


If you have an online business and you are not using it to build an email marketing list, then you are missing out on one of the most effective marketing channels at your disposal. In this article, we’ll explain why email marketing can benefit online businesses and give you some tips on how to start building up your email list.

如果您有在线业务,并且没有使用它来建立电子邮件营销列表,那么您将错过最有效的营销渠道之一。 在本文中,我们将解释为什么电子邮件营销可以使在线业务受益,并为您提供一些有关如何开始建立电子邮件列表的提示。

为什么电子邮件列表对在线业务有利 (Why email lists are beneficial for online businesses)

For many online businesses, the initial impetus is to boost traffic and get as many visitors to your website as possible. Unfortunately, as your conversion rates will probably show, the vast majority of visitors will be transient browsers engaged in a spot of site hopping; only a small percentage of them will convert into customers.

对于许多在线企业而言,最初的动力是增加流量并吸引尽可能多的网站访问者。 不幸的是,正如您的转换率可能显示的那样,绝大多数访问者将是参与站点跳跃的瞬态浏览器。 他们中只有一小部分会转化为客户。

Some of those transient customers, however, are potential customers of the future. If you can turn them into email subscribers, you have the means to bring them back to your site at a later date.

但是,其中一些临时客户是未来的潜在客户。 如果您可以将他们转变为电子邮件订阅者,则可以在以后将其带回您的站点。

Once a visitor signs up, you don’t need to wait in hope for them to revisit your website; instead, you can target them with much more control by sending information directly to their inbox. You can promote new products, sales and other campaigns whenever you want, whilst keeping them engaged with interesting and helpful blog posts.

访问者注册后,您无需等待,希望他们重新访问您的网站。 相反,您可以通过直接将信息发送到收件箱来对他们进行更多控制。 您可以随时推广新产品,销售和其他活动,同时使它们与有趣且有用的博客文章保持联系。

One of the other big attractions of email marketing is that it is free. It costs nothing to communicate with 5,000 email subscribers. How much would you have to spend in PPC fees to get that same information to the same amount of people? Even at 50p a click on Adwords, that would be £2500 and it might take some time to achieve. With an email list, everyone gets the message at the same time.

电子邮件营销的另一大吸引力是它是免费的。 与5,000个电子邮件订阅者进行通信无需花费任何费用。 为了向相同数量的人提供相同的信息,您需要花费多少PPC费用? 即使以50p的价格点击Adwords,也要花费2500英镑,而且可能还需要一些时间才能实现。 有了电子邮件列表,每个人都可以同时收到消息。

Should you use email marketing? There are many websites out there with hundreds of thousands of email subscribers. The potential can be enormous.

您应该使用电子邮件营销吗? 那里有许多网站,有成千上万的电子邮件订阅者。 潜力是巨大的。

设置电子邮件订阅者列表的基本元素 (Essential elements for setting up an email subscriber list)

In its simplest form, you need just two add-ons for your website: an email sign-up form and newsletter software.


An email sign up form, which most website templates have built-in, lets users subscribe to your emails or newsletters. It usually requires them to supply their name and email address which is then added to a mailing list in your website’s database.

大多数网站模板都内置了电子邮件注册表单,用户可以通过该表单订阅您的电子邮件或新闻通讯。 通常,要求他们提供其姓名和电子邮件地址,然后将其添加到您网站数据库的邮件列表中。

Sign up forms can be simple, like ours which just asks for an email address, or they can be more elaborate. Many websites also use pop-up sign-up forms.

注册表单可以很简单,例如我们的表单仅要求提供电子邮件地址,也可以更加复杂。 许多网站还使用弹出式注册表单。

Newsletter software is the powerhouse behind your email marketing and good software will have many useful features. You can create automated newsletters which will arrange your latest posts into a themed, branded template and send them out for you. Once you have done the initial setup, it will do this automatically on specified days of the week or month without you having to create each newsletter separately.

新闻通讯软件是您电子邮件营销的强大力量,好的软件将具有许多有用的功能。 您可以创建自动新闻稿,将最新的帖子整理到主题品牌模板中,然后发送给您。 完成初始设置后,它将在每周或每月的指定日期自动执行此操作,而无需您分别创建每个新闻稿。

In addition, you can create one-off newsletters advertising new products or promotions and send these to your customers. You can also set up an email campaign with a string of emails going out at regular intervals, this can be done as a follow-up to a sale in order to promote linked products. For example, if a customer just bought a camera from your site, you could send them an email a couple of weeks down the line promoting your digital printing service.

此外,您可以创建一次性的新闻通讯,宣传新产品或促销活动并将其发送给客户。 您还可以设置一个电子邮件活动,其中定期发送一连串电子邮件,这可以作为销售的后续活动来促销链接的产品。 例如,如果客户刚从您的站点购买了相机,则可以在几周内向他们发送电子邮件,以推广您的数字打印服务。

Some newsletter software also has inbuilt analytics which can let you know how well your newsletters or emails are working. It will tell you what percentage of emails were opened, how many were clicked on and whether anyone unsubscribed.

一些新闻通讯软件还具有内置的分析功能,可以让您知道您的新闻通讯或电子邮件的运行情况。 它会告诉您打开电子邮件的百分比,被单击的电子邮件数量以及是否有人取消订阅。

Perhaps one of the best functions of good newsletter software is the ability to create multiple lists so that you can add different users to different groups and use custom targeting for each. The ability to do this well may depend on the information you ask for during sign up or on using different sign-up forms on different parts of your website. For example, if you had a clothing website, you could have three different sign-up forms, one on menswear, one of womenswear and one on childrenswear – each creating a different email marketing list focusing on each of the three areas of your business.

好的新闻通讯软件最好的功能之一就是可以创建多个列表,以便您可以将不同的用户添加到不同的组,并为每个组使用自定义定位。 做好此操作的能力可能取决于您在注册过程中要求的信息或在网站的不同部分使用不同的注册表单。 例如,如果您有一个服装网站,则可以有三种不同的注册表格,一种在男装上,一种在女装上,另一种在童装上,每种形式创建一个针对您业务的三个领域的不同的电子邮件营销列表。

如何增加通讯注册 (How to increase newsletter sign up)

Having a newsletter subscription form does not guarantee that you will get lots of people signing up. Whilst some visitors will sign up because they enjoy reading your blog or want to know more about your products or services, others will need to be enticed.

拥有新闻通讯订阅表并不能保证您会引起很多人的报名。 尽管有些访问者会因为喜欢阅读您的博客或想更多地了解您的产品或服务而进行注册,但其他一些则需要吸引。

For many businesses, this means offering something in return for the subscription. This is often a discount on the first purchase or access to information (Sign up and get our free eBook!). The enticement can be anything: free samples of your products, newsletter updates, regular vouchers, etc. You can set up your newsletter software to take care of your offer – as soon as someone signs up, a confirmation email can be sent containing a discount code or a link to an online document which they can download.

对于许多企业来说,这意味着要提供一些订阅服务作为回报。 这通常是首次购买或获得信息时的折扣(注册并获得我们的免费电子书!)。 诱因可以是任何东西:产品的免费样品,新闻简讯更新,常规凭证等。您可以设置新闻简讯软件来照顾您的要约–一旦有人注册,便可以发送包含折扣的确认电子邮件。代码或指向可以下载的在线文档的链接。

Before thinking of what to offer, you should always look at your analytics and see which parts of your website get the most visits. Making an offer around these areas will often lead to the highest sign-up rates.

在考虑提供什么之前,您应该始终查看分析并查看网站的哪些部分获得最多的访问。 在这些地区提供报价通常会导致最高的注册率。

使用电子邮件营销时选择有用的网络主机 (Choose a helpful web host when you use email marketing)

When using newsletter sign-up forms it’s important that you choose a web host that can provide adequate security. Spammers and hackers will try to sign-up with fake email addresses in order to gain access to the back end of a website where they can do enormous damage.

使用新闻简报注册表单时,重要的是选择一个可以提供足够安全性的Web主机。 垃圾邮件发送者和黑客将尝试使用伪造的电子邮件地址进行注册,以获取对网站造成巨大损害的后端的访问权限。

If a website has a lot of email subscribers or intends to have a lot, then it’s vital to have a web host that can provide the capacity to store lots of user information and allow you to send high volumes of emails without affecting the performance of the site itself. You can send emails directly from your website or you can choose a software provider, like Mail Chimp, as a third party solution.  Whilst some web hosts can limit the number of emails you can send from your website, you usually get to send them for free; third party providers allow unlimited emails to be sent, but they do charge for the privilege.

如果网站上有很多电子邮件订阅者或打算增加很多电子邮件订阅者,那么拥有一个能够提供存储大量用户信息能力并允许您发送大量电子邮件而又不影响其性能的网络主机至关重要。网站本身。 您可以直接从您的网站发送电子邮件,也可以选择软件提供商(例如Mail Chimp)作为第三方解决方案。 尽管某些虚拟主机可以限制您可以从网站发送的电子邮件数量,但通常可以免费发送; 第三方提供商允许发送无限制的电子邮件,但是他们会收取特权。

数据保护 (Data Protection)

Do remember that if you collect a customer’s personal data to send them emails, you have a responsibility to protect that data. You also have an obligation to register with the Data Commissioner’s Office and are required to disclose how you handle that data in your website’s privacy policy.

请记住,如果您收集客户的个人数据以发送电子邮件,则您有责任保护该数据。 您还有义务在数据专员办公室注册,并有义务在网站的隐私政策中披露您如何处理这些数据。

结论 (Conclusion )

Newsletters and email marketing can be highly effective tools for online businesses. If you are intending to use them, check that your e-commerce hosting package provides the capacity and security you need and ensure you use good quality sign-up and newsletter software. You also need to think carefully about what you can offer your visitors in order to entice them to sign-up.

通讯和电子邮件营销可以成为在线业务的高效工具。 如果打算使用它们,请检查您的电子商务托管软件包是否提供了所需的容量和安全性,并确保使用高质量的注册和新闻通讯软件。 您还需要仔细考虑可以为访客提供什么,以吸引他们注册。

If you are thinking about starting an online business and are seeking a web host, check out our easy to use site builder. Take a look at what our customers say about our services, too.

如果您正在考虑开始在线业务并正在寻找网络主机,请查看我们易于使用的网站构建器 。 看看客户对我们服务的评价。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost/blog/webhosting/how-email-lists-can-boost-your-online-business/


本文标签: 在线您的电邮邮件列表地址