


If you have ever worked at a startup or know someone who does, you know that in general, employees have their hands full, every day of the workweek, which is sometimes seven days in a hyper-growth startup.


Startups move fast. Real fast.

新兴企业发展Swift。 真快。

And you can’t afford mistakes. According to this Investopedia report, 20% of the startups fail within the first year, and only a measly 25% of the businesses make it to the 15 year mark.

而且你承担不起错误。 根据这份 Investopedia的报告,第一年有20%的初创企业倒闭,只有不到25%的企业达到15年。

Here are some of the reasons that make a startup tick:


  1. Need to iterate fast: A startup needs to test its products and bring them to the market fast. In today’s fast-paced world, there are no prizes for coming in second.

    需要快速迭代 :一家初创公司需要测试其产品并将其快速推向市场。 在当今快节奏的世界中,没有获得亚军的奖项。

  2. Scale quickly: Blitzscaling should be the mantra that startups need to live by. For instance, the Indian app Chingari grew from a customer base of 500 thousand to over 10 million in a matter of weeks, when the Government of India banned Tik Tok in the country.

    快速扩展: 快速扩展应该是初创企业赖以生存的口头禅。 例如,印度政府在印度禁止 Tik Tok时,印度的应用程序Chingari在短短几周内就从50万客户增长到超过1000万。

  3. Work within tight deadlines: Startups these days move at the speed of light, and they need to if they wish to stay in the game. It only takes six days to start a business in the United States, so by the time you have convinced your college-going cousin to drop out and come slum it out with you, there are already ten other people working on a similar product.

    在紧迫的期限内工作:这些天的初创公司以光速运转,如果他们想留在游戏中就必须这样做。 在美国开展业务只需要六天的时间,因此当您说服要上大学的堂兄辍学并与您一起贫民窟时,已经有十个人在从事类似产品的开发。

In spite of all these factors, there has never been a better time in history to venture out and start something on your own. Unsurprisingly, the US is the biggest tech market in the world, clocking in at an impressive $1.9 trillion in 2019.

尽管有所有这些因素,历史上再没有比现在更好的时机来冒险并独自创业。 毫不奇怪,美国是世界上最大的科技市场,在2019年达到惊人的1.9万亿美元。

So you have decided to start up on your own, and are now looking at the various technologies out there in the market to choose the best for your app.


While there are a host of technologies out there, both native and cross-platform, we chose React Native as a good starting point if you are planning to build an app.

尽管有很多本机和跨平台技术,但是如果您打算构建应用程序,我们选择React Native作为一个很好的起点。

什么是React Native? (What is React Native?)

React Native is a mobile application framework based on Javascript that is used to create hybrid mobile apps that run both on Android and iOS.

React Native是基于Javascript的移动应用程序框架,用于创建可在Android和iOS上运行的混合移动应用程序。

React Native is based on ReactJS, which was developed at Facebook as early as 2015. React Native has a set of components for Android as well as iOS to build mobile apps with a native look and feel.

React Native是基于ReactJS的,ReactJS最早于2015年在Facebook上开发。ReactNative具有一套用于Android和iOS的组件,以构建具有本机外观的移动应用程序。

If React Native sounds like a choice to build an app for your startup, then this is the article for you. We cover a whole range of topics in this blog post, answering questions like:

如果React Native听起来像是为您的启动构建应用程序的选择,那么本文适合您。 我们在此博客文章中涵盖了所有主题,回答以下问题:

  1. Is React Native is a good contender when you are choosing to build your app for your startup?.

    当您选择为启动构建应用程序时,React Native是否是一个很好的竞争者?
  2. Is it all rainbows and sunshine, or are there drawbacks of using React Native to build your app?

    是所有的彩虹和阳光,还是使用React Native来构建应用程序的弊端?
  3. If not React Native, what are my alternatives?

    如果不是React Native,我有什么选择?
  4. Why did the drunk rabbit cross the road at three in the morning?


Okay, the last one is a long story and slightly off-topic, but we got you covered on the rest of the questions.


哪些初创公司正在使用React Native? (Which Startups are using React Native?)

Before we dive into the Pros of using React Native, here are three success stories of startups who have used React Natives to skyrocket their business.

在我们深入探讨使用React Native的优点之前,这里有三个使用React Natives推动其业务飞速发展的初创公司的成功案例。

Pinterest (Pinterest)

Pinterest can loosely be called a social network for ideas. People can share their ideas on various topics by “pinning it” on their user boards. These ideas can be in the form of photos, images, or other infographics.

Pinterest可以宽松地称为思想的社交网络。 人们可以通过“固定”在用户板上来分享关于各种主题的想法。 这些想法可以采用照片,图像或其他图表的形式。

Pinterest has clocked a monthly user base of close to 175 million active users, and the number of users keeps increasing by the day.


It took Pinterest all of 10 days to implement their iOS app using React Native, and an additional two days to port it to Android. Pinterest engineers say they saved close to a week of implementation time with React Native, and there were no instances of performance regression.

Pinterest花费了整整10天的时间才能使用React Native实施其iOS应用,另外又花了两天的时间将其移植到Android。 Pinterest工程师表示,他们使用React Native节省了将近一周的实施时间,并且没有性能下降的情况。


If you have ever built or considered building a website, the chances are high that you would have heard of Wix. Wix allows you to build a website using drag and drop tools, meaning you don’t need to write a single line of code.

如果您曾经建立或考虑过建立网站,那么您听说Wix的机会就很高。 Wix允许您使用拖放工具来构建网站,这意味着您无需编写任何代码。

When the approximate 110 million users of Wix wanted to build websites using an app, Wix turned to React Native to scale quickly.

当大约有1亿1千万名Wix用户想要使用应用程序来构建网站时,Wix转向了React Native来快速扩展。

Wix developers chose React Native for its speed and efficiency and loved the fact that React Native is open source and free. With more than 80% of the app code written in Javascript, Wix did not have to hire or train new developers to achieve porting to React Native. Win-win for everybody.

Wix开发人员选择React Native是因为它的速度和效率,并且喜欢React Native是开源和免费的这一事实。 凭借超过80%的用Java语言编写的应用程序代码,Wix无需雇用或培训新开发人员即可实现向React Native的移植。 为每个人双赢。

妙特拉 (Myntra)

Ecommerce is growing at lightning speed in India, and the online clothing and accessories company Myntra was one of the early entries into this space.


With a staggering total of 24.48 million visitors to the site, the Myntra app needed a solution that was quick, efficient, and easy to scale. React Native came as a natural choice.

Myntra应用程序总共有2448万访问者,因此需要一种快速,高效且易于扩展的解决方案。 React Native是自然的选择。

Myntra adopted React Native for its app soon after it was released, and today, more than 50% of the iOS app and critical screens of the Android app run on React Native. Developers of Myntra’s engineering team are especially happy with the Hot Reloading and instant refresh feature, which helps them ship features fast.

Myntra在发布后不久就为其应用程序采用了React Native,如今,超过50%的iOS应用程序和Android应用程序的关键屏幕都在React Native上运行。 Myntra工程团队的开发人员对热重装和即时刷新功能特别满意,这有助于他们快速发布功能。

在启动应用程序中使用React Native有什么优势? (What are the advantages of using React Native for your startup app?)

1.缩短上市时间: (1. Lesser time to market:)

The time taken for an app to go from the conception stage into the hands of the consumer is critical for any startup. You cannot afford to build a masterpiece of an app for years and hope the consumers will come.

应用程序从构思阶段进入消费者手中所需的时间对于任何初创公司都是至关重要的。 您无法负担多年构建应用程序杰作的希望,并希望消费者能来。

More than 90% of the codebase is shared between iOS and Android if your startup chooses React Native to develop its app. With an average of 1024 apps hitting the Apple store in a single day, an early, mover advantage cannot be overlooked for your app’s success.

如果您的初创公司选择React Native开发其应用程序,则iOS和Android之间将共享90%以上的代码库。 平均为1024级的应用程序打苹果商店在一天,早,发优势不容小视对于应用的成功。

2.更多可用的开发人员: (2. More developers available:)

React Native has been around for more than half a decade now, which means there is a big developer marketplace from which your startup can pick the best programmers, provided you pay a premium, of course.

React Native已经存在了超过五年,这意味着有一个庞大的开发人员市场,您的初创公司可以从中选择最好的程序员,当然,前提是您要支付高昂的费用。

Developers of React Native charge anywhere between $100 — $125 per hour in the US, and you can always find developers online on platforms such as Upwork or Fiverr. If it is an entire development team that you are looking for, then we, at Solutelabs, will be more than happy to talk to you.

React Native的开发人员收取的费用在100美元至每小时125美元之间,在美国,您总是可以在Upwork或Fiverr等平台上在线找到开发人员。 如果您正在寻找整个开发团队,那么Solutelabs的我们将非常乐意与您联系。

3.支持第三方插件: (3. Supports third-party plugins:)

To the uninitiated, third party plugins allow a level of customization that is not available with other platforms. One of the USPs of React Native is that it supports third-party plugins.

对于未经启动的第三方插件,可以实现其他平台无法提供的定制级别。 React Native的USP之一是它支持第三方插件。

Since React Native does not have all of the components in its main framework, it uses third-party plugins, which include native and Javascript modules.

由于React Native在其主框架中没有所有组件,因此它使用第三方插件,其中包括原生和Javascript模块。

For instance, if you want to enhance your app with a map functionality in your app, you can always connect a third-party plugin to your React Native app.

例如,如果您想通过应用程序中的地图功能来增强您的应用程序,则始终可以将第三方插件连接到您的React Native应用程序。

4.声明式编码: (4. Declarative coding:)

Declarative programming is a method where you just describe the program/ UI, and React implements it. Declarative programming makes the code more readable and easier to reason about.

声明式编程是一种只描述程序/ UI的方法,React会执行它。 声明式编程使代码更具可读性,并且更易于推理。

To put it in simple terms, instead of saying, “ Can you fetch me a glass of that drink,” you can simply say, “Beer, please.”


Using React, you can simply change the program’s state, and the UI will change its look accordingly.


5.降低成本: (5. Reduced costs:)

Building a cross-platform mobile app is far more economical than building an app separately for iOS and Android.


Payroll is one of the most expensive costs for a startup, with an average company of five employees spending around $305,000 on salary, according to data from this survey.


Instead of hiring two separate developers, if you choose React Native, you only have to pay for a single developer who will help you launch the app on Android as well as iOS. The money saved can then be used in other critical functions, such as marketing.

如果您选择React Native,则无需雇用两个单独的开发人员,而只需支付一个开发人员的费用,该开发人员将帮助您在Android和iOS上启动该应用程序。 节省下来的钱可以用于其他重要功能,例如营销。

6.可重复使用的组件: (6. Reusable components:)

At its core, a React Native application is a bunch of components in a component tree. Each one of these components has its own logic and control.

React Native应用程序的核心是组件树中的一堆组件。 这些组件中的每一个都有自己的逻辑和控制。

The reusable components work the same across Android and iOS, meaning you don’t need to break your head while supporting both the platforms simultaneously.


Reusing some of the components also makes development easier, along with making the code easier to maintain. In case there are changes in the implementation details of any one component, all you need to do is adjust it in one place, and it takes effect everywhere else.

重用某些组件还使开发更容易,并使代码更易于维护。 如果任何一个组件的实现细节发生变化,您需要做的只是在一个位置进行调整,然后在其他地方生效。

7.现成的解决方案和库: (7. Readymade solutions and libraries:)

To help speed up the development process, React Native comes inbuilt with a lot of readymade tools and libraries.

为了帮助加快开发过程,React Native内置了许多现成的工具和库。

These libraries help speed up the development process. For instance, if you want to achieve a native look and feel for your app, you can give Nativebase a try. This is a collection of the most important cross-platform React Native components.

这些库有助于加快开发过程。 例如,如果您想为应用程序实现本机外观,则可以尝试使用Nativebase 。 这是最重要的跨平台React Native组件的集合。

Type checking tools and testing libraries are some of the other libraries that help develop your app faster.


8.热装: (8. Hot Reloading:)

Ask any developer out there what is the one key advantage of using React Native, and Hot Reloading will be an answer that will pop out in most of the cases. To put it in very simple terms, Hot Reloading allows you to inject new versions of files that you edited during runtime while keeping the app running.

询问那里的任何开发人员使用React Native的主要优点是什么,热重载将是大多数情况下的答案。 简而言之,热重载允许您在运行应用程序的同时注入新版本的文件,这些文件是在运行时编辑的。

Hot Reloading means you don’t lose any of your state, a key advantage when you are tweaking the UI of your app.


Any time your code changes, you can have your app reload automatically, which helps in accelerating development time.


9.开源社区: (9. Open-source community:)

React Native is open source, and since it has been around since 2015, there is a large community of developers available online.

React Native是开源的,自2015年以来一直存在,因此有大量的在线开发人员社区可用。

This means you can have all your queries regarding RN answered in a jiffy, and if not, there are always Github or Reddit threads like this one to answer your questions.


React Native is backed by Facebook and has a large group of enthusiastic developers to support the framework, including people from Callstack, Infinite Red, Microsoft, and Expo.

React Native得到了Facebook的支持,并有一大批热心的开发人员来支持该框架,其中包括来自Callstack,Infinite Red,Microsoft和Expo的人员。

使用React Native的缺点是什么? (What are the disadvantages of using React Native?)

While we have mentioned all the good stuff that React Native brings to the table, not everything is all rainbows and sunshine. There are a few cons to consider before you finalize on React Native to build an app for your startup, including:

尽管我们已经提到了React Native带来的所有好处,但并不是所有的东西都是彩虹和阳光。 在React Native上为您的启动构建应用程序之前,需要考虑一些弊端,包括:

1.凌乱且难以维护的代码: (1. Messy and hard to maintain code:)

React Native makes it easy to develop your mobile app, but if you have an existing codebase, it is not so easy to get your app up and running.

React Native使开发移动应用程序变得容易,但是如果您已有代码库,那么启动和运行应用程序并不容易。

Integrating your existing mobile codebase to React Native takes up a substantial amount of time. Once your app starts to scale, your APIs may not behave the way you want in React Native.

将您现有的移动代码库集成到React Native会花费大量时间。 一旦您的应用开始扩展,您的API可能就不会像您在React Native中那样发挥作用。

This means you will have to dive into Native Libraries to make adjustments and your Javascript developer may need to write native code, in order to fill any gaps that may occur in functionality.


2.经常更新: (2. Frequent updates:)

Facebook releases new updates to the React Native framework frequently. The platform is ever-changing, and bugs are discovered on a daily basis.

Facebook经常发布对React Native框架的新更新。 该平台不断变化,并且每天都会发现错误。

Every new React Native update has a lot of changes, and developers need to keep updating their app regularly. This was one of the reasons Airbnb famously stopped using React Native a couple of years ago.

每个新的React Native更新都有很多变化,开发人员需要定期更新其应用程序。 这就是Airbnb几年前停止使用React Native的著名原因之一。

Continuous investments are required to support React Native’s volatile ecosystem, and your startup might as well use that money in more creative ways.

为了支持React Native易变的生态系统,需要进行持续的投资,而您的初创公司也可能会以更具创造性的方式使用这笔钱。

3.棘手的UI设计: (3. Tricky UI design:)

From the very beginning, React Native has been considered a bad choice while developing apps that require many user interactions, animations, and screen transitions.

从一开始,在开发需要许多用户交互,动画和屏幕过渡的应用程序时,React Native被认为是一个错误的选择。

The iOs and Android subsystems are at the opposite ends of a spectrum, and thus a unified API cannot be used by the developers.


In most cases, UI has to be created with Swift / Java, and the native modules communicate with the JS part of your app using bridges that are asynchronous. Every pass along one of these bridges results in a performance hit for your app.

在大多数情况下,必须使用Swift / Java创建UI,并且本机模块使用异步桥与应用程序的JS部分进行通信。 这些桥梁之一的每一次通过都会为您的应用带来性能上的损失。

4.抽象层问题: (4. Abstraction layer issues:)

With React Native, you are deploying large pieces of code which is present between the developer and the native platform. With these kinds of abstractions, bugs are a common issue.

使用React Native,您将部署开发人员和本机平台之间存在的大量代码。 通过这些抽象,错误是一个常见的问题。

If you spot a bug in any of the abstractions, you will have to get to the implementation to fix it. These issues may be out of your knowledge area, and you may end up depending on outside help.

如果发现任何抽象中都有错误,则必须去实现修复它。 这些问题可能不在您的知识范围内,您可能最终会依赖于外部帮助。

You may also be dependent on third parties if you have to maintain the framework, which is an added hassle. You will also be on the constant pressure to keep this abstraction layer updated.

如果您必须维护框架,那么您可能还依赖第三方,这是一个额外的麻烦。 您还将承受不断更新该抽象层的压力。

These are some of the limitations of React Native. If you are still unsure of using React Native to build an app for your startup, you can also consider the following alternatives.

这些是React Native的一些限制。 如果您仍然不确定使用React Native来为启动构建应用程序,则还可以考虑以下替代方法。

什么是React Native的替代品? (What are the alternatives to React Native?)

1.颤振: (1. Flutter:)

Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit that uses the Dart programming language to build apps for mobile, web, or desktop. It is also cross-platform like React Native and uses a single codebase shared between Android and iOS.

Flutter是一个开放源代码UI工具包,它使用Dart编程语言来构建用于移动设备,Web或桌面的应用程序。 它也像React Native一样是跨平台的,并使用Android和iOS之间共享的单个代码库。

Image Credit 图片信用

Flutter is developed by Google, and there is a tonne of resources available online to learn Flutter. We suggest you start with this step by step tutorial.

Flutter由Google开发,网上有大量资源可用于学习Flutter。 我们建议您从本逐步教程开始。

Popular apps built using Flutter include Reflectly, Hookle, and the fitness app WaterManiac.

使用内置扑流行的应用程序包括Reflectly , Hookle和健身应用WaterManiac。

2. Xamarin: (2. Xamarin:)

Xamarin is Microsoft’s answer to building cross-platform apps that uses the .NET framework. Xamarin apps can be written on a PC or Mac and later compiled into native application packages.

Xamarin是Microsoft构建使用.NET框架的跨平台应用程序的答案。 Xamarin应用程序可以在PC或Mac上编写,然后再编译为本机应用程序包。

With a robust community of over 1.4 million developers, there is a lot of material online for anyone who wishes to learn Xamarin. You can start with this basic tutorial by Microsoft.

拥有超过140万开发人员的强大社区,对于希望学习Xamarin的任何人来说,都有很多在线资料。 你可以启动这个由微软基础教程。

Xamarin has been used to develop a variety of apps, including Olo (online food ordering), Storyo (video story creator), and Insightly (CRM and Project Management app).

Xamarin已用于开发各种应用程序,包括Olo (在线食品订购), Storyo (视频故事创建者)和Insightly (CRM和项目管理应用程序)。

3.离子性: (3. Ionic:)

Ionic is an open-source software development kit created to build hybrid mobile apps. Ionic uses HTML, CSS, and Javascript to build its apps. Ionic apps are built with web technologies, rendered using Web views.

Ionic是一个开放源代码软件开发套件,旨在创建混合移动应用程序。 Ionic使用HTML,CSS和Javascript构建其应用程序。 离子应用程序是使用Web技术构建的,并使用Web视图呈现。

The original Ionic version was launched way back in 2013, and since then, it has grown a sizable developers community online. To get started with Ionic web development, you can head over to this website.

最初的Ionic版本于2013年推出,从那时起,它已经在网上扩大了相当大的开发人员社区。 要开始进行Ionic Web开发,您可以转到此网站。

Popular apps built using Ionic include the fitness app Sworkit, the grocery delivery app Shipt, and Untappd, a social network for beer enthusiasts.

使用Ionic构建的流行应用包括健身应用Sworkit ,杂货配送应用Shipt和面向啤酒爱好者的社交网络Untappd 。

While these are some of the few alternatives to using React Native, as a startup, you may also wonder if it is beneficial going the native way to develop your mobile app.

尽管这些是使用React Native的少数几种选择,但您可能还会想知道采用本机方式开发移动应用程序是否有益。

我什么时候应该在启动时选择本机应用程序开发而不是React Native? (When should I choose native app development over React Native for my startup?)

Native app development is far from being obsolete, and we even wrote a blog post explaining this, which you can read here.


Although React Native is good if you want to go to market fast and have a scalable mobile app, at a lesser cost, going native is a good choice if:

尽管如果您想快速进入市场并拥有可扩展的移动应用程序,React Native是不错的选择,但是以更低的成本,如果满足以下条件,使用Native就可以成为不错的选择:

  • Performance is crucial to your app.

  • Your app is heavy on animations and complex screen transitions.

  • Your app needs to interact a lot with the phone’s hardware, such as GPS, camera, etc.

  • Your app needs to work offline.

  • Security is a vital concern for your app, such as a banking app.


If the above conditions are essential to your app, it is better to natively develop the app, even though it may entail higher development costs and longer time-to-market.


经常问的问题: (Frequently asked questions:)

1.构建一个React Native应用需要花费多少钱? (1. How much does it cost to build a React Native app?)

Prices of developers vary from country to country, with developers in the United States charging the most at $100- $125 per hour. In India, it costs anywhere between $15 to $25 per hour, depending upon the developer’s credentials and past experience.

开发商的价格因国家/地区而异,美国的开发商收费最高,每小时100-125美元。 在印度,每小时的费用在15到25美元之间,具体取决于开发人员的凭据和过去的经验。

2.在哪里可以找到我的启动用React Native开发人员? (2. Where can I find React Native developers for my startup?)

Although there is a host of freelancing websites such as Upwork and Fiverr offering React Native developers, we strongly recommend you to dig deeper to find individual developers online who are vetted. There are websites such as Toptal and Flexiple. If you are looking for an entire team, you can give us, Solutelabs, a ring.

尽管有许多免费网站,例如Upwork和Fiverr为React Native开发人员提供服务,但我们强烈建议您更深入地挖掘,以在线查找经过审查的个人开发人员。 有诸如Toptal和Flexiple之类的网站。 如果您正在寻找整个团队,可以给我们Solutelabs一个电话。

3.我应该为我的创业公司选择哪种应用程序? 混合还是React Native? (3. What kind of app should I choose for my startup? Hybrid or React Native?)

Hybrid apps can be developed more quickly, are relatively cheaper, and web developers feel right at home developing a hybrid app. But it does come with a few drawbacks: slower performance, difficulty adding new features, and bug fixing. To cut a long story short, given a choice, as a startup, you should always prefer a React Native app over a hybrid app.

混合应用程序可以更快地开发,相对便宜些,并且Web开发人员可以在家中开发混合应用程序。 但是它确实有一些缺点:性能降低,添加新功能困难和错误修复。 长话短说,作为一个初创企业,您可以选择使用React Native应用程序而不是混合应用程序。

We hope you leave this article with all your questions answered when it comes to deciding if React Native is the best choice to develop your mobile app.

我们希望您在决定React Native是否是开发您的移动应用程序的最佳选择时,在本文中回答所有问题。

Let’s have a discovery meeting for your startup idea and help you identify which framework would be the best fit for your startup app development.

让我们为您的启动想法举行一次发现会议 ,并帮助您确定哪种框架最适合您的启动应用程序开发。

翻译自: https://medium/solute-labs/is-react-native-right-choice-for-startups-49ad88f18724


本文标签: 本机公司React