


ultimate adj.最终的,终极的,根本的; the ultimate cause; one’s ultimate goal

the ultimate authorities; legitimate 合法的

intimate 熟悉的,亲密的; estimate 估计

unanimous adj.全体一致的 un- = uni-; animal 动物

They are unanimous in their opinion. 他们的观点是一致的

underestimate n./vt.低估 overestimate高估

undermine vt.暗中破坏; mine 挖矿; undermine sb’s reputation 破坏sb的名声

destroy 强力摧毁= devastate; ruin 完全毁灭

damage 部分毁坏; wreck 交通工具的毁坏

spoil 宠坏,抽象的破坏 ; crash 坠毁,猛烈的撞击; demolish 拆除

undo vt.破坏已经完成的结果; undo a button 解开

What is done cannot be undone. 覆水难收

It turn out that smoking was his undoing.


unique adj.独一无二的,唯一的(重要性);

sole 唯一的(数量) ; one’s sole purpose; I did it solely for you.


uphold vt.支持,拥护; hold up 1.举起2支持,拥护

uphold a policy/verdict 支持一项政策/裁决

urgent adj.紧急的=pressing/imperative; urge 督促=prompt;

urgency n.紧急 emergency 具体的紧急情况

utilize vt.=make use of 利用 =take advantage of

utility 1.功用,功能2.多功能的,实用的 a utility vehicle 多功能车

a utility room 杂物室; a utility man 跑龙套的人

utilities 市政设施,公共设施; public utilities

facile 轻易的,易做的; facilitate 使便利,使容易

facilities (具体的)设施 education/sports facilities

for use 以便使用

be in use (=be used)被使用; be out of use (=be

on longer used)不再被使用

be used to+名词或动名词 习惯于

used to+动词原形 过去常常(做)

be unprepared for 对…无准备的

utmost adv.完全,彻底,极限(程度状语); enjoy oneself to the utmost 玩的很尽兴

do one’s best to the utmost ; to praise sb to excess 过度的赞美sb

foremost 最重要的,最突出的; the foremost poet of England ;

utter adj.完全的; complete 彻底的thorough; 绝对的absolute (程度)

an utter refusal 断然拒绝; be utterly ignorant of 对…一无所知


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