

I have a new primary laptop and it's the Lenovo X1 Carbon Touch. It's an Intel Core i7 3667U running at 2 GHz. I got 8 GB of RAM and a 240 GB SSD. The integrated graphics are the Intel HD Graphics 4000 running a 14 Inch screen. It also has Bluetooth 4.0 (nice!) as well as Intel a/b/g/n WiFi.

我有一台新的主要笔记本电脑,它是Lenovo X1 Carbon Touch 。 这是一个以2 GHz运行的Intel Core i7 3667U。 我有8 GB的RAM和240 GB的SSD。 集成的图形是运行14英寸屏幕的Intel HD Graphics 4000。 它还具有蓝牙4.0(不错!)以及英特尔a / b / g / n WiFi。

感觉 (Feel )

First, it feels pro. It feels like a Lenovo, and I've always been a fan. You either love them or not. I do. Since my first T60p they've never done me wrong, and this one is no different. If you like Lenovo, you'll like this machine. If you're a discriminating business user who wants power and portability, you'll appreciate this Ultrabook.

首先,感觉亲。 感觉就像是联想,我一直都是粉丝。 您要么爱不爱他们。 我做。 自从我的第一款T60p以来,他们从来没有做错我,这也没什么不同。 如果您喜欢Lenovo,则会喜欢这台机器。 如果您是一个需要强大功能和便携性的有区别的业务用户,那么您会喜欢这款Ultrabook。

The keyboard initially looks weird and a little "chiclet-y" and I assumed it would be uncomfortable to use and very much unlike the Lenovo keyboards of legend. You're likely familiar with the classic look and feel of ThinkPad keyboards. Once you're competent on a ThinkPad keyboard you expect to be good on any of them.

键盘最初看起来很奇怪,有点“ chiclet-y”,我认为使用起来会很不舒服,与联想的联想键盘非常不同。 您可能熟悉ThinkPad键盘的经典外观。 一旦您有能力使用ThinkPad键盘,就可以在其中任何一个上都表现出色。

While it's different, with its ever-so-slightly concave "smile" keys, they have the same travel and quality feel of any Lenovo. I have had no trouble getting used to the keyboard. I'd say now after some weeks I prefer this keyboard to the previous version.

尽管有所不同,但其凹入的“微笑”键略为凹进,它们具有与任何联想相同的旅行和质感。 我已经习惯了键盘。 我要说的是几周后,我比以前的版本更喜欢这款键盘。

超极本的尺寸和重量 (Ultrabook Size and Weight)

That's the X1 Carbon Touch on the top there, then a 2011 MacBook Pro, and finally a Lenovo W520 on the bottom.

那是顶部的X1 Carbon Touch,然后是2011 MacBook Pro,最后是联想W520。

The W520 is 1.5" thick and weighs 5.75 lbs with the 9 cell battery. While the 1080p screen was nice, carrying this beast all over the world DID tire me out. Add a few more pounds for an AC adapter that weight a pound itself, your phone and accessories, and you had a 10lb backpack pretty quickly.


The MacBook Pro weighs 5.6 lbs with a native 1400x900 screen. I tried using this as my primary for a few months and while the hardware build quality is top-notch, I found myself pawing at the screen unconsciously. More on this later, but once you really add touch as a complementary input option, you'd be surprised how often your brain assumes every machine has touch.

MacBook Pro的重量为5.6磅,屏幕为1400x900。 我尝试将其作为主要工具使用了几个月,并且在硬件构建质量达到一流的同时,我发现自己不知不觉地在屏幕上screen脚。 稍后会详细介绍,但是一旦您真正添加了触摸作为补充输入选项,您就会惊讶您的大脑多久会假设每台机器都有触摸。

The X1 Carbon is super thin (slightly less than 3/4 of an inch), and light enough (just 3.4 lbs) to hold comfortably with one hand and faster than the W520. Sold. The major trade-off was 1600x900 resolution (rather than a full 1080p) and the lack of a third USB port, but its light weight is a daily joy. It's not quite half, but FEELS half as light as the W520 and MacBook Pro. It's only a 13.5" screen, but I have quickly adapted to it. Plus, I can run a large monitor (or they say, 3 with the USB Dock when it shows up) without trouble.

X1 Carbon超薄(略小于3/4英寸),并且轻巧(仅3.4磅),可以用一只手舒适地握住,并且比W520更快。 卖了主要的折衷方案是1600x900分辨率(而不是完整的1080p)和缺少第三个USB端口,但是它的重量轻是每天的乐趣。 它不是一半,但感觉比W520和MacBook Pro轻一半。 它只有13.5英寸的屏幕,但我很快适应了它。此外,我可以轻松运行大型监视器(或者说,它显示USB Dock时为3)。

外出走动 (Out and About)

Seriously, all laptops should be this thin and light. There's just no reason anymore for a 6 to 10 lb laptop and I said as much in my post "My next PC will be an Ultrabook."

认真地说,所有笔记本电脑都应该轻薄。 不再有理由购买6至10磅的笔记本电脑,我在我的帖子中说“我的下一台PC将是Ultrabook” 。

I can truly see why MacBook Air folks are so enthusiastic. All Ultrabooks have an "Air" about them. When you can throw your 3lb Ultrabook in a Messenger Bag and it's no heavier than a few magazines, you're much more likely to carry it around. Add in 6(ish) hours of battery and you can comfortably move around before you have to plug in. Even better, somehow this thing charges FAST. Just 30 minutes of charging has topped me up 50-70%. I had a 20% low battery after a flight, plugged in while eating at the airport for a half hour, then ran to the next flight and I was more than 70% and able to work the next flight too. I'm getting >4 hours working hard, and have gotten as much as 6 with low brightness and just browsing or watching movies.

我可以真正理解为什么MacBook Air的人们如此热情。 所有超极本都带有“ Air”字样。 当您可以将3磅的Ultrabook放入邮差包中,而且重量不比几本杂志重时,您很有可能随身携带它。 加上6个小时的电池后,您就可以舒适地走动,而不必插入电源。甚至更好地,这东西可以快速充电。 仅仅30分钟的充电就使我的充值提高了50-70%。 一次飞行后,我的电池电量低了20%,在机场吃饭的时候插入了一个半小时的电源,然后又跑到了下一个航班,我的机率超过了70%,并且也可以进行下一次飞行。 我正在> 4个小时的努力中,并获得了多达6个低亮度且仅浏览或观看电影的时间。

One of the USB ports will provide power to one device so you can charge your phone while the laptop is off. I love laptops with this feature. It saved me just last week while travelling. You can also charge the laptop with a phone connected so everyone gets charged.

USB端口之一将为一台设备供电,因此您可以在笔记本电脑关闭时为手机充电。 我喜欢具有此功能的笔记本电脑。 上周旅行时,它救了我。 您还可以通过连接电话为笔记本电脑充电,以便为每个人充电。

The X1 also has a SIM slot for a 3G connection, although I've never met someone who used this. It worked fine with my AT&T 3G SIM but considering that I can tether from almost any device including my phone, plus the wide availability of sharing devices using 4G or LTE, this is a slot on this laptop you'll never fill.

X1还具有用于3G连接的SIM卡插槽,尽管我从未见过使用过此卡的人。 在我的AT&T 3G SIM上可以正常工作,但是考虑到我可以从几乎任何设备(包括手机)上系绳,再加上使用4G或LTE的共享设备的广泛可用性,这是这款笔记本电脑上您永远无法填补的插槽。

触摸 (Touch)

Let's get real about touch a minute. Here's what I said before:

让我们真正了解一下。 这是我之前说的:

Don't knock a touchscreen until you've used one. Every laptop should (and will) have a touch screen in a year. Mark my words. This nonsense about how your arm will hurt assumes that you're only using it. A touchscreen is complementary not primary. I use it for pinching, for scrolling web pages, and for launching apps. It's much faster to just touch the icon than to mouse over to click one.

在使用完触摸屏之前,请勿敲击触摸屏。 每台笔记本电脑一年内都应该(并且将会)配备触摸屏。 记住我的话。 关于您的手臂会受到怎样伤害的这些废话假设您只是在使用它。 触摸屏是互补的而不是主要的。 我用它来捏,滚动网页和启动应用程序。 只需触摸图标比将鼠标悬停在其上单击要快得多。

This X1 Carbon isn't a tablet, nor is it trying to be a tablet. It's a fantastic fast and light Ultrabook with a touch screen. Say what you will about Windows 8 and it's fullscreen interface, but I maintain that the addition of a touchscreen is as significant as the addition of a mouse. Similarly, when voice input is 100% reliable, adding voice will be equally as significant.

该X1 Carbon不是平板电脑,也不是试图成为平板电脑。 这是一款出色的轻巧超轻型Ultrabook,带有触摸屏。 说说您对Windows 8及其全屏界面的看法,但我坚持认为,增加触摸屏与增加鼠标一样重要。 同样,当语音输入100%可靠时,添加语音同样重要。

Three great input methods are better than two. I move from keyboard to mouse to touch smoothly.

三种出色的输入法胜过两种。 我从键盘移动到鼠标以流畅地触摸。

Type type, mouse, swipe, type type, touch, click.


Sorting slides, moving files, swiping to the previous app, but most of all, scrolling around. Sometimes I use the two-finger scroll down gesture via the touchpad to scroll but often I hold my right hand around the screen and scroll down with my thumb. Often I'll pinch to zoom. It's extremely comfortable.

排序幻灯片,移动文件,滑动到上一个应用程序,但最重要的是,四处滚动。 有时,我会通过触摸板使用两指向下滚动手势来滚动,但是经常我会在屏幕上握住右手并用拇指向下滚动。 我经常会捏放大。 非常舒适。

Reviewers and journalists need to understand that these computers aren't made for them. They are made for my kids and the touch generation. Touch screen MacBooks are inevitable. It will happen. Touchless is next after that.

审稿人和记者需要了解这些计算机不是为他们制造的。 它们是为我的孩子和触摸一代而设计的。 触摸屏MacBook是不可避免的。 它会发生。 非接触旁边之后。

If you do mobile device development, running these emulators with a touch laptop is a joy. Let me rephrase. Get a freaking touch screen, mobile developers. Touch on your laptop will make you happy every single day.

如果您进行移动设备开发,那么使用触摸式笔记本电脑运行这些仿真器将是一件乐事。 让我改一下。 移动开发人员将获得一个令人难以置信的触摸屏。 触摸笔记本电脑会让您每天开心。

Learn to integrate touch into your existing keyboard and mousing style and you'll be faster and more effective than ever. If you use just one input method, you are missing out.

学会将触摸功能集成到您现有的键盘和鼠标样式中,您将比以往更快,更有效。 如果使用一种输入法,那么您将错过。

加密狗嘉豪 (Dongles Galore)

I also bought the requisite dongles including a Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter and Mini DisplayPort DVI. If you like wired network access, you'll also need the USB 2.0 Ethernet Adapter. Other than having to carry them around in my bag, dongle life is what it is. I'd rather have a slim laptop on a few adapters than continue to carry the Lenovo W520 I've been carrying.

我还购买了必要的加密狗,包括Mini DisplayPort转VGA适配器和Mini DisplayPort DVI 。 如果您喜欢有线网络访问,则还需要USB 2.0以太网适配器。 除了必须将它们随身携带在我的包中之外,加密狗生活就是它的本质。 我宁愿在一些适配器上配备一台纤薄的笔记本电脑,而不愿继续携带我一直携带的Lenovo W520。

I have ordered the Lenovo Think Pad USB 3.0 Docking Station but it hasn't arrived yet. I will update this review once it arrives. The docking station adds 5 USB 2.0 ports and an additional USB 3.0 port. It also includes Gigabit Ethernet.

我已经订购了Lenovo Think Pad USB 3.0扩展坞,但尚未到货。 到达后,我将更新此评论。 扩展坞增加了5个USB 2.0端口和一个附加的USB 3.0端口。 它还包括千兆以太网。

This Docking Station also includes two (2) DVI ports which brings the number of monitors this laptop can run up to four. Well, three external (two DVI, one DisplayPort) and the built in LCD. It runs my 24" LCD over DVI today famously and without any trouble at all. I've also presented with this laptop using the VGA adapter and had exactly ZERO problems. The Display Drivers and adapters are rock solid.

该扩展坞还包括两(2)个DVI端口,使笔记本电脑最多可运行四台显示器。 好吧,三个外部(两个DVI,一个DisplayPort)和一个内置LCD。 它今天以著名的方式运行了我的24英寸DVI液晶显示器,并且没有任何问题。我还向我展示了使用VGA适配器的笔记本电脑,但它确实存在零问题。

屏幕 (Screen)

There's been a lot of discussion about the screen on the X1 Carbon Touch. There's a protective film later over the screen and it really bothers some people. Some folks have successfully pried it off with some patience. Honestly, I noticed it for a day and then I stopped caring. I've spoken to folks who have said it was irritating enough that they sent the laptop back. Others just don't care. It's a clear, clean, bright screen and I'm happy with it.

关于X1 Carbon Touch屏幕的讨论很多。 屏幕后面有一块保护膜,它确实使某些人感到困扰。 一些人已经成功地忍耐了一下。 老实说,我注意到了一天,然后我停止了照顾。 我已经和那些说过刺激性的人进行了交谈,以至于他们将笔记本电脑寄回了。 其他人不在乎。 这是一个清晰,干净,明亮的屏幕,我对此感到满意。

It's not retina, but it's a great clear screen with great brightness and excellent horizontal viewing angles. It's a solid 14". I am surprised at the size of the W520 now that I've adapted to the X1.

它不是视网膜,而是具有出色亮度和出色水平视角的出色清晰屏幕。 这是坚固的14英寸。我已经适应了X1,令我惊讶的是W520的尺寸。

Phrasing it differently, the X1 is a great mobile workstation. The W520 is a great workstation that can be moved occasionally.

换个说法,X1是一款出色的移动工作站。 W520是一款出色的工作站,可以偶尔移动。

善良 (The Good)

It's really fast. I got the i7 processor version and it's fast. The 240gig SSD is lovely and devoid of hiccups. Visual Studio starts in 5 seconds cold, and 2 seconds warm. It runs Hyper-V nicely, and I've also run the x86 Android Emulator full speed as well as the Windows Phone emulator.

真的很快。 我有i7处理器版本,而且速度很快。 240gig SSD非常可爱,没有打de。 Visual Studio在冷5秒,热2秒时启动。 它很好地运行了Hyper-V,而且我还以全速运行了x86 Android模拟器以及Windows Phone模拟器。

If you look at the WEI (Windows Experience Index) you'll be disappointed by the 5.5 Desktop Graphics performance, but I'm starting to think that this score should be thrown out. 2D graphics performance, while measureable, just isn't easily noticeable in day to day business use. We care about scrolling around in large documents, Excel, big PDFs, long web pages. The Intel integrated video in the X1 Carbon Touch is more than adequate. It's even pretty good in 3D games, handling games like TorchLight II very nicely if you turn antialiasing down just a smidge.

如果您查看WEI(Windows体验指数),则会对5.5桌面图形性能感到失望,但是我开始认为应该把这个分数丢掉。 2D图形性能虽然可以衡量,但是在日常业务使用中并不容易注意到。 我们关心滚动大文档,Excel,大PDF,长网页。 X1 Carbon Touch中的英特尔集成视频已经绰绰有余。 在3D游戏中,它甚至还算不错,如果您仅将抗锯齿功能降低一点,就可以很好地处理TorchLight II之类的游戏。

小小的快乐功能 (Tiny Happy Features)

There some other nice features that are small but important that make this a great business machine.


  • A decent 720p HD integrated Webcam. I've used it with Skype and Lync and it works great. I wish it was angled slightly higher but that's a nit.

    体面的720p高清集成网络摄像头。 我已经在Skype和Lync中使用了它,并且效果很好。 我希望它的角度略高一些,但这只是个问题。
  • It has not only hardware volume buttons (which we expect) but also a hardware microphone mute button with an LED indicator which is great for long conference calls.

  • It boots up fast and sleeps very reliably. It reboots only when a Windows update requires it. I can close it and put it in my bag without concern.

    它快速启动,并且睡眠非常可靠。 仅在Windows更新需要时才重新启动。 我可以关上它,放到我的包里,不用担心。
  • A hardware Airplane Mode switch. This is not just a "turn off devices hard" button but it's integrated with Windows 8 and turns off all radios with a hardware switch. Also nice for saving batteries.

    硬件飞行模式开关。 这不仅是“硬关闭设备”按钮,它还与Windows 8集成在一起,并使用硬件开关关闭所有无线电。 还可以节省电池。
  • Good quality mics. I don't like doing conference calls or video conferencing with just a laptop's microphone but this one is better than usual.

    优质的麦克风。 我不喜欢仅使用笔记本电脑的麦克风进行电话会议或视频会议,但是这种情况比平时更好。
  • Integrated TPM (Trusted Platform Module) so I can BitLocker my C: drive easily, and I have. I also get DirectAccess and a virtual Smart Card so I don't need to use VPN and am always logged into work. Super convenient.

    集成了TPM(受信任的平台模块),因此我可以轻松地BitLocker我的C:驱动器。 我还获得了DirectAccess和虚拟智能卡,因此不需要使用VPN,并且始终可以登录工作。 超级方便。
  • Integrated Fingerprint login. I used to use this all the time on my W520 but for some reason I've been using the Virtual Smart Card lately. Still it's a nice login feature and I've had good experiences with it before.

    集成指纹登录。 我过去一直在W520上一直使用此功能,但由于某种原因,我最近一直在使用虚拟智能卡。 仍然它是一个不错的登录功能,我之前也有过很好的经验。
  • One combination headphone/mic plug. Most good laptops have this now. You can use a good pair of headphones (or your iPhone headphones) and get mic and headphones in one. This detection is integfrated with the audio system.

    一个组合式耳机/麦克风插头。 现在大多数优秀的笔记本电脑都具备此功能。 您可以使用一副好的耳机(或iPhone耳机),将麦克风和耳机合二为一。 该检测与音频系统集成在一起。
  • Integrated SD card slot.

  • It's SO quiet. I sometimes wish it wasn't silent so I could know what it was doing.


And finally, one piece of software that came with it that I thought would suck but didn't - the Dolby Home Theater software. It actually has some nice presets for movies, VOIP, and music that definitely improve the output (or perception of output) of the speakers.

最后,我认为附带的一个软件会吸引人,但不会,但不会-杜比家庭影院软件。 实际上,它为电影,VOIP和音乐提供了一些不错的预设,可以肯定地改善扬声器的输出(或输出的感知)。

坏人 (The Bad)

The touchpad is the worse part of this device. Initially I hated it. They've removed the small textured touchpad I love from the W520 with it's buttons on the bottom, and replaced it with a new glossy glass touchpad. It's the lack of buttons on the bottom that's killing me. I keep bumping the touchpad while I'm using it and the cursor jumps.

触摸板是该设备最糟糕的部分。 最初我讨厌它。 他们将W520底部的按钮从W520上卸下了我喜欢的小纹理触摸板,并换成了新的光滑玻璃触摸板。 底部缺少按钮使我丧命。 我在使用触摸板时不断碰碰它,并且光标跳了起来。

It took me a few days to realize why this was happening, then I realized that I historically cursor with my index finger and rest my thumb on the bottom of the touchpad. With other ThinkPads there are buttons at the bottom that my thumb rested on. With the X1, I was resting on the touchpad itself. This just took a week of conscious thought and it's cool now, but be prepared for that "changeover" time as you teach yourself where to place your fingers while mousing. I'm interested in other X1 Carbon owners' thoughts on the touchpad in the comments.

我花了几天的时间才知道为什么会发生这种情况,然后我才知道我曾经用食指进行光标移动,然后将拇指放在触摸板的底部。 与其他ThinkPad一起,我的拇指位于底部的按钮上。 有了X1,我就坐在触摸板上。 这只花了一个星期的自觉思考,现在已经很酷了,但是当您自学鼠标时在哪里放置手指时,请为“转换”时间做好准备。 我对评论中其他X1 Carbon所有者在触摸板上的想法感兴趣。

I had to fiddle with the touch settings a little as well, as I move fast. I recommend power users turn down the duration you need to press and hold in order to activate a Right Click action. I also turn on the "Touch Feedback" so you can actually see the results of your touch. It's meant for presenters, but it's really nice to get the visual feedback that the system has recorded your touch.

我必须快速调整触摸设置。 我建议高级用户减少需要按住以激活右键单击动作的持续时间。 我还打开了“触摸反馈”,因此您实际上可以看到触摸的结果。 它是为演示者准备的,但是获得系统已记录您的触摸的视觉反馈确实很棒。

The X1 Carbon Touch can also get a little hot. You'll only notice this if you are really a LAP-top person (and I'm not) but even now as I write this I'm running two instances of VS, PhotoShop and a Virtual Machine in Hyper-V doing Windows Update within a Windows 7 VM. It's not going to burn me, but it is definitely hot.

X1 Carbon Touch也可能会发热。 如果您确实是LAP最高的人(我不是),您只会注意到这一点,但是即使在撰写本文时,我也在运行Windows Update的Hyper-V中运行两个VS实例,PhotoShop和虚拟机在Windows 7 VM中。 不会烫死我,但肯定很热。

Finally, I did have one day with a really lousy Wi-Fi driver while I was travelling. The MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas had a wireless network that this Intel Wi-Fi card just hated. I was getting lockups and it was generally bad. However, I switched to using a 4G hotspot and updated the driver and never saw the issue again. Moral - Make sure you're using tested and reliable "out of the box" drivers. I am sticking with the drivers from Windows Update for important things and Lenovo System Update for non-essential drivers. I'm also finding the SD card (Ricoh) driver to be a little suspicious so I'm keeping it disabled in Device Manager when I'm not using it.

最后,我也有一天一个非常糟糕的Wi-Fi驱动程序我旅行时。 拉斯维加斯的米高梅大酒店拥有该英特尔Wi-Fi卡讨厌的无线网络。 我正在锁定,这通常很糟糕。 但是,我改用4G热点并更新了驱动程序,再也没有看到此问题。 道德-确保您使用经过测试且可靠的“开箱即用”驱动程序。 对于重要的事情,我坚持使用Windows Update的驱动程序,对于不必要的驱动程序,我坚持使用Lenovo System Update的驱动程序。 我还发现SD卡(Ricoh)驱动程序有点可疑,因此当我不使用它时,可以在设备管理器中将其禁用。

I recommend you uninstall ALL random software (there's not too much) that Lenovo puts on it except the Lenovo System Update. I use this for only for drivers and small utilities that give you things like on-screen caps lock notifiers.

我建议您卸载Lenovo装在其上的所有随机软件(没有太多),除了Lenovo System Update。 我仅将其用于驱动程序和小型实用程序,这些驱动程序和小型实用程序会为您提供诸如屏幕上的大写锁定通知程序之类的功能。

The only other thing I really wish this laptop had was an extra USB port. There's one USB 3.0 and one USB 2 port and I really needed a third USB port recently while presenting. I used the USB to Ethernet adapter along with my USB Arc Touch Mouse and was stuck. I needed a third post for a the presenter remote. This is a small irritant, but I noticed it.

我真正希望这款笔记本电脑拥有的唯一另一件事是额外的USB端口。 有一个USB 3.0和一个USB 2端口,最近我在演示时确实需要第三个USB端口。 我将USB转以太网适配器与USB Arc Touch鼠标一起使用并卡住了。 我需要主持人主持人的第三篇文章。 这是一个小刺激物,但我注意到了。

结论 (Conclusion)

This is a very solid touch Ultrabook that I'm currently using as my main machine. The Lenovo X1 Carbon Touch has replaced my Intel Ultrabook which has been passed on to my wife. My Lenovo W520 is currently my emergency backup machine and is weighing down my bookshelf. I'm taking this device everywhere I go and when I'm not at home it's my primary development machine.

这是一款非常坚固的触摸超极本,我目前正在将其用作主机。 联想X1 Carbon Touch取代了我的英特尔超极本,后者已传递给我的妻子。 我的Lenovo W520当前是我的紧急备用机器,并且正在压低我的书架。 我随处携带该设备,当我不在家时,这是我的主要开发机器。

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赞助商: Windows Azure开发人员挑战赛即将开始。 完成5个编程挑战,有机会获得现场奖,舞台奖和大奖。 超过$ 16,000的奖金有65个获胜的机会!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman/blog/review-the-lenovo-x1-carbon-touch-is-my-new-laptop

本文标签: 笔记本电脑carbonTouch