounds. The beauty of dorm life is that you can have people living with each other and becoming friends that would probably never happen in any other setting. You may be from a normal middle class neighborhood and your roommate could be the son of a millionaire. It makes for some very interesting times.
The more serious aspect of college life is dealing with legitimate stress for the first time in your life. You are going to have to learn balance and this is not always easy. You are going to be exposed to the possibility of having a good time all the time and you are going to have to remain disciplined. There are also, of course, the exam schedules. Tests and homework are going to get your blood pressure up a bit, but just stay organized and budget out your time between studying and play time and you will be fine. Not what you may want to hear, but at times you are going to have to act like an adult. Okay, enough of that serious stuff, let’s get to the good stuff about college life!

  1. In the first paragraph, the writer is trying to say that

A. college is a place to entertain
B. you should」ust have fun at college
C. you should always stay focused and work hard at college
D. you should have some good time but work hard at the same time

  1. College life is wonderful because

A. your parents still give you money
B. your parents won’t be checking on you so often
C. you can do your own laundry
D. you are away from home for a long period of time

  1. The beauty of dorm life lies in

A. getting to know the son of a millionaire
B. getting to know people from the same neighbourhood
C. getting to know people from different walks of life
D. getting to know different people and become special friends

  1. What does “get your blood pressure up” (Para. 4) mean in the context?

A. Be nervous.
C. Be excited.

B. Be sick.
D. Be frustrated.

  1. What is the tone of the writer?

A. Serious.
C. Humorous.

B. Friendly.
D. Indifferent.


1)0 2)B 3)0 4)A 5)B

I\ 收起解析

There’s no need to be lonely when you reach your chosen university or college - join one of the many clubs or societies on offer and you are sure to make friends quickly. The major benefit of 」oining them is that whether you choose to join a
society or club because it will introduce you to people who share your interests, or
to try something new, it is a great way to start your life in the UK.

The students’union is the place to search for these new experiences. Student-run societies offer a variety of interests and activities - from groups based on common nationality or religion, to leisure and matte 「 s that are more academic.
There will also be a range of sports clubs on offer, from football to hockey ( 曲 棍王求) to table tennis. Not only will joining a sports club help you make friends, but 仆will help your understanding of British culture, both on and off the playing field. Sports clubs offer an exciting social life for their teams, from club events after a match to going on an international tour to play abroad. Sports nights at the students’union are generally the busiest nights, wherever you are studying.

Every university or college over here has a great selection of clubs and societies for you to choose from. Many cultural societies have links with other universities, or even national networks, meaning you get a chance to mingle with people you share an interest with that you wouldn’t usually get the chance to meet.

So make sure you check out what’s on offer, either by attending the Freshers’Fair or looking in the students’union handbook, which lists what societies are on offer,

and which is available from your university or college union. Some university
websites also offer links to the 「i societies and clubs, so it is a good idea to check
them out too. If you cannot find one that interests you, there will be plenty of support to start your own group. With a little effort, the benefits of joining a club or society will make your introduction to higher education in Britain easier and a lot of fun. After all, student life is not」ust about work!

  1. According to the writer, joining a club or a society is a great way to start university life because
    A. there are so many clubs and societies on offer
    B. you don’t want to be lonely at university
    C. it introduces you to people who are of the same interests
    D. it is the only way to make friends quickly

  2. Students-run soc1et1es offer various act1v1t1es except

A. religious activities
C. entertainment

B. study groups

D. exchange students between urnvers1t1es

  1. Joining sports clubs will help you

A. understand the British culture
B. improve your academic performance
C. get to know religious people D. pay for international tours

  1. Where can you find information about students’clubs and societies?

A. The students’union meeting room.
B. The university map online.
D. The university president’s office.

C. The Freshers’Fair.

  1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. University clubs and societies are the best way to get famous.
B. Joining a university club or society is the best way to know the culture.
C. Starting a club or society in unive 「 sities takes a lot of time and effort.
D. Many cultural societies have access to other universities or national resources.


  1. C 7) D 8) A 9) C 10) D

A 收起解析

Educating girls quite possibly yields a higher rate of return than any other investment available in the developing world. Women’s education may be unusual territory for economists, but enhancing women’s contribution to development is actually as much an economic as a social issue. And economics, with its
emphasis on incentives (激励), p rovides guideposts that point to an explanation
for why so many girls are deprived of an education.

Parents in low-income coun「t ies fail to invest in their daughters because they do not expect them to make an economic contribution to the family: Girls grow up only to marry into somebody else’s family and bear children. Girls are thus seen as less valuable than boys and are kept at home to do housework while their brothers are sent to school - the prophecy (预言) becomes self-fulfilling, trapping
women in a vicious circle (恶性循环) of neglect.

An educated mother, on the other hand, has greater earning ab 小 ti es outside the home and faces an entirely different set of choices. She is likely to have fewer but healthier children and can insist on the development of all her children, ensuring that her daughters are given a fair chance. The education of her daughters then makes it much more likely that the next generation of girls, as well as of boys, will be educated and healthy. The vicious circle is thus transformed into a virtuous circle.

Few will dispute that educating women has great social benefits. But it has enormous economic advantages as well. Most obviously, there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers. Wages rise by 10 to 20 per cent for each additional year of schooling. Such big returns are impressive by the standard of other available investments, but they are just the beginning. Educating women also has a significant impact on health practices, including family planning.
11) The writer argues that educating girls in developing countries is

A. troublesome
C. rewarding

B. labour-saving
D. expensive

  1. By saying “… the prophecy becomes self-fulfilling …”, the writer means that

A. girls will turn out to be less valuable than boys
B. girls will be capable of realizing their own dreams
C. girls will eventually find their goals in life beyond reach
D. girls will be increasingly discontented with their life at home

  1. The writer believes that a vicious circle can turn into a virtuous circle when

A. women care more about education
B. girls can gain equal access to education
C. a family has fewer but healthier children
D. parents can afford their daughters’education

  1. What does the writer say about women’s education?

A. It deserves greater attention than other social issues.
B. It is now given top priority in many developing countries.
C. It will yield greater returns than other known investments.
D. It has aroused the interest of a growing numbe「 of economists.

  1. The passage mainly discusses

A. unequal treatment of boys and girls in developing countries
B. the potential earning power of well-educated women
C. the major contributions of educated women to society
D. the economic and social benefits of educating women


  1. C 12)A 13) B 14) C 15) D

A 收起解析

Attending your first Freshers’Fair can be a confusing and overwhelming experience. First of all, you are still trying to become accustomed to your new environment and living away from home. You are probably already feeling pressure to make new friends, study for class, and make your family proud. Deciding which club to 」 oin is just an added layer of pressure and might be the last thing you want to think about.

Have no fear! The Freshers’Fair is actually a fun and exciting place, if you manage to forget your worries, kick back, and en 」 oy yourself. Just follow this simple advice for a pleasant and productive day.

  1. Shop around. Take your time, walk around, and check out everything that’s available. It’s a little like shopping for a good bargain. The first pair of pants you see might not be the best fit.

  2. Ask questions. The whole point of the Freshers’Fair is to let you know what clubs and activities are available. Representatives are there to answer your questions. Take advantage of them.

  3. Take notes. Write down all important information you want to remember. How often are meetings? What are the requirements of membership? What is the time commitment and will it interfere with you 「 class schedule?

  4. Don’t be shy. Many groups will have sign-up sheets. They will use these to send out more information or let you know about upcoming events. There is often no commitment to 」 oin, so even if you have a passing interest, sign up and stay in

Now that you’ve got a leg up and have a plan for your first Freshers’Fair, get out there and start taking advantage of the many opportunities your school provides. You won’t regret it!
16) Which of the following is not advice that is given for a first Freshers’Fair?

A. Write down club meeting schedules.
B. Ask for more information about interesting groups.

C. Look for a great pair of pants.
D. Try to forget the pressure you 「’ e feeling at a new school.

  1. According to this passage, what is the point of a Freshers’Fair?

A. To make new friends. B. To feel less pressure.
C. To ask questions about membership requirements.
D. To learn about available opportunities at school.

  1. Which of the following most accurately describes “a leg up”?

A. A plan.
C. An opportunity.

B. An advantage.
D. A disadvantage.

  1. This type of writing would best be described as

A. persuasive
C. informative

B. entertaining
D. analytical

  1. A proper title for this passage might be

A. Helpful Advice for a First Freshers’Fair
B. Dealing with Pressure at University
C. Shop Around at the Freshers’Fair
D. Get a Leg Up at University


16)C 17)0 18)B 19)C 20)A


介副词填空20题,总分 值: 20分

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate prepositions or adverbs. Fill in each blank with only ONE word.

Passengers should check 1) (in) one hour before their flight time at the latest.

v 展开解析

To say you were ignorant 2)— (of) the rules is no excuse for violating them.

V 展开解析

The house burst 3) (into) flame after the explosion and it took the firefighters three hours to put out the fire.

v 展开解析

The old lady burst 4) (out) crying hearing the news that her son got killed in the fight.

V 展开解析

We’ve run out 5) (of) petrol. What a bad luck! The nearest gas station is miles away.

v 展开解析

Your effort will pay off 6) (in) the long run even though you suffer setbacks and hardships now and then.

v 展开解析

That sounds fantastic. Where do I need to go to sign up 7) (for) that fishing tour in the countryside?

v 展开解析

An interesting scene you will see in college is that at the last lesson of almost every course, students are busy scribbling8)— (away) in their notebooks.

v 展开解析

At first they hated each othe 「 , but they ended 9) (up) getting married and living a harmonious marriage life.

V 展开解析

There is no lack 10) (of) vegetable in her diet but the level of iron taken in is deficient.

v 展开解析

He is not lacking 11) — (in) intelligence; he is just slow in learning new concepts and theories.

V 展开解析

After a heated discussion, the research team eventually agreed on the destination place to which they would go 12) — (on) an expedition.

v 展开解析

She burst 13) (into) tears on hearing the bad news of the death of her parents in the car accident.

V 展开解析

John wants to sign 14) (up) for the speech competition so as to test his courage and response.

v 展开解析

She was quite igno「ant 15) (of) his presence at the meeting and said words of insult.

v 展开解析

You can enjoy the extraordinary sight of the unbroken cloud plains that stretch 16) — (out) before you.

v 展开解析

He assured me 17) (of) his readiness to help me in times of troubles and difficulties.

v 展开解析

The girl found that what she had learned in college proved to be inadequate 18) — (for) the job she wanted to apply for.

v 展开解析

  1. (In)  the  short  run  we  expect  to  lose  money  on  this  book  but 20)— (in)the long run we hope to make large profits.

V 展开解析

选词填空 ( 15选10 ) 20题,总 分值: 20 分

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once.

Each year universities and colleges across the country are seeing more students arriving for the new school year along with their own private cars. Students’
driving to school is 1) (common) and well accepted in some foreign countries, but the growing 2)— (trend) in China is causing controversy.

The contrast in expenses for those students who drive and those who don’t is striking. Li Chaoran, 21, an English major at Be 」iing Foreign Studies University, who has driven his car to school since the start of the 3) (term), spends
about 2,000 yuan per month on his car, including petrol, cleaning and 4)— (parking)costs.

For some students, a car is a 5) (motivation) to work harder. Lin Kai, a sophomore at the Communication University of China, said that he got the car from his father as a gift to 6) (celebrate) success in the national college entrance examination a year ago. “Afte 「 getting the car, I felt the economic7) (pressure). It encouraged me to study harder, to have a better future,” he said.

Some drivers don’t deny the fact that, to some extent, they get a sense of superiority when driving a car on campus. But they do not intend
to 8) — (show) off.
Some teache「s express 9) (concern) about the trend. Wang Zhi, a teacher from Chongqing University, does not welcome students’driving to school. He said, “More students’driving to school encourages a culture
of 10) — (luxury) consumption on campus.”

A. graduate B. term C. motivation
D. parking E. concern F. attitude
G. common H. turn I. popular
J. pressure K. luxury L. stopping
M. show N. celebrate 0. trend


  1. common

  2. celebrate

  3. trend 3) term 4) parking 5) mot1vat1on

  4. p「essure 8) show 9) concern 10) luxury

A 收起解析

What can you do when you find yourself in school without enough friends? Making friends on 11) — (campus) is not the easiest thing to do especially when
you are new on campus or you go to a(n) 12) (urban) commuter campus. Meeting people at school need not be a daunting task, there are several methods that are not difficult and you may find easy when you try them out.

Start by looking around at people you tend to see 13) (frequently), such as people who you see in your classes, dorms and dining areas. Often an easy way to start a conversation is to focus on an area of obvious common 14) (interest). For example, before or after classes, ask, “Have you got the 15) (assignment) for next week?” or “What do you think of the professor’s theory of …?” This gets you past the most difficult part, which is starting the first conversation. Be sure to 16) (introduce) yourself before the end of the conversation.

If your campus has a dining 17) (fac仆i ty), cafe or coffee cart, then there will be more opportunities for meeting people. After you’ve introduced yourself and talked about class, it’s the 18) (perfect) time to ask the other person to 」 oin you for a cup of coffee. Once you are at the table it should be easier to talk about where you’re from, what your 19) (major) is, what you think of the class, whether it is easy or hard. It will be much easier to 20) (suggest) meeting
again for coffee, or to meet socially off campus.

A. emotion B. suburb C. occupation
D. frequently E. interest F. master
G. major H. introduce I. perfect
J. campus K. facility L. suggest
M. urban N. provide 0. assignment


  1. campus
  2. introduce

I\ 收起解析

  1. urban

  2. facility

  3. frequently 14) interest 15) assignment

  4. perfect 19) major 20) suggest

It can be used if you choose to 1 (在接下来的 24 小时内注册一个账号). 参考答案:
sign up for an account within the next 24 hours

Those who 2 (只有高中文凭) are very likely to lose in the intense competition in today’s job market.
have only a high school diploma

He was 3 (还完全不知道决定) he would be fired.
quite ignorant of the decision that

When he was looking for some reference books in the library, he 4 (偶然发现了一本珍本书).
stumbled across a rare book

I cannot buy it because of 5 (我缺钱).
my lack of money

If you are interested in the drama society and eager to improve your performance, you can
6 (报名参加).
sign up for it

The programme 7 (给年轻人提供机会) gain work experience.
affords young people the chance to

This measure inevitably means higher taxes 8 (从长远看).
in the long run/term

9 	(癌症的早期查出) is vitally important.

Early detection of cancers

At the sight of the pop music star onto the stage, all the audience 10 (爆发出欢呼声).
burst into cheers

11 	(只要对这些毒品有需求), the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there.

As long as there is a demand for these drugs

Foreign visitors are only 12 (允许居留一个月).
allowed one month’s residence

I can 13 (向你保证我会全力支持) for your plan.
assure you of my full support

If he did wrong, it 14 _ (那也是出于无知).
was only because of / due to ignorance

15 	(贫富差距的加大) resulted in the increasing rate of crime in this neighbourhood.

The widening gap between the rich and the poor

介副词填空20题,总分 值: 20分

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate prepositions or adverbs. Fill in each blank with only ONE word.

Scientists are trying to work 1) _ (out) a solution to the problem.

v 展开解析

She rushes to pick 2)— (up) the baby as soon as it starts to cry.

V 展开解析

We caught the smuggler 3) _ (on) the spot and took him to the police.

v 展开解析

We tend to characterize people 4) _ {by) their appearances.

V 展开解析

The room can serve 5)— (as) a study since it is too small for a living room.

v 展开解析

Coconuts seem to conjure 6)— (up) images of tropical islands.

v 展开解析

Women account 7) _ (for) about 45% of the country’s workforce.

v 展开解析

He has been asked to account 8)— (for) his conduct when serving as a director of the company.

v 展开解析

The police are cracking 9) — (down) on illegal parking and drunk driving.

V 展开解析

The jury found the defendant innocent 10) (of) the charge after more evidence was provided.

v 展开解析

Refugees had complained 11) — (of) being robbed and beaten by officials.

V 展开解析

12)— (In) despair, they resorted to violence, which proved to be very stup 心

V 展开解析

Smoking is frowned 13) — (uponlon) in many restaurants in China.

V 展开解析

She went to the doctor complaining 14) — (of) a fever and a running nose.

v 展开解析

This medicine from the foreign country has no real effect 15) (on) liver cancer patients.

v 展开解析

These two billing systems designed by the company are, 16) (in) effect, identical.

v 展开解析

A new system of taxation will be brought17) (into) effect throughout the country next year.

v 展开解析

She inherited a house 18) — (from) her father after he died in a ca 「 acciden t.

v 展开解析

The teacher asks us to condense this paragraph 19) (into) a few sentences within five minutes.

v 展开解析

Acco 「 ding to the latest statistics, her books have been 20) (in) popularity recently.

v 展开解析

选词填空 ( 15选10) 20题,总 分值: 20分

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once.

More and more restaurants across the United States are starting to cook with organic fruits and vegetables. Organic foods are grown without chemical fertilizers and insecticides. But one restaurant in Washington, D.C. has gone far beyond just buying organic food in its effort to be sustainable and healthy. Coppi’s restaurant
on U Street has become a good example in the community of how to 1) — (operate) a “green” business.

When you walk into Coppi’s Italian restaurant, it looks like many other warm and 2) (lively) eating places on the popular U Street corridor. There are friendly waiters and hungry eaters 3) (en 」 oying) food. But Coppi’s is different
from other restau 「 ants because of the careful way it is managed by its owners,
Carlos Amaya and his sister Nori.

Almost all of the salads, pizzas, meats and pastas 4) (served) at Coppi’s are organic. Mr. Amaya buys seasonal foods from local producers who follow
sustainable 5)— (practices).
Also, all the electricity used at Coppi’s is wind-generated so it does not cause pollution. And, all cooking in the kitchen is 6) (done) with only two hot water boilers for pasta and a wood-burning oven. Most restaurants use large gas ovens and stoves which can be 7) (wasteful). The oak wood for the oven comes from an organic farm in Pennsylvania that collects old wood
from8) — (fallen) trees.

Other details are 9) (important) to Coppi’s green efforts. For example, the restaurant has very low lighting to 10) (conserve) energy. And, the restaurant saves on water and energy by not using tablecloths.

A. collected B. important C. fallen
D. separately E. lively F. served
G. conserve H. delivering I. enjoying
J. tradition K. practices L. wasteful
M. undesirable N. operate 0. done


  1. operate

  2. wasteful

  3. lively

  4. fallen

  5. en 」oying 4) served 5) practices

  6. important 10) conserve

  7. done

A 收起解析

The symbolic importance of the burger cannot be underestimated. Under its beef burger guise, it was the first of the new 「 ange of “convenience” foods which were about to make the world a better place and begin the liberation of women from the
drudgery of home-cooking and housework. In the Sixties the hamburger was a symbol of the techno age - 11)— (perfectly) circular and streamlined.

True, there were those who 12) (rebelled) against it. But to most the hamburger was a reflection of the national love affair with Americana (美国文化). It was a 13) (phenomenon) which was made fresh in Seventies London with the trendy burger of the Great American Disaster and the Hard Rock Cafe, and in many other cities round the world.
In the Eighties another subtle shift 14) — (occurred). People became aware that
America was no longer another place but a culture which had spread throughout the world. And the hamburger became 15) (globalized), too, in the form of McDonald’s. With its US home market, like the fat in its burgers, heavily saturated, McDonald’s looked abroad. By the end of the Eighties it had grown to such a size that every day 28 million global citizens ate there and the Big Mac became omnipresent.

McDonald’s 16) (stormed) the world, but its successes also drew upon it in the Nineties the criticisms which we 「 e leveled at that era. Food experts began to see the word’s changing culinary (烹调的) tastes as a symbol of what is wrong with the new17) (consumerism). "The hamburger is a metaphor for our times

  • cheap, convenient and an indication that we have given up any real interest in what we eat," said the leading food writer Frances Bissell, lamenting the trends of our 18) (increasingly) obese society towards snacking on the hoof or before the TV instead of eating proper meals.

Then along came “Mad Cow Disease” and even though the average pe 「 son was told they had more chance of 19) (winning) the National Lottery than contracting “Mad Person Disease”, with it came the dreadful realization that the cheap, 20) (convenient), easy way out might, in the end, turn out to be none of these things.

A. frankly B. phenomenon C. naturally
D. globalized E. losing F. occurred
G. consumerism H. convenient I. increasingly
J. rebelled K. movement L. winning
M. manufactured N. stormed 0. perfectly


  1. perfectly

  2. globalized

  3. rebelled

  4. stormed

  5. phenomenon

  6. consumerism

  7. occurred

  8. increasingly

  9. winning 20) convenient

I\ 收起解析

阅读理解20题,总分 值: 20分

Directions : Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.

In nutrition, there is sometimes a tendency to identify a food by a single outstanding nutrient - milk for calcium, meat for iron, orange juice for vitamin C. But in looking at foods this way, the forest may be lost for the trees.

Foods are certainly more than one single component - and this is especially true for fruits and vegetables, which contain lite 「 ally thousands of substances called phytochemicals (植物化学物), which have wide-reaching effects on health. They
act as antioxidants (抗氧化剂), defending against damage in the body’s cells that
results from normal metabolism (亲斤隄日飞诮寸) .They keep inflammatory processes in check and protect our genetic material.

Many of these beneficial compounds provide fruits and vegetables with their beautiful colo 「 s, none more than the carotenoids, nature’s most widespread pigments. They include lycopene (which provides the red color to tomatoes, pink grapefruit and watermelon), beta carotene (the orange in carrots, pumpkin, papaya and cantaloupe) and yellow-green lutein (found in spinach, corn and avocado). Each fruit and vegetable has its own unique phytochemical profile and level of antioxidant activity. There is no recommended daily intake for antioxidants and other phytochemicals - just the advice that we consume them in five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

The advice to eat produce instead of taking supplements makes sense, because attempts to pinpoint the specific, healthful “magic bullets” in f「 uits and vegetables have been, for the most part, disappointing. Scientists know, fo 「 instance, that the risk of cancer goes down with an increased consumption of deep g「 een and yellow vegetables and fruits. Because these foods are rich in beta carotene, it has been tempting to assume that this single compound could be responsible for cancer protection. Yet clinical studies have been unable to bear this out. Also, it is becoming increasingly clear that whole fruits and vegetables, with their full complement of phytochemicals, are more bioactive than any single substance they might contain.

Logically, it makes sense that whole foods should trump single nutrients when it comes to keeping us healthy. After all, from a genetic standpoint, we are still hunter-gatherers; we’re just clad in jeans these days instead of loincloths. Our bodies are designed to receive a range of phytochemicals, not different ones in isolation, and we have complex enzymatic machinery to metabolize them. But eating whole foods is only part of the equation. Adding new fruits and vegetables in new combinations and varieties may be more healthful still.

  1. It is advised that we take
    A. fruits and vegetables with beautiful colors everyday
    B. 「f uits and vegetables with high level of antioxidant
    C. as many fruits and vegetables as possible everyday
    D. five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day

  2. It’s better to eat produce than take supplements because

A. attempts to decide the specific healthful element are successful
B. whole foods are more bioactive than any single substance they contain
C. scientists know eating more green and yellow vegetables will reduce the risk of cancer
D. each fruit and vegetable has its own level of antioxidant activity

  1. What does the word “t「ump” in the last paragraph mean?

A. beat
C. walk over

B. stamp
D. step on

  1. Which of the following statements is true?

A. It’s best if we can identify an outstanding nutrient in a food and then know what to eat.
B. Foods are more than one single component, but only one component matters.
C. It’s advisable to eat produce than to take supplements.
D. Taking one kind of fruit or vegetable for a long time will benefit the body a

  1. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Foods with an outstanding nutrient are the healthiest.
B. Certain types of supplements are the most useful to the human body.
C. Eating a variety of whole foods is the best way to keep human healthy.
D. Eating new fruits and vegetables everyday is the best way to keep human healthy.


1)0 2)B 3)A 4)C 5)C


Fast food - what does the phrase conjure up (使人想象) for you? Juicy hamburgers, crispy French fries? Most probably, but it may also create images of obese people stuffing themselves with fat and sugar. The latter effect may well be because you have seen Super Size Me, the Oscar-nominated (提名的) 2004 documentary about the fast-food industry, a film in which American filmmaker Morgan Sporlock eats nothing but food from McDonald’s, the multinational fast­ food chain, for thirty days.

Sporlock’s immediate motivation for the film was a lawsuit against McDonald’s by

two American girls who claimed that they had become obese as a result of eating McDonald’s food. They lost their case, but Sporlock, a fit, slim 32-year-old, set out to prove they were right. The start of the film shows him being examined by three doctors, who give him a clean bill of health. Sporlock then start a 30-day diet, in which he eats nothing but McDonald’s food three times a day and accepts a “Super-Size” portion whenever it is offered to him. The results of the diet proved astonishing. By the end of the 30 days Sporlock was depressed and unnaturally tired, had gained 11.1 kilos and had liver damage. It took him fourteen months to lose the weight he had gained.

In the film, as well as following Sporlock’s progress, we learn a lot about the nation’s health, for example, that 37% of American children are overweight and that two out of every three American adults are obese. Sporlock interviews people ranging from school dinner ladies to food corporation lawyers. The picture that comes out is that of a fast food industry that cares far more about profits than the nation’s health. Sporlock himself remains good-humoured and amusing throughout the film, but the message is clear - too much fast food can damage your health!
6) What does the word “obese” (Para. 1) mean in the context?

A. Poor in health.
C. Slow in action.

B. Heavy in weight.
D. Low in spirit.

  1. Sporlock decides to shoot the film Super Size Me because

A. he is always interested in topics on law and 」 ustice
B. he is looking for effective ways to gain weight
C. he wants to prove that too much fast food brings fatness
D. McDonald’s food is quite popular among American people

  1. Doctors give Sporlock a body check at the beginning of the film to

A. show the magic effect of eating MacDonald’s food regularly
B. make people believe that fast food does bring health problems
C. emphasize that only MacDonald’s “Super-Size” brings fatness
D. record the whole process of how to gain weight by eating fast food

  1. In the film Super Size Me, Sporlock

A. eats a “Super-Size” portion everyday for a month
B. has developed mental diseases by eating too much fast food
C. delivers a serious message through a humorous tone
D. make most Americans amused at his performance

  1. According to the author, the film Super Size me has

A. earned a lot of audience for Morgan Sporlock
B. helped to create a new food name for the McDonald’s
C. focused on the improvement in the fast-food industry
D. detected health problems the fast-food industry brings


  1. B 7) C 8) D 9) C 10) D

A 收起解析

Irish food is generally highly meat-orientated, and you don’t have to be a vegetarian to find this. For carnivores (食肉者), meat in Ireland is generally of a good standard - steaks, in particular are excellent - but after a while you begin to long for some variety in your diet and for something which hasn’t been fried.

If you’re staying in B&Bs, it’s almost impossible to avoid the “traditional” Irish breakfast of sausages, bacon and eggs, which usually comes accompanied by generous quantities of delicious soda bread. Lunch staples are usually meat and two vegetables, with plenty of gravy (酱汁), although you can usually get freshly made sandwiches; home-made soups can be very good too. Most larger towns have good simple coffee shops (open daytimes only) where you can get soup, sandwiches, cakes and the omnipresent apple pie as well as slightly more ambitious and filling dishes. In the North, in particular, expect enormous portions of meat and thoroughly overcooked vegetables that will ground you for the rest of the afternoon. It’s worth remembering that hotels are obliged to offer food to all comers - so you can always find a sandwich and a cup of coffee, at any
「 easonable hour; you can generally order a plate of sandwiches and a pot of tea in pubs, too. Many traditional Irish dishes are based on potato and you certainly do get an awful lot of them.

Produce available in Ireland is usually fresh and excellent, but - aside from in the cities and some tourist towns on the west coast - it is limited in range (you won’t find exotic fruits and vegetables, for instance). Irish potatoes, cabbages and carrots are delicious, though surprisingly hard to buy in rural areas, where the population may be too small to support even a grocer’s shop. Meat is very good, bread and scones are wonderful, and if you’re travelling around the coast, you can often buy seafood cheaply direct from the fishermen. Sometimes you’ll come across more unusual things in this way - spider crabs and monkfish, for example

  • that you would never find in local fish shops; it’s all exported. In many places you can gather your own mussels from the rocks - but be sure to check locally in case there’s a sewage outlet nearby.

Dairy products, especially cheese, can also be excellent. The past decade has seen an upturn in the Irish cheese business, which now produces many delicious cheeses. Look out for the creamy Cashel Blue, St Killian brie, and Gubbeen Farmhouse in west Cork as well as countless more idiosyncratic cheeses from smaller makers, many of whom like to experiment. There’s no need to go to a smart restaurant to taste these - you can often find them in grocer’s shops.
11) Traditional Irish breakfast usually consists of

A. meat and vegetables
C. sausages and eggs

B. sandwiches and soups
D. cakes and apple pies

  1. In the North, people tend to eat for lunch.

A. a lot of meat and overcooked vegetables
B. a small amount of meat and overcooked vegetables
C. a lot of meat and fresh vegetables
D. a small amount of meat and fresh vegetables

  1. Irish hotels are obliged to offer food to all comers, so you can

A. order a pot of tea in pubs
B. order some food at any reasonable time
C. order anything for free D. only have potatoes

  1. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Irish food is fresh and excellent but limited in range in most cities.
B. In some「ural areas in Ireland, there is not even a grocer’s shop.
C. You can often come across unusual things in local shops.
D. Good cheese can only be found in good restaurants.

  1. What can you infer from the passage?

A. Irish food is often good in quality but without much variety.
B. Foreign food is also very popular in Ireland.
C. Irish people keep a healthy and balanced diet.
D. Ireland is famous for its traditional cheese business.


11)C 12)A 13)B 14)B 15)A

I\ 收起解析

Americans today have different eating habits than in the past. There is a wide selection of food available. They have a broader knowledge of nutrition, so they buy more fresh fruit and vegetables than ever before. At the same time, Americans purchase increasing quantities of sweets, snacks and sodas.

Statistics show that the way people live determines the way they eat. American lifestyles have changed. They now include growing numbers of people who live alone, single parents and children, and double-income families. These changing lifestyles are responsible for the increasing number of people who must rush meals or sometimes skip them altogether. Many Americans have less time than ever before to spend preparing food. Partly as a consequence of this limited time,
60 percent of all American homes now have microwave ovens. Moreover, Americans eat out nearly 4 times a week on the average.

It is easy to study the amounts and kinds of food that people consume. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the food industry grower,

processors, marketers and restaurant managers compile sales statistics and keep accurate records. This information not only tells us what people are eating but also tells us about the changes in attitudes and tastes. Red meat, which used to be the most popular choice for dinner, is no longer an American favorite. Instead, chickens, turkey and fish have become more popular. Sales of these foods have greatly increased in recent years. This is probably a result of the awareness of the dangers of eating food which contains high levels of cholesterol ( 胆固醇), or animal fat. Doctors believe that cholesterol is a threat to human health.

According to a recent survey, Americans also change their eating patterns to meet the needs of different situations. They have certain ideas about which foods will increase their athletic ability, help them lose weight, make them alert for business meetings, or put them in the mood for romance. For example, Americans choose pasta, fruit, and vegetables, which supply them with carbohydrates, to give them strength for physical activity, such as sports. Adults choose foods rich in fiber, such as bread and cereal for breakfas,t and salads for lunch to prepare them for business appointment. For romantic dinners, however, Americans choose shrimp and lobster. While many of these ideas are based on nutritional facts, some are not.
16) Americans have different eating habits today chiefly because

A. there are more shops and restaurants in the country
B. a great number of families have microwave ovens
C. their lifestyles are different now
D. they are busier with their work than before

  1. People have reduced their eating of red meat for the sake of

A. keeping healthy
C. eating more other foods

  1. losing weight
    D. saving money
  1. Some people believe that eating salads

A. makes them physically strong
B. keeps them alert for business meetings
C. helps them lose weight D. makes them romantic

  1. Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. American meals become rich and time-consuming.
B. Modern household machines bring about a revolution to American eating habits.
C. People’s eating patterns are becoming more scientific.
D. People eat totally different things on different occasions.

  1. Which of the following is the writer primarily interested in?

A. Why do Americans alter their eating patterns?
B. Why has American lifestyle changed?
C. The amounts and the kinds of food that Americans consume.
D. Which foods to eat in different situations?


16)C 17)A 18)B 19)C 20)A

I\ 收起解析

This may well 1 (说明中餐馆在全世界受欢迎的原因).
account for the universal popularity of Chinese restaurants

If we can swim, 2 (可能) we can save our lives.
chances are that

Poor farmers used to 3 (占了乡村人口的大多数).
account for the majority of the rural population

A man should be 4 (被认为是无罪的) until he is proved guilty.
supposedly innocent of crime

The child has been 5 (在他父母心目中已经无药可救了).
the despair of his parents

Tom wanted to go to France, but his parents 6 (不同意这个想法).
frowned on the idea

The roadworks caused 7 (当地居民的很多不满).
much complaint among local residents

He went to the doctor 8 (说他呼吸困难).
complaining of difficulty in breathing

Our neighbour said that if we made any more noise he’d 9 (向警方投诉我们).
complain about us to the police

10 	(蛋壳裂开了), and a little chick struggled out.

The egg cracked open

My classmates are always 11 (拿我的口音寻开心).
teasing me about my accent

Doctors believe that her disease 12 (是由基因缺陷引起的).
is caused by a genetic defect

As a matter of fact, failure can 13 (对我们的生活起到积极的作用) if we learn from it.
positively affect our life

A business transaction is a completed action that involves money and 14 (对两个或多个主体有影响).
has an effect on two or more parties

The latest developments have just 15 (向媒体发布).
been released to the media

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