

Yesterday, Microsoft described updates to a cloud service, but surprisingly, the company didn’t talk about OneDrive. Instead, iCloud, Apple’s cloud service, was the subject at hand. As it turns out, iCloud for Windows is picking up OneDrive features.

昨天,微软描述了云服务的更新,但是令人惊讶的是,该公司没有谈论OneDrive。 相反,苹果的云服务iCloud即将成为主题。 事实证明,适用于Windows的iCloud正在采用OneDrive功能。

One of the better features of OneDrive’s Windows integrations is Files on Demand. If you have a Terabyte of data stored in the cloud, and laptop with just 500 gigs of hard drive space, you won’t want to sync everything to your machine. But if you don’t sync everything, it’s hard to keep track of what you have in the cloud without logging into a website or app and hunting everything down.

“文件随需应变”是OneDrive与Windows集成的更好功能之一。 如果您有1 TB的数据存储在云中,而笔记本电脑只有500 GB的硬盘空间,则您不希望将所有内容同步到计算机。 但是,如果您不同步所有内容,那么就很难在不登录网站或应用程序并跟踪所有内容的情况下跟踪云中的内容。

Files on Demand solves that problem. When you open file explorer and browser through OneDrive synced folders, placeholders are shown for anything on the cloud but not on your computer. If you double-click on a file or picture, it automatically downloads, and you’ll have access going forward. Until you need them, the data doesn’t use storage on your machine, which balances knowledge of what you have in the cloud with limited space availability locally.

按需文件解决了该问题。 当您通过OneDrive同步的文件夹打开文件资源管理器和浏览器时,将显示云中所有内容的占位符,而不是计算机上的占位符。 如果您双击文件或图片,则该文件或图片会自动下载,并且您可以继续访问。 在您需要它们之前,数据不会使用计算机上的存储,这将平衡您对云中内容的了解与本地有限的空间可用性。

Until recently, you had to use OneDrive to benefit from Files on Demand. Dropbox and Google Drive offer a similar feature, but you have to be a business customer to take advantage. Now, if you’re an Apple iCloud user on Windows, you also benefit from Files on Demand. With the latest iCloud Windows app update, you can access iCloud Drive from File Explorer, and you will see placeholders for files you haven’t downloaded locally yet. And naturally, you can share and edit from Windows, and those changes will appear on your iOS devices.

直到最近,您还必须使用OneDrive才能从“按需文件”中受益。 Dropbox和Google云端硬盘提供了类似的功能,但您必须是企业客户才能利用。 现在,如果您是Windows上的Apple iCloud用户,则还可以从按需文件中受益。 通过最新的iCloud Windows应用更新,您可以从文件资源管理器访问iCloud驱动器,并且会看到尚未在本地下载的文件的占位符。 当然,您可以从Windows共享和编辑,这些更改将显示在您的iOS设备上。

One can only hope the personal versions of Dropbox and Google Drive will add Files on Demand in the future. In the meantime, it’s good to see Microsoft and Apple working together for the benefit of consumers.

人们只能希望Dropbox和Google云端硬盘的个人版本将来会添加“按需文件”。 同时,很高兴看到Microsoft和Apple为消费者的利益而合作。

In a continued sign that Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is on life support, the Apple iCloud app is a win32 app, and not UWP, even though you’ll find it in the Microsoft Store. [Microsoft Blog]

持续显示通用Windows平台(UWP)具有生命支持功能,即使您可以在Microsoft Store中找到它, Apple iCloud应用程序还是win32应用程序,而不是UWP。 [ Microsoft博客]

在其他新闻中: (In Other News:)

  • DropBox’s latest update includes app integrations and task management: Speaking of Dropbox, it released a substantial update yesterday that gives the cloud business a new direction. Instead of focusing on just file storage (a difficult market with titans like Microsoft and Google), the company now wants to focus on organizing your work and integrating with your tools. The latest update includes native integrations Slack, Zoom and Atlassian so that you can move your files between your apps more easily. [TechCrunch]

    DropBox的最新更新包括应用程序集成和任务管理:说到Dropbox,它昨天发布了实质性更新,为云业务指明了新的方向。 该公司现在不仅要专注于文件存储(在微软和Google这样的巨头那里是一个困难的市场),现在它希望专注于组织工作并与工具集成。 最新更新包括Slack,Zoom和Atlassian的本机集成,因此您可以更轻松地在应用程序之间移动文件。 [ TechCrunch ]

  • Have I Been Pwned is for sale: Have I Been Pwned is the place to go if you think you may have been caught up in any of the many recent breaches (spoiler alert, you have). It’s a large site, with enormous responsibilities, and surprisingly it’s handled by just one person. Troy Hunt, the man behind it all, laid out in blog why the future of Have I Been Pwned requires a sale to a responsible entity. The good news is, he insists consumer searches remain free. [TroyHunt]

    我是否已被出售:如果您认为自己可能被最近的许多违规行为所困扰,则可以选择“我已被抵押”。 这是一个很大的网站,责任巨大,而且令人惊讶的是,它仅由一个人处理。 特洛伊·亨特(Troy Hunt)是这一切的幕后黑手,他在博客中提出了为什么“我被拥有”的未来需要出售给负责任的实体的原因。 好消息是,他坚持认为消费者搜索仍然免费。 [ TroyHunt ]

  • Microsoft blocks BLE security key pairing: Specific security keys, like Google’s Titan key, were found to have a server vulnerability. Google is offering replacements, but as a precaution, the latest Windows update now blocks these keys from use. Harsh but fair. [ZDNet]

    Microsoft阻止BLE安全密钥配对:发现特定的安全密钥(例如Google的Titan密钥)存在服务器漏洞。 Google提供了替代产品,但为预防起见,最新的Windows更新现在禁止使用这些密钥。 严峻但公平。 [ ZDNet ]

  • Facebook will pay you for monitoring privileges: You may recall when Facebook landed itself in hot water by tracking the habits of minors using enterprise certificates and promises of rewards. The company still wants to know everything about you, but this time it’s taking a better swing at it. Facebook surveys is only open to adults, doesn’t track as much information (what apps what you have, but not what messages you send), and clearly spells out its intentions, which puts it in line with every other company tracking you. Baby Steps. [The Verge]

    Facebook会向您支付监视特权的费用:您可能回想起Facebook通过使用企业证书和奖励承诺跟踪未成年人的习惯而陷入困境的时候。 该公司仍然想了解有关您的所有信息,但是这次情况有了更好的发展。 Facebook调查仅向成年人开放,不会跟踪太多信息(您拥有什么应用程序,但不会发送什么消息),并且清楚说明其意图,这使其与跟踪您的其他公司保持一致。 宝贝的步骤。 [边缘]

  • Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is getting a sequel: You may remember Breath of the Wild as the reason you bought a Nintendo Switch. It was a gorgeous and fantastic entry in the Zelda series with a storyline that didn’t necessarily scream sequel. Do you know what does scream sequel? Fifteen million copies sold and counting. No release date yet, unfortunately. [Engadget]

    塞尔达传说:荒野之息续集:您可能还记得荒野之息是购买Nintendo Switch的原因。 这是《塞尔达传说》系列中华丽而奇妙的作品,故事情节并不一定要尖叫续集。 你知道尖叫续集是什么吗? 售出了1500万本,还在继续增长。 不幸的是,还没有发布日期。 [ Engadget ]

  • Researchers found a critical flaw in WordPress’s livechat plugin: Wordpress’s livechat plugin is used by websites all over to provide support and customer service. Unfortunately, security researchers found a flaw that would allow bad actors to do everything from stealing all chat logs from a website to injecting text into active chats, to even initiating Denial of Service attacks. If your WordPress site uses livechat you should update as soon as possible. [TechRadar]

    研究人员发现WordPress的livechat插件存在一个严重缺陷: WordPress的livechat插件被全世界的网站用来提供支持和客户服务。 不幸的是,安全研究人员发现了一个漏洞,该漏洞使不良行为者可以做所有事情,从窃取网站上的所有聊天记录到向活动聊天中注入文本,甚至发起拒绝服务攻击。 如果您的WordPress网站使用livechat,则应尽快更新。 [ TechRadar ]

  • You can now preorder the Atari VCS Retro Console: You already have the NES, SNES, and Playstation classic consoles. Now get out your nostalgia dollars because you can preorder the Atari VCS Retro Console through GameStop or Walmart now. You’re going to have to really want it though, the console ranges from $250 to $399, depending on the amount of ram and whether Atari includes controllers. Hey, Xbox prices are a small price to pay to get 100 Atari games, right? [GameSpot]

    现在,您可以预购Atari VCS Retro控制台:您已经拥有NES,SNES和Playstation经典控制台。 现在,拿出您的怀旧钱,因为您现在可以通过GameStop或Walmart预订Atari VCS Retro Console。 不过,您将不得不真正想要它,控制台的价格从250美元到399美元不等,具体取决于内存的数量以及Atari是否包含控制器。 嘿,Xbox价格是购买100款Atari游戏的小价格,对吗? [ GameSpot ]

  • Huawei is postponing its latest laptop launch indefinitely:


    The bad news never stops for Huawei. The company had planned to announce a new MacBook competitor, but those plans are on hold. With the current U.S. bans in place, they simply can’t find anyone who can sell the device. The company promises to revisit the launch if the bans ever lift.

    对于华为来说,坏消息永远不会停止。 该公司原计划宣布一个新的MacBook竞争对手,但这些计划被搁置。 鉴于目前的美国禁令,他们根本找不到能够出售该设备的人。 该公司承诺,如果禁令解除,将重新启动该产品。


    [ CNBC ]

Imagine you’re walking along, enjoying the summer weather, and then you stumble across a giant shaggy wolf’s head. Hopefully, after screaming in terror, you’d let scientists know about your amazing find. That’s exactly what happened to a resident in northern Yakutia, Siberia.

想象一下,您正在散步,享受夏日的天气,然后偶然发现了一只巨大的蓬松的狼头。 希望在惊恐尖叫之后,您可以让科学家知道您的惊人发现。 这正是西伯利亚雅库特北部居民的遭遇。

At nearly twice the size of a modern wolf’s head, the head of this wolf is enormous, which was common for wolves of that day and age. Scientists say it probably isn’t a dire wolf though; they didn’t travel this far north. And admit it you just learned that dire wolves aren’t a thing only found in Dungeons and Dragons.

这种头的头几乎是现代狼头的两倍,这种头对于那个时代的狼来说是很普遍的。 科学家说,虽然它可能不是可怕的狼。 他们没有向北走那么远。 并承认,您刚刚了解到可怕的狼不仅仅是在龙与地下城中发现的。

Scientists are incredibly excited by the remains because they are 30,000 years old. And thanks to the permafrost, the head is remarkably well preserved. Researchers already have plans to sequence DNA, and run tests on the brain tissue, which hasn’t been possible with previously found remains.

科学家们对遗骸已有3万年的历史,感到异常兴奋。 并且由于多年冻土,头部得到了很好的保存。 研究人员已经计划对DNA进行测序,并在大脑组织上进行测试,而以前发现的遗骸则不可能。

They’ve already done a cat scan of the head, which is both fascinating and horrifying to see, you should go check it out. Incredibly well-preserved remains from animals so ancient are rare finds. It’s hard to say exactly what scientists will learn from this head, but it may give us a better understanding of wolves, and through them, your pet dog. [Gizmodo]

他们已经对猫的头部进行了一次猫扫视,这既令人着迷又令人恐惧,您应该去检查一下。 保存得如此完好的动物遗骸如此珍贵,因此罕见。 很难确切地说出科学家将从这个脑海中学到什么,但这可能使我们对狼以及通过它们的宠物狗有了更好的了解。 [ Gizmodo ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/fyi/daily-news-roundup-icloud-for-windows-powered-by-onedrive-tech/

本文标签: 每日新闻摘要onedriveicloudWindows