


  • What’s main claim? Key idea?
  • What’s key limitation?
  • Is there code available? Data?
  • Is the idea neat? Is it counter-intuitive?
  • Is the contribution significant enough?
  • Is the experimentation good? Manual tuning?
  • Are there important related papers I missed?
  • Is it useful to my work e.g. product dev?
  • Is this a paper worth following?
  • What do other people think about this paper?
  • Who are dominating this area of research?
  • What question should I ask the authors?

  • 主要主张是什么?关键思想?
  • 关键限制是什么?
  • 有没有可用的代码?数据?
  • 这个主意合理吗?

本文标签: 论文十二问read