

Evidence for a mental health crisis in graduate education

With mental illness a growing concern within graduate education, data from a new survey should prompt both academia and policy makers to consider intervention strategies.

There is a growing cry for help from graduate students across the globe who struggle with significant mental health concerns1. Despite increased discussion of the topic, there remains a dire need to resolve our understanding of the mental health issues in the trainee population.
面对严重的心理健康问题,全球范围内的研究生不断寻求帮助。 尽管对该主题的讨论有所增加,但仍然迫切需要解决我们对受训人员心理健康问题的理解。

Recent research on mental health in the trainee population has focused on within-institution cohorts, such as the 2014 UC Berkeley report, which found that 43–46% of graduate students in the biosciences were depressed, and the 2015 University of Arizona report3, which found that a majority of doctoral students reported “more than average” current stress or “tremendous” stress and endorsed school and education-related issues as the most significant contributors to their stress. Although these studies demonstrate the mental health concerns in this population, more research is needed to better define the prevalence of mental health issues and the role of key variables such as gender, mentorship relationships and perceived work–life balance on susceptibility to mental health struggles in the trainee population.

In order to address gaps in the understanding of mental health prevalence in the graduate trainee population, we deployed a comprehensive survey that included clinically validated scales for anxiety (GAD07) and depression (PHQ09) via social media and direct email. We surveyed a total of 2,279 individuals (90% PhD students and 10% Master’s students). Respondents were from 26 countries and 234 institutions (Supplementary Tables 1 and 2) and represented diverse fields of study including, biological/physical science (38%), engineering (2%), humanities/social sciences (56%) and “other” (4%). The data presented here demonstrate that the graduate trainee community has a considerable prevalence of individuals with anxiety and depression. Although this is a convenience sample in which respondents who have had a history of anxiety or depression may have been more apt to respond to the survey, the data should prompt both academia and policy makers to consider intervention strategies.

Mental health crisis in the graduate student population
Our results show that graduate students are more than six times as likely to experience depression and anxiety as compared to the general population. Forty-one percent of graduate students scored as having moderate to severe anxiety on the GAD07 scale as compared to 6% of the general population, as demonstrated previously4. Additionally, 39% of graduate students scored in the moderate to severe depression range in our study, as compared to 6% of the general population measured previously with the same scale5 (Fig. 1a). In order to better understand the factors influencing this significantly higher prevalence of anxiety and depression in this population compared to the general population, we also examined their prevalence across genders and in association with perceived work–life balance and mentorship quality.
我们的研究结果表明,与普通人群相比,研究生患抑郁和焦虑的可能性高出六倍。 如前所述,在GAD07量表中,有41%的研究生得分为中度至重度焦虑,而在总人口中这一比例为6%。此外,在我们的研究中,有39%的研究生得分在中度至重度抑郁范围内,而以前使用相同的量表测得的普通人群中只有6%(图1a)。 为了更好地了解与普通人群相比,此人群焦虑和抑郁患病率显着提高的因素,我们还检查了其在不同性别中的患病率,以及与工作-生活平衡和指导质量相关的信息。

The transgender and/or gender-nonconforming population faces an increased risk of depression and anxiety. Further, women consistently are more likely to suffer from mental health disorders than men. Our results corroborate these findings within the graduate trainee population; both transgender/gender-nonconforming and female graduate students are significantly more likely to experience anxiety and depression than their male graduate student counterparts (Fig. 1b). Our study found that the prevalence of anxiety and depression in transgender/gender-nonconforming graduate students was 55% and 57%, respectively, compared with their nongender minority counterparts (43% and 41% in females and 34% and 35% in males, respectively).

Work–life balance is associated with physical and mental well-being, and among academic faculty there are long work hours and varying degrees of work–life balance as a result. However, little is known about work–life balance in the graduate trainee population. Our respondents were asked if they agree with the statement, “I have a good work–life balance.” Of the graduate students who experienced moderate to severe anxiety, 56% did not agree with this statement versus 24% who agreed (Fig. 1c). Additionally, of those graduate students with depression, 55% did not agree with the statement versus 21% who agreed. These results show that good work–life balance is significantly correlated with better mental health outcomes.
工作与生活的平衡与身心健康息息相关,学术教师之间的工作时间长,工作与生活之间的平衡程度也不同。 但是,关于研究生人群中的工作与生活平衡知之甚少。 我们询问了受访者是否同意“我在工作与生活之间保持良好的平衡”这一说法。在经历了中度至重度焦虑的研究生中,有56%的人不同意这一说法,而有24%的人表示同意(图1c)。此外,在抑郁症的研究生中,有55%的人不同意该说法,而有21%的人不同意。 这些结果表明,良好的工作与生活平衡与改善心理健康状况显着相关。

Lastly, the principal investigator (PI)/advisor relationship with graduate students affects the quality of training in graduate education9. Therefore, it is alarming to find that of graduate students who experienced anxiety and/or depression, 50% did not agree with the statement that their PI or advisor provides “real” mentorship as compared to 36% and 33% who agreed, respectively (Fig. 1d; see Supplementary Data). The majority of those who experienced anxiety (49%) and depression (50%) disagreed with the statement that their PI/advisor provides ample support versus 35% and 32% who agreed. When asked if their PI/advisor positively impacts their emotional or mental well-being, 48% with anxiety and 47% with depression did not agree versus 34% and 31% who agreed. Further, the majority of graduate students experiencing anxiety and/or depression did not agree with the statements that their PI/advisor is an asset to their career (53% and 54% versus 37% and 35% who agreed) or that they feel valued by their mentor (55% and 56% versus 34% and 30% who agreed). These data indicate that strong, supportive and positive mentoring relationships between graduate students and their PI/advisors correlate significantly with less anxiety and depression.
最后,与研究生的首席研究员/导师关系会影响研究生教育的培训质量。因此,令人震惊的是,发现经历过焦虑和/或抑郁的研究生中,有50%的人不同意他们的PI或导师提供“真正的”指导的说法,而同意者为36%和33%(图1d;请参阅补充数据)。大多数经历焦虑症(49%)和抑郁症(50%)的人不同意他们的PI /顾问提供足够支持的说法,而同意的是35%和32%。当被问及他们的PI /顾问是否对他们的情绪或心理健康产生积极影响时,有48%的焦虑者和47%的抑郁症患者不同意,而同意的有34%和31%。此外,大多数经历焦虑和/或沮丧的研究生不同意以下观点,即他们的PI /导师是其职业的资产(53%和54%,而同意的37%和35%)或者他们觉得自己受到导师的重视(55%和56%,而同意的34%和30%)。这些数据表明,研究生与其PI /导师之间的强有力的、支持性的和积极的指导关系与较少的焦虑和抑郁显著相关。

Intervention strategies Enhanced access to mental health support
There has been a keen focus on building the biomedical workforce of tomorrow among graduate institutions and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH has provided a model through efforts such as the Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST) award program and within the NIH campus through establishing the Office of Intramural Training and Education that houses many programs to support the career development of intramural trainees. Although these resources have served as a scaffold for the development of local programs at many graduate institutions, there are still many universities that lack adequate career and professional development programs.

Career development encompasses many skills that are vital to graduate student success but is often not included under this umbrella as mental health. We believe that our data support the need for a more comprehensive development of more adequate career development offices across institutions to ensure that they can serve to educate students about mental health and refer those who need mental health support. Establishing this infrastructure is a foundational step for institutions to ensure that students are prepared to become the biomedical workforce of tomorrow. Further, creating programs and interventions within career development offices that promote mental health will result in a competitive advantage for institutions and increase retention, thus strengthening the bioscience workforce pipeline.
职业发展包括许多对研究生成功至关重要的技能,但通常不包括在心理健康方面。 我们认为,我们的数据支持需要在机构之间更全面地发展更充分的职业发展办公室,以确保它们可以用来教育学生心理健康,并推荐需要心理健康支持的人员。 建立这种基础设施是机构确保学生准备成为明天的生物医学劳动力的基础性步骤。 此外,在职业发展机构内制定促进精神健康的计划和干预措施,将为机构带来竞争优势并增加保留率,从而加强生物科学人才队伍。

Call for cultural change.
There is a grave need to educate faculty about the impact of graduate education on the mental health of graduate students. The NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education recently used a train-the-trainers model at a highly successful event where career development leaders trained the next generation of career development professionals on topics that are vital to their success. Using a similar train-the-trainers model, faculty and administration could be trained by mental health professionals to ensure that those in a position to directly support graduate students are equipped to identify student mental health needs and provide adequate guidance and referrals as needed.
This model could also be used by career development professionals to provide faculty with training in the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to mentor today’s PhD students in the vast and ever-changing job market.

Many in academia have spoken out about their own mental illnesses and the stigma they faced within the academic community. Fears of not gaining tenure or judgments being cast by colleagues are just a few of the major concerns faced by those who suffer from mental health disorders in academia. Fundamentally, data such as ours call for a shift in the culture within academia to eliminate the stigma and ensure that students are not reluctant to communicate openly with their faculty advisors.

Work–life balance is hard to attain in a culture where it is frowned upon to leave the laboratory before the sun goes down. The stress of increased pressure to produce data in order to compete for funding has increased exponentially, and science fields are feeling immense pressure. Faculty and administrators must set a tone of self-care as well as an efficient and mindful work ethic in order to move to a healthier work and education environment.

Call to action.
These data demonstrate a critical need for additional studies that investigate intervention strategies that could address the mental health crisis in the graduate trainee population. It is only with strong and validated interventions that academia will be able to provide help for those who are traveling through the bioscience workforce pipeline.

Our studies show a high prevalence of anxiety and depression in a diverse graduate student ample. The strikingly high rates of anxiety and depression support a call to action to establish and/or expand mental health and career development resources for graduate students through enhanced resources within career development offices, faculty training and a change in the academic culture.
我们的研究表明,在充裕的多元化研究生中,焦虑和抑郁的患病率很高。 焦虑症和抑郁症的高发率促使人们呼吁采取行动,通过增加职业发展办公室内的资源,教师培训和改变学术文化,为研究生建立和/或扩大心理健康和职业发展资源。

本文标签: Evidencementaldaygraduateeducation